A Dangerous Game Interlude: The Best Medicine

A Dangerous Game Interlude: The Best Medicine
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This fic is for my dear friend Lizeboredom, who loves it when I make Vega fluffy. This is set shortly after “The Kitten”. The timeline for the “A Dangerous Game” series can be found here.
Pairing- Adam Vega/MC
Rating- PG
Summary- Lilith gets sick and discovers that illness brings out the softer side in her husband.
Words- 904    

I woke up and immediately groaned. My head felt like it was going to explode and I felt like I was on fire.

“Ugh.” I groaned, noting the familiar prick in my throat as I did so. I was sick. I couldn’t afford to be sick, I had a full day of events.

I groaned again and pulled my covers up over my head, deciding that I was just going to block the real world out and pretend I could stay in bed all day.

“Lilith? Is everything alright?”

I reluctantly pulled the blanket down from over my head to look over at my husband, who was watching me with concern from the side of the bed.

“I”m sick,” I whined and automatically scooched over, away from him. “Stay back, you don’t want to catch it…”

I trailed off as Adam chucked. I blushed. “That’s probably not going to happen, is it?”

“Unless you have gone feral overnight,” he responded, “I haven’t been sick in 300 years.”

“Lucky you,” I muttered, burying myself back in the covers. I wasn’t normally jealous of all the super cool vampire abilities, but when I felt like death warmed over, it was hard not to be a little envious. Why did the undead get all the perks?

“Is there anything you need?” Adam asked, pulling back the cover. There was genuine concern on his face and it eased my annoyance a little.

“Are you offering to play nurse?” I teased, laughing at the look of shock on his face, and then wincing slightly from the effort.  

“That is not in my skill set I’m afraid,” he said smoothly, “But I can hire you a nurse if you require.” He reached for his phone as he said it, obviously planning on making the call.

I placed my hand on his arm stopping him. “Adam, it’s a cold, nothing serious, I don’t need medical care.”

“Of course,” he commented and gave me a rueful smile, “when you are used to being invulnerable being presented with illness is disconcerting.”

I could understand that and Adam didn’t like things that unnerved him. Or things that he had no control over. And me being sick was both, which means he was going to find ways to manage it, which could potentially be interesting or really annoying, so I decided to try and temper his impulses by reassuring him.

“I will be ok,” I promised, “I might just be cranky for a few days.” I looked over at the clock and groaned, then started to climb out of the bed, but Adam stopped me, pushing me back on the bed.

“Where do you think you are going?”

I blinked. “I have a full morning,” I reminded him, “I need to get dressed.”

“You’re not going anywhere,” Adam told me as he rose, pausing first to tuck the blankets back up over me. “I will have Lisa clear your schedule and I will let Martha know that you will be laid up. I’ll assign Eddie to you today, he can bring you anything you need.”

“I’m not sure your intern wants to spend his day running around fetching things for your sick wife,” I pointed out, though I knew it wouldn’t do any good.

Adam shrugged. “He does what I tell him.”

I decided to let it be, because a day in bed sounded heavenly and besides, this let Adam do something, which would make him happy and fulfill his need to do something. I had a feeling that it was better for his staff to have one intern running around after me than having to deal with a vampire boss who was irritated because he couldn’t control the common cold.

Adam disappeared into the shower, emerging a few minutes later. I had almost drifted back to sleep, but the sound startled me and I wasn’t too sick to admire my husband’s nude form. Just too sick to do anything about it.

Still, I admired the view as Adam dressed.

When he was done, he came back to the bed, brushing his lips against my forehead. His eyebrow shot up. “I’ll send Martha up with some medicine immediately,” he commented, stepping back, “You’re burning up.”

“You’re a vampire,” I shot back, “I’m always warmer than you.”

That wasn’t strictly true, if he’d just fed, he had a normal body temperature, but I didn’t feel well and I was crabby, so I was going to make an undead dig when I could.

Adam just laughed. “Well, even so, I am still going to get you some medicine. Is there anything else you need.”

“Shadow,” I said immediately, “I want to snuggle her.”

Adam shot me a look. “Lilith…”

I stuck out my lower lip in a pout. “Please… She would make me feel better. I know you don’t like her in here, but I’d really appreciate it.”

“Just for today,” Adam warned, but there was an affection in his voice, a softness that I knew was reserved for me alone and hearing it was the medicine I could ask for. Though, snarky comments aside, I wasn’t going to turn down actual medicine. Or kitty snuggles.

I was sick and I was selfish and hey, I was married to a vampire, it was ok to be selfish once in a while. He had all the advantages, but at least I could pout better than he could.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

2 thoughts on “A Dangerous Game Interlude: The Best Medicine”

    1. Yay! I’m glad you like it. I knew you were missing Adam and Lilith and since I basically think I’m going ot have to write Act II all at once, this is going to have to hold you over. And Shadow cameos are the best (you know she was thrilled to be in that bed).

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