A Matter of Honor

A Matter of Honor
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This is day 5 of my advent challenge. This one is interesting, because it is a pairing that didn’t appeal to me until I started writing it, but I could see this becoming a much longer story (assuming I can find the time to write it). This is set after the events of chapter 4.
Rating- PG
Pairing- Percival/MC
Summary- Viola makes an outrageous demand of Lord Percival and gets a shocking response. 

Viola listens to the wind howl outside, almost as if it was calling her. She knew she should stay in the warmth and safety of her tent, but she needed some air. 

Things were happening too fast. Going from the library to head of House Aster, losing Annalissa, meeting Hunter, Kayden and Renza… And now being expected to marry to secure the throne for someone else.

Someone she cared deeply about, yes, but the weight of what they were asking still looked. Especially because she cared so much for Hunter. Was this really what romance was supposed to be like? Agreeing to marry a stranger so the man you… cared about… could secure a throne?

The wind blew Viola’s hair as she walked, there were lights from the other tents, but most people seemed to have retired for the night. Which was good, the last thing she wanted to do was run into anyone.

Especially Hunter or Renza. Not when her thoughts were so convoluted. 

As terrible as it was, Viola had been almost relieved when the whole thing with Emery had fallen apart. It gave her more time. Besides, she could not imagine a life with Emery Beaumont. Perhaps if she was more like her brother, because there was something intriguing about Percival, despite Renza’s dour comments… But Emery, no. There was nothing there and Viola was almost grateful to Cyrus for the escape.

“Lady Viola.”

Viola was startled by the voice, at first she thought it was just the wind, which had gotten unexpectedly strong in the moments since she had come outside, and was even more startled to see Percival standing there.

“Lord Percival,” she said politely. 

“I suppose you couldn’t sleep either?” He inquired, “I find a brisk walk often helps when I have something on my mind.” A troubled look crossed his face and then his next words caused her heart to race in a way she did not understand. “Though I am quite pleased to have run into, because you have actually been on my mind.”

Viola started, he couldn’t mean… No, he must mean in some other way. “I have, my lord?” She asked, though the words came out so quiet she was afraid they would be lost in the noise of the wind. 

“Yes, I want to apologize again for my sister’s actions and express my regret that my house let you down.” He told her earnestly. Oh, of course that is what he meant. He was afraid the honour of House Beaumont had been besmirched, nothing more. 

Viola pushed down the odd rush of disappointment. “You have nothing to be ashamed of,” she assured him and then smiled teasingly, “though you could make it up to me.” 

Percival looked shocked. “Me?”

“You are unmarried are you not?” Viola teased, fluttering her eyelashes. She had no idea what was compelling her to flirt like this, but there was something intriguing about Percival and he was fun to tease. “So if you really feel terrible about not offering me a suitor, then why not volunteer yourself?”

She did not know what was making her so bold and yet she made no move to take back the words even when Percival took an instinctive step back. 

“I… I had not considered…” Percival flustered and then he straightened, a look of intense pride flashing in his eyes, “I will do so now, because you are correct, it is a matter of honour.” 

He looked at her carefully, obviously considering her words and Viola tried to make herself tell him she had been kidding, but the words died in her throat. Instead, the only sound was the wind as he watched her carefully, weighing the scenario in his mind.

After a long moment Percival stepped forward and offered his hand. “Viola Aster, will you marry me?”

Viola blinked. She had not expected…

For a moment the only sound was the howling wind and then she found her voice.

“Are you serious?” 

“I am always serious,” Percival told her, “I offered you a suitor from my house and I intend to deliver my promise, though I warn you, this does not mean that I will back the Fierro claim. Nor will I necessarily support House Vescovi, but I will make my decision with care.”

This was madness, Viola knew that. She was supposed to make a match with a suitor from House Nevrakis, that was a surer bet than Percival’s indecision. There was no real benefit from this match, no promises, and yet… Percival would be a good husband, she was sure of it, and he was attractive and kind and… Every instinct in her encouraged her to accept.

Hunter’s image flashed before her eyes, the way he looked at her, how they had almost kissed the night of the ball… But Viola pushed it away and focused on the man in front of her.


  • End 

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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