A Confession

“Are you okay? Can I get you anything? More water?” Aurora made to get up off the couch and go to the kitchen for the third time in the past half hour, but a hand grabbed hers, pulling her back down.

“Rory, I’m fine.”

“Damien,” Aurora looked over at him—the real Damien, really here—concern written all over her face, “You were held captive for almost a month. How can you be fine?

“Because I’m out of Eros’s hands for the time being and back with my favorite person in the world.” He took her in his arms and kissed her temple, “Honestly, I feel invincible right now.” His lips moved down her face until they met hers in a passionate kiss. He shifted on top of her as she let herself sink happily down into the couch. As incredible as kissing him after so long felt, Aurora knew she had to talk to him before things went any further.

“I need to tell you something.” She pulled back and whispered.

Damien slowly sat back up, eyes cautiously reading her features, “Okay.”

She swallowed hard and began speaking in a shaky voice, “Obviously, you know about Dames. About how Eros replaced you with him without his knowledge to—to trick us.” When Damien didn’t say anything, she continued. “Right, well, I was spending a lot of time with him in Paris, thinking he was you. And… we… well, we—


“We had sex. Damien, I’m sorry.” Her eyes burned as she fought back the tears that were escaping anyway. “I’m so, so sorry. I should have realized, I should have known, but… He seemed so much like you. He was you.”

Damien just sat there silently staring at the ground, hands clenched into fists and his full body tense. She wanted more than anything to reach out and comfort him, but she held back.

“Damien, say something. Please.

He spoke slowly, with a noticeable effort to keep his voice steady, “How… How did you not know?

“There were some things that felt… off, but I—I guess I just chalked it up to you coming down from what we just went through. And I was so excited to be safe and with you that I let my guard down. The thought that they could do something like that to you, it never even crossed my mind. You needed me and I was… with him. If I could take it back…”

Aurora reached for his hand but he pulled back slightly, finally dragging his eyes up to meet hers. “Do you have feelings for him?”

“I have feelings for you.”

“Didn’t you just say it yourself? He is me.”

“That’s not… It’s not what I meant!” She looked at him pleadingly, tears streaming down her cheeks, “Can’t you see how confusing this is for me?”

Though his body remained tense, Damien’s gaze softened. He moved his hand hesitantly back forward to touch hers. “Of course I can, and I’m sorry that you have to go through this. I’m… I’m not angry with you, Rory.”

“You’re not?” She asked softly, trying to control the rush of relief she felt at his use of her nickname.

“No. I’m angry with them. Furious actually.” He stood up and started pacing around the room, “Thinking about how those bastards at Eros violated you like that. Violated me, and… hell, even him. I—” He raises his balled fist and made as though to punch the wall, but stopped himself at the last moment.

“I have to go.” He muttered, taking a steadying breath, “I have to get the hell out of here.” He strode over to the door.

“Please don’t walk out that door.” She rushed over to him, placing her hand on his arm and stopping him in his tracks. “Damien, I love you. Please, don’t go.”

He turned to face her, eyes betraying his pain. It was the first time she had told him those three words. She had wanted to say them at a better time, any other time really, but it just came out. Damien stood still and stared into her eyes for a long moment; Aurora was afraid to breathe lest that small movement scare him away. He let out a shaky sigh, pressed a kiss to her forehead and strode out into the night. Aurora leaned her back against the closed door for support as sobs racked her body.

Published by


irlquinnkelly on tumblr!

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