A Royal Mate: Chapter 13 Part 2- Healing Begins

DISCLAIMERS:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except for the characters I create for the storyline. This story will have NSFW or explicit material in later chapters but I will make sure to give warnings at the beginning.

Summary:  The day at the Regatta is finally here. Liam has decided to make a surprise announcement. A beach party. The Forgotten Falls. Will Madeleine betrayal of Regina, turn the tide to favor her?


Liam wakes before the alarm goes off, he looks at the sleeping form snuggled up to his side. She looks so beautiful and peaceful, he hates to wake her, but if she was late meeting Olivia, he would never hear the end of it. He gently tries to tickle her nose with a stray curl. He does this a few times before Si finally wakes up.

“That is annoying, you could just say wake up?”
“I was trying to be sweet, Miss Grouchy, next time I will let you be late and endure Olivia’s wrath.” he chuckles. “We have to get up, you have 20 minutes to make it to the boutique.”

The couple walks to the end of the Royal hallway were they part ways. Julie and Em are waiting there for Si and they escort her down to the boutique. Olivia is already there looking at her watch.

“Oh good, you are early. I have made sure that there are no ears around here. Em, I have put some outfits in that dressing room for you.” Olivia says pointing across the room. “Si your outfit is waiting for you, in this dressing room.”

Em steps out in the first outfit, it is a nice knee-length dress in a beautiful shade of coral that looks gorgeous against her olive skin tone. Olivia appraises the beauty before her.

“Em, I like this one on you, I thought you could pull off this color.”Olivia states.
“Wow, an Olivia compliment, I will never take this dress off.” Em retorts.
“I am sure that a certain, Daniel may complain. Don’t you?” Olivia smiles. “Is everything okay, in there?” Olivia calls to Si through the dressing room door.

Si steps out in the outfit that Olivia had picked for her. Em cannot help but let out a squeal. Si had always avoided short skirts like the plague. Em could remember them fighting about fat Si always that she was. Si was a curvy girl, a perfect hourglass figure, she has long legs that are shapely, she had hips and an ass and breasts that most women would pay for. Si had very low esteem for too long, but now that she has found Liam, and she knows that he loves everything about her, Si is starting to see herself differently. She looks at her reflection in the mirror. She is wearing a high waisted navy pencil with six silver button, three on each side, with the Cordonian seal embossed on them. The skirt hits about 3 inches above her knee, just enough to be modest, but short enough to capture Liam’s attention. She is wearing a navy and cream colored striped top that has a deep V in the front and a Cordonian light blue blazer. Si touches up her make-up and smiles at her reflection.

“Liv, I love it!” Si exclaims. She slides her hand down her flat stomach then it hits her. “Will they be able to smell him and the babies on me? Won’t that cause a problem?” Olivia and Em could see the fear in Si’s eyes. Olivia takes out what looks like a vintage perfume bottle and starts dowsing Si.
“Liv, if that is perfume, I don’t smell anything.” Si quips
“Good. No one else will smell anything either,” she says. “Come on I will explain everything in the car.

The three ladies leave the boutique and head the car awaiting them. Daniel is standing by the car talking to Julie when Em and Si catch his eye. Em could see his smile and hear him tell she has never looked more beautiful, and he would love to see the dress on the floor later tonight. Em giggles, as they get in the car.

“Well, allow me to explain, what is going on here. Si, you will not be with the other suitors as you are going to sit with Liam during the Regatta, hence you wearing the Royal colors and the Royal Crest on your buttons. You will stay with us until he announces you are his mate. We will be staged in a tent not too far from the platform, and no one will see you. Once he announces you, don’t go anywhere without one of us. Got it?”
“I understand, Liv, it is still too dangerous to be alone, especially, if Madeleine is around.”
Liv smiles, “I am glad that he found you. He is one of my best friends, and all I want is to see him happy. With that being said, if you ever hurt him, I will burn you to a crisp.”
Si and Em just looked at each other, half scared, half amused. “Aww, we are here. Remember my words.”

The car stops at the steps of the tent. Daniel gets out and opens the door he helps each one of the Ladies out of the vehicle, then Julie goes to park the car in the secured location.

