A Necessary Arrangement (Part Eight)

Author’s Note:  It’s time!  This is the final chapter in this little AU series!  Thank you to everyone who has kept up with Ernest and Ella’s journey together.  I hope you enjoy the conclusion!


“You look so serious, Mr. Sinclaire.”  Ella smirked playfully over her cards, observing as her husband’s eyes flitted over his own.  His brows furrowed and his lips were pursed as he studied his hand for his next move, creating what Ella deemed as the most adorable pensive expression.  Of course, these days she had come to find that most of his facial expressions possessed at least some level of adorableness in her eyes.

Ernest’s lips tugged at one corner, although he never allowed his gaze to leave his cards.  “My next play may be the difference between victory or defeat. You have become remarkably talented at this game recently, my lady.”  

Ella chuckled softly, a proud smile spread across her face.  “This is true, husband … but only because we have been playing so frequently.”  She could not decide which aspect made her prouder … the fact that she had become quite the skilled card player or that her skill had been acquired over the countless hours she had spent alone with her husband.

As odd as it would seem to an outsider, courting her own husband had been the most enjoyable (and daresay, romantic) experience of her life thus far.  Now that their mutual feelings had been established, the pair felt a new sense of comfort and affection during their frequent interactions. Not to mention, Ella had become bolder and more generous with her affections as time had progressed.

Days had turned to weeks, the couple finding that time really does go by so much quicker when you are with someone you … care deeply about.  As the weather turned colder, the two had found their trips outside becoming less frequent, providing ample time to spend together in the warmth of their own home.  Ernest had taught Ella his few parlor tricks, more specifically his favorite card games, a move that had backfired as his wife became increasingly capable of beating him at his own games.  Many a lazy day were spent curled up by the fire reading together, Ella’s head resting upon Ernest’s lap or upon his firm shoulder. The duo would sup together, often retiring to their parlor afterwards with a glass of brandy each to converse into the late hours.  It was these late nights that Ella loved most, the uninhibited dialogues with her husband as they discussed anything and everything.

Today Ella was making her best attempt to distract Ernest, playing his favorite game and flirting with him to keep his mind of the impending afternoon.  Over the course of the weeks, the pair had met with Ernest’s lawyer twice to strategize their next play in the dispute over Ledford Park and discuss the arrangements for Ella’s stepmother and brother.  Little progress had been made thus far, however the news of Felicity giving birth to a healthy baby boy last week had cast a dark shadow over the situation. Despite her reassurances, Ella could see the worry in Ernest’s downcast eyes every time the case was mentioned.  Yesterday a letter had arrived from their lawyer stating that there was new evidence on the matter and inviting them to visit the law office this afternoon, and Ella knew immediately it would be her job over the next day to keep Ernest’s mind occupied with more pleasant matters.  

After what seemed like an eternity, Ernest finally glanced up from his cards with one eyebrow arched speculatively and placed a single card down for his next play.  He smirked, a confident gleam in his eyes as he stared her down defiantly. “Your turn.”

Casting her gaze to her cards, Ella’s eyes narrowed and she bit her lip as she ran over her options in her mind.  Ernest watched her intently, an amused smile on his lips as he admired her competitive focus. Finally she gave a loud sigh, shrugging her shoulders before timidly retrieving one card and setting it atop the stack.  “Well, I am sorry, husband …” she flicked her eyes upwards to meet his, a wicked smile forming on her lips, “but I seem to have won again.”

Ernest tossed his cards down with a scoff and rubbed his hand over his forehead in frustration.  A few seconds later Ella heard the rumble of a laugh, noticing his chest vibrating at the noise and his lips turn up in a grin.  When he finally dropped his hand to his lap and slumped back in his chair defeatedly, he raised his gaze to hers again, his eyes dancing playfully as he spoke.  “I have officially decided that I shall never teach anything again, for it is turning out to be quite destructive to my ego.” He said with a low chuckle.

Ella laughed, leaning forward to stack the cards back neatly.  As she tied the deck in a tidy ribbon, she glanced up to find him watching her thoughtfully.  She arched a brow, giving him a spirited look. “Alas husband, you are mistaken … for you have already promised to teach me skittles once we return to the country in the spring.”  Her remark elicited a a cheeky grin from Ernest, who shook his head amusedly. “But do not fret, dear husband … for this time I promise I shall go easy on you.” She gave him a sly wink, and Ernest could not fight the bout of laughter that spilled from his mouth.


The couple was escorted into the office of Mr. Simon Williams by his assistant and asked to make themselves comfortable as they waited for the lawyer.  They both nestled into the inviting leather wingback chairs, but Ernest could not seem to settle himself as he continued to wring his hands together fretfully as he leaned forward over his knees.  Ella had said little of the meeting on their way over in the carriage, still attempting to distract him and his worrisome mind, but now that they were here she knew there was little she could say to alleviate his concerns.  All she could do was support him, which she did by grasping one of his hands in her own and bring it to her lips for a comforting kiss. Ernest seemed to come back to reality for a moment at her action, giving her a thankful smile and releasing a short gust of breath before settling back into the chair.

