A Royal Disgrace Part 8 (NSFW)

Summary: After the ball, Drake and Riley talk some things through while Bastien and Damien have a long night at the police station. Damien unwinds with a phone call to Liam.

Damien drummed his fingers against the table in the stark room where he had given his statement to the police. Bastien sat next to him, ramrod straight, unmoving except to periodically scan around the room with his eyes.

He sighed dramatically, slouching into his chair. “So…this your first time in New York?”

Bastien looked at him quizzically. “I travel wherever His Majesty does.”


“I am here with some frequency.”

“Cool, cool.” Damien looked around the room again, mentally scrambling for something to talk to his quiet companion about. “So Li–er, His Majesty is kind of a badass, huh?”

Much to his relief, that earned a chuckle from Bastien. “He can certainly hold his own in a fight, yes. But I would sleep better at night if he’d stop trying to shake his security detail and let us handle taking down the bad guys.”

Damien felt his cheeks redden. How many times had Liam ditched his security in order to be alone with him? At least twice, possibly more; he had stopped asking about it, letting Liam decide what was best to balance discretion and safety. This time it had only taken ten minutes away from his guard to end up in a life or death situation.

Lost in thought, it took him a moment to realize that Bastien was now staring him right in the face. He swallowed hard, suddenly seeing it all over his face: he knows.

“His Majesty’s personal life is none of my business, but…”

Damien tried to keep his face neutral, but his heart was pounding.

Bastien went on, carefully, his words measured. “He is never ‘safe.’ He may be a handsome young man…” Damien was definitely blushing now, helpless to hide it, “…but he is still a world leader, a head of state. And a new one, at that, at a delicate time of transition. It may seem silly to an American, but him being unmarried and without heir makes his family’s claim to the crown tenuous. So while I can’t judge him for seeking companionship, I need you to understand that neither his safety nor his carefully crafted public image can be compromised without serious repercussions.”

He could only nod in response, feeling like a scolded child. It was too easy to forget that Liam was a king. That the man he could hold in his arms held an entire nation on his back. That kind of responsibility, that amount of ever-present risk…it made his palms sweat just to consider it. His heart broke a little more for Liam, an extraordinary man but still just a man, with little choice but to shoulder all of it himself.

“Do we understand each other?” Bastien was still staring at him expectantly.

Damien nodded, finding his own resolve. “Yes. But I need to see him. After what happened today, I need to check in with him. Personally.”

Bastien shook his head, frowning. “No. We’re on orange alert protocol. Access to the king is extremely limited.” He let out a long sigh, his face thoughtful. “However…” He pulled a business card out of his pocket, flipping it over to scribble a number on the back. “You can reach him at this number for the time being. It’s a temporary number, but it should be secure.” He hesitated for a moment before handing Damien the card.

He pocketed it gratefully. “Thank you.”

The door opened, a familiar face poking his head through the door. “Nazario! We’ve got everything we need from you. Go get some sleep, you look like shit.”

He smirked and stood up, shrugging his coat back on. “Peterson. Always a pleasure to talk to you for 15 minutes and then sit around for hours while you figure out if you have anything else to ask me.”

“Yeah, yeah. You’re off the force for a minute and suddenly you’re sure you can do our job better than we can, is that it?”

“You know it.” He turned to face Bastien on his way out. “Thanks again, Mr. Lykell.”

Bastien nodded. “Good night, Mr. Nazario.”

Riley paced the familiar layout of Damien’s apartment, her head still pounding from hitting the pavement at the ball but her mind too anxious to let her lie down and sleep.

Drake leaned against the kitchen counter, watching her with concern. “Riley…you should get some rest. Your head…”

She touched the tender lump under her hair, wincing. “I’m fine. Just…angry. Scared. Frustrated.”

He stepped into her path, gently taking both her hands in his. “I know. You’re allowed to feel all those things. But do you think you can focus on dealing with all that tomorrow, and tonight just focus on getting some sleep?”

