A Royal Mate: Chapter 12 – Old Wounds

DISCLAIMERS: All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except for the characters I create for the storyline. This story will have NSFW or explicit material in later chapters but I will make sure to give warnings at the beginning.


Summary: Liam returns to the Palace. Leo has come to see his brother, upon hearing the news about the betrayal he decides to stay. Madeleine makes a play to get into Liam’s good graces, will she prevail? Letters are read.


It is nearly six am when Liam awakens, he looks down at his mate’s sleeping form beside him. He was so lucky to find her, so lucky that she is his betrothed, so lucky that she loves him. She had taken the news rather well, but there were so many questions that still needed answers. He knows that they will need to go to Valtoria soon, but now he needed to get ready to receive Leo and give him the news of Regina’s treachery. He gently kisses her forehead as he slides out of bed. She has had a long night, first, he had to tell her that he aunt was dead, trying to comfort her as much as he possibly could. He told her that they would leave and go back to the Palace and that she will be staying in his suite. She cried herself to sleep in his arms.

He slips out of bed, showers and then dresses. Walking over to the bed he places a note along with her mother’s note, on his pillow. He walks over to the other side of the bed and kisses her cheek.

“Be safe my King,” she sleepily yawns.

“I will, you be careful. Please do exactly what they tell you to do, my Love,” he replies. Her scent fills his nose as he leaves her bedside. Could it be? He gazes at her, then turns to leave. Drake is waiting for him by the car.

“Before you get upset, Daniel and I were talking, I should really come back with you, Daniel will drive Si, Em, and Olivia back to the Palace, it will raise suspicion if I do not return with you. Liam, I know you are worried about her, but Daniel and his family are her guards, you have to trust them.” Drake points out as he opens Liam’s door. Drake walks to the driver’s side and gets in the backseat next to Liam. As they head back to the Palace, Liam is wondering how Leo was going to take the news.”

The car pulls up at the Palace, James and Liam’ butler are waiting for his arrival. Samuel greets Liam and takes his and Drake’s luggage to their quarters. James walks with Liam straight to his office, as they walk, James is going down the meetings and events that Liam will need to attend. Madeleine spots them and quickly tries to catch up.

“Liam, if I could have a moment of your time,” she tries to sound distressed.

“I sorry Countess, but he has an appointment with me, and he is already late. And let’s be honest, a moment is not all you want,” Leo flashes Madeleine his ever so popular panty-dropping smile. “Come, little brother, regale me of the happening of this gilded prison.” Leo closes the door in Madeleine’s face. James could not contain his snicker, he looks at Leo and shrugged his shoulders.

“So, Liam, how is my crazy ex and the stepmonster?”

“About how you left them. Madeleine is, how did you deal with her?” Liam questions.

“Lots of Scotch, lots of Scotch.” Leo laughs. “From the look on your face this is not going to be good is it?”

“Regina wants me to marry Madeleine.” Liam scowls, “I will never marry her. We can discuss the extensive list of reason why later, but I need to tell you something, promise you will keep that lion in check.”

“Really, that serious?” Leo is afraid to know what his brother is about to say.

“Leo, promise me,” Liam says in his King’s voice.

“Fine, I will control my Lion.”

Liam takes a deep breath, “Regina poisoned my mother all those years ago. She did it so that Father would marry her. “

“Fuck, are you serious? How do you know this for sure?” Leo cannot believe what his brother has told him. He gets up from his chair so fast the chair falls behind him. Liam can see that his lion is ready to go find Regina and rip her to shreds.

“Leo, there is more, someone overheard Regina yelling at Madeleine, because she did not win the first test that Regina had set up. It was the same Lady that overheard their conversation. Regina admitted to killing my mother, and then killing their father so that she could force my hand to make Madeleine my Queen.” Liam breathes out, his eyes locked on Leo.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Please, tell me this is a sick joke,” Leo is almost screaming. His lion is still fighting to come to the surface. There was a mixture of anger, despair, flashing across his face. None of this would have happened if he and stayed and honor the betrothal between him and Madeleine. This should have been his cross to bear, not dump it on his brother.

