A Necessary Arrangement (Part Seven)

Author’s Note: Alright, you asked for answers and an end to the slow burn … since you asked so nicely I’m happy to give you what you want.  Thank you all for your support of this series as I’ve worked (painstakingly slowly!) through it – you guys are the best!


The chill of the night air stung Ella’s cheeks as she moved deftly through the barren streets of London.  She maintained a fair distance behind Ernest hidden in the shadows of the buildings, careful to remain unnoticed as he proceeded determinedly towards his mysterious destination.  He rarely even looked up from the stones below his feet, as if he were following a path ingrained in him from numerous trips before.

Quickly enough Ella noticed they were in an area of London far different than what she was accustomed to, one she had not been to before.  The streets were narrower, littered with garbage and other unsanitary substances illuminated by the dim lights escaping the tiny homes lining them.  At one point she nearly tripped over a bulky object, only realizing as she gripped the railing of a nearby staircase to steady herself that the hidden obstacle was actually a tiny old woman wrapped in tattered fabrics and nestled into a tight corner asleep.  She bit back a startled scream and wrapped her shawl tighter around her body, pausing only for a moment to calm her nerves before she set off again behind Ernest.

Ernest maintained a rapid clip forward for nearly twenty minutes until Ella saw him climb the shallow steps of a taller housing building and knock three times at the door. She ducked behind a wall across the street from him, holding her breath as she waited for whomever he was calling upon to answer the door.  She took that brief moment to look around at her surroundings, marveling that she had never cast eyes upon this completely different world only minutes from her own home.  She heard the creak of a door opening echo through the desolate street and fixated her eyes upon the puzzling scene unfolding.

A petite woman answered the door, her dress soiled and wrinkled.  While she looked to be about Ella’s age, her face appeared weathered and tired beyond her years.  A small boy peeked around the woman’s skirts, and Ella’s heart sank as Ernest dropped to his knees to greet the young lad.  The woman beamed down at the duo at her feet, resting contentedly in the doorway while the two conversed.

Ella watched silently from across the street, her heart filled with jealousy and sorrow at the happy greeting taking place before her eyes.  Is this where Ernest had escaped to many nights before instead of sharing her bed?  Was this why there was no room for her in his heart?  She had not realized she had wandered aimlessly into the middle of the street until the woman gave a breathy gasp and locked eyes with her.

Ernest swiveled around on the front stoop of the house, still crouching on his knees.  Upon sight of Ella he stood abruptly, dropping the hefty basket of goods with a thump at his feet.  “Ella?”  He stated, less of a question than a shocked affirmation.

Ella remained silent, unable to find the proper words as she stood in the dark night wringing her hands anxiously.  She saw Ernest turn back to the woman, handing her the basket full of goods and speaking in a hushed tone.  The woman glanced over Ernest’s shoulder to her and back to him, replying with a slight nod of assent before retreating indoors.  She had already closed the door behind them when Ernest quickly descended the stairs and ran to Ella.

“Ella, what are you doing here?”  He scolded, his hands reaching out to grip her own.  “This is not a place for a lady, especially not in the dark of night.”

Ella’s eyes remained fixated on the closed door of the building, her mind still except for the one question she kept repeating.  “Who was that, Ernest?  Who was she?”  Her voice came out in a shaky whisper, unable to hide the emotion toiling inside her.

Ernest gave a long sigh, then held her chin between his thumb and forefinger to lift her eyes to his.  “She is a sister of an old friend, Ella .. nothing more.  I will tell you all about her, but not here.”  He raised his head to look around protectively, tugging Ella by her hand to follow him. “Come, let me take you home so we can talk.”


The walk back to the house passed faster than their departure, Ernest dragging Ella alongside him at pace near a run.  She could feel her heart pounding in her chest with each passing moment, partially due to their brisk gait and partially from the feel of Ernest’s hand clasping her own so tightly.  She knew she should be angry at him for sneaking around with no explanation, yet she could not deny that she felt a content sense of satisfaction while dashing through those streets in such close proximity to her husband.

By the time they reached the front door, they both were breathing heavily and slicked with a sheen of sweat across their brows despite the cold night air.  Ella allowed Ernest to escort her inside and settled in the parlor to wait while he fetched them some tea from the kitchen.  He came back a few minutes later with a worn metal kettle atop the tray with their delicate teacups.

“It appears the staff have all retired for the night, but luckily I am able to boil a kettle of tea myself.”  He set the tray down on the table before her, shrugging with a smirk as he watched her lean forward to pour them both a cup.  “I hope you do not mind that I chose to bring the kettle itself … I figured now was not the time to fret over the formalities of a teapot.”

Ella chuckled quietly at Ernest’s concern, shaking her head while trying to maintain a straight face as she handed him a full cup.  “I think I can manage, Mr. Sinclaire.”  She avoided his gaze as she settled back into the cushions of the chair with her own cup, afraid that if she peered into those deep blue orbs she would give in to anything he told her without a second thought.  She cleared her throat and watched the tea swirl in her cup before speaking.  “So, I believe you were going to explain why it is that you were sneaking out to visit a young woman’s house in the middle of the night.”

