A Dangerous Game Side Story: First Impressions

A Dangerous Game Side Story: First Impressions
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This is a side story in the “A Dangerous Game” universe. What’s the difference between a side story and an interlude? This story isn’t told from the POV of either Lilith or Vega, but instead, it features my Zig MC, Sofia. This came from a conversation with Lizeboredom about Zig and Adam and how they would get along because their partners are best friends. So this was born. This takes place between chapters 5 and 6 of “A Dangerous Game” (well the early part takes place during Chapter 3, but the actual meeting takes place after Chapter 5). Also, there is a “blink and you’ll miss it” to another Choices ship because I couldn’t resist.
Pairings- Zig/MC, Adam Vega/MC
Rating- PG-13
Summary- Sofia receives surprising news from her best friend.
Words- 1630

(Story Timeline can be found here)

“Are you free Friday night?” I asked Zig as soon as he got home before he’d even had a chance to take off his jacket.

“Yeah,” he answered, hanging up his jacket and then coming over to kiss me. “Why?”

“We’re having dinner with Lilith and her fiance,” I told him, still a little taken aback by the news I’d received earlier that day.

Zig raised an eyebrow. “Lilith is engaged? Did you even know she was dating anyone.”

“No,” I told him, “but she’s been more distant lately, busy with work, I guess.” It was a sore spot. My best friend had been more distant than usual in the month since she’d started working for the Raines Corporation, but I’d put it down to her being busy. I still couldn’t believe she’d concealed something so important. “I guess they kept it quiet because they didn’t want to deal with the publicity.”

Zig looked even more surprise. “Publicity? Is she marrying Matt Rodriguez?”

“He’s already married, silly,” I told him with a laugh, “to Sabrina Moretti.”

Zig rolled his eyes. “Sorry, I’m not up on my celebrity gossip.” He led me over to the couch. “Who is she marrying then?”

“Senator Adam Vega,” I told him as I settled into his arms, enjoying the look of shock on his face.

“Senator Vega?” Zig repeated. “Gonna run for President, Senator Vega?”

“Yep.” I confirmed, “In a few years, Lilith could be First Lady.” I had to admit, I could picture it, pretty easily. Lilith was both classy and very determined and while the news had come as a shock, it also kind of fit.

“Isn’t he a lot older than her?” Zig asked and I could hear the concern in voice. “He’s got to be in his 40s.”

I shrugged, “yes, but Lilith has always been into older men.” She had never had a boyfriend that wasn’t at least a few years older than her, even when she was a teen. “Plus, she’s had a crush on him since college.” I used to tease her about it, about the fact that she always liked to reach for the stars, and yet, this time, she’d pulled it off.

Zig didn’t look impressed. “Still it’s so sudden and that’s a big age gap, aren’t you concerned?”

I shrugged. “Lilith is a grown woman, Zig, she can make her own decisions and honestly, this feels like Lilith.”

It really did. She had always been one to make up her mind quickly and while the news had caught me off-guard, it was only because she hadn’t confided in me. The news itself didn’t surprise me, because it fit Lilith. She’d always been attracted to older, powerful men and Adam Vega was basically her dream man, so, her marrying him after a whirlwind courtship fit. Though I was still curious as to how they’d met and very impressed that Lilith had tamed one of America’s most eligible bachelors.

I was looking forward to meeting him and seeing them together.


“This place is something else,” Zig commented in a low voice as we entered the restaurant.

“I know,” I told him, squeezing his hand, “but Lilith picked the restaurant and it’s her treat.”

I knew Zig wasn’t entirely comfortable with that, but Lilith had been insistent.


I turned at the sound of the voice and beamed at the sight of my best friend.

“Let me see the ring,” I demanded after I’d given her a hug.

She laughed and dutifully held out her hand. I whistled at the sight of the massive, but very elegant diamond gracing her slim hand. “Wow.”

Lilith laughed. “That was my reaction, too.” There was something I couldn’t quite read in her expression as she turned to the man next to her. “Adam, darling, this is my best friend, Sofia.”

Senator Vega smiled. I’d seen him on TV, but it didn’t do him justice, that was one powerful smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sofia.”

“You too,” I told him, shaking the hand he offered. “This is my boyfriend, Zig.”

The Senator turned that powerful smile on Zig, but I could tell it didn’t have the same effect it’d had on me. Still, Zig smiled politely and took the offered hand.

After a moment, we entered the restaurant and were immediately escorted to our table.  

