A Modern Romance: Sweet Surrender

Sweet Surrender
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is another modern AU, part of what I’m calling the “A Modern Romance” series. It’s set about six months before “The One That I Want”. Again, all you really need to know about this universe is that Kenna and Luther are business rivals, with a long history of bad blood between the Rys and Nevrakis families. I am really obsessed with these modern versions of Kenna and Diavolos and will probably be writing several more stories set in this universe.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- NSFW

Summary- After months of fighting it, Kenna gives into her attraction for Diavolos. Part of the “A Modern Romance” series.

Words- 2245

“Kenna, you’re looking as lovely as ever,” Diavolos Nevrakis greeted politely, raising her hand to his lips.

Kenna tried to resist the little shiver that ran through her at the contact. It didn’t matter that Diavolos was as handsome as he was charming and that she felt a silent, invisible pull towards him. No, all that mattered was that he was the son of the man who had tried to take over her company and destroy her family’s legacy. It was something Kenna had to remind herself every time she was around him.

“Hello, Diavolos,” she said, keeping her smile polite but cool.

“Having a good time?”

“Of course,” Kenna answered, knowing it was the expected answer.

Diavolos grinned. “you should teach me your secret then, because I’m finding it excruciatingly dull,” he told her in a low voice, stepping closer to her.

“That’s not very polite,” Kenna scolded, “don’t you know that you’re at least supposed to pretend that you’re having a good time?”

“I’m not very good at pretending,” Diavolos told her, “especially with you.”

Kenna felt the breath catch in her throat, both at his words and the way he was looking at her.

“Like if I was one to play it safe and polite I’d go on pretending that I didn’t want you,” Diavolos continued, his eyes locked on her face, “that I didn’t think about you constantly.”


“Do you think about me, Kenna?” He asked, stepping even closer, “do you wonder what we would be like together?”

Kenna wanted to lie because it was the right answer and the safe one, but… “Yes…” She admitted in a breathy whispered.

Diavolos face broke into a wide grin, “good.”

“But that doesn’t mean I’m going to do anything about it,” Kenna said quickly.

“If you say so,” Diavolos said with a smirk. He glanced around the room and then focused his attention on her once more, “why don’t we get out of here? We could go grab a drink, I can offer more interesting company.”

It was Kenna’s turn to smirk, “you have a high opinion of yourself.”

Diavolos shot her a grin that was just the right mix of smug and charming and definitely tested her resolve to keep him at a distance, “well earned, I promise.”

“A drink sounds nice,” Kenna agreed after a moment.

It wouldn’t be the first drink she and Diavolos had ever shared and she always enjoyed his company. She just had to remember that it couldn’t be anything more than a friendly drink. They slipped out of the ballroom and grabbed their coats.

“I know a little place just down the street,” Diavolos told her. Kenna nodded and they walked in companionable silence for about a block until Diavolos led her into a quiet little bar.

“This is peaceful,” Kenna commented as they found a booth.

“I figured we’d both had our fill of people for the night,” Diavolos told her.

“Yes.” Kenna agreed, sinking against the cool leather of the booth.

“You don’t normally go to these things unaccompanied. Weren’t any of the members of your merry little band free?” Diavolos teased.

“Annelyse was supposed to come with me,” Kenna told him, rolling her eyes at the way he described her associates, “but she was detained in Paris.”

“Her loss is my gain,” Diavolos told her with a smile. Before Kenna could respond, the waiter arrived with their drinks. “I needed this,” Diavolos commented as he took a sip of his drink.

“Rough week?” Kenna asked lightly, noticing the fatigue on his face.

“You could say that,” Diavolos groaned, “I spent the last week fixing a deal that Marco almost capsized and dealing with the fallout from Zenobia’s latest hijinks.”

Kenna reached over and patted his hand sympathetically, she was familiar with both of his siblings and was not particularly fond of either of them. “Yes, I saw Zenobia’s Twitter,” Kenna said with an eye-roll, “I also saw the apology she issued, what did it take to get her to do that?”

“Father threatened to cut her off for a month,” Diavolos said with a laugh. “She’s still furious and I suspect she’s going to go on a shopping spree out of spite, but at least that’s not my problem.”

“Does your father make you clean up their messes a lot?” Kenna asked curiously.

“Well, he won’t do it,” Diavolos said with an eye-roll, “he keeps indulging Marco’s attempts at playing businessman until he screws up and then he rages and expects me to fix it.”

Kenna could hear the exasperation in his voice and felt a sudden wave of sympathy towards him. She had her own strong feelings about Luther Nevrakis and she couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have him as a father.

“But enough about my siblings,” Diavolos told her after a moment, “let’s talk about something more pleasant.”

“Of course,” Kenna agreed and the conversation turned to pleasant small talk.

It had been a while since the last time she and Diavolos had gone out for drinks, mostly because of how close Kenna had come to going home with him that night, and they spent the next little while just talking about what was new and sharing friendly gossip.

Kenna noticed that they each nursed their second drink. Whatever decision she made tonight, she wanted to know that she was making it because she wanted to and not because she’d had too much wine.

Finally, once their glasses were empty, they stood up from the table.

“Where to now?” Diavolos asked in a low voice, stepping closer to her. “Are you ready to call it a night or would you like to move this somewhere a little more private?”

Kenna knew she should go home to her own apartment, alone, but… “Private sounds nice,” she said instead, gazing up at Diavolos.

He nodded and led her out of the bar into a cab. Once in the back, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, holding her close. Kenna leaned against him, taking in the feel of his hard warmth. It felt surprisingly right to be like this with him.

