A Chance Encounter

Author’s Note:  This is a pseudo-request stemming from a conversation with @akrenich a while ago about what would happen if the sexy silver fox Niles Edison met our favorite private investigator Nazario?  I sat on it for a while and finally concocted this part-steamy/ part-angsty little backstory. I hope you enjoy!



Damien shifted uncomfortably against the wooden bench, his eyes locked on the peeling label of the beer bottle he held in his hand.  He fiddled with the paper with the tip of his thumb, determinedly trying to strip the adhesive further away from the smooth glass. Not that it was a particularly urgent task, but he was happy for the distraction from the droning on of the jackass sitting across the booth from him.  The jackass with his arm draped around Camille’s shoulders as he blathered on, the one her sparkling blue eyes couldn’t get enough of tonight.

If Damien was totally honest, Luke wasn’t a bad guy.  He was a successful young architect, he had decent taste in music, and he seemed to treat Cami well.  Best of all he made her happy … yet Damien was having a hard time reconciling all of these facts in his mind when he felt like he’d been sucker-punched in the gut every time he heard the word “Luke” roll off her smiling lips lately.  And tonight was even worse. Seeing them together, touching each other, making googly eyes at one another … even the crisp hoppy tang of his favorite beer couldn’t wash away the bitter tinge of jealousy in his mouth. Nope. He was going to need something stronger for that task.

“I’m gonna get another drink.”  He muttered begrudgingly as he slid out of the booth.  He was about to offer to get another round for the table, but Camille didn’t even look up when he spoke.  Instead, she burst out laughing at some asinine joke Luke had just told. Even Nadia seemed distracted, clicking away on her phone in the corner of the now-empty bench.  Well nevermind then, you guys are on your own tonight.

Chugging down the rest of his beer, Damien maneuvered his way through the crowded watering hole towards the bar.  Setting the empty bottle down on the worn wooden counter, he leaned down against the barstool and gripped his head in his hands while he waited for the bartender to finish with the older gentleman beside him.  He hated this. He hated being this guy that couldn’t get over his own feelings in order to be happy for his friend. That just wasn’t him … or maybe it was. He wasn’t sure what type of guy he was anymore, feeling himself become grumpier and more reclusive every day.  Ever since it had dawned on him that he was actually in love with Camille, the girl who was supposed to be one of his best friends, every moment was uncharted territory.

He sighed, running his hands over his face and massaging his temples until he heard the bartender calling for his order.  “Oh sorry, um … Bacardi and Coke. No, wait …. just make it a Bacardi. On the rocks. A double please.” The bartender gave him a quick nod before skirting away to pour his order.  

“That sounds like a drink for a rough night.”  The words trilled through the air, the sophisticated deep voice causing Damien to look up.  His eyes lifted to the stranger sitting beside him, a polished man in his mid-forties wearing thin wire-frame glasses and a tweed blazer.  There was a rough layer of grey-ish scruff along his cheeks matching the thick head of salt-and-pepper hair, and the fine lines surrounding his eyes gave him an air of wisdom.  

Damien fumbled for a moment, confused at the unsolicited interaction from the distinguished older man.  “Uh, yeah … why would you say that?” His eyes remained locked on the stranger, even as the bartender placed his drink before him.

The gentleman waved to the bartender, mumbling a quick “thank you” under his breath before turning on his barstool to face his neighbor.  “Well your normal drink is a rum and coke, is it not? So straight rum … you must be trying to forget something.” The man tilted his head, his steely gray eyes flitting to the booth Damien had just departed.  “Or someone, perhaps …”

Damien’s head turned back to the table, his gaze settled on Camille’s wide smile as she beamed up into Luke’s eyes.  Luke’s hand lifted to graze her cheek, his fingers knitting into her blonde waves as he leaned in … Damien turned abruptly on his stool, lifting the glass of rum and taking a long swig.  As he pulled the glass away from his lips the image of Cami leaning in towards Luke flashed in his mind’s eye again, and he swiftly returned it to his mouth for another drink. When he finally set it down, his words came out flat.  “She’s just a friend.” He knew the lie was unbelievable even before it left his mouth.

The man chuckled, lifting his own drink to swirl it before taking it in his mouth for a long draw.  “Right …” He set his drink down on the bar, motioning to the bartender to close out his tab before twirling the glass against the woodgrain with his fingers.  Damien watched out of the corner of his eye, the gleam of the lights shining through the glass in rhythmic patterns as it twirled and twirled under the man’s light touch.  “Might I give you some advice?” The man asked, shifting in his chair to face Damien.

Damien shrugged, a half-hearted gesture to match his half-hearted mood.  “Sure why not.” He felt the man’s hand brace his shoulder, the warmth of his palm permeating the fabric of his shirt to his skin beneath.  Such a small gesture, yet Damien was immediately aware of his touch. His raised his eyes instinctively, studying the other man closely as he met the coolness of his stare.  A jolt of electricity flickered inside of him when he stared into those eyes, a glimpse of something dark and mischievous staring back from behind the glare of his lenses.

