A Modern Romance: Give Into You

Give in to You
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is my entry for Day 7 of my January Challenge: shower sex. I got a couple requests for this prompt but @violet had been asking for modern Diavolos/Kenna shower sex for a while, so I decided to go with that. This takes place immediately after “Sweet Surrender” and is part of my “A Modern Romance” series.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos, modern AU

Rating- NSFW

Summary- The morning after Kenna gives into her temptation with Diavolos, she wonders exactly what she has gotten herself into it.

Words- 1699

Kenna burrowed sleepily into the hard body that was holding her close and then blinked. Wait, what? Why was there a hard body in her bed?

As the world came into focus, she realized that she was not in her own bed and the events of the night before came rushing back. She’d given into months of temptation and gone home with Diavolos.

Before panic could set in or she could start considering her next move, Diavolos pulled her close. “Good morning, beautiful,” he whispered in her ear, his hand caressing her bare skin.

Kenna let a little sound of pleasure and involuntarily arched into his touch.

“Do you know how often I dreamed about this?” Diavolos asked in a low voice, as his hands continued to explore her naked body. “About waking up next to you? Having you all sleepy and naked in my bed?”

Kenna didn’t know how to answer that, didn’t want to admit how many times she’d pictured that same scenario. So instead of speaking, she twisted in his embrace so she was facing him and pressed her lips to his. She’d already made the error in judgment by giving into temptation, she might as well enjoy every moment of it before reality set in.

Diavolos quickly deepened the kiss, one hand tangling in her long hair, the other trailing down her stomach. “You are so fucking gorgeous.” He murmured against her skin as his lips teased her jawline.

“So are you,” Kenna told him breathlessly, the words slipping out.

Diavolos gave her a smug smile at the compliment and then claimed her lips in another hungry kiss, his hands traveling lower and making her gasp with pleasure. Eventually, he pulled away with a groan. “As tempting as it would be to stay in bed and make love to you all day, the real world calls.”

It was Kenna’s turn to groan. She had meetings she had to go to and she had no clean clothes. It was bad enough that she was going to have to go back to her apartment in her dress from the night before.

“Zen is constantly leaving stuff here,” Diavolos told her, somehow reading her thoughts, “so there should be something that will fit you.”

Kenna wrinkled her nose at the idea of wearing Zenobia’s clothes, but it would save her time and it was preferable over traveling back to her apartment in last night’s gown and advertising to anyone who might saw her, exactly what she had been up to.

“I guess we should get up then,” Kenna said with a sigh, not wanting the real world to intrude. As long as she was in this bed, with his incredibly sexy man, she could forget about reality, including the fact that this shouldn’t have happened at all.

“I need to shower,” Diavolos pointed out in a low voice, “and I imagine you do too. It would obviously be more convenient for us to shower together.”

“Of course,” Kenna agreed easily, willing to grasp at the opportunity to stay in this bubble for a little while longer.

Diavolos let go of her and climbed out of the bed. Kenna leaned back on the bed, drinking in the sight of him. He was gorgeous. He was tall and muscular; he obviously spent a lot of time at the gym and the result was worth it.

Diavolos caught her watching him and grinned. “Like what you see?”

“Yes,” Kenna admitted.

“Good, because I do too,” Diavolos told her, offering her a hand and helping her out of the bed. He pulled her tight against him, kissing her hungrily.

Kenna kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. She could get used to this. The thought made her gasp and pull away from the kiss, where had that come from? This was a one-time thing. It had to be.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” Diavolos asked, his arms anchoring her against him.

Kenna shook her head. “Nothing,” she dismissed, “just a random thought about work.”

She could tell he didn’t believe her, but he didn’t press, instead, he released his hold on her. He reached into his nightstand and grabbed a foil packet. Kenna considered pointing out how presumptuous that was, but given that she was standing naked in his bedroom, her body practically trembling with desire, she stayed silent.

Diavolos grinned at her and then took her hand. “The office can wait,” he said in a low voice as he led her into the attached bathroom. He let go of her long enough to turn on the water and then he pulled her into the large shower, one easily able to accommodate multiple people. He held out his shower gel. “I hope you don’t mind using my shower gel. Though, there’s some flowery crap in the other bathroom, if you’d prefer.”

“I’m not getting out of here,” Kenna told him, “besides I don’t mind smelling like you.”