“Do you have a preference for red or white?” Senator Vega asked us, picking up the wine menu.

“No,” I told him with a smile. “I’m sure whatever you choose will be wonderful.” And probably enough to cover the rent in my apartment, I thought but didn’t say out loud. I looked at the dinner menu, doing my best not to look at the prices. Everything looked amazing, even if it was hard to imagine actually spending that much on a single meal.

The Senator nodded, quickly scanning the menu and then making his choice. Once he’d made his order, he turned that dazzling smile on me. “You know, Colin Harper is a friend of mine and he raves about you, Sofia.”

“That’s nice to here,” I commented, “I enjoy working with Colin. I didn’t realize you were friends.”

“Yes,” The Senator answered, “actually, at the last party of Colin’s I attended, you did a reading from your latest book.”

“I didn’t realize you were there,” I told him and then something clicked. I turned to Lilith. “Is that when you two met?” Had she kept it from me since then? That was nearly three months ago.

Lilith looked surprised but it was the Senator who spoke, answering smoothly. “Yes, she and I managed to cross paths and start talking and that was all it took.” He shot her a look that was so devoted I couldn’t help but smile.

Just then the waiter returned with our wine and then took our order.

“I think you’ll like the salmon,” I heard Senator Vega tell Lilith, who hadn’t even opened her menu.

I saw Zig frown, but Lilith simply nodded. “That sounds lovely.”

The Senator placed both their orders and then Zig and I did the same. es.

“Sofia, one of the reasons I invited you to dinner was because I have something to ask you,” Lilith said after the waiter had left once more.

I looked at her expectantly, excitement bubbling up. I knew what was coming, of course. In many ways, I’d been waiting for her to ask this question since the first grade.

“Will you be my maid of honor?” Lilith asked me, “because there’s no one I’d rather have at my side.”

“Of course, I will,” I told her softly. We’d talked about this since we were little girls, but now it was here. Lilith was getting married and to one of the most powerful men in America. “When’s the wedding?”

“Next month,” Lilith answered, glancing at her fiance, “we didn’t want to wait.” Again there was something I couldn’t quite place in her voice, but that thought was quickly vanquished by her next comment, “my mother is having a hissy fit. Especially since the wedding will be in New York.”

“I bet she loves that,” I said with a laugh, very familiar with Mrs. St. Germain.
Lilith shrugged. “It’s not her wedding.”

“No, it’s not,” I agreed, “ok, I need details, asap!”

Lilith quickly complied, though I noticed that she often deferred to the Senator. However, I guess that made sense, after all, he was the one who would have social obligations to meet. I couldn’t even begin to comprehend what Lilith’s new life would entail.

The meal was fantastic and the conversation mostly centered around the wedding, which meant Zig didn’t participate as much. I felt bad, but at the same time, I was eager to hear all the details and as we talked I silently started planning Lilith’s bachelorette in my head and made a mental note to call her mom about the bridal shower.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Lilith said at the end of the night since we’d made plans to go dress shopping because we were on a tight schedule.

I grinned. “I can’t wait.”

The Senator smiled politely, his arm wrapped around Lilith. “It was a pleasure to meet you both.”

I echoed the sentiment and Zig did the same, though his sounded forced and then we parted ways, Senator Vega having insisted on calling us a car to take us home.

“You were quiet tonight,” I commented once we got back to the apartment.

Zig shrugged, “not much to say.”

“You didn’t enjoy yourself,” I commented, wrapping my arm around him. It wasn’t a question.

“No,” Zig answered, “the food was good, but… Sofia, that guy’s a snake. The insincerity practically oozes off of him.”

I blinked. “I thought he was charming.”

Zig snorted. “Of course you did and you didn’t think the dynamic between him and Lilith was weird?”

I shrugged. “Not really.” It had felt pretty normal for Lilith, that was always the type she went for, ones who liked to be in charge. “And he seems so devoted to her.”

“Yeah,” Zig agreed reluctantly, “he’s either head over heels or a really, really good actor.” He made a face. “He was certainly polite enough.”

“But you didn’t like him,” I commented as we moved to the couch.

“No,” Zig answered, “he’s too smooth, too polished, and I think too used to getting his own way.” He shrugged. “But I don’t have to marry him and you assure me that Lilith can take care of herself.”

“She can,” I assured him, “Lilith is one of the most stubborn and independent people I have never met, no one has ever been able to force her into anything. Whatever dynamic they have, this is what she wants.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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