A Modern Romance: What Haunts Us

What Haunts Us
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is a big moment in the “A Modern Romance” series: the introduction of Luther. I’ve had a lot of comments and asks about modern Luther and I think he might actually surprise people. The goal with an AU is to keep the core of the characters intact and Luther is the hardest one to do that because when you change his setting, he loses some of his power and he has to adapt. Just like Zenobia became a vapid Instagram-famous socialite instead of a woman who has people fighting in pits for pleasure, Luther has also undergone some serious changes from warlord to ruthless businessman. I plan on exploring the history between him and Kenna (and her reaction to him) later, but this was a story I was building up to and I hope I did it justice. This is also a response to two prompts: “I love you.” “Not as much as I love you” and “I will never love anyone the way I love you.” This is set immediately after “The Rest of Our Lives Together”.

Pairing- Modern Diavolos/Kenna

Rating- PG

Summary- After their engagement is made public, Diavolos and Kenna have lunch with his father.

Words- 2077

The last time Kenna had stepped foot in the home of Luther Nevrakis she’d been eighteen. It had been a function of some kind and she’d accompanied her parents. Back then, the Rys and Nevrakis families had been cordial associates, no bad blood at all, and Kenna had just graduated from high school.

It was the night she’d seen Diavolos again for the first time in years and she’d remembered how attracted she had been, how often she had thought of him in the weeks that followed. It was also the night she’d broken Marco’s nose.

So much had changed since that night.

Only a few months later her parents had been killed, Luther had tried to take over her company and then, somehow, she’d fallen in love with Diavolos and now she was back at the Nevrakis mansion, engaged to Luther’s son.

“Are you ok?” Diavolos asked in a gentle voice as they paused in the foyer, his hand resting on her back.

Kenna nodded, “yeah, just thinking about the last time I was here.” “Was that the night you broke Marco’s nose?”

Diavolos asked with a grin, “Because that was a great night.”

Kenna laughed, “I’m not sure Marco has ever forgiven me.”

“Who cares about Marco?” Diavolos dismissed, “besides he deserved it.”

Kenna could point out that Marco will soon be her brother-in-law, but she’s perfectly aware that Diavolos and Marco’s relationship is based on animosity, not brotherly affection, and she doubted there would be any family bonding moments in her future and she was alright with that.

“I had a big crush on you back then,” Kenna said instead.

“I wanted you so badly that night,” Diavolos told her quietly, “I remember you were wearing a blue dress and I saw you across the room and all I could think was wow and then I realized who you were and how old you were and I knew I had to keep my thoughts, and my hands, to myself.”

“I had no idea,” Kenna commented, “I remember we danced together and you seemed so distant, I thought you barely noticed me.”

She’d spent weeks thinking about it afterward, analyzing Diavolos’s behavior and their brief interactions and wondering about her own intense reaction to him

“I was trying very hard to keep my hands off you,” Diavolos confessed, “you were far too young for me.” He’d have been 24 then, he’d just begun working for his father and yes, he’d been too old for a high school graduate.

“I think I fell in love with you that night, though,” Diavolos added casually.

Kenna stopped and stared at him. “What?”

“I didn’t know it then,” he said with a shrug, “But I was never able to forget you. I told myself that you were too young and then things got… complicated with our families.”

That was one way to put it.

“But I could never quite forget you and then, that night of the Winters Anniversary party, it was the first time we’d been in the same room in years and I saw you and I knew that nothing had changed. That I still wanted you more than I’d ever wanted anything in my entire life, except you were no longer 18.”

No, she’d been 24 by then and more than six years had passed since that night. Six years where she’d been busy grieving for her parents and fighting for her company and had only seen Diavolos in passing, doing her best to avoid any member of the Nevrakis family and then they’d been seated together by chance. Kenna remembered that she’d been annoyed by the revelation that six years hadn’t changed her attraction to Diavolos and she’d found herself drawn to him, despite her best intentions, which was how she had ended up going to drinks with him, which is what had put them on the path that led them here.

“We should probably go find my father before he comes looking for us,” Diavolos said after a moment, taking her hand. He looked into her eyes. “But first, remember that I love you.”

“Not as much as I love you,” Kenna told him sincerely.

Diavolos grinned, “later when we’re alone, we can test that theory.”

Kenna laughed and let him lead her towards the dining room. Luther was there, of course, already at the table and he stood as soon as they entered.

“Diavolos. Kenna,” He greeted cordially, “I hear congratulations are in order.”

“Yes,” Kenna said stiffly, wondering if this was going to be the moment when he lost it and let them know exactly how he felt about their new relationship.

“I would have preferred to hear it from my son directly,” Luther said reprovingly, “and not through your sister’s social media, was that your idea or hers?”

“A bit of both,” Diavolos deflected, “I left it up to Zen to decide how she wanted to spread the news.”

“Most people go public with their relationship before they make an engagement announcement,” Luther said dryly.

“You don’t sound surprised,” Kenna realized, “about our relationship.” There was obvious irritation, but no anger or shock.

“I’ve known for months,” Luther told her, laughing at her obvious surprise, “my dear girl,” her skin crawled at the term, “you don’t become as successful as I am by missing what’s happening right in front of you. I know my son better than anyone, I’d have to be an idiot not to have noticed that he was in love, and I am many things, but no one has ever accused me of being stupid.”

Kenna nodded, though she was feeling a little rattled by this whole conversation, it wasn’t going the way she’d expected at all.

