A Dangerous Game Interlude: His World

His World
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This is day 3 of my advent challenge, “the more the merrier”. This is all a very late fulfillment of the request “family” for the July challenge. This is a brief peak into the future of A Dangerous Game and takes place after Act II.
Rating- PG
Summary- Adam reflects on how much his world has changed and expanded.

Adam woke at the sound of the cry and was aware a moment later, of his wife slipping out of the bed.

He waited a moment and then got up after her, following her to the connecting room and standing in the doorway, watching as she picked up the infant and settled in the rocking chair, seemingly unaware of his presence until another cry filled the room.

“Can you pick her up?” Lilith asked, her attention focused on the baby in her arms, now contentedly noticing.

“So you did know I was there,” he commented, doing as his wife bid. Marvelling as always how tiny she was, he carefully picked his daughter up and carried her over to her mother, helping Lilith position her and watching as his wife expertly cradled both infants.

“I always do,” Lilith said lightly, “where else would you be?” It was a simple question and yet a powerful one. “You haven’t let us out of your sight since we came home,” she added, finally looking up at him. “We’re not going to disappear.”

“You almost did,” Adam reminded her, the memory of the empty house, of the agony of not knowing still all too powerful. For centuries he had been alone and he had been content, considering his path to power a solo operation and then she had come along and changed that.

And so many other things.

Now, his world had expanded and with that came contentment, but also fear, something else he hadn’t felt in centuries. Because now he had something to lose. Though he would burn the world down before that happened. 

“You are thinking vengeful thoughts again,” Lilith teased, “can they wait a moment? Your son is asleep.”

Adam carefully lifted the baby out of Lilith’s arms, careful not to wake him. Like his sister he was so small. Very few things awed him any more and yet this child had that power and so much more. 

For so long power had been the only thing Adam sought, the only thing that mattered. But not any more. He wasn’t alone any more and while that had taken some getting used to, and had brought a new vulnerability that was both unfamiliar and uncomfortable, he wouldn’t change it for the world. 

Because they were his world. 

And anyone who thought to threaten that, would learn just powerful and determined he could be. His pursuit him power had made him dangerous, but that was nothing compared to the love of his family. He would have killed for power, he would destroy the rest of the world for his family if he had too.

  • End 

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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