“I wish I could, but I cannot. Regina murder our father and my mother.”

“Who told you this? Are they sure of what they heard?”

“Leo, you will meet her tonight, but I found my mate. Her name is Lady Siryah Dainelis.” Liam beams as he talks about her.

“Dainelis? But the rumor that I was hearing was that a Lady Nelson flew in a stole the young King’s heart. So, the rumor was true? Wasn’t that line broken? And you found her?” Leo is amazed.

“Well she changed her name back to Dainelis, but when they fled they changed their last name to Nelson. So, yes the rumor was true, well part of it anyway, she is not illegitimate but her parents were in fact married. “

“Well I am very happy for you, but that puts her is such danger, especially if they find out who she really is.”

“I know; I know that I am the next target and that they may try to harm Si, to weaken me. This is why I need to ask, for you to take the charges against Regina to the council. I have to appear to be impartial and not try to influence them, but I will support anything you want to do. I know that you did not see eye to eye on a lot of things, but he was still our father. He did not deserve to die like that.” Liam says with distress in his voice.

Liam went on to tell him everything he has uncovered about Regina. He goes into how he had found that someone had been going through their father’s locked and guarded private study. He says that is not clear about exactly what was going on, but his betrothal and a letter from their father was found. Liam tells him, that if their father left a letter for him, there must surely be a letter that Leo, did not receive.

“So, you are telling me, this woman who dare try to be our mother, did all of this just to control us and make sure that Madeleine sat on the throne. So, what do you think would happen to one of us, once Madeleine gave birth to an heir?”

“Leo, some of the servants have heard that they intended to kill me after the birth of an heir. She and Regina figure that their family would be in control and that they could make this kingdom and pride into the image of what they think is just. It was also overheard that Regina had instructed Madeleine to become pregnant with your child before you abdicated because they knew that you would not shame the family by having a bastard in this world.”

“At one point, I did want to be with Madeleine, but once that engagement ring went on her finger, she changed. I saw a deceptive she could be, it helped me realize that this is not the life I want. I knew that you would be a better King for this country of ours. I would not be able to handle it as well as you, Liam”

“You do not give yourself enough credit, you are amazing at winning over some of the hardest people with your personality. I am the one they say is so uptight. I may know how to lead, but I was never taught to feel until I met Si. She makes me wish for things I thought I might never find.”

“I never wanted you to suffer for my decision. I just thought that you were better suited to lead. I will always have your back. I will stay in Cordonia with you, I will do what I can to help, this is going to be a sticky situation, plus I have a new sister in law to charm and a little brother to embarrass.” Leo chuckles. “ Oh, and you don’t give yourself enough credit either. I mean, you got your girl to leave her world behind to be with you. That is no small feat. Come on, I have an evil stepmother to vanquish, then we will take care of the evil witch and her flying monkeys.”

Leo is more than happy to bring charges of treason against Regina, his only request is they fight to the death like old times, lion against lion. Liam told him that he could not grant his request as he is too close to the situation, but he urges him to make the request to the council when he takes his charges to the council meeting that starts in the next 30 minutes.

“Your Majesty, I must speak with you!” Madeleine says she had been pacing the hallway waiting for Leo and Liam to leave his office. “ It is about Queen Mother, Regina, and your parents.”

“Oh, this ought to be good,” Leo sighs.

“Leo, we may have had our differences, and Liam, I know that you do not think me a worthy wife, but I do care for both of you and this country, Regina confessed to me two days ago in the maze, that, that she poisoned your parents. I have been desperately trying to get a hold of you, Liam. I am so sorry, and ashamed that she would do this to your family, her family.”

Liam keeps a stoic mask on his face, So, she will throw anyone away to save herself. “Are you willing to swear to this in front of the council?”

“Yes, Liam, yes I would,” Madeleine says eagerly, believing that she has Liam right where she wants him to be. Madeleine sees sadness and anger on both the men standing before her faces. She knows she has won.

“Well, if you are done fawning over my brother, you will need to come with me, I will need you to give a statement to Bastien so that she can be arrested. I since I do not trust you and any way shape or form, I need your cell phone, you do not get to tip her off,” he says abrasively to Madeleine.