The older man gave his shoulder a light squeeze, his lips quirking at the edge in a coy smirk.  “In life and in love, never miss your chance. You usually don’t get a second one.” Damien sat dumbfounded, the man’s words swirling in his head while he found himself lost in his welcoming stare.  For a moment they just sat in silence, two strangers sharing a moment just for the two of them … until Damien felt his touch slipping away. With a quick pat on the back the man pulled away, clearing his throat as he stood upright and depositing a few bills on the bartop to cover his tab.  “Good luck, Kid.” He gave Damien a sly wink before departing.

Damien’s head turned to watch him walk away, admiring the attractive man’s leisurely gait as he exited the bar.  What in the … ? He suddenly felt his heart pounding in his chest, his cheeks still warm from the intensity of his stare.  My chance … did he mean … ?  In one swift movement, Damien gripped the glass of rum in his hand, pouring its contents down his throat in one burning swallow.  His eyes locked on the door, he slipped his hand into his back pocket to … to find an empty pocket. Stunned, he blinked for a few seconds, staring at his empty palm.  Where the fuck is my wallet???


Niles Edison

Niles Edison stepped out into the chilly New York night, tightening the scarf around his neck and tucking it beneath the lapels of his tweed coat before setting off down the sidewalk.  Despite the late hour his pathway was bright, lit by the wide beams from the lightpoles lining the street and the neon signs of the various bars, restaurants and shops along his way. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, savoring the cool air as it slid through his nose and down his throat to ultimately fill his lungs.  He loved New York … the constant bustle, the variety of people, the sights and the sounds. The city that never sleeps always made him feel alive. And tonight was no exception.

Niles hadn’t set out tonight with the intent of pulling a job … he had merely wanted a quick nightcap before returning to his empty hotel room.  An Old Fashioned in a crowded bar while he observed the patrons conducting their lives around him usually helped him put things in perspective before he turned in.  Yet tonight … he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something had changed while he sat in that crowded bar.

Running a thumb over the smooth leather of the wallet in his pocket, he felt a pang of guilt wash through him as he recalled the bewildered look in that young man’s dark eyes.  Niles wasn’t even sure why he spoke to him in the first place, but something about the sulking younger bloke had intrigued him. He was a good-looking fellow … kind eyes, strong jaw … that blonde-haired girl was an idiot for not seeing what was right in front of her.  Those broad shoulders and defined back muscles indicated he might be in some type of service work …. maybe a cop? How ironic would that be, robbing a cop?

Perhaps Niles had just sensed the sorrow radiating from him when he sat down beside him, a feeling that resonated within himself and he just couldn’t help but engage.  He had only intended to make him smile, to provide some wisdom from his many years of experience to this younger man. Yet, when he gazed into those chocolate eyes, when he slid a hand to cup his shoulder … something had clicked inside of him.  A strange, unsolicited, mind-numbing click that echoed from his head down to his toes. Suddenly he felt exposed and vulnerable, his body reacting to this man’s deep gaze in a way that left him puzzled. So Niles Edison did the one thing he did best … he played him.  And he had the wallet to prove it.

He was approaching the end of the block when he heard the shout from behind him, followed by the pounding of footsteps on the pavement.  “Hey! Stop right there!” He glanced over his shoulder to find the young man from the bar bounding towards him, causing him to freeze in place.  Should he run? Niles Edison was not one that was used to getting caught mid-theft, and he definitely was not in any shape to outrun this guy. He found himself mesmerized as he watched the man grow closer and closer, the way his thick arms swung back and forth as he glided gracefully across the pavement.  Only a few feet away now, Niles could see the steam of warm air escaping his lips as he slowed down to stop directly in front of him.

In an instant the man gripped him by the lapels, shoving Niles backwards against a brick wall.  “My wallet!” The young man growled as he put his face only inches in front of Niles’s. “Where’s my wallet?”

Niles released a sharp exhale as he made impact against the rough wall, stunning him for a moment.  When his mind came back into focus he found himself peering into the man’s sneering face. Up close he could see the tiny flecks of amber dotting his irises, accentuated by the anger dancing in his eyes.  Shit, this was not what he had intended at all. “I’m sorry, Kid. It was meant to be a joke.” Niles released a weak laugh, only to be cut off by another strong shove against the wall behind him. “Oof!”

“You really think I’m going to fall for that, Old Man?  What kind of a joke involves stealing a stranger’s wallet?”  The man’s voice still came out in a low tone, but Niles could see his eyes softening a bit at the corner with an inexplicable emotion.  Emotion … he could use that.

“Of course … you looked pretty out of sorts back there.  I thought it might be better to get you out of there.” The lie rolled off his tongue smoothly, as signified by the two hands gripping his jacket slowly loosening their grasp.