Once in the tent, Olivia gets champagne for Em and herself, and get a flute of sparkling grape and Cordonian apple juice for Si. They enjoy their drinks and the hors-d’oeuvres that have been prepared for them.

“Will Liam and Drake be joining us?” Si asks Liv.
“Not until after the announcement. You need to stay put, I am going to do a little recon.” Olivia says as she leaves the tent.
“How are you feeling Si?” Em asks concern written all over her face.
“Honestly, I am a bit nervous. I do not want to bring Liam down or cause trouble for him, but I will not give him up either. He is a part of me and I’m a part of him. Our whole lives were planned so that we would be together. What are the odds, that we would actually find each other? Who knew that for ONCE my horoscope would be right.”
“Your horoscope?” Em cocks an eyebrow.
“The week of my birthday, Mr. Z read my horoscope and it said ‘Good fortune is finally smiling on you, you are at the start of a journey that will change the course of your life forever, trust your instinct and follow your heart.’ I remember telling him ‘good luck for that one coming true’, then I met Liam. Look at me know, in love, about to have 3 babies, with the most amazing man. He makes me feel so beautiful, treasured, needed and wanted. I haven’t felt this way in years. “

“Ahh, Duchess, I see you made it to the Regatta after all. Where is your little pet? I hope whatever she had isn’t catching.” Madeleine says.
“Well, Madi girl, you will never catch what Lady Nelson has, that is for damn sure. I hear you turned on you dear Aunt. How’s the throat. Too bad, Bastien still has his quick reflexes or we could have been rid of you both.” Olivia smiles and walks away from Madeleine.

As soon as she was out of sight, Neville and Tariq slide up to Madeleine. “We have not seen nor smelled her here,” Neville says. “We have been around and everyone is wondering where she is. Some of the other suitors think that you have killed her.” Madeleine laughs.
“Oh, well not yet anyway, ” Madeleine says flatly. “Keep looking for her, she obviously is not here, go back to the palace and find out of she has returned to her room.”

Liam and Leo walk to the microphone in the center of the platform. “Ladies and gentleman, if I could have your attention please,” Liam says as the crowd grows quiet. “First, I would like to thank you and the press for attending this event. This is the first Regatta without our father, and I and Prince Leo, are here to honor him and his legacy. Today, we remember the compassion, and willingness to help all that are in need. Cordonia has always been a country to help where we can. And it is this reason that the Regatta was started. This should be a day of remembrance and celebration.”

Liam pauses as the crowd claps; looks over at the figure in his tent, and smiles. Si is captivated by the form not far from her. Liam is wearing his signature style of a crisp white button, but instead of a jacket her is wearing a dark plum sweater, black dress pants, and shoes polished to perfection. His smile widens as he can see the lust in her eyes. Leo clears his throat.

Liam continues, “I know that some of you have noticed that Regina is not here. With a heavy heart, I must inform you all, that Regina is no longer with us. She died in her sleep, as she was unable to heal from her injury. Her achievements, unfortunately, will be forever marred, because she was responsible for the death of my mother Queen Emilia, and the recent death of our father, King Constantine. She confessed as much to Countess Madeleine, a few days ago, while I was away. As soon as, I came back, the Countess came to tell me of her admission and testified in front of the council. Regina was charged with High Treason, and when Prince Leo, Bastien, and the Countess, went to arrest her, she attacked and choked the Countess. Regina had to be struck before she let go of the Countess. Thus eventually losing her life, so that Countess Madeleine could be saved.”

The crowd starts to whisper amongst themselves. People wonder how could Regina do something like that. Some commented on how brave the Countess was to tell the King what she was told. Others, think that Liam should marry the Countess, she had proven her loyalty to the Crown. Still, others did not feel that they could not trust that whole line.

“Countess would you come and join us up here,” Liam says. Madeleine paints a brilliant smile on her face and walks up to the platform. Leo reaches out his hand and helps her up the step. He leans in as if to kiss her on the cheek, but whispers in her ear.