Ernest swallowed his mouthful of tea and set his cup down, running his palms along the fabric on his thighs apprehensively.  “Yes, I can see how that must look rather unscrupulous.”  He paused, and Ella could see him staring out the window absentmindedly from the corner of her vision.  “I had a friend back in school, Edward … he was my only friend really.  He always looked out for me even when I probably didn’t deserve it.”  He took a deep breath, his voice wrought with emotion.  “After my parents died and I was sent away to school, I shut out the world.  I didn’t trust anyone.  Still don’t I suppose …” Ella finally glanced up to find Ernest staring down at the rug beneath his feet, a sorrowful expression upon his face.  “Anyway, Edward didn’t give up on me, and before I could stop him we became close friends, like brothers.  And so when his sister was dishonored, it was as if my own sister’s reputation was spoiled.”

Ella’s brows raised in understanding, her anger softening as she listened to Ernest’s story.  “That was the woman tonight?”

“Yes, Claire … she fell in love with a man who promised her the world, yet when she became with child the man wanted nothing more to do with her.  Her and Edward’s family cast her out, but Edward would not let this man get away unpunished.  He challenged him to a duel … but he lost.”  Ernest sank back in his chair, running a hand roughly along his face.  “Ever since that day I have taken it upon myself to care for Claire and the child as if she were my own sister.”

Ella nodded silently, her heart aching at Ernest’s sad tale.  “I’m sorry for your loss, Ernest.  And I applaud you for taking such wonderful care of Edward’s sister and nephew.”  She paused, trying to mask the hurt in her voice.  “But I do wish you had trusted me enough to tell me.”

Ernest emitted an odd noise from deep in his throat, a mix between a laugh and a groan.  “I did so want to, Ella, so many times.  And yet …”  he turned to look directly at her, his sapphire blue eyes piercing her gaze, “and yet after all the things I have left unsaid I didn’t think it would be fair to burden you.  So I remained silent.”

“Well, perhaps it is time to break the silence, Ernest.”  Ella replied simply, straightening in her seat and staring at him dead on.  “I once asked you why it is that you agreed to marry me.  I think it is time you told me the truth.”  She held her chin high, fighting the nervous tremors that threatened to rack her body as she held firm.

Ernest exhaled slowly before standing upright.  He started pacing around the room, brows furrowed and his hands raking through his thick locks, deep in thought.  Ella feared he would never speak as she watched him march back and forth several times, until he finally halted to stare out the window into the darkness on the other side of the glass pane.

“You know my parents passed when I was young.  I was sent to live with family and spent most of my time away at school until I was of age to inherit Ledford Park.  My inheritance and my place was never questioned … until about a year ago.”  Ella could see his shoulders stiffen against the moonlight shining in through the window.  “I had met my cousin Felicity a few times in my life, but had not spent much time with her or her family as I grew up.  However one afternoon last January I received a letter from a law firm here in London with dispute to my claim of Ledford Park.  From her husband the Duke’s lawyer.”

Ella shook her head in dismay, trying to comprehend how such a dispute could even be reasonable.  “But I do not understand … who can dispute your right to your father’s estate?”

“Apparently there is record of joint ownership of Ledford Park going back two generations, to my grandfather and his sister, Felicity’s grandmother.  After the sister left the family to be married, my grandfather took responsibility for the estate and passed it down to my father and then to me.  But now the Duke is claiming-“

“That Felicity also holds a claim!” Ella exclaimed, all the pieces falling into place.

“Exactly.”  Ernest agreed, his voice a deflated tone.  “And now the Duke attests that not only does she have a right to the estate, but she already has a more secure chance at continuing the lineage with a marriage.  And now an heir on the way.”

“That is why the Duke keeps referencing your need for an heir.  And that is why you wanted to be married, to secure your hold on Ledford Park through the promise of your lineage.”  Ella’s voice trailed off as she considered these new facts. “But if an heir was what you needed, then why would you not attempt for one … with me?”  Suddenly the past two months of sleeping in separate chambers made even less sense to her, unless … he never had any desire to share her bed at all.

Ernest remained still, his face never turning away from the window and his frame completely rigid.  “I knew that this marriage was a necessity for both of us since the beginning.  And I knew that I would not have been your first choice if you had had another option.”  He paused, dropping his head sullenly.  “I wanted to allow us both the option for a clean annulment if that is what we ultimately decided after our affairs were in order.”

“Oh …” was all Ella could mutter, her mind swirling with a million recollections all at once.  And suddenly all the rejections and distance that Ernest had maintained over the past months seemed less cold and harsh, instead the memories filled her with a sense of warmth and … honor.  It all made complete sense now, except … “But what about now Ernest?”  She whispered in a hushed tone, so softly and wistfully that it caused her husband to glance back over his shoulder to hear her better.  “Is it still your wish that our marriage shall be annulled?”  She held her breath and gripped the arm of the chair, her heart pounding in her chest as she braced herself for his reply.