“Anything you need, your Highness,” Madeleine coyly states. She hands over her phone to Leo, the three of them walk to the security office, before heading to the council meeting.

Si, Em, and Olivia arrive at the Palace. Liam has asked James to make sure that the ladies arrive and send him a text when they do. James quickly texts the work Here, to Liam and greets them.

“Duchess, Ladies. His Majesty and His Highness are in with council along with Countess Madeleine.” James proclaims. “ His Majesty wishes for me to show you to your new quarters. Duchess, he would like to you take your room in the Royal wing instead of your normal apartment, as you will be sharing with Lady Em. Lady Si, your things have been quietly moved to the Royal Quarters.” He chuckles as he sees Si cheeks redden. “Don’t worry your Majesty, you will find that I am one of the few who will know everything and your secret is safe with me. It is just a precaution.”

“You said Madi dear went to the council meeting with Liam and Leo?” Olivia turning the attention from Si. “So, let me guess, she gave the old bat up, did she?”

“You are correct. After she realized that you ladies had left she tried to call Liam, but well you know what happened. So, I think she is trying to get into Liam’s good graces and Queen Mother is the perfect sacrifice to do that.” James affirms. They make their way to the Royal corridor, Si’s things are placed inside and James tells them that Liam and Leo will join them in Olivia’s and Em’s suite as soon as they are through with the council.

“His Majesty, wants you to stay here until he comes to collect you. Please, do not wander from this hallway.” James says, bidding them goodbye, the girls settle in.

“Wow, I thought our suite was nice, Si, but look at this place.” Em smiles.

“Yes, well what did you expect Em, you are in the Royal wing, for God’s sake, get use to it. Si will be living the rest of her life in this wing. This wing on this level has several suites, I am sure that once they start having children renovations will commence.” Olivia states, “Well, I am going to get some sleep, I suggest you do the same it will be dinner before the boys get here. Remember Si, you are quite ill. There is another bedroom down that hall, you can relax there.”

Em goes to her room and decides to take a nap. She didn’t get much sleep at the safehouse. She smiles thinking her friends may have had similar nights. Si remembers the letters that Liam left for her on the pillow. She crawls into bed and decides to read her mother’s letter first.


My Dearest Si,

If you are reading this, then I am no longer with you. I did not get to see the woman, I know you would become. I hope that life wasn’t too harsh on you, but I cannot be too sure of anything. I, we, your father and I wanted to tell you that you were not born from New York, but you were born in a small country near the Mediterranean called Cordonia. Your father was actually a Duke, and we secretly wed once I found out I was pregnant with you. He had an arranged marriage but she was an awful woman, her name was Lucretia Nevrakis, she and her sister and her husband wanted to overthrow the King and Queen. The King and Queen were our close friends, that is how I met your father, I was the Maid of Honor in the Royal Wedding, as I was the roommate of the new Queen in college. Your father was the Best Man to the King, so of course, we spent most of the night together much to that horrible woman’s dismay.

Over the next couple of weeks, I got to know your father more and more, one night he told me that he had fallen in love with me, and that was it. I gave him my heart and soul. We courted for about 3 years, of course, Lucretia just thought I was one of your father mistresses, but it was I who held his heart and he was looking for ways to get out of the betrothal contract. A few months later, I found out I was carrying you and we wed quickly. He was afraid that our union would be challenged if we did not marry in a reasonable amount of time. We did not want them to be able to place my pregnancy before the marriage. Lucretia found out about the pregnancy and swore if she ever found out that we wed behind her back, she would demand that your father is stripped of all he had. I could not let that happen, so we kept our marriage a secret, and everyone thought that I was just the mistress.

One day, when you were about 25 weeks old, we took you to the Palace so that King Constantine and Queen Emilia, they had two sons, a precocious 8-year-old named Leo and a 4 -year-old named, Liam. I had you swaddled in an ivory, silk blanket, Liam took one look at you, and said that you were the most beautiful “Little Pearl” that he had ever seen. The King and Queen were shifters, once Liam saw you, he would not let you out of his sight while we were in the Palace. We knew then, that you were his mate, and we made plans for you two to be betrothed, once you had finished college. My princess was going to be a real Princess.