“Enjoy your fifteen minutes of fame. I still do not trust your motives.” Leo spits.
“Good, thing you are not my, King then. Liam will always do the right thing for his country, I have no doubts about his next announcement.” She hisses through clenched teeth.

“Countess Madeleine, on behalf of my family and all of Cordonia, I would like to give you this token of my esteem and gratitude for putting your country first, and helping us solve the mystery behind the deaths within the Royal Family.” Liam hands her an ornate key in a velvet box. “You will have your own private wing in the Palace, in the lower south-east side. Unfortunately, it is under construction, but I am sure you will have some input in the renovations and are welcomed into my home anytime.”

The crowd applauds. Madeleine smiles and waves to the crowd. Liam directs her to stand by Leo. Leo puts her on his left so that he is near Liam at all times. As the applause dies down, Liam resumes his speech.

“As you know, this social season is supposed to be about me finding my bride. I am proud to say, that I have done just that.”

A smile crosses Madeleine’s face. Leo looks at her and snickers.

“I have found the one, who in the short time of knowing her, has proven to be just what I dreamt of finding, what this country needs.”

Madeleine’s smile starts to shrink, as Leo’s starts to grow.

“It seems that destiny and fate have been working together for the good of all of us, by preparing our future Queen to be someone of vision, compassion, intellect, and most of all heart. She was shaped by her experiences in life, she will bring a new way of thinking to this monarchy.”

Madeleine’s calm facade starts to crack, she knows now that Liam is not talking about her. She can feel her blood starting boil when she sees Olivia and Si exit the tent that she knows belongs to the Royal family.

“I have found my betrothed, she just so happens to be my true mate. Duchess Siryah Nelson Dainelis, please come up here with me”

Olivia escorts Si to stand by Liam. Leo takes a step forward to block any attempt of Madeleine to get to Si.

“Lady Siryah, from the moment I first saw you, I knew that you were the one, my only one. I had only dreamt about being able to have what my father had with my mother. You have been my support through this whole ordeal. You have so much love and faith in me, that you left your home, to make a home with me. I know that you are the Queen that my country needs, and the woman I need to help anchor me, to center me in times of storms. To share laughter, celebrate with me when times are good. I have literally been around the globe trying to find everything that I find in you. I would be the most grateful man if you would honor me by becoming my wife, and our Queen.”

Si was so nervous that she doesn’t see that Liam is on bended knee. Si lets out a breath that she did not know she is holding. Her eyes lock in on the huge diamond ring Liam is presenting her.

“Yes, Liam, Yes!” She exclaims as she takes his hand while helping him up. All the while nodding and saying yes. Both of their faces filled with joy and love for one another. Liam slides the ring on her finger; pulls her to him his lips come crashing down on hers. The crowd goes from shock to sheer joy and celebration.

Madeleine’s face has contorted into you a mask of rage. She begins to tremble, she is fighting to keep her lion within. Madeleine knows that she will need to wait for the right moment; if she strikes now, she will look like a monster, and lose more than her crown. She could end up like Regina. Leo sensing her anger firmly grabs her by her arm and forces her to go down the stairs and escorts her to the car they have waiting on her.

“Easy there Madi, you don’t want the press to get a picture of your true side, do you?” he smirks. “You can’t fight true love.”

He slams the door in her face and signals the driver to take off. Daniel walks up to Leo.

“She is going to be a problem.”
“Yeah, she is, but we will let them have tonight. We can start planning, how to keep them safe. I sent Madeleine home to Fydelia.”
“How do you know, she won’t shift and go back to the Palace?”
“You forget, I know Madeleine, more than anyone. I sent Bastien with her and he is to hold her at gunpoint the whole way there.” Leo laughs. “Come on, let’s go celebrate with our family.”

Flashing lights can still be seen glowing everywhere as people are taking pictures of the happy couple still locked in a passionate kiss. Leo jogs back up the steps and pats Liam on his back.

“I hate to break this up, but you still have to announce the start of the race. There will be plenty of time for that later.”
“Sorry, I got a little carried away.” Liam blushes.
The crowd laughs and there were a few catcalls and whistling.
“ The rest of this social season will be about the people getting you to know their new Queen in Waiting. Racers, please take your places, the race will start in 15 minutes.

