A Dangerous Game: The Proposal

A Dangerous Game
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- So I have been fascinated by Adam Vega since we first saw his picture and while he definitely came off as an antagonist, I am really intrigued by his character and this story just popped into my brain. It features my Jax MC, Lilith (because I can’t see my Adrian MC in this position). This is a is multi-chapter fic and definitely has dark undertones. I am really excited to see where this goes. 

Pairing- MC/Adam Vega

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Senator Vega has an unexpected proposal for Lilith.

Words- 2001

Chapter One: The Proposal

(Story Timeline can be found here)

“Thank you both for coming,” Senator Vega said politely, as he welcomed Adrian and I into his private study.

After a month of dealing with vampire politics, I learned that the Senator did everything politely, no matter how sinister or ruthless his actions really were. His handsome face and smooth, compassionate façade were just that.

“Of course,” Adrian answered for me as we took our seats, “though I am confused as to why you required Lilith to accompany me.”

“Because my business is with her, not you,” Adam said smoothly, “however, I knew you would never consent to her meeting with me alone, so I arranged it this way.”

“What business could we possibly have?” I asked, fighting to keep my hostility at bay. I’d always admired the Senator, but not any longer, not since hearing how he wanted to deal with the Clanless. After all, how could I admire someone whose solution was to punish the victims?

“Quite a bit,” Adam answered, “you see, I have been thinking about your objections to my solution for our current problem and how passionate you are in your argument, how compassionate.”

“You want to help the Clanless?” I asked in disbelief, leaning forward. Beside me, Adrian was very still, obviously waiting. “I thought you wanted to kill them all?”

“Perhaps my proposed solution is too harsh,” Adam evaded, “your reaction has made me re-evaluate and I am hoping to find another solution.” It wasn’t really an answer, but it was better than his previous stance. “I think you and I can work together for that solution,” He continued.

I exchanged a look with Adrian, noting the blank mask on his face and could tell he wasn’t quite buying what the Senator was selling.

“I’m not sure how I can be of help,” I commented, an uneasy feeling knotting in my stomach.

“Oh, you can be a tremendous help,” Adam answered warmly, “you see, I’ve been looking for someone like you for some time. I am sure, you have heard the rumors of my political ambitions.”

“Yes,” I answered slowly, though I wasn’t sure what that had to do with anything. It wasn’t like there was anything I could to help him become President.

“As I contemplate seek higher office, my personal life presents a bit of a roadblock,” Adam continued, “the American people expect their President to be married, preferably with a family.”

I froze, he couldn’t…

“Adam, you seriously can’t be proposing what I think you are?” Adrian asked, speaking for the first time.

Adam raised an eyebrow. “Why not? You of all people know how difficult it is to bring people into this world, especially long-term, and most of the ones you are interested, lack certain necessary qualities. But Ms. St. Germain is an exception.” He turned to me and suddenly it was hard to remember what a ruthless monster he could be, with the way he was looking at me. “Lilith, you are extraordinary,” he told me, “smart and beautiful, but also dedicated and compassionate and incredibly passionate and well-spoken. It is obvious that you care deeply and you have a way of making other people care as well. You have also navigated this strange world with ease, something most people cannot accomplish.”

I stayed silent, biting my lip.

“You are enchanting,” Adam continued, suddenly reaching for my hand, which had been resting on the desk. Like Adrian, his touch was warm, and it was surprisingly gentle. “From our first meeting, you have captured my attention, and in every subsequent interaction you have handled yourself with poise and dignity, never backing down from a challenge, even when it seems impossible, and the way you advocated for your friend was quite remarkable. I think you and I could do great things together.”

I glanced at Adrian and while his face was still a calm mask, it was a lot tenser than it had been. He didn’t like where this conversation was going. Neither did I, but…

“What do I get out of it?” I asked boldly, my hand still enclosed in Adam’s.

He smiled, a warm smile that made him look even more handsome, if that was possible. “I think you’ll find the situation benefits you very much, Lilith. You will become my partner, my wife, and you will have access to the Vega name and wealth. I would seek your input in drafting my policies, both human and other, after all, who has more influence on a man than his wife?”

I paused, considering what he was saying and what he wasn’t. He was making promises, without promising anything in particular, which wasn’t going to work for me. “I want your word that you’ll drop your plan to hunt the Clanless,” I said after a moment, “that you will commit to working with Adrian and Kamilah to finding another solution, one that doesn’t involve the loss of innocent lives.”

“And if I give my word to do that, then will you agree to my proposal?” Adam inquired, his eyes locked on mine.

“Lilith, you don’t have to do this,” Adrian told me and I could hear the barely restrained anger in his voice.

“I know,” I answered him, though my gaze was still locked with Adam’s, “but I am going to do it anyway.”