She took a deep breath and let it out, melting under his gaze. His touch felt so good, his solid presence so comforting. He was always there, always ready for her to lean on when things got tough. When Liam wasn’t.

No, that wasn’t fair. It was Liam who had protected her just hours before, taking down a gunman without a second thought in order to protect her. Circumstance was keeping them apart, but he was solid, dependable. She was the one not fighting hard enough for them to be together.

“Hey. Where’d you go?”

She looked back up to Drake’s gentle eyes, searching hers. “Sorry…I’m here.”

He gave a sad little smile. “Liam?”

She nodded, willing her eyes to stay dry. “He saved me tonight.”

“Of course he did. He’s Liam.” He laughed, his smile warm and loving. “Riley…I told you once I would never make you choose. You know that I meant that, right? I’m not…I mean…if you want to be with me, that’s amazing. But I’m not going to take you from Liam if you want to be with him. I’ll support you every step of the way.”

Riley lifted his right hand to her lips, kissing his knuckles. “I do love him. I fell so hard for him, before the reality of what a life with him would look like really sank in. To be honest…” Her voice cracked, the tears starting to flow from her eyes. “I always thought I was the kind of person who would fight her way through hell for love. I want to be that person. And you’re wonderful, and my feelings for you are very real, but sometimes I wonder…am I just looking for an easy way out? How can I possibly abandon Liam when we’ve come this far?” She let go of his hands to wipe away her tears. “Sorry…I’m rambling.”

“Please don’t apologize,” Drake said softly, his expression showing nothing but love and concern. “You’re in an impossible situation. I don’t mean to confuse you.”

She waved a hand dismissively. “Stop, stop. I’ve been flirting with you and breaking down your defenses since the social season. Don’t you dare take the blame.”

He wrapped his strong arms around her, pulling her to his chest. “I’m here for you. Whatever you need me to be.” He let out a small laugh. “There is uh…only one bed here, though. Think you can keep your hands off of me?”

She laughed through the tears, burying her face in his chest and breathing in his comforting scent. “I’ll do my best.”

It was early 3am when Damien finally got home, nodding to the King’s Guard agent outside his apartment door who was tasked with keeping Riley safe. He left all the lights off, relying on the yellow glow of the streetlights outside the windows.

The door to his bedroom was slightly ajar, and he quietly peeked in, making sure all was well with Riley. She’d helped herself to one of his t-shirts and wrapped herself in his comforter, while Drake slept in his own clothes without any blankets, his arm slung loosely around her waist. Surprisingly chaste, he thought, given the way he had seen them looking at each other all night. He  tip-toed inside to grab his spare blanket and some pajama pants before softly closing the door.

Snuggled cozily into his blanket on the couch, he pulled out his phone and the card Bastien had given him. He typed in the number but then hesitated, considering the time. He decided on texting instead.

D: It’s Damien. If you’re up can we talk?

His phone rang almost immediately, and he relaxed into the cushions as he answered. “Liam?”

“Damien. I’m glad to hear from you. I’m told you’ve got Riley at your place?”

Damien was annoyed with himself for the twinge of jealousy when he immediately brought up Riley, and pushed the feeling down. “I do. Drake’s here as well, and a woman from your Guard…I don’t remember her name.”

“Mara, yes. That’s great.”

“Yup. And I hear you’re…under house arrest.”

He laughed warmly. “Something like that. My security team is furious. I guess I can humor them for now and stay put.”

“Please do. But can I just say that you’re amazing? The way you took Stathos down before he could get a single shot off…”

That laugh again, warm and low. He could listen to that laugh all day. “All credit to my trainers. I’ve been learning how to protect myself since I was old enough to throw a punch.”

Damien scoffed at his humility. “Yeah, but protecting yourself would’ve been staying hidden exactly where you were while someone else dealt with him. You put yourself at risk to protect a couple of American commoners.”

“Yes, I’ve received a few lectures to that tune tonight.”

