A Modern Romance: Let Me Take Care of You

Let Me Take Care of You
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is one of my 1000 follower requests, requested by an anonymous for the prompt “healing”. This is set after “Tease” and is part of “A Modern Romance” AU. This was also inspired by the picture DJ Cotrona posted of himself on Instagram, getting over the flu, which led to a discussion about how Diavolos would be a terrible patient.

Pairing- Modern Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- PG

Summary- Diavolos is sick and Kenna takes care of him.

Words- 386

“What are you doing?” Kenna asked in a stern voice, leaning against the bedroom door.

“I’m getting dressed for work,” Diavolos told her, though it was obvious the words took effort. “Or at least trying.”

He gripped the dresser for support as he started to wobble.

Kenna sighed and crossed the room, wrapping her arms around him and leading him back to the bed. “You have the flu,” she reminded him, gently shoving him back onto the bed, “you need to rest.”

“I can’t rest, I have work to do,” Diavolos protested, “do you know how much damage Marco can do when I’m not there?”

“I do know that,” Kenna commented, “but I don’t care. You’re no use to anyone if you collapse in the elevator, which is what will happen if you try to go to work.”

Diavolos just groaned, but he didn’t protest. Kenna eased his t-shirt over his head. “Ok, this has possibilities,” he joked weakly.

Kenna rolled her eyes, “is that all you think about?”

“With you? Absolutely,” Diavolos told her and then he started to cough, falling weekly against the pillows. “I hate being sick,” he groaned.

“I know, baby,” Kenna told him, running her hand over his face. She then straightened. “I called Annelyse and she’s taking care of things at the office, so I’m staying home today.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Diavolos told her.

“In sickness and in health,” Kenan reminded him, “I know I don’t have to, but I want to. I like taking care of you,” she grinned, “even if you are a terrible patient.”

Diavolos laughed before dissolving into another coughing fit. “I can’t help it, I hate being sick. I like doing things.”

“I know,” Kenna commented, genuinely sympathetic. Diavolos was the take-charge type and he was used to being very busy, laying in a bed being helpless did not come easy for him.

“I’m going to get you some soup,” Kenna said after a moment, turning to go.

Diavolos reached for her, grabbing her hand and stopping her. “Kenna, thank you. I know I’ve been difficult but I really appreciate that you’re here.”

“I’ll always be here,” Kenna promised sincerely, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “But just try to take it easy for a little while, ok?”

Diavolos groaned. “I’ll try.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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