I thought of Jax, of Lula, of the other Clanless. This was their only hope. This was the only way I could help them and I had to at least try. After all, it wasn’t like that much of a sacrifice, right? I was going to be the wife of a rich, powerful and handsome man, even if he happened to be a ruthless, immortal vampire. Besides, I had a feeling if I said no, then not only would I not have his support, but I would make a very powerful enemy. No, this was the only real choice.

“As long as you promise to find a solution to the Clanless problem, one that does not involve eradicating them, then, yes, I will accept your proposal,” I told him quietly.

Adam’s smile grew even wider. “I knew you would see the mutual benefit of my proposal.”

He dropped my hand and, despite myself, I immediately missed his touch. But I didn’t have to miss it for long, because before I could blink, Adam was at my side, helping me to my feet, and then he was pulling me close, his arm wrapping around my waist. The intimate contact through me off-guard, which was ridiculous given that I had just agreed to marry this man. I should probably get used to him touching me.

“You won’t regret this, Lilith,” he told me and I wanted to believe him. I had so many questions, about how this would work, what exactly this marriage would entail. He had mentioned a family, but surely that wasn’t possible, was it? The weight of what I had just agreed to overwhelmed me, but I fought to keep it to myself and instead maintained a cool, detached expression.

“There are some calls I need to make,” Adam told me after a moment, “some arrangements that have to be made. After all, I’d like you to make your public debut at my side as soon as possible and then we can announce our engagement.”

I nodded wordlessly, trying not to think about the weight of that word. I was engaged to a vampire. Thank goodness I didn’t have to explain that to my parents because telling them I was marrying a politician many years older than me who I had never mentioned, was going to be hard enough.

“I’ll be back and then we can discuss the details of our arrangement,” he promised, letting go of me. Once again, I found myself missing his touch, which was ridiculous because I didn’t even like him.

Once he was gone, Adrian stood and I could see the fury on his face. “What was that?” He demanded. “Do you have any idea what you just agreed too?”

“It seemed pretty clear,” I said calmly, “I help Adam out, boost his public image and in turn, he helps us. I can do this, Adrian, I want to do this.”

“Deals with Vega are never straight-forward,” Adrian warned me, “there is always more than you bargained for and I’m just, I’m worried about you Lilith, that you agreed to something that you aren’t prepared for.”

“Maybe, but it’s my choice,” I reminded him, “all of this has been my choice.”

From the moment I had refused to be debriefed, I had been making choices, trying to control and my own fate and this was just another one of those choices. Was I worried that I was getting in over my head? Yes, but I didn’t let that show. Because this was the right move, for my friends, for the Clanless, even if I wasn’t sure it was the right move for me, personally, but I had wanted to do great things, to make a difference in the world and this was my chance.

Adrian nodded with obvious reluctance, “alright, then I will support you.”

“Thank you,” I told him sincerely.

“I just hope that you don’t come to regret this,” Adrian continued, his face grave, “because as I told you before, bargains with Vega are always weighed in blood, and I’m afraid what this deal is going to cost you.”

“Well, he obviously wants me alive,” I pointed out, trying not to let his words scare me, “so at least there’s that.”

“You’re right,” Adrian agreed, “for now, it benefits him to keep you human, and actually that works in your favor, because Vega is very good at protecting what he considers his, as well as making sure nothing interferes with his plans. You’re probably the safest you’ve been since you walked into my office that night.”

Yet, despite his words, there was a warning to his tone and I knew he was still not pleased with the bargain I had made. However, Adrian was my boss and my friend, but that was it, he had no hold over me and no say over my personal life. Though Jax’s face flashed in front of me quickly and I felt a pang, wondering what he would think of what I was about to do.

I’m doing this for him, I reminded myself, for all of them. Eventually, he will understand that.

Just then the door to the office opened and Adam re-entered. “I’ve got the ball started,” he told me with obvious satisfaction, “now I think you and I need to discuss some of the details.” He turned to Adrian, “do you mind giving us some privacy? I promise to return her safely.”

Adrian paused for a brief second and then turned to me. “Lilith?”

“It’s fine,” I assured him, after all, if I was going to marry Adam, I would have to get used to being alone with him.

Adrian nodded and then exited the room, leaving Adam and I alone.

“Why don’t we move somewhere more comfortable?” Adam asked, “after all my office really isn’t the place to be discussing our future. If you like, I can you a tour of the house, while we talk.”

I nodded because I didn’t know how else to react and Adam took my hand, leading me from the office. I walked alongside him, marveling at how it felt both so right and so wrong to be here like this with him. On one hand, he terrified me and I was already beginning to wonder if I was making the biggest mistake of my life and yet, he also fascinated me and the way he touched me and smiled at me… It made me want to believe him, to hope that this might not be the disaster Adrian seemed to think. Either way, I had sealed my fate, so was it too much to hope that it would be a pleasant one?

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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