When everyone was in place for the start of the event, Liam takes to the platform again.
“Is everyone ready? Good luck, and happy sailing.” Liam raises the starter’s pistol and pulls the trigger. Leo and Liam head towards the tent that is now open for the Royal party to view the races. Liam and Drake make their standard bet. Si, Em, Julie, and Olivia all marvel at the sparkler, a flawless 25-carat cushion diamond Platinum band. After a while, Liam pulls Si close to him. He gazes lovingly into her eyes.

“Thank you for saying yes,” he whispers, his lips grazing hers.
“Thank your asking,” she answers.
“Thank you for taking that to a private location, some of us are trying to eat and enjoy the festivities. “ Olivia smirks.
Liam presses his forehead against hers, “To be continued.” He kisses her hand. They enjoy the rest of the race with their family.

As the race concludes, Liam goes back the platform and congratulates the winner, and presents the winner’s trophy. Then he turns back to the crowd and announces that the beach party refreshments have been set up and that everyone should enjoy the sun and surf. He turns towards Si when Leo grabs him and drags him off in the opposite direction. He looks back and sees that Olivia has guided Si away, also.

“Leo, what the hell?” Liam asks
Leo laughs, “Relax, Olivia and I have a surprise for both of you.” He leads him to a tent, “Go in there and whatever is in there, put it on.” Liam was about to protest, but Leo cuts him off. “Dude, seriously, lighten up. You are not dressed for a party on the beach, you are dressed for a causal council meeting. Enjoy this time, you got 3 coming. Better have fun while you can.” Leo winks as Liam goes to change.

“Ok, Liv, what are you and Leo up to?” Si stops and asks anger written all over her face..
“Oh, hormones, already? Look, I am doing you a favor. Did you know that is his casual look? The man probably sleeps in a 3 piece suit, well at least he used to before he found you.” Olivia winks. “Now, get in that tent and whatever is in there put it on. No questions.” Si grunts, but goes to change, though she loved what she was wearing it wasn’t beach attire.

Si comes out beaming. “Where did you find this? How did you know my size?
Em smiles and looks at Olivia. “Si, we pay attention!” Olivia continues to speak, but something other than what Olivia was saying has captured Si full attention. “What are you gawking at?” Olivia smirks already knowing.

Liam is talking to Leo as they are heading towards the tent set up for them on the beach. Si is mesmerized the sight before her Liam was actually in khakis rolled up just enough to walk down the beach without getting the bottom of his pants wet. A casual white button down, unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up with a cerulean v-neck t-shirt underneath.

Leo is talking but Liam cannot hear a thing he is saying. Si is dressed in a matching cerulean two-piece swimsuit. The bustier style top proudly displayed her ample breast. There is a small strip of her luscious, cinnamon skin calling for Liam’s touch. The high waisted bottoms, making her long legs even more tantalizing. A short, cream-colored, barely there, crochet dress accentuates all her finest assets. Liam cannot take his eyes off her.

“Liam, are you even listening to me?” Leo questions, already aware of the answer. Liam does not acknowledge him. “Liam, I am running away with Si.”
“Okay Leo, that sounds great,” Liam says his gazes lock on Si, as hers is locked on him.
“Ow, what the hell did you punch me for?” Liam growls.
“Dude, focus. I just said that I was running away with her, and you gave me permission.” Leo laughs. “You got it bad, little brother. Wipe your chin, you have been drooling for the last 5 minutes.”
“Have you seen what she is wearing? How am I supposed to concentrate?” Liam smiles.

Liam is almost to the tent when several members of the council stop him. They were starting to questions his choice to forego the regular social season. Leo could sense Liam’s annoyance getting ready to turn into anger, how dare they question the king.

“Gentleman, it is a party. Go enjoy yourselves. Leave the politics for Monday meeting.” Leo ushers them off.

“Hey, handsome.” Si raises up on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his lips. “You look completely scrumptious right now.”
“Well, I know a quiet place where we can go to devour each other,” Liam says as he ducks his head to plant soft kisses on her neck.
“What and miss the party? Oh no, Drake says that you ordered a barbecue for us, so we are going to eat and have fun. And if you play nice, I might let you take me to that quiet place.” Si winks and grabs his hand to guide him to their friends.

