A Comforting Embrace

A Comforting Embrace
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

A.N- I’m bitter that we didn’t get a Raydan option for Chapter Thirteen (yes I know we just had one, but it’s the final battle and I’m greedy) and so I decided to write one. I was also inspired by the conversation with Aurynn. This is just a sweet little Raydan/Kenna interlude that takes place at the end of Chapter Thirteen of Book 3.

Pairing- Raydan/Kenna

Rating- PG

Summary- Kenna seeks out Raydan’s company on the eve of battle.


You look around at all the people who are taking in the feast, but you suddenly feel very alone without the one person whose company you want. You know Raydan needs his rest, he’s still recovering after all, but you still find yourself heading to his room. Partially because you need to assure yourself that he is still here and that you didn’t dream his return.

You tell yourself that you won’t stay, that you just need to reassure yourself that he is here. In fact, you half-expect to find his door locked, making your mission futile since entering locked rooms is his specialty, not yours. You are pleasantly surprised to find the door unlocked and when you open it, you see that Raydan is still awake.

“I thought you needed rest,” you say softly.

“It turns out, I need you more,” he tells you, “I was just wondering if I should risk rejoining the banquet. I’m glad I didn’t have too.” He motions for you to join him on the bed.

You lock the door behind you and then quickly walk across the room, perching beside him.

“I closed my eyes and suddenly I was back in Azura’s camp,” he tells you with uncharacteristic vulnerability, “It was as if last night and today were just a dream. It was impossible to sleep after that.”

“I am here.” You assure him, resting your hands on his bare chest. “If you are up to it, I will show you just how real I am.” Without waiting for an answer, you lean forward and kiss him. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer, deepening the kiss.

“I love you.” The words slip out as the kiss ends. You’ve never said them before, though you both know that this isn’t a casual thing. You’ve just never been good with vulnerability and those words leave you very vulnerable. However, you could die tomorrow or he could and you don’t want the words to have gone unspoken.

His dark eyes are full of tenderness as he cups your face in his hands. “And I love you.”

“I figured that since I told Aurynn how I felt about you, it was only fair that I tell you,” you admit with a smile.

He raises one perfect eyebrow. “Aurynn?”

“She has quite the crush on you,” you tell him, “it seemed reasonable to warn her off.”

He smirks. “Is my queen jealous?”

“Perhaps a little,” you admit. You know it’s ridiculous. Raydan loves you and you have no reason to be jealous of anyone, especially not sweet, shy Aurynn, but… You want to proclaim to the world that he is yours.

“Now you know what I feel like,” he teases, pulling you down so that you are lying next to him, “since you seem to have a never-ending list of admirers.”

“I only want you,” you assure him, resting your head on his chest.

“And I you,” He replies, kissing the top of your head. “You are overdressed, my queen,” he teases, brushing a hand over your armor.

You smile and get up, quickly removing your armor until you are in dressed only in your simple silk chemise. You then return to the bed. Raydan lifts his blanket for you and you crawl in beside him. He wraps his arms around you once more.

You can see that he is exhausted. The last few days have obviously taken a lot out of him, which isn’t surprising given his desperate journey from Azura’s camp, his battle wounds and the excitement of the banquet.

“You should rest,” You tell him.

“I’ll rest better with you here,” he says, against your hair. You can’t disagree with that, so you snuggle into his embrace and close your eyes for a moment.

A short time later, you realize that you must have drifted off. Raydan is sound asleep beside you an unusual sight. You’ve been lovers for months, but you’re not sure you’ve ever seen him asleep. You take a moment to drink in the sight of him like this. He is normally so confident, so poised, but also guarded and it’s nice to know that he trusts you enough to fall asleep beside you.

After a moment, you gently extract yourself from his arms and put your armor back on. You want to stay here all night, but you know you can’t. You have to return to the banquet, at least briefly, and then to your room to prepare for the coming battle. Morning will come soon enough and you hope that you are ready.

–    Fin

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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