A Modern Romance: Too Much

Too Much
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- This story is proof that my characters have minds of their own. I set out to write the next installment in “A Modern Romance” and was going to write a fluffy story about the two of them chilling in her apartment eating Pizza and watching a movie, but it went angsty on me, because that’s what they do. This was inspired by @luain asking to see them just chilling and a conversation with @violetflipflops about Diavolos in jeans and is also the response to the kiss prompt “tracing the other’s lip after kissing them because those are the softest lips you know and you kissed those lips”. This is set a few weeks before “The One That I Want” and the events of this lead directly into that story.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- PG-13

Summary- After a simple night at home with Diavolos, Kenna makes a startling realization about her feelings for him. Part of the “A Modern Romance” AU series.

Words- 1257

Kenna sighed as she entered her apartment, glad to be home at last. She’d had a terrible day. Just one of those ones where there seemed to be a series of never-ending crises all needing her attention. However, she was home now, and she had no pressing social engagements or any reason to leave her apartment. She could have a relaxing evening lounging around in her pajamas, watching TV and just enjoying the quiet.

Except, that didn’t actually sound that appealing, at least the solitude part. She realized that she didn’t want to be alone, not tonight. More than that, she didn’t want to hang out with just anyone, but with one man in particular.

Before she could stop herself, she pulled out her phone and sent a text. “What are you up to tonight?”

Less than a minute later, her phone buzzed with a reply. “Not much. Was probably going to work, but am open to other suggestions.”

Kenna grinned, easily picturing the smirk that would have been on his face as he typed that message. She quickly typed a reply. “Want to come over? Maybe order a pizza and watch a movie?”

The response was almost immediate. “I’ll be there in an hour.”

Kenna smiled as she put down her phone and went to change out of her work clothes. Part of her knew this was dangerous. Because her feelings and actions were heading into relationship territory, not casual hook-up, and she and Diavolos didn’t have a relationship, they couldn’t have a relationship. What they had was an incredibly physical connection and a genuine affection for one another, but it wasn’t allowed to be anything else.

There was too much standing in their way.

The problem was, when she had a bad day, he was the one she wanted to cheer her up. She’d spent the whole day wanting to hear his voice and just the knowledge that he would be there soon made her happier.

Kenna sighed as she got into the shower, knowing that she was going to have to figure something out soon, but not tonight. Tonight she just wanted to be with Diavolos.

Just under an hour later, Kenna was relaxing on her couch in a sweater and a pair of yoga pants when she heard the apartment door open. She immediately stood up, smiling at the sight of Diavolos, who was wearing jeans and a snug fitting t-shirt. Damn, he was gorgeous.

“Hey,” she said, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Hey,” he said, lowing his mouth to hers in a warm kiss. “I missed you this week.”

Their schedules had both been so busy that they hadn’t been able to see each other at all, which was unusual as they normally tried to see each other a couple times a week. More proof that they were having a hard time keeping things light and casual.

“I missed you too,” Kenna admitted as they walked back to the couch. “It’s been crazy and it doesn’t seem to be getting better.”

“Bad day?” Diavolos asked sympathetically as he sat down on the couch and pulled her into his lap.

“Yeah,” Kenna acknowledged, not going into details. He didn’t press. One of the few rules of their non-relationship was that they didn’t talk about work in specifics, because there was too much potential for conflict.

“If you want to feel better, check out my sister’s Instagram,” Diavolos said with an eye-roll, handing Kenna his phone.

She looked at the screen and giggled. “That…”

“Yep,” Diavolos agreed with a smirk.

“Your sister is always good for a laugh,” Kenna said as she handed him back his phone.

“That’s because you don’t have to clean up her messes,” Diavolos groaned, “sometimes I think it’s a full-time job.”

“Poor baby,” Kenna teased, leaning forward to brush her lips against his. It started out as a teasing kiss, but Diavolos quickly deepened it, running one hand through her hair as his tongue sought entry to her mouth. They stayed like that for the next few minutes, lost in the feel of one another until a knock on the door interrupted them.

“That’ll be the pizza,” Kenna said regretfully.

She got up and opened the door, paying for the pizza and thanking the doorman. Diavolos had gotten up as well and he took the pizza box and carried it over to her table while Kenna went to the kitchen to get plates and glasses. Diavolos poured them both some wine and they settled on the couch with their wine and pizza, turning on a movie.

“I needed this,” Kenna said with a relaxed sigh, resting her head on his shoulder.

“Me too,” he told her, kissing the top of her head, and then he sighed, “my father is sending me overseas to work on a deal. For two weeks, at least.”


Kenna knew she shouldn’t be bothered by the news. She and Diavolos weren’t together, even if they did have keys to each other’s apartments, so she didn’t have the right to think about how much she was going to miss him.

“When do you leave?” She asked lightly, putting her plate on the coffee table.

“Day after tomorrow,” he told her, doing the same, “It was one of the reasons I was glad to get your text because I wanted to see you before I left.”

Kenna just nodded, not trusting herself to talk because she knew she’d say something she shouldn’t. Instead, she raised her lips to his again. “Good thing we have tonight, then?” She whispered against his lips, her arms circling his neck.

Diavolos groaned and deepened the kiss, pulling her onto his lap. After that, there was no more talking for a while and if asked neither one of them could tell you what happened in the movie.

Much later, Kenna lay in his arms, unable to sleep. She ran a gentle hand over Diavolos’s sleeping face, tracing his lips with her finger and thinking about what it was like to kiss those lips. Mostly she was trying not to think about how much she’d miss him when he was away.

That brought another realization, an unwelcome one. She was in love with him. Kenna laughed bitterly, for most people falling in love with a good thing, but it had yet to bring her happiness. Maybe because she made a habit of falling in love with the wrong people.

It didn’t matter what she felt, she and Diavolos had no future, they had both known that from that first night and yet… They had kept coming together, slowly building something that was so much more than sex and now she was in love with him.

Kenna pulled her hand back, bringing it to her mouth to muffle the sob that threatened to escape. This had to end. That was the only answer. They couldn’t keep doing this, because the longer they did, the harder it was going to be to walk away. A broken heart could heal, she knew that. But the longer she let this go on, the harder she fell, the longer it would take.

Kenna sighed, resting her head on Diavolos chest, letting herself savor the feel of him one last time. Because tomorrow she was going to end it. She had to. She knew that now. Because she felt too much to keep pretending that this was just casual, and there was too much standing between them for it to be anything else.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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