A Dangerous Game: Submission

A Dangerous Game
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when finished.

Author’s Notes- This one took me a while, because I had to get the right tone (also because I wanted to make sure the smut didn’t disappoint). Thank you to everyone who is following this series and has sent me such kind comments, I really appreciate it.

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Adam and Lilith consummate their marriage.

Words- 1754

Chapter Seven: Submission
(Series Timeline can be found here)

I opened my eyes slowly, stretching as I did and letting out a contented yawn. That was the best sleep I’d had in ages.

Suddenly, the details of the previous night came rushing back. Including the fact that I was a married woman and that I’d spent the night in Adam’s bed…

My eyes shot open and I glanced over at the spot beside me, wondering if it would be empty. It wasn’t. Adam was there, lying on his side, watching me.

“Hi,” I said, feeling unusually shy. This wasn’t the first time I’d woken up in someone else’s bed, but this felt different. Maybe because it was different, after all, I’d never had a husband before. Husband. I was married. To a 350-year-old vampire. Some part of me was still convinced that it must all be a particularly crazy dream and that I’d wake up the morning of my interview with Raines Industries, cursing my over-active imagination.

“Good morning,” Adam told me, “sleep well?”

“I did, actually,” I admitted, shifting slightly, so I was on my side, facing him. “Have you been up for long?”

“No,” Adam answered, “only a few minutes. It’s a rare treat to be able to sleep in.”

I glanced at the clock. It was almost noon. Early compared to the hours I’d kept as Adrian’s assistant, but late for my new life.

“Human hours must be inconvenient,” I commented lightly.

“They do have their challenges,” Adam admitted, “but it’s only a short-term inconvenience and worth it.”

I did some mental math, going over Adam’s political career in my head, he’d been a public figure since I was in high school, and he had another 10 years or so of this life ahead of him if he fulfilled his current ambitions on his current timeline. But, maybe to a vampire, a couple decades was short term. I filed it away in that category of things I was curious about, but not curious enough to voice.

“Should we get up?” I asked instead, though I didn’t really want too. The bed was comfortable, I was comfortable. I was also very aware of how close Adam was and my eyes drifted over him, taking in his bare chest, my hands itching to reach over and touch him.

“Not if you don’t want to,” Adam answered, his eyes meeting mine, his voice low and suggestive, “it is our honeymoon after all.”

Yes, we would actually be taking a proper honeymoon in the next weeks, destination still to-be-determined, giving me some time to settle into my new life before we took off, but Adam had cleared room in his schedule so that we could get to know each other better.

He’d promised me that there was no pressure and I could call the shots and as I looked at him now, I knew what I wanted. I thought of the night before, the way it had felt when he’d fed off me, and the way his arousal had pressed against me, and a part of me regretted not seizing the moment then.

With that thought in mind, I reached out and trailed my hands down his bare chest. “That is a very good point,” I told him, shifting closer, “and I think we can be properly occupied without leaving this bed.”

I watched Adam carefully, waiting for his reaction. There was both satisfaction and pleasure on his face but I didn’t have long to dwell on his reaction because his arms were around me, pulling me hard against his body and his mouth was on mine.

“Are you sure?” He asked, between kisses.

“I’m sure,” I said breathlessly, threading my leg through his and pushing myself as close to him as possible. “I want this.”

And I did. I wanted him. I had wanted him since the moment we’d met, but I told myself it was a bad idea and then when we made this arrangement, I told myself that I needed time, that I didn’t want to rush into anything and he was so respectful of that, didn’t push me to change my mind, which was a little annoying because it would have made this easier.

But maybe that was the point. This wasn’t supposed to be easy, it had to be a conscious choice. Whatever doubts I still had, I was committed, and really, I didn’t have any doubts that I wanted this, wanted him, so why deny myself the pleasure that I knew he could bring me?

Adam’s lips trailed down my neck, sucking slightly on my skin, not hard enough to break skin, but it reminded me of what it had felt like when he’d fed from me and I let out a little moan.

He undid the buttons on the pajama top, slipping it off my slender shoulders and tossing it aside carelessly, leaving me almost entirely bare. His hands caressed my body as his lips moved down lower, over my chest, before landing on my breasts.

