A Modern Romance: A Pleasant Distraction

A Pleasant Distraction
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is my entry for day 21 of my January writing challenge: oral sex. This one is part of my “A Modern Romance AU” and is set sometime after “All I Want is You”.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos AU

Rating- NSFW

Summary- After a run-in with Marco, Kenna finds a way to get help ease Diavolos’s tension.

Words- 1447

“I can think of a dozen things I’d rather be doing,” Diavolos whispered in Kenna’s ear. They were at a charity dinner and Kenna had to admit the speeches were worse than usual.

“Oh, I’m that bad of a date, huh?” She teased, leaning into him.

“Don’t worry baby, they all include you,” Diavolos told her in a low voice that sent a shiver down Kenna’s spine.

Before she could respond, the room burst out into polite applause, signaling that the speech was over. Sadly, there were still several more to come, though there would be a brief intermission for mingling.

Diavolos rose to his feet and then held out a hand to Kenna, gently helping her to hers. He kept his arm around her as they mingled, earning them indulgent looks from those around them. Kenna knew people considered them a novelty, modern-day star-crossed lovers who had defied all the odds and family history to be together.

“My, my, it’s the traitor and his whore.” An unpleasant voice drawled.

Kenna stiffened and she could feel Diavolos doing the same. “Marco,” Diavolos said coldly. “I didn’t know you would be here.”

Kenna hadn’t known that either, in fact, she usually went out of her way to avoid being in the same place as Marco. Diavolos’s brother was one of her least favorite people and the feeling was mutual and he liked Diavolos even less. They hadn’t seen him since their wedding and even then he had only made a brief appearance, meant to distract from rumors of a family feud, and then had left at his father’s orders. Luther also wasn’t one of Kenna’s favorite people, but at least understood the importance of keeping up appearances and he could at least be civil, unlike Marco.

“You mean you normally schedule your social gatherings more carefully than that,” Marco taunted, “don’t worry brother, you’re avoidance skills haven’t slacked, I’m the plus one tonight.”

Kenna tried to imagine how desperate you would have to be to ask Marco to be your date.

Marco’s eyes lingered on where Diavolos’s arm was wrapped tightly around Kenna’s waist. “Haven’t gotten bored with the loving husband act yet?”

“It’s not an act, so no,” Diavolos said coldly, “I love my wife. I mean, I know the idea of loving another human being is a foreign concept to you, but some of us are capable of emotion.”

“Is this the mighty Diavolos talking?” Marco asked scornfully. “Father’s stone-cold second in man, the one who did whatever had to be done. Are you saying that seducing the enemy is beyond your skills?”

Kenna knew what he was implying, but it didn’t phase her. She knew her husband. After everything she and Diavolos had been through to get to this point, there was no way she was going to have her faith in him shaken by his obnoxious younger brother.

Diavolos didn’t look nearly as calm, his fists were clenched and Kenna could tell that he was very close to taking a swing at his brother. “Darling, let it go,” she instructed, leaning up to caress his face, completely ignoring Marco.

Diavolos nodded stiffly, his eyes still locked on his brother, then he turned without a word, Kenna tucked into his side.

“This way,” Kenna instructed, leading him out of the ballroom. She broke out of his embrace for a moment to find a hotel employee and then returned to Diavolos’s side and offered him her hand. “Follow me.”

“What are you up to?” Diavolos asked her even as he followed her to the small conference room down the hall.

Kenna locked the door. “Securing us a private place,” she informed him, “so I can take your mind off your desire to punch your brother.”

“It would be very satisfying,” Diavolos muttered, “it always is.”

Kenna laughed, “I know.”

Diavolos grinned, obviously remembering the time she’d broken Marco’s nose.

“However, it would also be messy and complicated and my suggestion is much more pleasant.” She nudged him towards one of the office chairs.

He sat down and gazed up at her. “Oh, what exactly did you have in mind?”

“You’ll see,” Kenna promised, positioning herself between his legs. She deftly undid his belt and lowered his fly, slipping her hands inside and caressing him through his boxers, taking pleasure in the way he grew hard beneath her touch.

“Kenna,” Diavolos groaned, reaching for her.

She dodged his touch. “This is all about you,” she told him as she eased his pants and underwear down and then got down on her knees in front of him.

“You are so fucking gorgeous,” Diavolos told her as she reached for him. She massaged him in her hand for a moment before lowering her mouth to his length. She licked and sucked and then took him all the way into her mouth, her hands on his muscular thighs.

Diavolos ran his hands through her hair as he thrust his hips up into her. Kenna took him eagerly, swirling her tongue around him, as he groaned and tugged at her. “Fuck,” he muttered, “you look so hot like that, on your knees for me,” he told her, continuing to thrust into her mouth, “I am the luckiest man alive.”

Kenna continued what she was doing, though his words were turning her on. She loved knowing the effect that she had on him, how much this man wanted her.

“I’m going to come, baby,” Diavolos warned her, gripping her head hard as he came.

Kenna swallowed hard, before pulling back with a satisfied smirk. “Are you feeling more relaxed?” She teased.

“That’s one word for it,” Diavolos told her, pulling her onto his lap. He kissed her hard, the taste of him still lingering in her mouth, but he didn’t seem to mind.

Kenna leaned into the kiss, wondering if she’d ever get enough of him and let herself enjoy it before pulling away. “Intermission is probably over,” she reminded him.

Diavolos sighed. “Probably.” He gave her another quick kiss and then let her get up. Kenna straightened her dress as Diavolos stood up and put his pants back on. “You are incredible,” he said, reaching for her again.

Kenna smirked. “I try.” She rested her hands on his face. “You know I didn’t believe a word Marco said, right?”

“I know,” Diavolos told her, “but I still… I hate hearing him talk about you, about us like that, and it really would be satisfying to punch him.”

Kenna laughed. “I know. But he’s not worth it.”

“No, he’s not,” Diavolos agreed, “you’re what matters and once this boring function is over, I’m going to repay the favor you just bestowed and show you exactly how much I appreciate you.”

Kenna grinned up at him. “That sounds promising.” She sighed. “But first, we have to go back in there?”

“Do we?” Diavolos asked in a low voice, “I mean, we’re already missing part of the speeches and if we go back in now, we could be distracting.”

“Diavolos…” Kenna said weakly.

“Let me take you home baby,” Diavolos said persuasively, his hands resting, “let me worship you the way you deserve.”

Kenna sighed, knowing that there would be gossip but she didn’t care. People had said worse things about her than the fact that she couldn’t keep her hands off her husband.

“Let’s go,” she agreed.

Diavolos grinned and tucked her into his side again. They headed across the lobby. Kenna could see the employee she had bribed giving her a knowing smirk. “He thinks you’re my lover and that we were indulging in a forbidden encounter,” Kenna told Diavolos with a laugh.

“We did have our shares of those,” he reminded her, “but now you’re all mine.”

“I was always yours,” Kenna told him, “It just took me a while to admit it.”

It was true. Her feelings for Diavolos had been there from the start, she’d just tired so hard to fight them but now she knew that she was always destined to fail because there was no resisting a man like Diavolos.

“Though, now I’m willing to shout it from the rooftops,” she added, gazing up at him, “and prove it at any opportunity.”

Diavolos smirked, “I think I just got a pretty good demonstration and as I said, I can’t wait to get you home so I can return the favor. After all, I am feeling a lot more relaxed and very appreciative.”

He helped her into the waiting car and Kenna curled into his embrace, her body shivering with anticipation because Diavolos always kept his word and that meant she was in for quite a night indeed.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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