“Sit,” Luther instructed, motioning to the table. “We can’t eat standing up.”

Diavolos pulled out a chair for Kenna and she sat, noting that he took the place next to her. “When is the wedding?” Luther asked curiously, “and will you be abandoning ship?”

“Next month,” Diavolos answered, it was one of the things they’d worked out that morning, “and no, as long as you aren’t planning on kicking me out, then I have no intention of leaving the company.”

Kenna held her breath, this was what she’d been afraid of, what had kept her from pursuing her relationship with Diavolos for so many months, fear of how Luther would punish him.

Diavolos assured her that whatever happened, it was worth it, and she could only hope that he meant it.

“I’m not prone to acts of reckless anger,” Luther said instead, “and if I were to threaten to disinherit you, I’d be the one to suffer, because who would take your place? Your brother? He can barely be trusted with the responsibilities he currently has. Your sister? The company would last a day.”

Kenna smiled at that despite herself, because she had to admit she agreed with Luther’s assessment, she just hadn’t expected him to be rational.

“I admit, part of me hoped this was infatuation,” Luther continued, “And I think we can all acknowledge that things are… Complicated… However, you have made your choice and I respect that.” He turned to Kenna. “So that said, I am prepared to welcome you into the family.”

“Thank you,” Kenna answered, not knowing what else to say. The words felt wrong…

“We have had our disagreements in the past,” Luther continued, “and I suspect that we may again in the future, at least from a business perspective, but we can agree to leave all of that at the office.”

“Of course,” Kenna agreed in a cool tone. She could feel the warmth of Diavolos’s hand against her back and she leaned into it, needing that warmth and strength.

“I assume that the two of you will have a similar arrangement,” the comment was directed at Diavolos, “otherwise we are looking at a conflict of interest. Unless you’ve changed your mind about that merger?”

“She hasn’t,” Diavolos answered in a firm voice, “and yes, we’ve agreed to keep our business lives separate, at least for now. Actually, one of the things I wanted to speak to you about was that I’d prefer to step back from the tech side of things,” the area where Abanthus and Stormholt were direct rivals.

“Who do you suggest I appoint in your place?” Luther asked, raising an eyebrow. “Presumably not Marco.”

“No,” Diavolos agreed, “Magnus is capable and he’s been working with me for years and knows all the ins and outs, probably better than I do. Besides, it’s not like I’ll be idle, I’ll still have plenty of responsibilities to keep me busy.”

There was a long moment of silence and Kenna braced herself, wondering if this was when the explosion came. However, once more she was disappointed.

“Fine,” Luther said after a moment, “come into my office on Monday and we’ll discuss the details.”

Just then the servants entered with their food.

Luther waited until they were gone before turning to Kenna, “now that business is out of the way for the moment, would you care to share the wedding plans?”

“Of course,” Kenna answered and she began to fill Luther in on what they had planned that morning, with the help of a quick call to Annelyse. It felt bizarre to be making small chat about wedding plans with Luther of all people and yet… If Kenna didn’t know better, she’d have thought this was a typical lunch between a father, his son and his son’s fiancé. There was no explosion, no threats, just seemingly genuine interest in the wedding and a practical acceptance of the engagement itself.

Had she worried all these months for nothing? Was it possible that Luther was worse in her head than he was in reality? She was still asking herself that a few hours later when they returned to their apartment.

“Well, that went better than expected,” Diavolos commented once they were inside.

“Much,” Kenna agreed and then paused, “you knew he’d react like that.”

“I suspected he would, yes,’ Diavolos answered carefully, “I know my father better than you do, Kenna, and while there is no denying that he is cold and pig-headed, he is also practical and he knows how to adapt.”

“And you think that’s what he’s doing?” Kenna asked quietly. “Adapting?”

“I do,” Diavolos told her, wrapping his arms around her waist, “and isn’t it nice? He’s not an ogre, Kenna. He’s cold and ruthless and domineering, but he’s not some epic fantasy villain. He’s just a man.”

“It’s hard to remember that,” Kenna admitted, leaning against him, “I’ve been battling him for so long that I think I’ve built him up in my head.” She tilted so she could look up at Diavolos. “Now I feel foolish for all the months I spent pushing you away.”

“Don’t be,” Diavolos told her, “part of me wondered how he’d react because he doesn’t like things that he doesn’t decide himself. Besides, having to fight so hard for you was what made me realize just how much I wanted you and made me realize that I will never love anyone the way I love you and I would do anything, fight any battle, to keep you in my life.”

His words filled her with warmth and a little bit of awe. Diavolos was so strong and capable, had this ruthless, no-nonsense reputation and yet he was also this sweet, wonderful man who just loved her and she couldn’t believe that she’d tried to push him away. Thank goodness he was so stubborn.

Diavolos leaned down then and kissed her and Kenna leaned into his embrace, savoring his kiss.

“Are we done talking about my father?” Diavolos murmured against her lips, “because I can think of plenty of other ways to fill our afternoon.”

“I’m open to suggestions,” Kenna answered and then squealed as Diavolos lifted her off her feet. “Where are you taking me?”

“To our bedroom where I am going to make love to you over and over again until we are both too weak to move. How does that sound?”

“Perfect,” Kenna admitted, resting her head on his shoulder and it did. Life with Diavolos sounded perfect. Almost too perfect.

After months of angst and heartbreak, it was all coming together so perfectly. Could it really be that easy? Had she been the biggest obstacle to her and Diavolos’s happiness all along, not Luther?

–          End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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