“Well, fuck those lectures. You’re amazing.”

“I’m glad you think so.”

They were both quiet for a long moment, listening to each other breathe. Finally Damien broke the silence. “It’s late. Should I let you go?”

“I wish you were here,” Liam answered, his voice cracking ever so slightly.

Damien let out a hard exhale. “Yeah. Bastien told me I’m not allowed.”

Liam laughed again, and warmth spread through Damien’s chest. “That sounds about right. The whole nation answers to me, and I answer to Bastien.”

“Well, he gave me your number, so I can’t complain too much.”

“No, can’t complain.” Another long pause, nothing coming through the line other than Liam’s soft breath. “So…what are you wearing?”

Damien laughed abruptly. “Really? That’s how you’re playing it?”

Liam’s voice was low and serious, now. “Yes. I have no idea what I’m doing, but…yes.”

“Well I’m sure you’re a natural. Um. I’m wearing flannel pajama pants and a blanket.”

“That’s all?”

“Well, and boxers underneath.”

“Nothing on top?”

Damien grinned. “Nothing on top.”

“You might have the best body I’ve ever seen.”

He tried to stifle his laugh, worried about waking his guests. “Oh, please. Not even the best in the room when I’m with you.”

Liam scoffed. “I’m not one for false modesty, and I’ve worked hard to stay fit, but you…” He blew out a long breath. “You’re gorgeous.”

“Well, thank you. And it’s your turn. What are you wearing?”

“I think you might make fun of me.”


“OK…a silk pajama set.”

“What? Aren’t you alone?”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

Damien rolled his eyes. “You don’t have to wear fancy clothes to bed, Liam. Take it off.”

“All of it?”

“All of it.”

The line went quiet for a moment as the phone was set down, faint rustling in the background. Damien waited patiently.

“OK, I’m down to just pants. Same as you.”

He smiled, the memory of Liam’s body warming him from the inside out. “And what do I have to do to get the rest off?”


Damien didn’t hesitate; he pushed his clothes off down, kicking them off and wrapping himself in the blanket in case he was caught. “Done. You?”

“Done.” They were both silent for a long moment, breathing a little harder, imaginations working in overdrive. Liam’s voice was soft when he spoke again. “Now what?”

“Now I tell you how much I wished I had kissed you tonight.”

“Mmm…” He hummed in agreement. “I know I shouldn’t have snuck away from my security for a moment with you, but I couldn’t concentrate with you there in that suit.”

“I was underdressed.”

“No…you looked perfect.” They were both whispering now, as if speaking too loud would break the spell.

“You looked…regal.”

Liam chuckled softly. “Not your favourite look?”

Damien blushed. He hadn’t meant to be so obvious. “The less you’re wearing, the better, as far as I’m concerned.”

“Ah. Well, I’ll take that under advisement at the next diplomatic event I attend. I’m sure the foreign ambassadors will appreciate my body as much as you do.”

“Solid power move. I like it.”

“I’m glad you wanted to kiss me even in my ugly clothes.”

Damien smiled, shaking his head. “Yes, it was very charitable of me. Except that I didn’t actually get to kiss you.”

“No. Or have any other fun, for that matter.”

He swallowed hard. “What did you have in mind when you pulled me away from the party?”

“I wanted to thank you. For showing up and for all your help with this situation.”

“Just thank me?”

“I didn’t say how I wanted to thank you.”

Something about the tone of his voice…low and mischievous. Damien slid down his nest of pillows to lie on his back, letting his hand trail down his body under the blanket. “How?”

A light chuckle on the other end of the line that failed to ease the tension. “It was probably a bad idea.”

His hand paused on his hip, tracing the line of the sharp bone there. “Liam…tell me.”

“I wanted to kiss you. Badly. And to push you up against the wall, and pull your hair in the way that you like…” Liam trailed off, his breath coming a little faster over the line.

“I like everything you do to me.” His voice came out sounding more needy than he’d intended.

