A Modern Romance: Now and Forever

Now and Forever
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- This is pure smut, no plot to be found here, except that after all the angst I put them through Diavolos and Kenna deserve fluffy, angst-free sex. This is the response to several prompts: “Baby, All I need is you”, “You look good in that (item of clothing), now take it off”  and “We need to get up now.” “Do we? I can think of a better idea…”

Pairing- Modern Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Diavolos and Kenna enjoy the first day of their honeymoon and the beginning of their life together.

Words- 1664

Kenna awoke to the feeling of lips and hands against her skin, which pretty much guaranteed it was going to be a good morning.

“Mmmm…” She sighed as she opened her eyes to see Diavolos smiling at her.

“Good morning, my love,” he told her, his hand caressing her face. Kenna smiled at the sight of the wedding band resting there, as the memory of the previous 48 hours came rushing back. Their wedding and then arriving at their honeymoon destination and the fact that they had a week of sun and sand and privacy ahead of them.

Diavolos pulled her closer to him and then kissed her, a long, slow kiss that made her toes curl.

“I could get used to this,” Kenna commented, running her hands along his bare back.

Diavolos laughed, “that’s kind of the plan.” He kissed her again, his hands sliding up her body. They both preferred to sleep naked, so there were no barriers standing in their way, just bare skin on bare skin.

Diavolos shifted them so that she was on top and she slid down onto him, welcoming the feel of him. They kissed lazily as Diavolos thrust up into her, his hands on her hips, then his lips trailed down her neck and across her chest as they moved together.

Kenna came with a shout, her hands digging into his shoulders. Diavolos kept going, his hands steadying her as he sought his own release. “Kenna!” She loved the way her name sounded on his lips.

Kenna stayed where she was, still straddling him, and they continued to share more lazy kisses for the next few minutes. “We should probably get up now,” Kenna commented, a glance at the clock telling her that she was already in bed much later than normal.

“Do we?” Diavolos countered lazily, “I can think of a better idea… After all, it is our honeymoon.”

As he spoke, he wrapped his arm around her waist and suddenly spun them so she was under him and then began kissing her with purpose, his hands slipping between her thighs.

“Ohhhh,” Kenna moaned, surrendering to his touch, as her hands began to do some exploring of their own.

It was another hour before they finally got out of bed.

“We can’t spend all day in bed,” Kenna pointed out, pulling out of his embrace.

“Isn’t that the point of a honeymoon?” Diavolos questioned, but he got up as well.

Kenna couldn’t help but admire his physique, but forced herself to look away because staring at her husband’s naked body wasn’t conducive to getting anything done.

Diavolos wrapped his arms around her, “what did you have in mind today?”

“I thought we’d check out the beach,” Kenna commented, “you were the one who insisted on going somewhere warm and sunny.”

“New York is cold in December,” Diavolos countered with a  shudder and then he grinned, “besides, I’m looking forward to a week of you in a bikini.”

“You know I’m going to have to wear real clothes sometimes,” Kenna countered.

“Why?” Diavolos asked her, his hands rubbing her bare skin in a very, very distracting way. “One of the reasons we chose this resort was for the privacy.”

It was true, they could have all their meals delivered to them and had access to a private beach. They didn’t have to see another person all week if they didn’t want too.

“We spend too much time with other people,” Diavolos pointed out, “For the next week, I just want to be alone with you.”

“That sounds nice,” Kenna agreed, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him, “but can we at least leave the room? I really don’t want to miss out on the sun and sand.”

“I guess that can be arranged,” Diavolos agreed with a grin, “but before we do, how about a shower?”

“That can be arranged,” Kenna agreed, letting him lead her into the bathroom. When they emerged, they were both very clean and very satisfied. Kenna dressed in one of the bikinis she had bought especially for the trip, enjoying the way Diavolos’ gaze lingered on her as he put on his swim trunks.

“You are so fucking gorgeous,” he told her, pulling her into his arms for another kiss before they finally made it out the door.

Once they were outside, they settled on their private beach, Diavolos rubbing sunscreen all over his back, his hands slipping inside her bikini top to caress her breasts.


“What?” He asked her with a shameless grin, “it’s a private beach.”

