A Royal Mate: Chapter 10 – A Maze of Secrets

DISCLAIMERS:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except for the characters I create for the story line. This story will have NSFW or explicit material in later chapters but I will make sure to give warnings at the beginning.

Summary:  With Liam being called away for an emergency meeting. Si and Em explore the Palace Maze. This maze is holding a huge secret? What will happen when the secret comes out? Who will stand  and Who will fall?


It is the middle of the night when Si and Liam finally stir.  They both realize that this was the best sleep that they have gotten since they first met.  She feels Liam’s lips on her forehead and she smiles against his chest. She takes in the smell of him, deep and woodsy, with a hint of sweetness.

“God, Liam you smell so good, what are you wearing?”

“Love, I am not wearing anything but you.”

“No seriously, whatever you are wearing drives me crazy I can’t think straight sometimes. I smelt it on you the night of the ball.” Si says insistently.

“Love, I promise, I don’t wear cologne or anything like it.”

“Fine,” Si pouts, “You better not wear it for any other woman, or I will make you pay.”

“Oh really, and how will you make me pay?” he asks, rolling her onto her back.

“ I tell you as soon as I think of a way that won’t punish myself in the process. So there will never be the punishment of withholding sex.” She laughs.

Liam kisses her deeply and she can feel his chuckle against her breast. God she loves this man. After a few more hours, the pair is sated for the time being.  Liam states that they should shower and head back. After the boat docks, Liam and Si walk hand in hand to the the waiting car. As they approach the Palace Liam instructs the driver to enter through the back entrance to the Palace.

Liam explains that this entranced is only to be used by the King or Queen when they want to avoid being seen arriving home. This leads to the most direct path to Liam’s quarters, through another secret passage.  Once they were in Liam’s room, he walks her down the secret passage to her room. and kisses her goodnight. As Liam returns to his own room, he mind wanders to the fact that she could smell his mating pheromones, but how, no human could possibly smell that until they mated, which they have yet to do. He removes it clothes and slips into bed, he can still feel the sting of Si’s nails on his back, too bad the marks will be gone by the time he wakes up.

It is late in the morning when Si finally awakens.  She decides to talk a long bath. She gets dressed and then goes to see if there is any coffee in the sweet. She is greeting by a dozen red roses and a note from Liam.  

“Well look who decide to arise from the dead.” Olivia mocks her. “From the smell and the smile on your face, I guess flying under the radar is now off the table.”

“Hey, what can I say, Madeleine told me to enjoy my night with him.” she smirks, “I was only following her orders like a good little girl.” Si laughs.

“Well, the little cunt was posted up at the front of the Palace waiting for the two of you to arrive, but you both snuck in the back door, she thought you were both still on the boat until she saw Liam leave for his 9 am meeting.” Olivia laughs, “You should have seen the look on her face.”

“Yeah, Si, at dinner, all the girls were talking about how lucky you were to get the first date with Liam, as you can set the bar for every girl after you.  Of course, Madeleine had to point out that if you slept with him last night that you would prove that you are classless and a whore.” Em adds.

“Until someone else, spoke up and said that they noticed the way he looked at you all night at the ball, and they would not be surprised if you were, in fact, his true mate.” Maxwell chirps happily, “Boy did Madi look like she just drank a whole gallon of vinegar. Then said that she did not notice anything special about the way he looked at you.”

“Then there were some giggling, and someone whispered that they could believe that Madeleine did notice that Liam hardly looked at her while she was in his arms because he was too busy looking for you all night,” Em adds.

They all relish in the fact that Madeleine, near meltdown at dinner. Then they say that all activities that were scheduled had been postponed as Liam had to travel for a very important meeting.  So they have a free day to do whatever they wanted.

“Honey, you still smell of him, so I would avoid Madi dear right now,” Olivia warns as Si and Em decide to walk around the Palace Maze. It looked easy to navigate when she was looking down from an upper window, but now, in the labyrinth, she and Em were lost. They wander around for what seems like hours when they stop.

“You are utterly useless!” Regina says in a raised voice, “Madeleine, you are letting some human whore make a fool out of you. I told you to find out everything you can, on every suitor and you let yourself look like an idiot at tea.”

“Auntie, that Beaumont, brought her at the last minute. There is not a complete dossier on her. As for the ball, I have no idea where she got that dress, I know that someone is helping her. I have been trying to get close to her, but the dragon bitch is never too far from her.” Madeleine says through clenched teeth.