Luckily the pair did not have to wait long as Mr. Williams came bustling in within just a few minutes, a portfolio of papers pressed tightly with one arm against his rotund belly.  He grumbled a curt greeting to Ernest and his young wife with a nod as he settled into his chair behind the desk. Ella held Ernest’s hand tighter, although it did not go unnoticed that his free hand was gripping the arm of his chair so tightly that his knuckles had turned white.

Mr. Williams finally glanced up, leaning forward over his desk and clasping his hands together before speaking.  “Well, Mr. and Mrs. Sinclaire … thank you so much for braving this horrid weather today to come meet with me. I believe that news of this magnitude is best to deliver in person.”  Ella felt Ernest’s hold of her hand tighten slightly, and gave him a reassuring squeeze in return. “I received correspondence two days ago from Duke Richards’s lawyer … including evidence that Ledford Park has indeed been left to both your grandfather and his sister back in 1781.  There was also records from a similar case of familial inheritance from eight years ago that documents a division of assets upon the court ruling.” Ernest retrieved his hand from Ella’s and dropped his head, holding his head in both hands and running his fingers through his hair in dismay.

Mr. Williams paused upon noticing Ernest’s reaction, a look of understanding behind his aging gaze.  “I cannot imagine how disappointing this news is to hear, Ernest … but I think if you’ll hear the rest of what I have to say your mood will be greatly improved.”

Ernest’s face lifted swiftly with a quiet gasp, his hopeful stare meeting the lawyer’s earnestly.  Ella slid her hand to grip his shoulder as they both waited impatiently for the older gentleman to continue.

“Now, these case records were very disheartening to say the least, and upon reviewing them I had little hope for your dispute.”  Mr. Williams cocked his brow with a sly smirk at them, then proceeded to dig through the stack of papers before him. Finally he extracted a single document, a handwritten letter, and handed it over to the couple.  “This arrived later on that same day from your cousin, Felicity.”

Ernest gaze twisted in a puzzled expression as he tentatively grasped the letter, holding it between him and Ella so that they could read together.  His eyes flitted over Felicity’s words as he read in silence, Ella reciting the words aloud along with him.

“To my cousin Ernest Sinclaire and his wife Ella,

As I am certain that you will both begin reading this letter with doubts of my intentions, I have chosen to enlist the support of your lawyer in this matter to ensure that there is no chance for any dispute in the future.  

I have felt great shame and embarrassment of my behavior since the evening of your dinner party last month, in addition to my complacency in my husband’s obsession over my claim to Ledford Park.  I offer my sincerest apologies for the hurtful words I spoke of you. I have no excuse for my behavior except perhaps that I was jealous to witness the happiness of your marriage firsthand. Although I have tried to make the best of my union with Tristan, I have come to learn that he is only driven by his power and greed and has no care for the well-being of myself or our son outside of how we may benefit him.

In regards to my son, little Frederick immediately captured my heart the moment he arrived in this world.  I want to be my best self for him, to show him how to be an honorable man as he grows. It is this desire that has brought me to the decision to forfeit my claim to Ledford Park.  I have no emotional ties to the estate and no need for the additional wealth as my husband would desire. Ledford Park belongs in the hands of you two, who will cherish it and care for it to pass along to your own children.

I hope you can forgive me for my despicable behavior and understand why I did not attempt to make this proclamation in person.  It is my greatest wish that we shall reunite as a family as our grandparents were and that my son shall grow up knowing you in his life.

Your devoted cousin,

Lady Felicity Richards”

Ernest set the letter down on his lap and sank back in his chair, his mouth ajar in surprise despite his inability to speak.  “Ernest?” Ella asked softly, placing her hand over his. “Are you not happy with this most wonderful news?”

“I- I- “ he stuttered, his mind still racing at the contents of correspondence.  “I … am astonished, to be honest.” He lifted his hand, pinching his chin between his index finger and thumb with a blank expression.  Suddenly he released a soft guffaw, a satisfied smirk spread across his mouth. “I just can’t believe it to be true.” He lifted his gaze to meet Ella’s beside him, relishing in the glow of her wide smile, reaching to grasp her hand and bringing it to kiss her palm.  Ella beamed as she observed the lightheartedness behind his stare, the weight and the worry of their predicament … suddenly gone.

“Well, I see you two have much to be thankful for this holiday season!  I could not have asked for a better turn out on the matter.” Mr. Williams clapped his hands together with a self-satisfied air.  As he glanced between the two, his brow furrowed as he remembered something and began digging through his papers again. “Ah, but while I have you here … Mrs. Sinclaire, have you given any more thought to the matter of Countess Henrietta’s future?”

