A Jarring Event

Summary: Vanessa visits Connor and Stacy on Halloween and is badly frightened.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 33 of #ChoicesCreates: Halloween Celebration

Of all the times for her parents to be overseas. It was Halloween, the time that the spirits were most likely to be wandering about. Now that Mr. Red was back, who knew what he and his minions had in store? Vanessa didn’t even feel safe in her own home. She shuddered as she recalled Dan’s transformation into that vile creature, and the feel of his hands around her throat. Had he really come to her bedroom, or was it just a dream? And even if it was a dream, did Mr. Red have the power to invade her dreams?

She walked to the window and peered through the glass, scanning the surroundings. She didn’t see anything amiss, but then again, it was dark. As the clouds moved through the sky, the moon came into view. Oh no. Was that a full moon? She looked closely at it. No, it wasn’t quite full.

If she was going to be alone in the house tonight, maybe there was something she could do to secure it. She thought about the duct tape she had seen at Gunther’s Hardware. That might come in handy. She grabbed her barbed wire bat, then stepped outside and made her way to the car.

When she arrived at the store, she spotted Connor behind the counter. Although she remembered where the duct tape was, he didn’t know she knew, right? She approached him, smiling, and he grinned back at her.

“Hey there. What brings you here tonight?”

“I need some duct tape.” She glanced at the pole saw on the wall, and pointed at it. “I could use one of those, too.”

“Sorry, we’re still out of stock. We should be getting more in soon, though.” As she frowned, he looked at her with concern. “You OK?”

She shook her head. “I’m just a little freaked out about being alone in the house tonight. My parents are away. I know, that must sound silly.”

“No, it doesn’t. Why don’t you come hang out with me at my place? We’re closing up soon.”

Was he just being friendly, or was he into her? “You mean, just the two of us?”

“Stacy will be there too. My parents are out, though.”

She liked the idea of spending more time with Connor. Besides, if she went over there, she wouldn’t have to be alone. She hung around the store until closing time, then got in her car and followed Connor to his house.

Stacy greeted them at the door. “Hi, Vanessa. I didn’t know you were coming over.”

“I stopped by the hardware store, and Connor invited me,” Vanessa explained.

The three of them sat on the couch and watched a movie on TV. Vanessa leaned against Connor. It felt good to have him next to her. And he was definitely a good distraction from her fears. As she started to reach for his hand, she was startled by the ringing of the doorbell.

“Guess we have some late-night trick-or treaters.” He stood up, and she followed him to the door.

Vanessa screamed as the door opened. Ben’s severed head had been placed in a jar and left on the doorstep. Mr. Red must have gotten to him.

Shaking, she threw her arms around Connor and clung to him. Stacy ran over to see what was going on, and began screaming as she spotted the jar.

Connor bent down to examine the jar. Vanessa held onto his waist, not wanting to let go of him.

“Relax. It’s just a prank.” He opened the jar, and Vanessa looked inside. It was full of yellow-green liquid. A laminated photo had been rolled up and inserted.

“That is not funny!” She looked to Stacy, who seemed to be feeling equally unnerved.

Connor closed the door. “Let’s try to get our minds off this.”

They sat down on the couch again. Connor put his arm around Vanessa, and she snuggled close to him. She was safe…for now.

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