Not long after the formal documents were signed and sealed, Queen Emilia was poisoned, your father was afraid that I or you would be next, so with Constantine’s blessing we ran. He sent us with members of the Royal Guard assigned to your father’s house as he was now the last in of his line. It was always our intentions to tell you all this on your seventeenth birthday, and maybe even take you back to Cordonia for a visit.

We have left your inheritance, also your Cordonian birth certificate, along with our marriage certificate so that you can claim you are rightful place as an heir of Valtoria. Valtoria is yours, you are a Duchess, guide them well. I know that it is in you. A copy of the betrothal as well. Guard them well. My step-sister cannot be trusted. If we are gone, I fear it may be her doing.

Liam is a good man, and he will always look out for you. Do not be afraid to love him. I love you, my darling girl, we will be watching over you. Si, I am so sorry that we had to leave you too soon.

Always loving you,

Your mother.


Si could feel the river of tears falling down her cheeks. She had no clue about who she was, her parents did not mean to leave her, they always meant for her to find Liam. Maybe they made sure that they would meet. Her aunt, Josi, had she not meddled, had she not been so jealous, Si’s life could have been different. She could not regret want happened, as she could not change it. Every step leads her to this moment. To the man of her dreams, to the love of her life. Here is where she is supposed to be. All she knew, is that she would not shed another tear for Josi.

She dried her eyes and reads Liam’s note.


Hello Beautiful,

I cannot wait to announce to everyone that I have found my Queen. We will go over the details at dinner, I will be there to pick you up at 6 pm. You will finally meet my brother, Leo. As he will be joining us for dinner tonight along with our friends.

Until tonight


Si looked at the clock it was still early, so she had time to take a nap. She folded the letters back up and stuck them under her pillow. Sleep came quickly.

The council meeting was getting started when Liam, Leo, and Madeleine made their way into the room. Though Liam was expected, they did not count on Madeleine and Leo to be in attendance.

“Your Majesty, are you here to tell us that you have chosen the Countess as your Queen in waiting?” Lord Drexel asks.

“No, your Lord Drexel, I have not chosen the Countess, but rather she is here as a witness. Leo has come to bring up charges of treason against the Crown. Leo, please present your case.”

“My Lords, I have may have been away, but it has come to my attention that one of our own has indeed murdered our father and Liam’s mother. They were poisoned by one who sought to win the crown for herself. Madeleine was given first-hand knowledge of the crimes as they were confessed to her, just two days ago.”

“Who would dare do such a thing?” one of the Lords in the back yelled out.

“Yes, name them so that they can be punished.” another speaks up.

“My Lords, I hear by charge Queen Mother Regina with Treason against the Crown. I ask for the death penalty for her crimes” Leo states with fervor.

The room erupts with disbelief, it is clear that Regina has many supporters in the council, but Leo stands firm. After a few moments of the outburst, Madeleine steps forward and raises her hand to calm the Lords.

“My Lords, what Prince Leo has said is indeed true, Queen Mother confessed the same to me not two days ago, and I immediately tried to contact the King. I am ashamed that someone from my own family would sully our good name with this treasonist act. I demand that Prince Leo’s request be granted at once. Or does the council have any inside knowledge of this matter and are part of the conspiracy?” Madeleine glares at the council.

“Of course not Countess, we are just in shock.” Lord Drexel is quick to answer. “To think, a woman of Regina’s stature would stoop so low, she raised these great men, how could she take their parents from them.? Let’s get a vote right now. All in favor of Prince Leo request say ‘Aye’”

It was a unanimous vote, and the paperwork was completed quickly awaiting Liam’s signature. Bastien and several guards were sent to collect the fallen Queen Mother. Leo and Madeleine accompanied them. Liam slumped in his chair looking visibly troubled.

“Your Majesty, if we may be so forward, we believe that the Countess is exactly what you are looking for in a Queen, she stood with great poise and spoke out against her family for the country and people of Cordonia. We understand your hesitation with choosing her given her history with your brother…” Liam lifts his hand to stop the Lord’s talking.