Ernest moved so quickly that Ella barely had time to process what was happening, and all at once he was on his knees at her feet and holding her hand tightly within his own.  “Oh Ella … Ella after all that has happened, if you would give me the chance …” he stopped, raising one hand slowly to stroke her cheek with his fingertips.  “Could it be true that you could care for me?  Can you forgive me?”

Ella’s eyes brimmed with happy tears threatening to tumble over as her face curled into a half-smile.  “Ernest, you were forgiven the moment you took my hand upon that dark street tonight.  For I hoped … I knew in my heart that you were the most honorable man I have ever met.”  She lifted her hand and cupped his against her cheek, nuzzling her face into his warm palm as she lifted her eyes to meet his gentle stare.  “My heart belongs to you, husband.”

“And mine to you …” his voice came out in a whisper, laced with awe.  Ernest’s eyes shone with relief and wonder, his chest heaving a big sigh as he raised himself on his knees before her.  He leaned forward ever so slowly, all the while studying her eyes as if asking permission.  Ella shuddered as he came closer, his warm breath tickling her lips when he paused only inches away.  She felt a pull towards him, drawing her closer without a thought like a magnet’s force.  At the first graze of his lips brushing softly against hers, she felt herself melt into him, all the manners of a lady that had been reinforced her entire life immediately forgotten as the world faded away.

The kiss was slow and tender at first, two sets of lips in a timid dance testing their boundaries.  Ella felt Ernest shift closer, his hands dropping to grip her waist and pull her tighter to him.  The feel of his grasp elicited a soft moan from the back of her throat, causing her to unconsciously open her mouth to him as her body’s desire took over.  Ernest responded in kind, and suddenly the slow and timid dance had transformed into something more fervent and desperate, making up for all the time they had lost.  They were a tangle of lips and tongues, breathy gasps and needy hands until they had pull away to catch their breaths.

Their breathing slowed gradually as they stared bewildered at each other, their hands still gripping each other tenderly in the dimly lit parlor.  As Ella’s mind stilled and her thoughts focused, she felt a blush creeping up her cheeks as a soft giggle escaped her lips.  After all this time, she could barely believe she was here, in this moment with Ernest’s arms around her, her lips moist and swollen from their heated exchange.  He responded with a boyish chuckle himself, his eyes dancing joyfully as they flitted between her own.

He reached up and tucked a loose tendril of her hair from her forehead behind her ear, emitting a satisfied sigh as he settled back on his heels before her.  “I never thought I would get this chance Ella.  And now that I’m here …” his voice trailed off, and he shook his head wistfully as he glanced away collecting his thoughts.  When he finally looked back to her, there was an expression of determination laced with hopefulness spread across his face.  “Now that we’re here, I want to do this properly.  I want to court you, like I wish we had had the opportunity to before we got ourselves into this whole mess.  At least until we don’t have these burdens of inheritance hanging over our heads.  That is, if you shall allow me?”  He arches his brow questioningly as he finished.

Ella could not fight the giddy smile curling the corners of her lips.  “Thank you Ernest, for being patient with me.  I shall like nothing more than to spend my days getting to know you.”  Ella released a short exhale, grateful for the chance to begin again with this man she had grown so fond of as a companion.  And while her body was still afire from that kiss, she would be lying if she said that she was not even more nervous at the thought of sharing his bed now.  She still needed time … time to know him without the obligations of their marriage, time to learn to trust him before she could bare herself completely to him as a proper wife would.  But then again, that kiss … “I have two conditions before I agree.”

Ernest startled, unsure what she was requesting yet knowing fully well that he would do anything for this woman.  “Of course, dear Ella … anything you ask.”

Ella nodded, straightening in her chair and taking his hands firmly in her own as she addressed him.  “First, I want to be involved in all the details with you as we work out your claim to Ledford Park.  And likewise I would appreciate your support as I handle Edgewater and my stepmother.”  She cocked her head, waiting patiently for his reply.

“Yes, of course … there shall be no more secrets between us.  We shall be partners in everything.”  He gave her a reassuring smile and squeezed her hands.  “What else?”

Ella blushed and dropped her gaze nervously to their hands intertwined on her lap.  When she finally looked back up to meet his stare, she gave him a shy smile as her eyes twinkled affectionately.  “While I appreciate the opportunity to begin again and get to know one another as we sort things out, I must admit that I rather enjoyed when you kissed me.  Perhaps we shall allow that, since we are courting and all.”  She gave him a playful smirk, observing as his eyes widened in delightful surprise.

“That, my dear Ella …” he spoke in a low voice as he leaned forward again, sliding a hand up her arm to cup the back of her head and lacing his fingers in her silky dark locks, “that is one condition I shall be happy to oblige.”  This time Ella reached towards him, gripping the lapels of his jacket and pulling him towards her until her mouth found his again.  Ernest gave a deep contented snicker from his throat as she crashed her mouth to his wantonly, but only for a moment before he lost himself again in her kiss.

To be continued …

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