A Modern Romance: The Rest of Our Lives Together

The Rest of Our Lives Together
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- Happy Diavolos Appreciation Day! This is the next installment of “A Modern Romance” and takes place right after “As Long As We’re Together”. This is a response to the following prompts: “This won’t be easy.” “But it’ll be worth it.” requested by anon, “I want you to be the first thing in the morning and the last thing I see at night and early morning cuddling/sex.

Pairing- Modern Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- NSFW

Words- 1475

“Where are we going to live?” Kenna asked idly, raising herself up on her elbows to gaze at Diavolos.

“Hmmm…?” He asked sleepily.

“You asked me to marry you, remember?” Kenna prodded, taking a moment to admire her ring. A part of her still couldn’t believe it was real, after all those months of uncertainty and unhappiness, she and Diavolos were going to make a life together.“I assume that means we are going to reside in the same place.”

“That is the normal way of things,” Diavolos agreed, reaching for her. “My place is bigger.”

“True,” Kenna agreed, happily snuggling against him. “but your sister has a key.”

Zenobia had proven to be helpful, but Kenna was still pretty sure that she would only be able to manage the other woman in small doses and with proper notice.

“And how many people have a key to your place?” Diavolos rebutted, raising an eyebrow.

Kenna made a face. He had a point. Besides, she didn’t even know why this was a thing. Diavolos’s place was bigger and they had made a habit of spending more nights there anyway.

“We could buy somewhere together,” Diavolos said after a moment, “if it’s important to you.”

Kenna smiled, charmed by the gesture. Would it be best to start over? Maybe on one level, but Diavolos’s current apartment was large enough to accommodate a family, in a great location and convenient to both their offices. They weren’t going to find anything better. It also suited their needs better than her place did.

“No,” Kenna told him, “you’re right, this place works. As long as I can redecorate.”

Maybe that was her problem… how masculine his apartment was. It was very Diavolos, all blacks and greys, and she was comfortable there but she couldn’t really picture herself living there. She needed to soften the edges a bit. And maybe change the locks.

“Go ahead,” Diavolos told her with a shrug, “as long as I don’t have to look at a single fabric sample I don’t care what you do.”

Kenna laughed. “Who knew you were so easy going?”

“Baby, you can paint the walls purple if it means I have you in my bed,” Diavolos commented with a sincerity that took her breath away, “and now that that’s settled you can move in immediately.”

It was Kenna’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “Immediately, huh?”

“I don’t want to spend another night apart,” Diavolos told her, “do you?”

“No,” Kenna admitted, “but we still have a lot to figure out.”

They had agreed to be together, to get married and start a life together, but that didn’t mean that everything was magically solved. He was still a Nevrakis, she was still a Rys and there was still the matter of his father and how he would react to the news, and serious conversations like how they would manage their respective business interests.

“And we will,” Diavolos assured her, “together, and that means falling asleep together and waking up in the same bed. I want you to be the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night.”

“I like the sound of that,” Kenna admitted, tilting her head towards his and meeting his lips halfway.

The kiss gradually grew deeper as they shifted positions so that she was under him on the mattress, their hands wandering each other’s bodies. They’d fallen asleep naked, so there was no clothing to get in the way, and soon Diavolos was sliding inside of her, both of them on their sides facing each other.

Their pace was lazy, both of them still a little sleepy and content to take their time. They exchanged slow kisses and let their hands wander as their legs tangled together.

“I can’t wait to get used to this,” Diavolos told her between kisses, “to waking up and making love to you every morning.”

“You think we’re going to do this every morning?” Kenna teased, sighing a little as he hit the right spot. “Eventually you’ll get tired of me.”

“Never,” Diavolos told her, staring into her eyes, “baby, I’m never ever gonna get enough of you.”

He increased his pace, thrusting a little harder, and lifting Kenna’s leg over his hip to get better access and making her moan in the process as he hit just the right angle. It wasn’t long before they came together, his hands tangled in her hair, his mouth hard and possessive against hers.

“I love you,” Diavolos told her, resting against her, gazing into her eyes.

“I love you too,” Kenna told him, marveling at how nice it was to be able to say that out loud.

Diavolos shifted so that he was on his back and then pulled her on top of him. Kenna nestled into him, she could get used to this too.

After a few minutes, Diavolos sighed. “At some point, we need to check our phones.”

Kenna groaned, but she knew he was right. They’d had a wonderful night and evening getting lost in each other, but they had to face reality eventually. They sat up at the same time, each reaching for their phone.

Kenna grimaced at the sheer number of notifications but she supposed that was what happened when you let someone else announce that you were marrying your secret lover, who was also the son of your biggest business rival.

She decided to open Twitter first, to see exactly what Zenobia had put out there.

“Congrats to my Big Bro @diavolosnevrakis  on his engagement to @kennarys. I demand attractive bridesmaid dresses.”

Ok, that actually wasn’t too bad, though she shuddered a little at the thought of having Zenobia as a bridesmaid. There were a ton of replies and retweets, but Kenna ignored them. Twitter wasn’t her concern right now. She waded through her texts next and they ranged from shock (Dom) to a little outrage (Val) to a smug congratulations from Annelyse. Nothing terrible.

Kenna turned to Diavolos, tensing a little as she tried to gauge his expression as he listened to a voicemail. Unfortunately, Diavolos was the master at hiding his feelings so she waited until he put the phone down. “How bad is it?” She asked finally, biting her lip.

“My father expects us for lunch,” Diavolos told her flatly, “At 1 p.m.”

Oh. Of all the things she had expected, it wasn’t that.

“He didn’t demand you show up at his office immediately?” Kenna asked because that was what she had been expecting.

Diavolos shook his head, “no, he sounded remarkably calm.”

Kenna nodded, but she couldn’t bring herself to smile. She didn’t trust this reaction, didn’t trust Luther. He had been the bad guy in her life for so long and the reason she had fought her relationship with Diavolos for as long as she had. There was no way it could all just blow over peacefully, could it? Had she put herself and Diavolos through months of torture for nothing?

Diavolos placed a hand on her face, tilting it towards him. “We don’t have to go if you don’t want,” he assured her, “I told you, I’m committed to this and that means I’m with you 100% and my father can go screw himself.”

That got a smile out of her.

“No,” Kenna told him, “he hasn’t done anything, it’d be silly to reject his invitation.” She hated the idea of sharing a meal with Luther, but she was going to marry his son, and that meant he was going to be a part of her life for years to come.

“I’ll be right by your side the whole time,” Diavolos promised, “I won’t let my father…”

“I know,” Kenna said, cutting him off. Diavolos had shown her time and again how committed he was to this, to them, and the least she could do was meet him halfway. “We both knew this wouldn’t be easy.”

“But it’ll be worth it,” Diavolos promised her, pulling her towards him for a kiss.

Kenna kissed him back eagerly, desperate for the feel and taste of him. He was right, it would be worth it, this would be worth it. They had gotten to this point, despite everything that stood between them, and she knew that now nothing could tear them apart.

Not even Luther. He might have been the evil force lurking over her life for so many years, the one she was constantly wary of, but he was Diavolos’s father and in the end, if she had to choose between a life with Luther in it or one without Diavolos, it was an easy choice.

Kenna knew she would choose him any time, any place, even if it had taken her a few months to realize that. To understand that life without him just wasn’t an option.

–          End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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