A Fitting Reward

A Fitting Reward
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This is just a short missing scene from Chapter 7 because of the lack of Antony diamond content is killing me. This is not part of my Antony and Portia timeline (that is still coming), this just fit into regular canon, just expanding it a little. Special thanks to the ladies who listened to me whine about my muse (or lack there of).
Rating- NSFW
Pairing- Marc Antony/MC
Summary- Portia is willing to reward Antony for his aid and she shows him exactly what she has in mind.
Words- 977

“What possible reason would I have for wanting to interfere in a murder trial?” Antony asked, his tone laced with amusement, his eyes focused on me.

I dropped my eyes, deliberately gazing up at him through lowered lashed. “Am I not reason enough?”

I had spent eight years learning how to seduce, how to bend men to my will and now I was facing the greatest test of those skills because this was not a man who was easily fooled or persuaded. He wasn’t’ Cassius, wooed by a few tears and the idea of a damsel in distress. But he did desire me, so I would use that desire. I would give him what he wanted to get what I wanted.

Antony gave me a wolfish grin, placing one calloused finger under my chin and lifting my face to meet his. “You would be willing to owe me a favor?”

Everyone warned me that being in Antony’s debt was a dangerous thing. But Rome was a dangerous place. Besides, maybe I didn’t have to be in his debt, I had no issues giving him exactly what he wanted.

“Yes…” I told him softly, licking my lips, noting the way his gaze fastened there, “I can pay it right now.”

I put my palm against his, drawing his finger from my chin to my mouth. I gently touched the ends of his finger with my lips, feeling the roughness of his finger pad against the softness of my lips, tasting the salt of his skin with tip of my tongue.

He gasped at the contact and I capitalized on the moment. “I don’t want to wait.”

Antony didn’t need any further invitation, stepping closer, his free arm wrapping around me and pulling me up against his hard body.

“You would have me take you right here?” He asked, his voice thick with need. “Where anyone could see?”

“Wherever you want me,” I told him, pressing myself closer to him “I’m sure there is somewhere private, at least to give you a taste.” His fingers were still resting on my mouth and I leaned forward, sucking on it deliberately, enjoying the low groan he admitted.

He quickly released me, but his hand fastened around mine, pulling me with him so hard I almost tripped, but I didn’t care. He pulled me around the side of the building into a deserted alley, pushing me against the hard stone.

His mouth was ravenous when it met mine, taking everything I offered and demanding more. His one hand tangled in my hair, while the other rest on my hip, drawing me closer to him.

“The things I want to do to you,” he mused, pulling back to let us both catch our breath.

“I’m supposed to be favoring you,” I reminded him, my heart still pounding from the intensity of his kiss. I rested my hands on his chest, letting them run lower, feeling him through the material of his toga. “I like the outfit,” I told him, “it’s much more convenient than the armor.”

“Is it,” he asked, raising an eyebrow, “and what exactly did you have in mind?”

“This, I told him, raising the fabric enough to slide my hand underneath and finding him, freeing him from his constraints with ease. I had to adapt to the location. I dropped to my knees to get a better angle, enjoying the way Antony sucked in his breath. I wrapped my hand around his hard length, moving it up and down as I had been taught, following Antony’s cues.

I kept my attention focused on him, on the way his breathing sped up, the little sounds he made, the way he arched into my hand. He reached for me, wrapping one hand in my hair again as he thrust into my hand.

I gazed up at him as I continued my motions, licking my lips, and nothing the ways his eyes lingered there. I wondered if he wished it was my lips wrapped around him instead of my hand.

His gaze was still locked on mine when his body tensed, his release close and I sped up my movements, licking my lips again and letting out a little breathy sigh. Antony groaned and then I felt him spurt his release over my hand.

I barely had time to drop my hand when he was pulling me to my feet, his mouth against mine. When he finally released me, I gazed up at him. “How was that?”

“Enough to make me realize just how dangerous you are,” he told me, his eyes studying mine. “Most men would promise you anything for more fo that.”

“But you are not most men,” I guessed lightly, wondering if my gambit had failed.

Antony shrugged. “Perhaps not, but I will grant your favor.”

I sighed with relief. “Thank you,” I told him, pressing my lips to his lightly.

“We will go back to the Senate and I will do what I can,” Antony declared, “I believe I have a fitting solution and then later, you and I will find a chance to finish what we began here.”

I felt a quiver of excitement at the promise in his words, but I kept my voice light as I wiped my hand on the rough leather of my borrowed armor. “I look forward to it.”

Antony’s fingers fastened around mine as he led me from the alley and they were still joined when men started pouring out of the Basilica and Senator Glycia made his way towards us, his rage apparent. I was sure I made quite the sight, clad in men’s armor, my lips red from Antony’s kiss and my hair tangled, but I put on my most demure look, waiting for the scene to unfold, for Antony to deliver on his promise and thwart the Senator, as I knew he would.

  • End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

18 thoughts on “A Fitting Reward”

  1. I’m so glad they decided to cooperate because holy hell that was hot. It’s the scene I needed. When she started sucking on his finger I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist taking it further. And then that scene in the alley…wowww.

    1. Thank you! And thank you to listening to me whine. I considered a blo job and couodn’t quite figure out the logistics, so I went with this and exactly, she knew exactly how to tempt him. The passion between the two of them is going to explode at some point.

  2. Phew 😅That Portia sure knows how to plead her case for help, doesn’t she? If Only we’d gotten a scene like this in the book instead of just a tease!

    1. She does! She is very good at her job (much better than they letting her be) and yes, I would have defintiely paid diamonds for something like this! Their sexual tension is killing me. Thanks for the comment!

  3. I’ve been dying for an Antony fic! Thank you for this. And thjs is exactly what should have happened. Looking forward to the coming weeks chapter.

    1. I have a few more coming this week (I hope). The holidays has interfered with my writing time. And yes, I am dying for this week’s chapter. I am either going to be very happy or very, very annoyed. Thank you so much for the review! Hopefully we’ll both be happy this week.

  4. I am squealing! Your Antony fics give me much relief from the burning desire I have for him. I check back every day to see if you’ve written any more of his fics and am always happy when you have. Just wondering, do you have a site that you store your fics on? You write his character so fittingly and just makes him even more irresistible!

    1. Thank you so much! I love Antony and Portia so much and I find them so much fun to write. I have a couple more in progress that will hopefully be up this week. This is the only place where I post my fics (I’m also the Archive site owner).

  5. I love that I share the same thirst with fellow Antony stans from previous chapter 7! Will stay tuned for your Portia x Antony series! Keep ’em coming!

    1. I think there is a lot of Antony thirst! I have 3 Antony and Portia fics I want to write if my muse and my children co-operate. Thank you so much for the reveiew! I appreciate it and it’s always nice to connect with other Antony stans. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one dying for a diamond scene.

    1. Awww! Thank you so much. The holidays has kind of messed with my writing schedule, but I hope to have more Antony soon because I love him. Plus hopefully this week I will have inspiration.

  6. I’m still not sold on Marc Antony in the book, but you do a great job with this pairing. This would have been a much better ending to the scene and I would have paid diamonds for it.

    1. Thanks M! I know you aren’t a big Antony fan, so it makes me happy that you at least enjoy my fics and yes, they should have at least given us an option instead of just teasing us like they did.

  7. 🔥🔥🔥! I really love how you write Marc Antony and Portia. I’m gonna be spending the rest of the evening catching up on all your newer fics featuring these two.

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