A Modern Romance: Make You Sweat

Make You Sweat
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This was the result of a conversation violetflipflops and I had about Diavolos working out in the company gym and how the female might react and how Kenna would feel about that. This takes place after their marriage.

Rating- PG-13

Pairing- Modern Kenna/Diavolos

Summary- Kenna joins Diavolos for a workout.

Words- 852

Kenna took a deep breath as she entered the lobby of the Abanthus Corp. building, even now she rarely visited, but she had a date with her husband and was willing to make an exception.

The woman at the front desk smiled politely. “Hello, Mrs. Nevrakis.”

Kenna didn’t correct her and point out she had kept her own name. This whole building was Nevrakis territory after all and it was probably better to just go with the flow. Besides, while she was still unsure about being part of the Nevrakis family, she took a lot of pride in being Diavolos’s wife.

“Mr. Nevrakis said to tell you that he’ll be in the gym,” the woman told her.

“Yes, I know,” Kenna responded, that was one of the reasons she was here, Diavolos had invited her to work out with him.

“Do you need me to show you where it is?”

Kenna shook her head, “no, thank you, I can find it myself.”

She might not spend a lot of time in the building, but she knew the layout and she confidently made her way to the elevator, using her security badge, wondering briefly if it had pained her father-in-law to issue her one, and then made her way down to the gym and then into the women’s change rooms. She felt a little odd using the employee gym since she’d never be an Abanthus Corp employee, but she was married to the CEO’s son and that obviously entitled her to some perks. She was also expected to give birth to a whole line of little Nevrakises, but that was a conversation for another time.

Kenna slipped her bag off her shoulder and dressed quickly, tying her hair back before entering the main gym. She immediately noticed to her that the gym was full and that most of the people present were women.

She also noticed that while some were genuinely working out, others seemed to be more focused on staring at her husband as he did chin-ups. Not that she could blame them, it was a pretty spectacular sight. Kenna wondered if she should go over to him or start working out.

As she was making up her mind, she couldn’t help but hear two women working out nearby talking amongst themselves.

“He is sooo sexy,” One of them was saying and Kenna had a feeling she knew who they were talking about.

“I always try to schedule my workouts around his,” the other woman said, “I just wish I could get a different kind of work-out, if you know what I mean.”

Both women laughed. Kenna clenched her jaw, part of her wanting to call them out on being grossly unprofessional. However, she didn’t work here and it wasn’t her place to call out Diavolos’s employees, but there was something she could do.

She stepped towards Diavolos and whistled. “Hey, handsome.”

She felt every head in the place turn to look at her, but ignored them, focusing instead on her husband.

Diavolos grinned and dropped down, moving to kiss her deeply, obviously not caring that he was standing in the middle of the company gym during office hours. Though he did keep the kiss more mild than usual. “Hey, baby.”

“Hey,” Kenna replied, grinning up at him. She was aware that everyone was staring at them, but she didn’t care.

“I’m glad you were able to join me,” Diavolos told her, “It’s always more fun to work out with a partner.”

“You just like any excuse to show-off,” Kenna teased, before looking around the gym, taking it all in. “The facilities here are excellent.”

“Of course they are,” Diavolos told her with a smug grin, “you should know by now that the Nevrakises never do anything by half-measures.”

Kenna just laughed. “Are you going to stand around bragging or are we going to put this equipment to work?”

“Lead the way, beautiful,” Diavolos told her, making her realize that he intended for them to work-out side by side.

Kenna surveyed the gym, noting with amusement that some of the female employees had exited and the others appeared to be working out with more intensity than they had before.  Apparently, they weren’t willing to ogle their boss in front of his wife, imagine that. She also noticed that the women she’d overheard talking were amongst the ones who left.

“Something amusing?” Diavolos asked her as he paused to set he weight machine.

“Just looking forward to getting sweaty with you,” Kenna told him.

He grinned, “baby, this is just the beginning, believe me, I have lots of plans to get you sweaty later.” He motioned around, “ones that don’t involve an audience.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Kenna said sincerely, “but first, why don’t you show me what you’ve got, Nevrakis?”

“Anytime, anywhere,” Diavolos said confidently before stepping up to the machine.

Their banter continued throughout the workout and Kenna was aware that a few people stopped to look at them, but she didn’t care because she knew she was the only one Diavolos was watching and really that was what mattered.

  • End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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