A Dangerous Game Interlude: Welcome Home

A Dangerous Game: Welcome Home
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This takes place some time after Act 1 of “A Dangerous Game”, Lilith and Adam have been married approximately two months by this point. This was inspired by a particular outfit (I’m not sure it’s actually meant to be lingerie, but there’s no way Lilith or Adam would be comfortable with her wearing it in public lol). This is also the first of my 100 smut prompts, using the prompt “mine”.
Pairing- Adam Vega/MC
Rating- NSFW
Summary- Lilith welcomes her husband home with a special surprise.
Words- 1529

(Series Timeline can be found here)

My phone dinged and I picked it up, smiling at the text from Adam telling me he was just leaving the airport and would be home soon. He’d been gone for 10 days, first time we’d been apart for more than a night, and despite everything, I’d missed him. A lot.

Which was why I wanted to make our reunion particularly memorable.

Ok, time to put my plan into motion.

I moved quickly, going to the bathroom first and doing my hair and makeup, making sure both looked sexy, but effortless. Then I picked up the outfit I had purchased a few days ago, running my hands over the delicate beading. I’d been hesitant when I’d seen it in the store, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of it.

“Do you think it’s too much?” I asked Sofia. We both had a free afternoon and had decided on lunch and shopping.

“As in ‘can you pull it off’ or the price?” Sofia asked, looking at the outfit in question. “Because you can definitely pull that off. As for price… Well, it’s too rich for my blood but I feel like our budgets are a little different these days.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, a little awkwardly. It was still odd to me that I’d gone from pinching every penny to living in luxury in the span of a few months.

“I feel like once he sees you in that, your sexy senator won’t even think about the price tag.” She teased. “If he does, there is something wrong with him.”

I grinned, imagining the look on Adam’s face when he saw me in it. I knew he wouldn’t care about the price, he never questioned anything I bought and my purchases, which felt extravagant to me, barely seemed to make a dent in the balance of my account, and he was certainly… appreciative of the lingerie I’d be buying and this piece… This was a showstopper.

I dressed carefully and then picked up my phone, letting Adam know I’d be waiting in our room. He might have been expecting me to meet him downstairs, like a dutiful wife, but this outfit was definitely for his eyes only.

I took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to pose, which wasn’t easy since I was wearing a cape and suddenly, I started to feel a little ridiculous. Was this a good idea? Just as I started wondering if I should go change, I heard footsteps approaching the door.

Or maybe not. Apparently, there was no time for second-guessing.

I quickly sat on the bed, arranging the cape as artfully as possible, and assumed what I hoped was an alluring expression.

A second later the door opened and Adam entered.

“Lilith, is ever–” he began and then he trailed off as he took in the sight of me, his lips curving into a smile. “I was worried that you were unwell, but I see that is not the case.”

“No,” I assured him, getting to my feet and letting the cape billow around me, “I just wanted a more private reunion.”

Adam’s eyes roamed over my body, filled with heat and hunger. “I should go away more often if this is how you greet me.” He told me, pulling me into his arms and kissing me deeply.

I surrendered willingly to his kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. He pressed me close to him, so I could feel the effect our reunion had him as his one hand cupped my ass through the fabric and the other tangled in my hair.

“Mine.” He said with satisfaction, when he finally broke the kiss, keeping me anchored against him.

“Yes,” I agreed weakly. However this had started, whatever had motivated this marriage, it had become apparent to me over the past two months that his hold on me went far beyond a legal document. “So what are you going to do with me?”

Adam grinned, that sexy, charming grin that made my knees go weak. “Lots of things.” He let me go suddenly, his eyes drinking me in once more. “As spectacular as this outfit is, I think it needs to come off.” He told me.

I moved to undress, but he stopped me. “Let me.” He undid the fastenings and eased the expensive fabric off of my body, tossing it to the side and leaving me standing there, completely bare.

“I missed this,” He told me, caressing me with his eyes as he shrugged off his suit jacket and tossed it aside. His shirt quickly following suit. “Just looking at you, knowing that every inch of you is mine. Mine to touch, to taste.”

He took my hand and led meme to the bed where he motioned for me to sit down on the edge. Silently, I did as he bade and he knelt on the carpet, still wearing his pants, though his chest was now bare. I reached out and ran my hand over his smooth muscles, needing to touch him.

“I missed you too,” I admitted, gazing up at him.

“What did you miss most?” He asked, lifting my leg up over his shoulder. “The touching,” his hand slid between my wet folds instantly making me sigh, “or the tasting?” His other hand anchored on my thigh, pulling me closer as his mouth lowered, his tongue teasing me.

“Both!” I moaned, my hands gripping the bed sheet. “Definitely both.”