“Madeleine, I have grown tired of your excuses and failures, I told you to bear Leo, a cub, well BEFORE he abdicated, it should have been simple.  But no, you had to play the pristine virgin. Honey, let me tell you, men brains are not in their heads. How else would Constantine not notice that I was slowly poisoning his wife? I slide my body in the King’s bed, long before I put that human in her grave.” Regina smiles, “So here is what you are going to do, you are going to get all the information about this Lady Siryah from her Aunt, promise that woman whatever she wants. Here, take this, once you have what you need, put 5 drops in her wine, and have Tariq and Neville dispose of her body. Can I dare to hope that she is still hidden in the Palace?”

“How, did you know?” Madeleine

“Madeleine, if you make it to Queen, you must know everything that goes on in your house. This is your final warning, if the aunt is not useful, get rid of her quickly. Then you will need to get rid of Lady Siryah. Then while Liam grieves you will make sure that you are the one there to comfort him. Just as I did with Constantine, and when you have been Queen for some time and given him an heir and a spare, you can get rid of Liam too. Just like I did with Constantine, luckily for me, I did have to bear his a child, he already had brats. The Crown belongs to our family, I wish a Rys, did not have to sit on the throne, but if you bear his children, we can raise them correctly, once the poor young King dies.”

Si and Em are dumbfounded, did they just really overhear that the former Queen killed Liam’s parent, and are planning to kill him.  Em could feel the heat emanating from Si. They hear footsteps coming in there direction. They take off running blindly in the other direction.

“Oh shit, Em, do you think it is them?” Si pants.

“I have no idea, not trying to find out,” Em replies. They run weaving through the maze until they heard a familiar voice call out to them.

“Em, Si, stop! it is only me, Maxwell!” he yells.  The girls stop running trying to catch their breaths.

“Maxwell, you couldn’t announce yourself before now. Asshole.” Si says between breaths. “You scared us shitless.”

Si turns to see that Em has left, then Maxwell’s cell rings.   “Yeah, uh hun, ok, yeah, yes, ok, see you soon.” Maxwell hangs up. “Si, we need to leave, I cannot explain, but trust me we have to go now.”

“But what about Em, where is she?”

“Em is in the suite packing you guys a small bag. Olivia is with her.” Maxwell looks at Si, she is about to stop walking and ask questions, “I know you want to know what is going on, but Liam will tell you everything when we get there.  That is all I can tell you, for now, trust him. OK.”

When they got to the room, Si immediately looks at Em and asks, “Where the hell did you go? I was so worried, who did you call?”

“Si, I know you are angry, but it was for your own good, Julie said that Josi was seen getting on a plane not long after we left, after what we heard, I called Daniel.”

“Daniel? why? Em, he is in New York.” Si is in disbelief.

“No, I am here, and I will explain as we get to the safe house. Si now is not the time for you to be stubborn.”

Maxwell and Olivia come into the suite with their bags.  They could hear a very upset Madeleine roaring as she enters her room. They all head to the secret passage in Si’s bedroom, they take the same route that she and Liam had taken in the wee hours this morning. There are two unmarked SUV waiting Daniel instructs Em and Si to get in the first car. Maxwell and Olivia get in the other. Taking the back passage away from the Palace.

Si’s mind is going a mile a minute. What, the hell could possibly be going on? What is Liam hiding from me? Why is he keeping secrets? How am I going to tell him his stepmother killed his parents and with  Madeleine’s help, plans to kill him? The thought of someone hurt Liam stirs something deep within her. A faint voice says, “They burn if they hurt him!” Si could feel a rage building deep within.

After an hour or so, they finally arrive at the destination, Daniel shows everyone into the small building, and tell them that after the bags were checked for tracking devices that they would be placed in their rooms. Maxwell and Olivia head down the all and Si and Em follow, no one has said a word.  Once they went through the door, Si gasps, from the outside she would not have known the amount of space that was carved out in the hillside, the safe house was beautiful and welcoming. She notices the people at the table. She is so angry that tears start to fall. The group at the table can sense her emotions and stop talking and turn to look at her.

“Si, Love, I know you are very upset, but hear me out.  First, I want to tell you how happy I am that you are alright. Second, I did not want to say anything until I was sure, of what it all meant. I give you my word that I was going to tell you everything, but after Em’s urgent call to Daniel, we felt it was best to get you here first, then explain.” Liam says wiping a tear from her face. Dammit, why does his touch soothe her so.  