Ella’s smile dropped upon mention of her stepmother, her mind immediately drawn back to the reality of her own unfinished business.  “Umm, I …” She stammered a bit, then cleared her throat and sat tall in her chair to face the lawyer. “I have decided that she may stay at Edgewater.  With conditions, of course.” Mr. Williams nodded, an almost proud look in his eyes as he started scribbling notes. “She will have a modest allowance, and she must continue to run the household when I am away.  But for the most part, Mr. Sinclaire and I shall divide our time between the London house and Ledford Park, so she will retain her independence at Edgewater.”

Mr. Williams finished his scripting, lifting his head to glance between the pair before him.  “This seems very generous, Lady Sinclaire. I shall deliver your decision-“

“Actually, I shall deliver it myself …” Ella interrupted.  “It is my estate, and it is my decision. I will visit Henrietta once the weather is warm enough and tell her myself.” She sat upright, her stare firm, although she did notice the twinge of a pleased smile upon Ernest’s lips from the corner of her eye.

Simon Williams just nodded, a faint smile upon his face.  “Very well. I think that is a reasonable request.” He looked to his desk and began stacking the papers together.  “Now, unless you have any other business, I believe you two have some celebrating to do.” He glanced over to Ernest with a gleam in his eye.

Ernest stood up and leaned forward to shake the man’s hand.  “Thank you so much, Mr. Williams … I do believe we do.”


After dinner that evening, the couple retired to the parlor with two glasses of brandy as was customary‍.  Ella sipped the fiery liquid, already feeling a bit flushed after the glass of celebratory wine from dinner.  She watched as Ernest paced around the room, as if his body and his mind could not still themselves after the excitement of the day.  

“Ernest, will you not come sit down already?  You are making me nervous with all that pacing.”  She gave him a playful smirk when he met her eye, and he immediately complied to come sit beside her on the settee.

“I’m sorry, Ella, I just … just can’t believe it is true.”  He shook his head as if trying to awaken himself from a dream, but realizing he was already awake he cast his stare upon her.  “Are you happy, my dear?”

“I am most decidedly elated, Mr. Sinclaire.”  She raised her hand to stroke her thumb across his cheek, her eyes darkening with affection in the dim light.  “To think of how far we’ve come in just the four months since our wedding … it is astonishing.”

Ernest’s face turned stern, a hint of fear dancing behind his sapphire eyes.  “Yes, yes I suppose we have. First the matter of Ledford Park, and then the situation for your inheritance of Edgewater …” his voice trailed off, unsure and unsettled.

Ella grasped his face in her hands, cupping both cheeks in her palms as she pulled him to press his lips against her own.  It was not a timid kiss like she usually initiated, with the shyness of a girl being courted by her beau. This was a fierce kiss, the hard and unrelenting kiss of a wife giving herself completely to her husband.  She finally pulled away, savoring the breathy gasps escaping Ernest’s lips. “I did not mean that our inheritances are finally in order, Ernest… although that is a relief. I meant us.” She paused, her eyes peering into his with such emotion that she feared she may burst. “I meant we have come a long way.  And now, despite my initial wishes to despise you, I find myself hopelessly in love with you, Husband.”

Ernest chuckled, his gaze filled with joy and amazement as he studied her features up close.  “That is the best news I have heard all day, my Ella. For despite my best attempts to shut you out, it appears that I too have fallen completely in love with my wife.”

Ella’s eyes brimmed with tears that threatened to fall but would never have the chance as she pressed her lips to his again.  She gripped his sandy curls within her fingers, tugging him tightly against her as if she would never let him go. Ernest’s hands trailed up the sides of her bodice as he pulled her against his chest, finally giving into his hunger to feel her body against his own.  

“Ernest-“ She murmured against his lips between raspy breaths, “Take me to bed, Ernest.”  

Ernest moaned at her request, a carnal hunger stirring within him that had so long been suppressed.  He pulled away breathless, pausing himself to ensure he was not imagining his innermost desires. His eyes pierced into hers, seeking her permission.  “Ella, I do not wish to rush you-“

Ella grasped his face again, smashing her lips into his. “Ernest, enough talking.  Take me to bed.” She ran her palms over his shoulders and down his back, urging him to give in.

Ernest separated from her kiss long enough to jump to his feet, yanking her by the hand to standing before lifting her into his arms.  He peered down into her begging gaze, begging to be his finally … and at last he felt a comforting fullness in his heart. He bent down to place a gentle kiss to her lips, a genuinely happy smile upon his lips.  “Yes, Mrs. Sinclaire.” He whispered softly before carrying her up the stairs to their marriage bed.


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