The man looked pensive, leaning back to study Niles as he contemplated his mediocre excuse.  A shadow cast across his face from the light pole to their left, a black line drawing its way across his tan skin and plump lips. Niles felt himself acutely aware of their close proximity at that moment, his body suddenly craving the young man’s rough touch again.  “You … wanted me to come out here?”

“I did.”  The words left Niles’s mouth softly yet without hesitation.  He had wanted this stranger to follow him out here, he had wanted it without even knowing it.  He felt drawn to this man somehow, as if seeking an answer to a question he didn’t know yet.

Slowly the young man’s lips curled into a smug smile, his eyes sparkling as his face inched closer.  “Why didn’t you just ask?” He chuckled under his breath before sliding his hands up Niles’s neck to grip his face between his palms and capturing his lips with his own.

Niles was unable to respond at first, his mind a blur as it processed the feel of the man’s warm lips moving against his and his fingertips tickling the hair at the nape of his neck.  But his body soon betrayed his mind’s hesitation, his arms slipping around the man’s broad frame and pulling him tightly against his chest, his hands roaming the firm planes of his back.  A muffled groan escaped his throat when he felt a tongue tease his lips requesting entrance, his mouth opening involuntarily in invitation as he deepened the kiss. They lingered there for what could have been seconds or minutes, entwined together as if nothing else existed outside of the two of them.  The young man nipped at his lower lip with a low grunt, running the tip of his tongue across the fresh wound to soothe it. Niles gasped at the sensation, his arousal throbbing against the snug fabric of his pants. His whole body buzzed with desire, much more intense and primal than anything he’d ever felt before in his 44 years.  

The realization startled Niles as it flitted into his mind, causing him to halt his wandering lips and hands and pull away abruptly.  “I’m sorry, I …” he stammered, placing his palms against the man’s chest to create some distance as he looked away shamefully. “I think you’ve got the wrong impression, Kid.”  But the thrill of the kiss still reverberated in his veins, no matter how hard he tried to deny it.

The young man shifted away, the cold air in the space between them hitting Niles like a slap in the face as he fought the instinct to reach out and pull him close again.  “I guess I did … “ the man muttered, his tone polite yet unconvincing.

Without looking up Niles fished the leather-bound wallet from his jacket pocket, thrusting it in the other man’s direction.  “I apologize for the joke. It was in poor taste. Please forgive me.” He shifted to move on in his original direction, desperate to escape this horribly awkward situation before it could get any worse.  Before he could take a step he felt the gentle embrace of a hand grasping his wrist. He paused for a moment, then turned to find the handsome young man patiently watching him.

“You know, someone once told me to never miss my chance.”  His eyes twinkled in the dim light, his mouth curled in a small, understanding smile.  “Maybe this is your chance to figure some things out?” Patting his recently-retrieved wallet against him palm, the stranger studied Niles for a reaction to his insinuation.  And when he got nothing, he turned to leave with a sigh. “Good luck, Old Man.”

Frozen in place, Niles couldn’t tear his eyes away from the man as he walked away.  The hormone-induced rush had subsided and his heart rate had slowed, leaving him feeling … Empty.  Alone. Confused.

Niles watched as the young man approached the door to enter the bar, extending a hand to grasp the handle and open the door.  At the last second before he slipped inside, he turned back to Niles and flashed him a warm grin, causing Niles’s breath to catch and the excitement to rush through his veins again.  And then he was gone.

Standing on that sidewalk in the middle of New York City on that chilly night, with his heart pounding and limbs tingling with adrenaline, Niles Edison finally recognized his truth.  And like it or not, this might be his chance to finally figure things out.



Making his way back towards the bar, Damien somehow felt surprisingly calm after his little adventure.  He flipped through his wallet quickly and, noticing nothing was missing or astray, shoved it back in his pocket.  He knew most people would be furious after being manipulated and robbed, but the confused and vulnerable look in the older man’s grey eyes had assured him that his act was not meant be malicious.  And that kiss … that kiss had definitely proved there was much more behind the simple theft than the man had even realized at the time.

Maybe sometimes people just need time to realize the things they’ve buried deep within their souls.  Take this gentleman for example … he was on the downward slope to fifty and it appeared he was just now understanding that he might be attracted to men.  Damien smirked a little, remembering the pressure of the man’s bulge against his thigh … that should definitely be a wake up call. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t just a little bit proud to have that kind of effect on a supposed straight man.  

Even in his own situation, it had taken Damien years of friendship to finally realize that he was in love with Camille.  Maybe she just needed more time to figure it out too, or maybe she never would. Regardless, Damien understood it was unfair of him to want to hold her back.  And there were plenty of other fish in the sea to amuse him in the meantime.

As he approached the door and reached for the handle, Damien threw one last glance over his shoulder to the older man.  He was still standing in the same spot, his expression awash with bemusement, staring blankly in his direction. Damien flashed him a soft smile, a sign of forgiveness and understanding, before opening the door and slipping inside.

Plenty of other fish in the sea … just not that guy.


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