Kenna just laughed, “behave,” she scolded before straightening her bikini top and getting to her feet. She took the tub of sunscreen. “Lay down.”

Diavolos did as she instructed and she rubbed the lotion over his muscular back, loving the feel of him under her hands. She could do this all day, but that would probably get in the way of enjoying the beach.

“We should test out the water,” she told him, marveling at how beautiful it was. This really was paradise and she got to share it with the man she loved more than anything. Her husband. Kenna wondered if she’d ever get tired of those two words, of the fact that after everything, Diavolos was hers.

“Ok,” Diavolos agreed and then, to her surprise, he lifted her off her feet and cradled her in his arms before carrying her into the sparkling blue water.

Kenna laughed and then shrieked when he suddenly tossed her into the water. “Diavolos!” She cried out, reaching out for him and sweeping him off his feet so he fell in the water with her.

They spent the afternoon, splashing in the water and enjoying the sun.

Finally, Diavolos gathered her in his arms again and carried her back towards their bungalow. Once they were inside, he set her on her feet.

“Have I told you how fucking hot that bikini is?” He asked her, gazing into her eyes.

“I don’t know if you’ve complimented the bikini specifically,” Kenna teased, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Well, you look fantastic in it,” he told her, “now take it off.”

“Would you rather do it?” Kenna questioned, gazing up at him.

“If you insist,” Diavolos said, reaching behind her and making quick work of the ties, causing the bikini to fall to the floor. “I am never, ever going to get enough of you,” he told her, pulling her back into his arms and carrying her into the bedroom.

“I want to taste you,” he declared, setting her down on the bed.

“Only if I can do the same,” Kenna countered.

Diavolos’s eyes darkened with need. “I’ll never say no to that.”

He positioned them on the bed so that he was on his back and Kenna was on top of him. He pulled her closer, his hands on her hips as she leaned forward to cup him in her hands, marveling at how hard he was already and the sounds he made at her touch.

Kenna lowered her mouth to him, appreciating the low, guttural sound he let out when she did that. Diavolos decided to return the favor, lapping at her with his tongue, licking and sucking before plunging his tongue in deep. Kenna involuntarily arched her hips into his mouth even as she proceeded to take him deeper into her mouth, taking pleasure in the way he thrust up into her.

It wasn’t long before Kenna felt herself coming apart under his touch, pulling back as the orgasm overwhelmed her. Once the wave of pleasure had subsided, she leaned forward to take Diavolos in her mouth again, but he stopped her. In an instant, he flipped her onto her back with him on top of her.

“As much as I love having my cock in your mouth, I’d rather be inside you,” He told her, entering with a powerful thrust.

Kenna was ready for him, meeting him thrust for thrust. Diavolos slipped a hand under her thigh, lifting her legs forward, Kenna instinctively reaching out to hug them to her, to give him better access, letting him get deep inside of her. It felt so, so good.

“Fuck, you feel so good, baby,” Diavolos groaned and she could tell he was close. She dropped her legs, wrapping them around him instead, her hand reaching down between them to cup his balls, enjoying the way he suddenly tensed and then sped up his thrusts.

Kenna could feel her own orgasm building, knowing she was close. Diavolos covered her mouth with his, his hand tangling in her hair and pulling her closer as he gave one last powerful thrust before spilling inside of her, the sensation enough to push Kenna over the edge and they came together.

Diavolos collapsed against her, breathing hard and covered in sweat. Kenna hugged him to her, loving the feel of him against her and how right it felt. After a long moment, Diavolos rolled off of her and onto his back, gathering her into his side. “What do you think of our honeymoon so far?”

Kenna grinned, “I don’t know, I kind of thought we’d do more sightseeing.”

“Baby, the only sight I want to see is you naked,” Diavolos told her, making her laugh.

“Do you ever get enough?” She asked him, shaking her head.

“Of you?” He asked, pulling her closer, “never. Baby, all I need is you, all I want is you.”

Kenna bit her lip to fight off the tears that threatened to fall at his words. She loved him so much. “This is just the beginning of our life together,” he reminded her, his hand gentle on her face, “I have so many plans for us.”

“I like the sound of that,” Kenna admitted, gazing up at him, taking in every detail of his gorgeous face. He was so handsome and wonderful and most of all he was hers. Now and forever.

–          End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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