“Hell, I wish that someone would explain all this to me! Why is my parent’s lawyer and Julie here?” Si sobs, “Why do I think my life is a lie?” If it was not for Liam catching her, she would have collapsed on the floor.  Liam picks her up and carries her down a long hallway to a room huge room, he lays her on the bed. He crawls in beside her and holds her while her body stutters at the gravity of her tears. Liam wishes that he could have told her in a different manner, but threat looming over them has made him change his plans.

“Shhh, Love, it is ok, I am here, I will tell you everything. But I cannot have you hysterical at the moment.” he kisses her forehead. “Si, your Father was Duke Edmund Dainelis, he was best friends with my father.  I am told that he met your mother because she was friends with my mother. Your father had an arranged marriage with one of the other Noble houses but he loved your mother, and they…”

“Married in Paris…My mom told me that they met and it was love at first sight, they married and had me.” Si says, her breathing trying to return to normal.

“Yes, but you were born four years later, I was 4 when my mother was murdered. Your parents fled, I never understood until,” Liam pauses, letting her breath calm a little more, then he continued, “ I found some paperwork in my father’s study. It was a marriage contract between me and the daughter of Duke and Duchess Dainelis, born June 25, 1993, at …

“At 5:25 am, weighing 9 lbs 3 oz, I, we are betrothed? Did you know this before coming to New York?” Si says as she quickly sat up.

“No, I did not know any of this until I saw your Father’s crest on the letter.  Daniel’s father, Mr. Taylor, was one of the Captains of the Royal Guard, that my father sent to protect your family. He too doesn’t believe that their death was an accident, and he thinks, that if you had not been sick, you could have been in the car with them. I did not learn any of this until after everything happened between us.  Si, I love you, and I was only trying to protect you, I needed to be sure before I said anything to you. When you gave it for safekeeping, I knew that my father kept a copy of the records of family crest in his study, that is when I found our Decree of Betrothal and a letter written to me from my father. He told me of a woman, we now know to be you, was taken away from Cordonia to protect her from the possible threat.  You and your parents were supposed to return to Cordonia on your 23rd birthday.”

“But they died and never told me any of this, I remember my father saying that everything was in place and that I would be taken care of. Boy, was he wrong.”

“Yes, it all fell apart when you aunt took you back to New York, and you changed your surname back to your father’s.  They lost track of you until you showed up needing a job at the bar where Daniel works. You, Love, Duchess of Valtoria but your birthright. We are still learning all that we can so that we can figure out who was behind the deaths.”

Si lays back down pulling Liam with her, wrapping their arms around each other Si kisses him.

“Liam, I don’t know how to tell you this, so I am going to just come out and say it.  You probably know that Em and I overheard Regina and Madeleine in the maze, Regina was reading her the riot act for not winning the dinner.” Si starts,

“Daniel just said the Em called and said you were in danger and need to leave immediately.” Liam interjects, “he said he didn’t have all the details, but he could feel Em’s fear, and he had to act, so he was pulling you out of the Palace.  I called Bastien and had him arrange for your transportation. I told Daniel that I wanted you brought here.”

“Well, when they canceled today’s plans, I decided to walk the maze that you have told me so much about and that is when we heard Regina yelling at Madeleine.  I guess they never knew we were there. Liam, Regina is so cold. She is the one who poisoned your mother, and then she poisoned your father. “ Si could feel Liam start to tremble, she could feel his anger and despair. Si kisses him quickly as she can feel he was about to shift. She kisses him until his lion was calmer, then continues “Liam, they want to get rid of me, Regina told Madeleine to get rid of me and to be there to help you grieve,…Like she did with your father.” Liam is staring into her eyes, she can see all the love he has for her. “Liam, I will never let them hurt you.”

“And I will never let anyone hurt you. You are my life.” Liam says pulling her closer to him

“Slow down Lion King,  I am upset that everyone knew more about my life than I did. It hurts to know the people I love most, kept something this big from me. There was someone who could have saved me from all the heartache, no one came to my rescue when I needed it most.  I was so alone.” tears were freely falling from her eyes. “Liam, this is a lot to take in, but I will try to understand the reasoning behind the secret. Please, Please, Please promise to never keep anything from me again, I don’t care how small, tell me, talk to me. Ok?”

“Ok, Love, I promise, I  will always discuss things with you. “ Liam smiles, but there is still sadness in his eyes.

“What are we going to do?”

“I think that we should discuss this with the others”

Just then there was a knock on the door.  Maxwell poked his head in an let them know that dinner was ready.  They walk out, Liam still worries about how Si is feeling  finding out about everything,  Em sees her and runs over to hug her. Daniel comes a little closer, and she shoots him a look. He freezes. What was that? Olivia and Drake are in a corner having a heated discussion, there is something about those two.