They were silent during the cab ride, maybe because words had a tendency to bring reality crashing back. Instead, Kenna just enjoyed the feel of his arm around her.

After a few minutes, the cab pulled to a stop in front of Diavolos’s building. Diavolos climbed out of the cab and then held a hand out a hand to help her out and before escorting her into the building and towards the elevator. They rode in silence before reaching the very top floor.

Diavolos nudged her in the direction of his apartment, before opening the door and showing her inside. Kenna looked around. It was simple, almost stark. A lot of blacks and greys. Pretty much what she would have expected of Diavolos and she said as much.

He grinned, “do you spend a lot of time imagining my apartment?” Without waiting for an answer, he discarded his suit jack and tie, throwing them carelessly onto the leather couch. “Would you like another drink?”

“No,” Kenna answered immediately.

“Me either,” he admitted, stepping towards her. He stopped right in front of her, close but not quite touching.

Kenna stared at his lips, remembering the last time he had kissed her. The way his lips had felt against hers, soft but firm, the way he’d held her against him as he ran his hands through her hair. The way he’d gently nipped at her collarbone… She let an involuntary sound.

“You’re remembering what it’s like between us, aren’t you?” Diavolos asked her in a low voice, still not closing the distance. “The way it feels when you’re in my arms.”

“Yes,” Kenna admitted.

“That was only the beginning,” Diavolos promised, stepping closer and pulling her into his arms, his face inches from hers, “it’s going to be incredible between us, Kenna, I can promise you that.”

“I know,” Kenna whispered and then she raised her lips to his. Diavolos quickly deepened the kiss, his arms wrapping around her and pulling her tight against him.

“I want you,” he told her, pulling back slightly, though his arms were still wrapped around her, “so fucking much.”

“I want you too,” Kenna assured him. It was a relief to finally admit that. She’d spent so long trying to deny her attraction to Diavolos, hoping that if she did, it would just disappear. But that hadn’t happened, she’d spent months thinking about him, about being with him like this. To put aside their last names and ugly family history and just give in to the deep, desperate desire that she felt for him.

“I’ve waited so long to hear you say that,” he told her and she could hear the satisfaction in his voice. He kissed her again, deep and demanding and Kenna responded eagerly, tugging at the buttons on his shirt, eager to feel him. She eased his shirt to the floor and then ran her hands over her his bare chest, marveling at how muscular he was, sighing as he pressed kisses down her neck and over her collarbone.

After a moment, Diavolos pulled back and then, before she could react, he swept her off her feet and into his arms. “I’ve waited too long for this to make love to you on my couch,” he told her, as he carried her towards his bedroom.

Once they were inside, he placed her gently on her feet and then moved to stand behind her and lowering the zipper of her gown and then letting it fall to the floor. As he did so he pressed kisses to her bare back, his hands lightly caressing her as he did so.

Kenna sighed into his touch.

“You are so fucking beautiful,” Diavolos told her, turning her around so that he could kiss her once, his hands resting on her hips.

Kenna reached for the buckle of his belt, opening it and undoing the button of his pants and sliding the zipper down. She slipped her hand in there, feeling him harden through the fabric.

“Kenna,” he groaned against her mouth, his hips bucking into her hand as she continued to caress him. After a moment Diavolos placed his hand on her wrist, stilling her and then he lifted her up by the waist and carried her towards the bed. He laid her down on the bed and she impatiently tugged him down with her.

“I want you,” she reminded him, wrapping her arms around her waist.

“Baby, you’ve got me,” he promised, his eyes dark with promise.

He pulled away from her long enough to discard the rest of his clothes. Kenna watched him, admiring his naked form. Damn, he was gorgeous.

“Like what you see?” He asked with a smirk.


“Only maybe?” He asked, leaning over her, he lowered his voice, “because I know I like what I see.”

Diavolos slipped his hand beneath her, undoing the clasp of her bra and throwing it to the floor and then lowered his mouth to her breasts. He eased her underwear down, adding it to the growing pile of clothes, before slipping one of his hands between her legs, teasing her as he continued to press hot kisses across her chest.

“So wet for me already,” he commented with obvious pleasure. He slipped one finger inside of her and then another, causing her to let out a little sigh of pleasure. Diavolos moved his fingers hard and fast, quickly pushing her to the brink.

Kenna grasped his head, tugging his short dark hair as she arched into his hand. “Diavolos!” She cried out as the wave of orgasm hit her.

“That’s it, baby,” he encouraged, “just like that.”

Once she had come down, he removed his hand and then he quickly covered her mouth with his in another hard kiss. Diavolos pulled away long enough to reach over to the bedside table and grab a condom. He quickly put it on and then poised over her again, before plunging himself into her.

Kenna let out a little cry and then she wrapped her arms around his waist, drawing him in deeper as he began to move. At first, the rhythm was nice and steady, both of them moving in time and neither of them seeming to be in a hurry. Diavolos pressed kisses all along her neck and shoulders, while Kenna ran her hands across his back.

Soon though, their control slipped and their movements became less controlled and more hurried. Diavolos slipped his hand between them, rubbing her clit with his thumb and the sensation was all Kenna needed to reach completion. She came with a loud cry, digging her nails into his back. As she clenched and shuddered around him, she could feel Diavolos tense and then give one more powerful thrust before reaching his own climax.

He placed a quick kiss before moving off of her. Kenna watched him as he got up and discarded the condom, shifting over as he got back into the bed. Diavolos settled against the pillows and then pulled her against him, wrapping an arm around her.

Kenna rested her head on his chest, savoring the afterglow. She knew reality would intrude soon enough and she’d remember all the reasons why this was a bad idea, but for now, she just wanted to enjoy the moment.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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