“Would you have liked it if I’d dropped to my knees…”

“In that fancy tux?” He quipped without thinking, immediately scolding himself for interrupting.

“Yes. I’m OK with getting a little dirty for you.”

Damien wanted to tease him for the cheesy line but he couldn’t deny it had an effect on him. He let his hand move closer, grazing his own pelvis, biting his lip in anticipation. “Liam…”

A soft groan. “I love hearing you say my name.”

“Liam. What next?”

“I would…” He hesitated, his voice more shy than Damien had ever heard it. “I would have undressed you as much as I could, given the proximity of a couple dozen world leaders. And I would’ve taken you in my mouth, tasted you, let my tongue memorize the feel of you…”

Damien let his hand wrap around his cock then, moaning softly as he imagined Liam’s mouth instead. He pictured his hands in Liam’s hair, the sight of him, a king, and looking the part more than ever, kneeling at his feet. His breath was coming shallow and fast as he started moving his hand slowly up and down his length, losing himself to the fantasy.

“Damien?” Liam’s voice a whisper, his heavy breathing betraying his own actions on the other end of the line.

“Yes. God, Liam, you’re the sexiest fucking…oh.” His hips jerked at a jolt of pleasure, and he forced himself to slow down. “I know it’s only been a few days, but I just…I miss your mouth and…everything.”

“How much?”

“I might never let you leave.”

“Mmm…” Liam hummed through his increasingly short breath. “It’s a good thing I have guards to protect me from kidnappers.”

“No. I’ll make you want to stay so badly they won’t be able to tear you away from me.”

“Damien…” he panted, his voice cracking. “Tell me how.”

He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to conjure up an image of Liam in his mind. Lying in his luxurious bed in his extravagant hotel room, surrounded by soft silk bedding, his hair all messy from rubbing against his pillow. Face flushed, lips parted. His chest rising and falling with his heavy breaths, his back arching off the bed as his hand moved over that perfect hard cock of his. Legs squirming, heels digging into the mattress…

“Tell me,” Liam repeated, pleading.

“I-I would…” his head was swimming, every fantasy playing at once, overlapping, struggling to hold a single coherent thought. “I’d pin you down on my bed – my bed, where you belong – your face buried in the pillows and I’d…god, I’d just…”

“Yes…” Damien could tell from his pitch and his breathing that Liam was close. Good boy.

“I’d ease inside of you, gently at first…no one’s ever done that to you, have they?”


“Good, because when I fuck your ass, Your Majesty, I want you to remember me forever.”

Liam gasped, then let out the sexiest noise that Damien had ever heard.

“Did you…”

“I did,” Liam panted. “Did you…”

“No. Stay with me, OK?”

“Of course.” Liam took a few long, deep breaths, regaining his composure. “I’m here with you. I need you to come for me, baby.”

Damien gave up on words, focusing on memories of that first night that with Liam, that surreal first kiss, the taste of his beautiful mouth…

“Do you remember how I felt inside of you, Damien? Remember how you moaned for me, called out my name, couldn’t get enough of me…”

He fell apart, a warm burst of ecstasy spreading through his body as he spilled all over his stomach, whispering Liam’s name into the phone. He laid there silently, for a long moment, basking in the afterglow and comforted by the steady sound of Liam’s breathing. When he came back to reality, he let out a shy chuckle. “For the record…this is not what I expected when I texted you.”

Liam laughed too, a sleepy lilt to his voice. “We can’t be trusted together.”

“Apparently not.” He sighed, enjoying the surprisingly comfortable silence for a few more moments before speaking up again. “Hey…I gotta go clean myself up.”

“Right. Me too. And sleep wouldn’t be a bad idea, either.”

“Hmmm…I suppose you’re right. I guess it’s good night then, Your Majesty.”

“I guess it is. Good night, Damien. Sweet dreams.”

He sighed deeply as he hung up the phone and melted into the couch cushions, falling asleep without another thought.

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