A Dangerous Game Interlude: Fragile Mortality

A Dangerous Game Interlude: Fragile Mortality
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- I asked a few friends for prompts to help inspire me and this one is for LizEboredom “you nearly died” kiss for Lilith and Vega. This is part of the A Dangerous Gameverse, you can find the timeline here.
Pairing- Adam Vega/MC
Rating- PG-13
Summary- Lilith and Adam discuss their different views on mortality after he is placed in harm’s way. 

I threw myself into Adam’s arms, knowing the cameras were recording every moment. He caught me easily, holding me tight in his arms and lowering his mouth to mine.

I knew the kiss would be on the cover of every paper by tomorrow and would be all over the internet within hours, so we had to make it look good. That wasn’t difficult at all because my relief was genuine, even though logically I knew he had never been in danger.

“I’m ok sweetheart,” Adam assured me in a low voice, “not even a scratch.” He pulled away from the kiss and wrapped his arm around me as he turned to greet the press. “I’m sure you can understand that my wife and I would appreciate some privacy, I will be giving a full press conference tomorrow.”

There were some grumbles and a few stray questions but Adam waved them off, leading me to the staircase as his staff dealt with any stragglers. 

“That was a very convincing show,” Adam commented once we were alone in our room, shrugging off his suit jacket and tossing it carelessly aside. 

“It wasn’t a show,” I admitted, “when I heard… I was worried about you.” It sounded so silly when I said it out loud. It wasn’t like he had ever been in real danger, he was a vampire. 

Adam moved closer to me, to my surprise, his expression was gentle. “Of course you were,” he murmured, taking me in his arms, “sometimes it is easy for me to forget you are human, with a human view of mortality.” He tilted my face up toward him. “But I assure you, I am fine. The bullet didn’t even graze me.”

“What would you have done if it had?” I asked curiously, “How would you have explained it?”

“With difficulty,” Adam said with a grimace, “I would have to doctor photos and medical records, bribe doctors, it would have been a while production. So very tedious.”

Something about his tone set me off and I pulled away. “How nice to be able to consider being shot tedious.”

Adam drew me back to him, his expression patient. “I am 300 years old Lilith, I have fought wars. I have been stabbed and yes, shot at, it no longer phases me as it once might have, but I am sorry for any distress it caused you and I will try not to get shot at again.”

I shuddered at the thought. “Please don’t.” I paused, deciding to voice the thought that was really bothering me. “Would you be so blasé if I had been the one shot at?”

He spoke of my limited view of mortality and this, it wasn’t a love match. It was convenience and good sex. If something happened to me, would he simply mourn for the appropriate period and then move on?

Adam’s face darkened and his arms tightened around me, pressing me so close I could barely breathe. “If you had been shot at the shooter would be dead.”

His words, delivered in a cold, matter-of-fact tone, warmed me.

He cared. Just like I cared. What exactly it meant, I wasn’t sure, but it was something and for tonight, that was enough. That and the knowledge that Adam was indeed perfectly safe and that he was here, with me, meaning I was safe too.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

2 thoughts on “A Dangerous Game Interlude: Fragile Mortality”

  1. Awwwwwww. You know how much I love fluffy Vega and this was super fluffy (for him). He’d be upset if she got shot at. And that might not sound like much, but just knowing that he’s falling for her even though he doesn’t realize it yet just makes it so much more amazing.

    1. Thank you! And yes, this is definitely what qualifies has fluffy for Vega. He doesn’t want her to die. It would upset him, even as he chides her limited view of mortality and talks about how it’s not something he’s had to consider for centuries, it suddenly is because if she were in dangerous he would not be calm and collected.

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