“I understand what you are saying, but Bastien was here the whole time, why not go to him directly. She spoke with James, why not tell him how urgent the situation really was. I doubt her purpose, but I am glad she spoke up, otherwise, you all would let a murder roam free.” he says with a cynical tone. He gets up and leaves the council meeting room and returns to his office.

After several hours, Leo finally makes it back to Liam’s office. He can see that Liam is upset about something. He goes over to the drink cart and pours them each a scotch.

“Here little brother, you look like you could need it. What is on your mind?”

“The Lords tried to convince me that Madeleine would be the best choice for Queen since she turned on Regina.”

Leo bursts out laughing, “Those old bastards bought that crap? They really underestimate that bitch’s acting abilities. She actually had me believing she loved me. When I told her that I didn’t want to be King, she went ballistic.”

“So, how did it go when they arrested Regina?” Liam inquires.

“It went as to be expected, Regina put up a fight until she saw Madeleine, I tell you if looks could have killed, we would be burying Madi right next to Regina.”

Liam lets out a chuckle as he takes a drink. “So when do I get to meet my new sister-in-law? I bet she is a looker.”

Liam grin spreads from ear to ear. She sure was a looker as Leo put it. She was the most beautiful woman inside and out. She was made for him. She was his home. He knows that Leo will love her. He is nervous about what embarrassing stories Leo has lined up to tell her.

“She is very beautiful, Leo, it has been a long time since I have felt this way. I say that only because this feeling is vaguely familiar. I can’t explain why, but Si just feels like home to me. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for her. I know that I have only met her almost a week ago, but I feel like I have known her for my whole life.”

“Wow, she truly is your mate. That is how he described how he felt about meeting your mother. He told me that once we found our true mates, every other woman would never compare. I wanted to find that for myself, sure I loved Madi, but she was not my true mate, and that is what I wanted to find. Dad got a taste of it, why not us?”

“It is true, once you find her, well your life will never be the same, every touch, every kiss, I have never felt anything like it.” Liam grins.

“I hear the sex is unreal, too.” Leo laughs as he can see the red creep onto Liam’s face.

“And there is my big brother, I was wondering how long it would take you to get around to this topic.” Liam chuckles, “but to answer you, hell yes, once your lion takes over, damn, and if she can take it. I have said and done things I never thought I would, but I cannot control myself. She is like a drug. I love her, Leo. I will kill anyone who tries to harm her. I cannot lose her. I would rather die than lose her.”

The brothers spend time catching up and planning for the Regatta until James knocked on the door to remind Liam that it was 5pm and that he asked him to remind him that he had a dinner to get ready for. Liam thanked James and requested that he joined them at 6pm if he did not have any other plans.

“Well, I guess that means I have time for a quick shower so that I am presentable to my new sister-in-law, and that gives me time to think of the most embarrassing stories.” Leo pats Liam on the back as they exit his office and head towards the Royal wing of the Palace.

After they freshen up, Leo head to the private dining room and Liam goes to get Si. He knocks on the door. Olivia opens with a smile and gestures him inside.

“So you Majesty, anything exciting happened you today?” Olivia smirks.

“What do you mean, Duchess?” Liam chuckles.

“Come on Liam, how did the old bat take Madeleine finally showing her true colors?”

“I don’t know, but you can ask Leo at dinner. I am sure that we will love to tell us all about it.”

“Well, I cannot wait to hear it. I will see you at dinner. Come on, Em, let’s not let Leo be unsupervised too long. “ Olivia and Em exit the suite.

Liam walks into Si’s room, he stops as he sees her putting the finishing touches on her make-up. She is wearing a coral maxi dress, it hugs her curves in all the right places. she sighs.

“Well, this is as good as it gets.” She says to her reflection.

“From this view, it is very good,” Liam says in a very husky voice.

“Jesus, I need to put bells on you, you scared the shit out of me. Liam!”

Liam laughs and he crossed the room to take her in his arms. “I am sorry my, Love. I did not mean to startle you so. You look beautiful.” Before she could answer, Liam kisses her hard, his hands sliding down her body. She melts under his touch. Finally, he breaks the kiss.