Adam used his fingers and tongue in tandem, quickly bringing me to the peak of ecstasy and then over. “Adam! Oh, Adam!!!” He didn’t ease up, instead, he continued what he was doing, his expert mouth coaxing me to another orgasm before he pulled back.

“This is one of the things I missed,” he told me in satisfaction, his fingers still playing with me. “The way you look when you come, how my name sounds on your lips. Knowing that I’m the only one who will ever see you like this.”

“Yes,” I whimpered, my body still shaking from the powerful orgasm.

“But it’s not what I missed the most,” he told me as he stood and stripped off his pants.

“And what did you miss?” I asked, my eyes glued to the sight of his incredible body. Damn, he was gorgeous.

“Get on your knees and I’ll show you,” Adam ordered, his voice heavy with promise.

I immediately obeyed, my hands wrapping around the posts of our bed. I could feel him lining himself up behind me and then, a moment later, he was inside of me.

“This is what I missed most,” he informed me, his breath hot against my neck, his hands on my hips. “The feel of being inside of you, of that perfect ass pressed against me as I took you from behind.”

“Yes…” I moaned. “I missed this so much.”

“And what about when I do this,” Adam asked, his teeth scraping my neck before he plunged his fangs into me.

Oh god! There was a tiny bit of pain but so much pleasure and the next orgasm came fast, brought on by the combination of his cock and his fangs. Adam fucked me through the waves of pleasure, continuing to take what he needed from me, both my body and my blood.

After a while he pulled his mouth away, quickly bringing his hand to seal my wound, his other hand still gripping my hip as he thrust into me hard, and then he lowered his mouth again, this time trailing kisses along my neck, his hand moving down to play with my breasts.

“I could do this all night,” he whispered in my ear, “I love the way you feel.”

“Ohhh!” I whimpered, incapable of coherent speech and unsure how much more I could take.

“Do you want me to do that?” Adam asked me almost-conversationally, “to keep fucking you until you can’t even move or do you want me to come inside of you?”

“Come inside me,” I sobbed, arching back into him.

To my surprise, he pulled out of me, quickly flipping me from my knees to my back.

“As much as I love your gorgeous ass, I like seeing your face when I come,” he told me as he re-entered me with one powerful thrust.

I instinctively wrapped my legs around him, clinging to him, my hands running across his back. We moved together, our bodies perfectly in sync and I felt yet another orgasm building, but this time when I went over the edge, Adam came with me.

He collapsed against me, his strong body pinning me to the bed, his mouth capturing mine in a passionate kiss before he finally pulled out of me and rolled onto his back, immediately gathering me to his side.

I snuggled, feeling incredibly warm and content. I’d missed the sex, yes, but I’d also missed this. Adam’s arms around me, his lips placing tender kisses on my shoulder. This was my happy place.

Rationally, I knew that was a dangerous thought, but at this moment I was too content to care. I was exactly where I wanted to be.

  • End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

5 thoughts on “A Dangerous Game Interlude: Welcome Home”

  1. Ohohoho!

    So, I’ve just re-read A Dangerous Game series three times now. I just began reading it on Wednesday.

    I’m in love with your writing, the characters, and the development and overview of Adam Vega. I love Adam Vega so so MUSCH.

    My favorite part overall is that you explicitly state that Lilith wants this. Lilith knows who Adam Vega is; He doesn’t hide and she still doesn’t run away. This type of writing and fanficition is making me want more of these two!

    I’m so excited to see how LilithxAdam’s relationship continues. I believe Lilith is Latina? It’ll be interesting to see how her 3 siblings and family will/do behave around Adam and to other people when they mention Lilith and Adam c:

    OH! Something I’m so desperately waiting for is Gaius and the whole scene with Adam vs Adrian. Is that something you plan on implementing or is this a complete different universe? I’ll be happy either way and can’t wait to read the next part c::::

    1. Thank you so much! I adore Vega and wanted to give him some more depth. Lilith is Latina, yes. Her faceclaim is Melissa Fumero. Lilith’s mother is Mexican and her father is of French-descent. And yes, Lilith knows exactly what she got into, his dark side intrigues her instead of scares her.

      So Gaius will be appearing in Act II but the Adrian and Adam scene will go down much differently as this is an AU. This is a world in which the Awakening Ball never happened.

      1. So excited!! Thank you for replying 😀

        Can’t wait to see how you develop Gaius. Gaius appears to be hard to write with/about because we really don’t know much about him. Love this AU!!!!

  2. Damn Misha!! These two are on fire!!!
    I may need to look into purchasing a little caped lingerie ensemble …

    1. Thanks T! They are ready to combust. BUt I mean, that’s the advantage of a vampire husband right? Amazing sex.

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