My hands did some wandering of their own, slipping into his pajama pants. In our previous encounters, he’d done all the touching, and it felt good to touch him. I took note of the little growl he let out as I touched him, the slight twitches.

Adam’s hands were on my hips, his mouth and tongue still lavishing attention on my breasts. I got bolder, tugging his pajama pants down, and he happily complied, kicking the pants off, his attention still focused on me.

The sight of Adam completely naked took my breath away a little. Damn, he was gorgeous. My hands resumed their previous position, stroking him, enjoying the way he responded to my touch. Suddenly, he covered my hand, stilling my movement and then, his hands were on my hips and he’d suddenly shifted us both so that he was lying on his back and I was on top of him.

He pulled me forward and I knew what he wanted.

“I want to taste you,” he confirmed.

“Didn’t you get your fill last night?” I teased.

Adam smirked, “sweetheart, that was just the beginning.”

He eased my underwear off, tossing it to the floor with the rest of our clothes, and then tugged me forward so I was perched over his face, his hands resting lightly on my hips. I leaned forward, grabbing the headboard to steady myself, which was a good idea because I soon discovered I needed it to support myself.

It turned out that Adam was very, very talented with his mouth, in many ways. He alternated licking and sucking with plunging his tongue deep inside of me. I came fast and hard, but Adam kept going, his mouth continuing to pleasure me through that orgasm and quickly coaxing another one.

“Adam!” I screamed as I came hard, my fingers clenching the headboard so hard that it hurt.

This time Adam pulled back, his hands still on my hips, holding me tight as I came down from the high and then he flipped me onto my back, poising himself above me, his mouth hard and insistent on mine.

I could taste myself on him and I had the fleeting thought of what it would be like to kiss him after he’d fed on me, would the taste of my blood have the same erotic appeal? It shouldn’t and yet the thought wasn’t a turn off the way it would have been only a few weeks previously.

Adam entered me in one fluid movement, stilling long enough to give me time to adjust to the feel of him, before beginning to thrust at a slow, leisurely pace that just made me ache for more.

“What do you want?” Adam asked, gazing into my eyes. “How do you want this to go?”

“Harder, faster,” I gasped, “I want you. I want you to make me yours.”

There was something dark and primal in his eyes at my words, but he did what I asked. There was nothing leisurely about his pace now. It was hard, it was fast, and it was everything I needed. I arched up into him, meeting him thrust for thrust, giving him everything I had even as yet another powerful orgasm built.

As his lips trailed over my neck, I wondered what it would be like if he bit down at that moment. I remembered how good it had felt when he had fed and I imagined it would feel even better like this. But not this time. Later I’d suggest it, but for now, this was enough.

“Adam, oh, Adam,” I sobbed as I came for the third time, digging my nails hard into his back. Like he had with his tongue, he continued to fuck me through the orgasm and I realized that he intended to bring me to the brink yet again.

Would I be able to move after this? I had a feeling I wouldn’t, but I didn’t care. It just felt so good. The orgasm receded, but immediately the next one began to build as Adam continued to move inside of me, bringing me to heights I hadn’t known possible.

I wrapped my legs around him tighter, drawing him as close as I could, clenching around him and taking pleasure in his groans. “Come with me,” I urged, running my hands through his hair, bringing his mouth to mine.

He responded eagerly, kissing me hard as his thrusts sped up, becoming more erratic and this time, when I went over the edge, he came with me, spilling himself inside of me before collapsing against me. I was sweaty and panting, feeling completely boneless.

Adam’s breathing was rushed, his body pressed tight against mine for a moment before he rolled onto his back.

“You are extraordinary,” he told me, gathering me to him.

I snuggled against him, unable to even form coherent speech. I’d known I wanted him and I knew sex with a vampire would be good, but I hadn’t expected it to be that good.

I also knew that there would be no going slow after this. But that was ok, I didn’t want to go slow. I wanted more of this. Wanted to feel this way as often as possible.

Adam placed a tender kiss on my shoulder and I smiled, covering his hand with mine as it rested on my stomach. Yes, I definitely wanted more of this. Of all of it: the sex, the man, the way I felt in this moment.

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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