“First let me just say, I am no longer mad as hell,  but I am hurt and disappointed, Daniel how long have you known? How long have you kept this from me? What else are you not telling me?” she says she can feel the tear welling up in her eyes.

“Si, I am sorry, but I could not tell you anything until your 25th birthday, but you and Liam somehow found each other.  I was supposed to keep you safe, I have been shadowing you for the last 10 years. Me, and my family, we were sent to be with you and your parents in the US.” Daniel says,  “No one meant to hurt you but we had to figure out who is behind the deaths.”

“Well, I can help you there, it is Regina, she killed Liam’s parents and is planning on killing me, so that her bitch of a niece can marry Liam, have two kids, then kill him off too. Oh! And my bitch of an Aunt is here too, yeah, Madeleine is supposed to get information about me from her, if she is found to be useless, well, they will kill her too.”

“Si, I think that your aunt is responsible for your parents’ death.” Mr. Taylor says, “That is why I was away, I was assigned to them and Daniel and Julie were assigned to you.”

“Why would she kill them? Was it for the money?” Si questions.

“Yes, that is what I believe.” Mr. Taylor answers. “Your grandfather left everything, money, homes, cars, even her mother’s jewelry to your mother. Josi would not get anything unless, your mother gave it to her, or the event of her death. Josi did not think that your mother would have made a will so young, but your parents did write a will as soon as you were born.  Everything both in the US and Cordonia is now yours.”

Just as the air grows thick, Si stomach growls loudly. Laughter breaks the tension in the room. Everyone sits at the massive table for dinner, they talk about what the next steps are. Seeing how they pair is completely unaware that their plot has been uncovered, Liam should go on with his social season as planned. Liam was just about to speak when.

“Since I already have a target on me, why do we have to keep up completing all of Regina’s stupid test? Would it be easier for Liam to declare me as his true mate? That way anything my Aunt might think to say or do, will be dead in the water.  And Regina and Madeleine will be forced to show their hand.”

The group threw out what they would mean, and how they could be prepared for any surprises. Daniel and Daryn pointed out that they still have to search Valtoria for her father will, as it would be needed to officially calm Valtoria.  

“What about my mother’s letter. Could it be in that?” Si asks.

“Of course, that is why I couldn’t find it, he took it with him, and never made a copy.” Daryn says, “The letter is stowed away in the secret vault in the guard chambers.  I will go get it and bring it back here. I think that you should stay here for a few days. We need to find out what is going on in the Palace.”

“Well Bastien is still there, and Regina thinks that my trust in him is starting to waiver and that Drake is pushing him out. So we can use that, and the fact that James is always there, Regina, thinks that he is on her side. I had hoped that I was wrong about her, but after my father was killed, something about her never felt right and the stage was set.” Liam tells them. Si heart hurt to know that he was aware something was happening but who could have prepared for this level of betrayal.  She grabs his hand.

“It’s getting late, and since we aren’t leaving anytime soon, we should relax a little bit,” she gives Liam a soft smile. Let’s enjoy the calm before the storm.”

Liam called Bastien and told him what they had learned and asked him to have James to push all activities back for a few days. Citing that they meeting was going to require a few more days to resolve. Bastien let him know that Madeleine and Regina think that Si  and Olivia went to Lythikos, for a few days, as Si has become ill. Once everything was set everyone retired to there rooms. Si and Liam walk back down the hallway to the room that they were just in.

“This is where you will sleep, Love, I will be in the other room. Please try to get some rest tonight.”

“Liam,” Si stops him from leaving, “Stay with me, make love to me tonight. I want to wake up in your arms in the morning.”

As his eyes met her gaze, she can see that they are full of desire. Si watches has his blue eyes turn to a golden color letting her know exactly what his intentions are. His predatory stare sends a shiver down her spine and an aching in her core. Liam quickly moves to her and pulls her into a passionate, possessive kiss. The pair undresses quickly.

“There is not another woman’s whose lips I want to kiss except yours.  This is not another woman’s scent that can drive me wild like yours. This is not another woman’s pussy that I want to lick, no one’s but yours.” He cups her between her legs, sliding his finger into her dripping core. Allowing her juice to run down his hand. “I will never want to fill another’s pussy. Yours is the only tight, juicy slit that I want to fuck so hard that I leave indentions from my cock.”

“Oh God, Liam” Si manages to choke out.

