A Modern Romance: Comfortable

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This credit for this story goes to violetflip who sent me this gif of DJ Cotrona napping and requested I write a fic where modern Kenna comes home to a sleeping Diavolos and then this story was born (and went NSFW all on its own because Diavolos and Kenna do that). This is set some time between “Just For Tonight” and “Too Much”.

Pairing- Modern Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Kenna comes home to Diavolos asleep on her couch and they spent a comfortable evening together. 

Words- 1209

Kenna opened her apartment door and sighed. It had been a long day at the office and she was glad to finally be home. But, despite that, she was a little on edge. As much as she hated to admit it, she was a little bothered by the fact that Diavolos had never texted her back. She knew it was silly because their relationship was casual and he wasn’t obligated to spend the evening with her, but he’d texted to see if she was free and she’d kind of assumed he’d wanted to spend the evening together. But she’d never heard from him after she’d said she had to put in a couple hours at the office but would be heading home after that.

Kenna shook her head, maybe something had come up needing his attention and again, he didn’t owe her any explanations. She turned on the light and then froze. Because there on her couch, fast asleep, was Diavolos. He must have used his key to get in.

Kenna wondered if it should bother her, maybe, but it didn’t. Instead of examining her feelings, she crossed the room. She gave into impulse and knelt down beside the couch and pressed her lips against Diavolos’s. He immediately responded to the kiss, his hand reaching out to pull her closer.

“Hey baby,” he said in a sleepy voice when they pulled apart.

“Hey yourself,” Kenna told him with a smile, “rough day?”

“Just a long day,” Diavolos told her as he sat up, “I had to go to the West Coast yesterday to save a deal that Marco almost torpedoed and then I came home today to Zenobia in my apartment and after dealing with Marco, I did not have the energy to deal with Zenobia.”

“So you came here instead?” Kenna asked, running her hands through his hair as she sat down next to him on the couch.

“Do you mind?” Diavolos asked, watching her carefully.

“No,” Kenna assured him, “it’s nice.” It was. She likes the sight of Diavolos on her couch, completely comfortable.

“I was going to order food before you got home, but I guess I was more tired than I thought,” Diavolos explained. He reached for her, settling her on his lap. “How was work?”

“Long,” Kenna admitted, leaning against him.

Diavolos started to rub her shoulders instinctively and Kenna sighed under his touch. It felt so good, so right to be with him like this. It had been a long, hard day, but finding Diavolos there and just being with him like this, made it better. He had a way of making all her worries melt away.

“Should I call and order something?” Diavolos asked, still rubbing her shoulders.

“Today was Martha’s day,” Kenna said, referring to her housekeeper, “so there should be something in the fridge.”

She got up to look and found there were a few options. She called them out to Diavolos, who gave his input, and then pre-heated the oven to the required temperature.

She’d just stepped back from the oven when Diavolos joined her in the kitchen. “Can I help?”

Kenna shook her head. “No, this is pretty simple and I’ve got it covered, though you can pour us some wine.”

“Of course,” Diavolos told her, reaching over her for the wine glasses. He moved around her kitchen with ease, gathering what he needed and then he headed back into the living room.

Kenna waited for the oven to beep and then put the covered dish it and set the timer before going to join Diavolos. He handed her a glass of wine as she settled on the couch next to him. She took it gratefully and leaned against him.

“Mmmm… This is nice,” she admitted, sipping her wine, “we should do this more often, just have casual nights in, no functions or other people.”

“We should,” Diavolos agreed, running a hand through her hair before leaning in to kiss her.

Kenna placed her wine glass on the coffee table, before deepening the kiss, opening her mouth up for him, her hands gripping at his shirt. This was perfect.

“How long is dinner going to take?” Diavolos asked in a husky voice as he trailed kisses across her jaw bone.

“Just under an hour,” Kenna told him a little breathlessly.

“So we have plenty of time,” Diavolos commented, his hands gripping her waist, maneuvering their bodies so that he was pressing her into the couch.

“Yes…” Kenna agreed, her hands automatically undoing the buttons of his shirt. It wasn’t long before their clothing fell to the floor, leaving them bare to each other’s touch.

Diavolos hands traveled between her thighs, teasing her with his skilled fingers. “Tell me what you want,” he demanded as he rubbed his thumb over her numb making her shudder under him.

“I want you,” Kenna told him, running one of her hands over his length and then guiding him towards her.

Diavolos took the hint and a moment later he was inside of her. Kenna wrapped her legs around him, drawing him tight as he thrust in and out of her. His mouth covered hers, his tongue demanding entry to her mouth which she gave willingly. She ran her hands down his back, arching her hips up into his, loving the feel of him.

“You feel so good,” Diavolos breathed against her skin.

“So do you,” Kenna admitted, gasping a little as he pivoted his hips and hit an angle that had her seeing stars. “Diavolos,” she cried, digging her nails into her back, “oh, Diavolos.”

“That’s it, baby,” he encouraged, “you are so beautiful when you come.” He continued to move within her, his movements becoming less controlled and more erratic as she came apart around him. “Kenna,” he cried a moment later, spilling himself inside her as she held him tight against her.

Diavolos collapsed against her, the weight of his body pressing her into the couch. He brought his lips to hers again, kissing her gently before pulling himself up off of her.

“That’s a sure fire way to improve my day,” he joked as he reached for his clothes.

“Mine too,” Kenna agreed, grabbing her underwear. She gathered her other clothes but didn’t put them on. “We might as well put something more comfortable on,” she commented, getting up off the couch and heading towards the bedroom.

Diavolos followed suit, clad only in his black boxers, but when they reached the doorway, he stopped her and pulled her into his arms for a long, slow kiss. Kenna leaned against him, savoring the feel and taste of him. She knew that dinner would be done soon and that they couldn’t get distracted again, but she liked being like this with him.

In fact, she couldn’t think of a better way to an evening and a part of her knew that line of thinking was dangerous, because there were limitations to what she and Diavolos could be, but in this particular moment, she didn’t care. Right now, she was just going to enjoy being with him and, just for a little while, she’d let herself pretend that it could always be like this.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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