Diavolos’s eyes got a dark, hungry look in them as he pinned her to the shower wall, the shower gel falling to the floor and then his lips were on hers. Kenna wrapped her arms around his neck, slipping her leg between his and hooking her knee around one muscular thigh. That just made him kiss her harder, his tongue seeking entry, while his hands caressed her body.

“I want you so fucking much,” Diavolos groaned against her mouth. “You could become my new obsession.”

“I want you too,” Kenna told him, relaxing into his touch. “Right now.”

Diavolos reached for the foil packet and quickly put it on and then he lifted her up, supporting her body with his strong arms before slamming inside of her, making her gasp.

“Is that all it takes to make you yelp?” Diavolos teased as he began to thrust into her, “what sounds will you make when I do this?” He increased his pace, practically slamming her against the wall.

Kenna was tempted to try and stay silent out of principle, but that thought disappeared as he hit the exact right spot. “Ohhhhh!!!” Kenna screamed, clinging to him. The hot water continued to pour down over them as he slammed into her over and over and Kenna was sure that she was flushed, both from the heat of the water and the activity and it just felt so good. It didn’t take her long to reach her peak, screaming his name as she did so. “Diavolos!”

“Kenna….” He groaned in response as he reached his release with one more powerful climax. He kissed her quickly, her body still pinned to the wall and then set her on his feet. Diavolos quickly took the condom off and set it aside and then pulled her back into his arms under the stream of the water. “I could get used to this,” He told her, kissing her again.

Kenna relaxed into the kiss, but his words made her stiffen. This wasn’t… It couldn’t be anything, however, she wasn’t ready to have that conversation and ruin the moment yet.

Instead, she pulled away and bent down for the discarded shower gel. “I thought getting clean was the goal?” She teased, pouring some onto his hands and rubbing it over his broad back.

“There’s something said about getting dirty first,” he said with a grin, “but the getting clean feels really damn good.”

“I’m glad,” Kenna said and continued to apply the shower gel to his body, admiring his hard muscle as she did so. Damn, he was beautiful.

Diavolos took the bottle from her, his hands surprisingly gentle as he lathered soap on her body. Once they were both soaped up, Diavolos pulled her closer, kissing her deeply as the water washed the soap off them.

Eventually, they got out of the shower and he wrapped her in a fluffy towel before grabbing one for himself. Kenna was amazed by the comfortable intimacy of it all, how right it felt to be here with him like this.

“I’ll go get you some clothes,” Diavolos offered, giving her one more kiss before exiting the bathroom, the towel wrapped around his waist, slung over his hips.

Kenna watched him go, admiring the view. She took a moment to look in the mirror and see what she could do about her hair and then headed back to the bedroom, just as Diavolos entered carrying an armful of clothes.

“There is apparently a whole wardrobe in there,” he commented, “but surprisingly little that I think you’d be willing to wear.”

“Given what I’ve seen your sister wear, I believe that,” Kenna said with a laugh, taking the slacks, top and sweater he offered. She’d have to re-wear her bra and underwear, but some things couldn’t be helped. She retrieved them from the floor and then dressed quickly, pausing briefly to watch Diavolos. H

e caught her watching. “Enjoying the show?”

“A little,” she admitted, “though it’s more fun to watch them come off.”

“That can be arranged,” he promised, crossing over to her side. “Have dinner with me , tonight.”

“Diavolos…” Kenna said softly. “We can’t…”

“Why not?” Diavolos asked her, his hands resting on her hips. “What’s stopping us? My father? Your colleagues? They don’t have to know. We’re adults, what happens in our private life isn’t anyone else’s business.”

It was a tempting thought, especially when he was standing so close. “I don’t want to go out,” Kenna said instead, “I hate going out if I don’t have to.”

“Then we’ll stay in,” Diavolos promised, a note of triumph in his voice.  “I’ll order in food and we can watch a movie.”

“Netflix and chill?” Kenna teased, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He grinned, “if that’s what you want, baby.”

He lowered his mouth to hers and the feel of his lips warm and demanding against her was enough to silence the voice that told her this was a terrible idea. They were two consenting adults who liked each other and were attracted to each other, why shouldn’t they spend some time together? Maybe it could never go anywhere serious, but right now it felt really damned good and sometimes that was enough.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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