“Come on, if we don’t leave now we may miss dinner and breakfast in the morning.” He says as he leans his forehead against hers.

“Well, we can’t have that my King. I am going to need my strength for later tonight, after all, it will be our first night in the Royal bed.” She slides out of his arms, looking over her shoulder and winks at him.

“Well, let us hurry and get this dinner over with.” Liam grabs her hand and places a kiss on her knuckles. He leads her to the dining room.

“See, I told you they wouldn’t be late,” Maxwell chirps.

“Well, well, could it be that they finally got their fill of one another?” Olivia smirks cocking her left eyebrow.

“Olivia, I would ask you the same, but we both know who’s making you scream.” Si retorts as Liam escorts her to her seat. Drake coughs, and Si lets out a knowing laugh. Olivia is less than amused.

“Well, brother looks like you have chosen well. Someone who can beat the Duchess at her own game.” Leo laughs. “My dear, allow me to introduce myself since my brother seems to have forgotten his manners. I am Leo, the eldest and better looking of the two, of us.” Leo takes her hand; kisses it.

“It is nice to meet you, Leo, I am Siryah, but you can call me Si, and this is my best friend Em and her mate Daniel. Next to him is his sister Julie.” Si finishes the introductions. “As far as being the better looking, well I am kinda partial to his Majesty.” Si winks at Liam.

Liam and Leo laugh.

“So, how are you enjoying our fair country, Your Grace?” Leo asks.

“Well after I read my mother’s last letter to me, it would appear that it is my country as well, considering I was born here,” Si says nonchalantly. “But from what I have been able to see, it is beautiful. I would love to go see Valtoria,”

“So, you read it, that is wonderful, what else did it say?” Daniel asks.

“Well, it appears that my father was betrothed to someone before he met my mother.” Si hesitates, looking nervously at Olivia.

“Why are you looking at me?” Olivia questions. “Who was the fool that let him slip through their fingers?”

“Umm, a noble lady named Lucretia Nevrakis, he did not want to marry her after she brainwashed her sister and husband…” Si stops talking as she sees the hurt and anger in Olivia’s face.

“So, my bitch of an Aunt was responsible for turning my parents against the crown. She had a marriage arrangement with the third greatest housed in all of Cordonia, and she wanted more and did not care who she destroyed. She is the reason I am an orphan.”

“Liv, I am so sorry, I don’t know what to say…other than, we both have shitty excuses for Aunts.” Si empathizes with Olivia.

“Well, let’s toast. To shitty, Aunts. Fuck them!”

The table laughs and there is a much lively conversation for the remainder of the evening. Liam sits and marvels at how fast his friends and brother have taken to Si. She is definitely the type of woman that he needs to help him rule. If he didn’t know that she was human, he would sweat that she was a shifter, but he could smell his brother scent on her, but there was something else.

“So Si, ready to hear some embarrassing stories about my baby brother.” Leo is staring at Liam as he speaks.

“Sure, I bet, there are some naked baby pictures around somewhere, aren’t there.”

“No, we don’t do that here, but can you explain that phenomenon that seems to be everywhere in the US.”

“Well, I have no idea how it got started, I just know that they show up at your high school graduations, and wedding showers.” Si looks at Em, “Isn’t that right?”

“You forgot when you boyfriend first meets the parents,” Em says, then she quickly frowns, as she just realized that Si did not get a chance to introduce anyone to her parents.

Si goes silent for a moment, barely hearing the stories Leo is telling about Liam, she hears something about gaining weight due to an excessive amount of Baklava. And him and Drake being players in there youth. But for a moment, the realization that there would be so many important firsts, that she will never share with her parents. Liam can sense her sadness, so he speaks up.

“As fascinating as Leo’s stories are, Si and I have a big day tomorrow, a lot of things to plan for the big announcement. So, I think that we are going to call it a night. Si”

“Oh, yes, I think a good night sleep is just what I need. Good night everyone, I will see you all in the morning.” Si stands up and takes Liam’s hand as they walk back to their room.

“We all know that sleep is the last thing that those two are going to do, once Liam gets her back to the room.” Leo laughs.

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