A Dangerous Game: Loose Ends

A Dangerous Game
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

Author’s Notes- The past week has not been great for writing inspiration, so this chapter took a little longer than the previous ones, though I’m hoping the next few come quickly. As I stated before, Lilith is my Jax MC and in this fic, while the relationship hasn’t really progressed on a romantic level she has let him feed on more than one time and there were developing feelings, complicated by his Clanless status and her being human.

Rating- PG

Summary- Lilith deals with the loose ties of her old life, before committing to her new one as Adam’s fiancé.

Words- 1831

Chapter Four: Loose Ends
(Story Timeline can be found here)

The next night, I entered Adrian’s building, inwardly marveling how surreal it all felt. Just over 24 hours had passed since I’d left with Adrian for our meeting with Adam, but my whole life had changed in that time.

I crossed the floor confidently, getting into the private elevator and pressing the button for Adrian’s floor for what I realized might be the last time.

Adam had not been thrilled when I’d told him where I was going, he’d just wanted to send one of his employees to collect my belongings, or better yet buy me new ones, but I’d refused. I wanted to talk to Adrian myself, but I also wanted to talk to Lily and fill her in. I was committed to the choice I had made, but I wasn’t just going to walk away from my entire life.

In the end, Adam had conceded my point, though he’d insisted that I take one of his cars and a driver. I got out of the elevator and glanced at my empty desk before heading towards Adrian’s office. He wasn’t alone, Kamilah was also there.

It was obvious they had been talking about me from the way they grew silent when I entered and the appraising look Kamilah gave me.

“Lilith!” Adrian greeted. “How are you?”

“Fine,” I assured him.

Kamilah raised an elegant eyebrow as if to say ‘see?’ “I received a call from Adam this afternoon,” she commented, addressing me, “he wants to meet to discuss an alternative to the Clanless situation, though he would not share the reason behind his change of heart. It was Adrian who filled me in on your arrangement, though of course, I’d read the announcement on the news.”

Yeah, there was no missing that, the media was having a lot of fun speculating about why Senator Vega was suddenly marrying a woman almost year younger than him, who no one had ever heard of. The speculation was actually the worst part of the arrangement, which given that I was marrying a ruthless vampire said something about the press.

“Are you here to talk me out of it?” I asked her, wondering if I was going to get another lecture on how dangerous Adam was.

“No,” Kamilah said simply, “in fact, I am impressed.”

That surprised me because I doubted that she was easily impressed.

“If you can get Adam to give his word, he’ll keep it,” Kamilah continued, “the problem is that he rarely makes promises.”

I filed that information away.

“But you should be assured that he will follow his end of your bargain,” Kamilah continued, “and he will expect you to do the same.”

“I know,” I told her, “I can do it.”

“Do you know what you are agreeing to, though?” Adrian asked and I could tell he still wasn’t on board with my decision.

“I think so,” I answered honestly, “for the next ten years, I will be at Adam’s side, performing the public duties that he can’t and help him present a family man image. He was quite clear. And in return he’ll drop his plan to hunt the Clanless and work with you to come up with a solution, isn’t that a good thing?”

Adrian didn’t have an answer for me, though I noticed Kamilah was also staring at him intently.

“Is Lily here?” I asked instead, “I want to talk to her and I also need to collect my belongings.”

“Yes, I think she’s quite eager to see you,” Kamilah answered, she was being almost chatty tonight.

I nodded and then turned back to Adrian.  “I’m afraid I won’t be giving two weeks’ notice, Adrian.”

“I assumed as much,” he answered, “besides that is a pretty good indicator.”

He motioned to where Adam’s brand now rested on my arm. A temporary version until a more permanent solution could be arranged, though not the same kind of solution that Lily had received, I’d been assured.

“I’m going to go downstairs,” I said after a moment, “and then I’ll come give you my security card before I leave.”

With that, I turned and left the office and headed to the guest suite. Lily leaped to her feet as soon as she saw me. “Lilith, what’s going on? How did you end up becoming engaged to Senator Vega???”

I filled her in on the events of the last 48 hours.

“Huh, so just like that, you’re going to marry him?” Lily inquired.

I shrugged, “I couldn’t think of another option and I mean, it could be worse. It could be Lester.”

Lily made a face. “Ewww. Yeah, this is way better. At least he’s super hot, but are you sure this is what you want? This is your life we’re talking about.”

“It’s only a decade,” I reminded her, though that sounded so long to me, I knew for the vampires it was a drop in a bucket, plus I’d only be in my mid-30s, I’d still have plenty of life ahead of me if I stayed human.

“Only ten years,” Lily joked, “you’re talking like you’re the one who’ll live forever.” She paused, the notion obviously just occurring to her. “Will you…?”

“I don’t know,” I told her, “It’s an option, apparently, if I want it to be.”