The group enjoys the festivities around them. There is laughter and a feeling of peace for now. They eat, drink and have lively conversations. Every so often, some would stop by to congratulate the happy couple. After a while, Maxwell puts on some music from his Spotify account and plays it through his Bose wireless speaker. The song Love Lies comes on and Em immediately pulls Si up to dance with her. Daniel comes up behind Em and wraps his arms around her, and they begin to move in sync with each other. Si reaches down and helps Liam up to his feet.

“Dance with me.”
“I don’t know how to dance to this. I mostly know proper court dances. Not this American style dancing.”
“It’s easy. Let the music tell you how to move. Don’t move to the music.”
“Sounds complicated.”
“Just hold on to me. Look how Daniel is holding Em. See how they move together.”

Si wraps his arms around her and Liam feels her moving within his arms. He can feel the sway of her hips, the way she leans into him. This woman was driving him crazy. Si tells him to follow her movements. They dance for a little while longer, and as the sun was starting to set, and the bonfires were starting, Liam turns to Si.

“Come with me my Love, they will not miss us,” he whispers.
“Where are you taking me, Your Majesty?” Si asks coyly.
“You will see, I have a surprise set up for you. Now be quiet, and follow me.” He leads her to the dense foliage that lay just before them.

Once they reached the spot where he had pointed to, Si notices an overgrown path. Liam guides her down it. The further they go, the louder the sound of water becomes. Once they reach the end of the path, it opens up to a spectacular waterfall. Liam had prepared the place for them. There were lanterns illuminating the whole area. On a flat rock surface near the pool, Si sees a bottle of sparkling cider chilling. She laughs, he has thought of everything.

He helps her to sit down, and removes her sandals from her feet, placing them in the pool.

“Li, this place is beautiful how did you find it?”
“Leo and I used to come here to escape court. It is called the forgotten falls. There a legend about behind it would you like to hear it?”
“ I would love to hear it.”
“Hundreds of years ago there were two lovers from warring clans. They were forbidden from being together, but they would meet there, at the hidden cove, and make their plans to run away together. When the day came for them to leave, they vowed to meet there at dawn. When dawn came, the woman waited and waited, but her lover never appeared. They say he was caught by her people and killed. But she never had the heart to leave that spot. So she knelt on the cliffs and wept, and her tears became the waterfall until that’s all that was left of her.”

“That was tragic and beautiful at the same time. I could imagine how she felt.”
“Really?” Liam asks, confusion in his voice.
“Yes, that is how I would feel if I ever lost you. I know that this is a whirlwind, but I feel like I have finally stepped into my life, instead of watching from the sidelines. I cannot explain it, but when you when you told me about your week you came to New York, I swear, I’m more confident and more at peace. Even my horoscope was favorable. It is like, I knew you had come, and you would find me.” she blushes at her admission.
“Love, I knew that something was going to happen, I knew my life was going to change, but I could have never imagined you. You have surpassed all my dreams.”

He leans in and captures her lips in a heated kiss. He could smell her arousal. He pulled her over onto his lap so that she is straddling him. She can feel his hardening length pressing against her core. Their tongues moving as if they were dancing with each other. Liam only breaks the kiss to remove Si’s cover-up.

“My Love you have far too many clothes on for what I am about to do to you.”
“How can that be, when you are wearing much more than me?” Si smiles.

Liam is entranced with how the soft glow of the lanterns, caress her cinnamon-bronze skin. Her natural curls falling to her shoulder. Liam entangles both hands in her hair. His kiss was slow, sensual, and demanding. As he pulled away he captures her bottom lip with his teeth.
“Liam,” she whispers like a prayer. “I need you.”
“Then you shall have me, all of me.”

He slides his hands down her back and grabs her ass. Holding her so that her legs are wrapped around his waist, he walks them to an open, silk tent that has a colorful array of blue, green, and silver plush pillows and blankets lying about. The lanterns were hanging from the ceiling of the tent. It looks as if they were at the bottom of the pool. Liam gentle settles them on the blankets, he sits with Si still straddling him. Pushes off his shirt, and flings it away. She slides her hands down his chest and around his waist to find the hem of his t-shirt, pulled it over his head and it joins the other shirt across the room.