“You are the only one I want to bury my cock in balls deep and coat your walls with my seed. To fill you with my cum and have my cubs planted and growing in your womb.”

Si has no idea how badly she needed to hear these words come from his lips. She always wanted a big family and hearing Liam say that he wanted to get her pregnant, filled her with immense love and unquenchable desire for his words to be her reality.

“Liam a need you, fuck me, fill me, I want you to.” Si let’s out a breathy moan as Liam licks around her entrance circling her harden clit before plunging his tongue into her core.  Spasms rock her body with every lick, flick of his tongue. Each movement is precise and deliberate, as he probed her core, causing her honey to surge, as he is lapping her wetness like it is nectar from the gods.  He increases his speed and intensity. He growls against her pussy sending a wave of vibrations surging through her channel. Her orgasm rips through her body leaving her feeling boneless.

The aftershocks of her last orgasm still rippling through her body as Liam slowly kiss, licks, and nips his way up her body. He presses the head of his cock into her entrance. He doesn’t move he holds himself still as he cups her face so that they are looking into each other’s eyes.

“Love, I cannot hold back anymore. When I fuck you, I am claiming you. I am making you mine, my mate.”

“Liam, please,” she begs. She can see the feral need in his golden eyes. His feature tighten as she can see his lion rising to the surface. His voice becomes deeper and huskier than before.

“My lion and I  are going to claim you once and for all. This is forever. There will be no turning back. When I claim you, it will not be gentle. I will be stamping my scent all over you, inside you, that it will never leave your body. You will wear my mark on your skin. Everyone who meets you will know that you are mine. I will do all of this, and I will make your happiness my top priority. You will never, not feel my love and desire for you. You will never be alone again.  I love you Si, all you have to do is say, ‘Yes’, and I will claim you and make you mine, but you have to agree to the claiming. Tell me your mine.”

Si groans as his cock twitches in her entrance. Liam holds himself still, he can feel her body craving for him to move.

“I am not moving until you say that you are mine.  We will stay like this. Your core is waiting to be filled and stretched by my cock.”  

Si curls her legs around his ass trying to push him into her, he thrust into her once then quickly pulls out, giving her a little taste of what she is desiring.

“Once you say that they tight, slick pussy is all mine. That you tight ass is all mine. You only have to admit it and I will fuck you every way imaginable. I am going to take you, to fuck you, to own you. You will never forget who you belong to because I am going to stamp myself so deep inside you.” His words are coming out in possessive growls.

His lion is changing his features from a handsome man to wild, sensual, animalistic.

“Say it” he implores, “Say that your mine and I will bury my cock so deep inside you.  I will fuck you raw. I will not stop until I cum so deep inside you, filling your womb with my babies.” he inhales her scent, “Ah Love, I know you want it, this, us. You want me to fill you with my cubs. I only want you to bear my children for as long as we live. You are the only one for me. Say what we both already know. You are MINE.”

She craved him. The idea of having children and Liam being their father embedded itself deep in her soul.

“Yes, Liam. Yes.” she moans, “Make me yours. I am all yours”

He takes possession of her mouth, his tongue demanding entrances, while he plunges his cock into her.  She did not realize how much tension had built up until a single trust causes her to come undone. His kisses absorb her screams. He fucks her hard, fast, and rough; he doesn’t stop. He fucks her through her multiple orgasms and aftershocks. Each thrust is deeper, faster, and wilder than the previous.

She cannot speak, every breath she takes, she steals from Liam’s lungs as he kisses her. Grunts and moans come from both of them.  Their sweat covered bodies, enables him to slide deeper into her. She digs her nails down his back, as he grabs one of her thighs causes her to tilt her hips so that his pelvis grinds hard against her hardened, sensitive clit.  

His cock feeling like hot iron encased in velvet, branding her deep within her core. Two more deep, forceful thrusts and a feral cream rips from her throat.  Liam tenses and he rides the wave of her orgasm. He feels her walls contract hard around his cock. He slows his momentum, taking shallow thrust until he finally tenses inside her as another orgasm takes her.

His canines start to descend. A loud, wild sound comes from deep within him as he roars the word, “MINE!”  He sinks his teeth into her left shoulder, while his hands have become claws and dig deep into her legs, scratching down her thighs. She comes undone at the feeling of his bite.

Streams of his seed coat her channel as he lets his orgasm take hold of his body.  An intense feeling envelopes them as their soul bond is completed. Si loves the feeling of Liam cumming inside her. She prays that he has gotten her pregnant. That her womb is now filled with his babies. She is his completely.

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