“It’d be cool to have you around for eternity,” Lily told me, but then sobered, “though I don’t know if this is really what I would have chosen.”

I froze, guilt hitting me again. “Lily…”

She held up a hand, “this is not your fault. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be alive at all and being a vampire is definitely preferable to being dead.” She grinned. “Before you go, want to play some video games or do you have to rush home to America’s hottest Senator?”

I returned her grin. “For you, I can always make time and there’s no rush, I told Adam I didn’t know how long this would take.”

Of course, there was a vampire downstairs waiting for me, but that was his job, right? A few rounds of video games wouldn’t hurt me and I guess part of me wasn’t quite ready to leave my old life behind.

Lily and I played video games for about an hour and then I packed up my stuff, giving Lily a hug and promising not to be a stranger before dropping my ID off with Adrian, who still seemed unhappy with my decision, though thankfully he didn’t attempt to talk me out of it.

After that, I headed downstairs, but before I could get in the car, I noticed a familiar form lurking in the shadows. I glanced at the car and then at the shadows and then made a decision, hurrying away from both the car and the building, pausing once I was out of sight of both.

Like I’d expected, Jax materialized from the shadows.

“I’ve been waiting for you,” he told me, his expression grim, “what’s going on Lilith?” His gaze fastened on my hand and the diamond ring that lingered there. “Are you really going to marry Vega?”

“News travels fast,” I commented lightly.

“America’s most eligible bachelor announced a surprise engagement, I think it made every news outlet in the country,” Jax pointed out, “and imagine my surprise when I heard your name. Lilith, you were the one that warned me about Vega.”

That was true, I hadn’t been able to resist telling Jax about what Adam had made Adrian agree to and sharing my worries about what that meant for the Clanless.

“And that’s why I’m doing this,” I told him softly, “he promised to help find a real solution if I married him. One that doesn’t involve punishing the Clanless for the crimes of those who made them.”

Jax was silent, obviously digesting that news and processing what it meant. “So just like that, you said yes?” He asked in disbelief. “You just agreed to marry him?”

“It was the right choice to make,” I told him quietly, “and it’s not forever, the agreement is for a decade.”

I explained the terms of my deal to Jax, though it felt weird to be describing marriage as a temporary thing when I’d been raised to believe it was a lifetime commitment. However, I’d never expected to marry a vampire either, I was just going to have to adapt.

“You’re human,” Jax reminded me, “ten years is a long time, Lilith.”

“I know,” I answered, “but it’s my choice to make.”

“And do you really think he’ll let you go in a decade?” Jax asked quietly, “that you’ll just be able to walk away?”

“He told me he would and I’ve been assured that he always keeps his word.”

Jax ran his hand through his hair. “I don’t like this,” he told me in a low voice. “I wish you didn’t have to do this.”

“I know,” I told him, “but it’s my choice.”

Jax was silent. “I guess I just thought…” He trailed off. “I care about you, Lilith.”

“I care about you too,” I said softly, forcing down the words I really wanted to say. I wanted to tell him how much I cared about him, how much time I spent thinking about him, remembering the way it felt whenever he fed on me and fantasizing about having his mouth on me in other ways, but… This wasn’t the time or place. I’d made my choice, I was going to marry Adam and I’d agreed to a decade of fidelity.

“I need to help,” I said instead, “and this is the only way I can. At least this way, the Clanless have a chance.”

Jax still looked grim, but he didn’t argue with me, so that was something. We stood there for a moment, not touching, just looking at each other.

Finally, I sighed. “I should get back, Adam’s driver is going to wonder what’s taking me so long and we don’t want him to come looking for me.”

“No,” Jax agreed, though he seemed reluctant to leave. “Lilith…”

“We probably shouldn’t meet again,” I said cutting him off, “at least not until Adrian and the others have had a chance to figure out a solution.”

I had a feeling I’d be pretty heavily monitored going forward and while I had to believe that Adam would keep his word, I didn’t want to put Jax and the others at risk either.

Jax’s face went blank and he just nodded. “Be careful,” he warned before he disappeared into the shadows, not giving me a chance to reply.

I hurried towards the car, not daring to look back. The driver gave me an appraising look but didn’t anything about what had taken me long. “Do we have any other stops, Ms. St. Germain?”

I shook my head. “No, just home.”

The last word felt strange on my tongue, but I’d get used to it. I’d get used to everything.

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

2 thoughts on “A Dangerous Game: Loose Ends”

  1. I loved this. I have been enjoying this series so far. I like the pacing and how each fic is meant to pull you into Adam’s world the way that Lilith is.

    I feel bad for Jax that he is worried for Lilith and heartbroken that she would agree to marry Adam to save him (the Clanless too, but mostly him).

    I can’t wait for the next installment.

  2. Thank you and thank you so much for your advice, it’s really helped, especially regarding how the various characters consider time and the length of the deal. I’m having a lot of fun with these characters and this world.

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