He undoes her swimsuit top and flings it across the room. He takes one of her nipples in his mouth while rolling the other between his fingers. A small nip makes her moan. Si can feel a rush of wetness between her legs, and Liam’s thick harden member against her core.

“Liam, Please.” she mews, “Please, I can’t stand it. Fuck Me, now.”
“I have only begun, Love” as he lays her down on the bed of pillows. He kisses this way down her body, his fingers hook the swimsuit bottoms and pulls them down and tosses them away. “You are the most beautiful woman, I have ever laid my eyes on.”

His eyes roaming her naked form. He makes quick work of his pants. Si licks her lips at the sight of his thick member springing free of its confines. Si sits up and reaches for him, but Liam stops her hand. “I am going to worship you. I am going to show you how much I appreciate you making me the happiest man in the world.” He pushes her back down onto the pillows, claiming her mouth with a passionate kiss. He kisses her chin, then moves down to décolletage, he nips at her skin. Si can feel his tongue caressing the valley between her breast while scissoring her nipples.

Liam keeps up his slow descent kissing, licking, biting his way to her core. With his fingertips, he lightly caresses the scars of his mating marks that are ever present on both sides of her hips. His touch is driving her crazy. Her arousal is the sweetest fragrance in the room. He finally reaches her clit and sucks on it. He flicks his tongue over the bundle of nerves, Si is in ecstasy as she closes her eyes and her head drops back.

“Look at me,” he says in a commanding growl. Si slows her breathe as she looks into his golden eyes. “I am going to lick your pussy, and drink your sweet nectar like it was my last meal. I am going to make you scream my name, and cum on my tongue.”

Liam flattens his tongue and licks between her folds. Si’s body reverberates with pleasure. He pushes two fingered, curling just right to hit her G-spot, as he sucks her clit, emanating a soft growl from deep within. The vibrations cause Si to moan his name, “Liam….Oh god.”
“You are so fucking wet, and so tight, no matter how many times I fuck you, your pussy is so slick and warm. My cock is going to feel so good in your tight, slick pussy. I am going to go balls deep in you. I want to feel your honey running down my balls. I want you to cum hard and fast.”

He lined his member and her entrance. He sank all the way into her core. The movement caused Si to cry out. Si meets each one of Liam’s thrust. She clings to him as he is pounding into her fast, hard and deep.

“Oh, God, Love. You are so fucking tight. I love how my cock can glide in and out of you. Good your pussy feels so good as it sucks me in each and every time. I love you.”
His thrust becomes quicker and more shallow. He can sense that Si’s release quickly approaches. He thrust hard and faster, the sound of their skin slapping together fills the room.
“Fuck, Liam, I so fucking close, “ she pants
“Cum with me, Love” he grunt.

With the last thrust, Liam roars, as Si screams. Rope of cum fills her channel. Liam holds himself over her, as they catch their breaths. He slowly pulls out of her. Si can feel the emptiness, and she craves to be full again. After cuddling for a while, Liam helps Si to her feet and they help one and other get dressed. Since night has fallen, Liam gives her his t-shirt to help keep her warm. Once they reach the end of the trail back to the beach, they are met by Bastien and Drake.

“Madeleine has been taken back to her duchy, as per Leo’s order.” Bastien states. “I do not trust her in the least, and will monitor her movements.”
“Thank you, Bastien.”
“No need to thank me, our Queen is carrying precious cargo. I will not let anything happen to them.” Bastien winks.
“Close your mouth, Si, you’re not a fish.” Olivia chuckles.
“Where’s Drake?” Si asks
“He has already gone back to the Palace.” Daniel says, “Tariq and Neville are there snooping around. Wants to make sure nothing is wrong there.”
“Come on Love, let’s get you home” Liam whispers in her ear, “Maybe, go for round two in the shower, then round three in our bed.” Si giggles as Liam kisses her hair.


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