A Royal Mate: Chapter 14

Chapter 14: It’s All Coming Together

It has been two months since the announcement of Si being Liam’s mate and his proposal. The Council, who objected her being Queen, quickly changed their minds after learning that the next heir will be born soon enough. They may have also had a little prompting from a certain Prince, Dragon, and Head of the Royal guard to assist them in toeing the line.

Si and Liam have been residing at Valtoria for the last two months while the renovations of the Royal apartment was being prepared to for the growing family. Drake and Daniel thought that it would be best since they still did not trust Madeleine and her ambitions have been crushed. At least they know that the people there would be loyal to Si and Liam, as her house always held a great amount of respect and loyalty from the citizens in the duchy.

Si has been walking the halls of her duchy almost every day, but with her growing belly, she has been keeping to the master bedroom her study and the kitchen. Olivia and Maxwell have been helping her learn everything that she will need to know to be the Queen. Her days were long and usually end with being wrapped in Liam’s protective arms.

One night Liam awoke with a jolt, Si was not in the bed. He thinks that she may be in the bathroom, as this is becoming her nightly routine as her pregnancy progressed. When she does not come out of the bathroom, Liam decides to go check. Fear clenches him as he discovers, she is no longer in their suite. He rushes down to the kitchen, she is not there either. He tries to sense her through the bond, but he cannot reach her. Panic sets in. His lion is restless, their mate is missing and they cannot reach her. He sprints to her study, she is not there, then it dawns on him, she talks of a library in her sleep sometimes, he tries to remember where it is, this a secret library.

He tries to think of what he has heard her say, then he remembers.

Walk to where the hallway ends, between two stars your journey begins. The star to the east will lead to that which you seek. Turn the lever to the west, if you do not, you will forever rest. Descend to the place where knowledge is kept.

He tries to recollect where he has seen two stars. He remembers that past her private study, there are two stain glass windows at the end hallway, running to the dead end he looks at the wall between the windows. Almost directly under each window, there are Phoenix sconces, Liam walks to the one on the right and rotates it to the left. There is the sound of latches undoing and the wall slide back, then to the left, before him are a set of stairs leading down. Rushing down the steps, he finds a beautiful library the furniture looks as if it has recently clean, he wanders further in and finally spots Si, she is dusting the bookshelves, he calls out to her softly.

“Love?” he says, Si jumps and looks at him, finally he realizes that she is sleepwalking, he does not want to startle her, but then she looks as if she has just come out of a trance.
“Li, how… where..?” Si is confused.
“Love, you have been reciting a poem of sorts for the last few weeks. I just followed the clues.” He goes and wraps her in his arms. “When you did not come back to bed, I panicked. I could not find you anywhere, then it hit me. So I came looking, and I found you. You must have been sleepwalking, or sleep cleaning in your case.” he chuckles.
“Not funny, Li. This place seems so familiar, but I have never been here before.” Si states.
“Si, Love, there is so much that we do not know about your family, but I bet we can find the secrets in here. But let’s do that at a reasonable hour, you need to sleep. The little ones will be here soon enough, and that will be the end of sleeping.” He kisses her forehead and leads her out of the hidden room, back to their bedroom. They settle back into bed, and Si falls asleep quickly.

The next morning before Liam heads back to the Palace, he talks to Daniel and Julie about the room that Si, discovered. He lets them know that since they have been there Si has been wandering around almost every night, she never bumps into anything or hurts herself. It is as if she knows the duchy by heart.

“Don’t worry, we will keep an eye on her today, as a matter of fact, I think that we should take her down there to see what we can uncover,” Jules replies.
“I think she would like that, thank you. Why don’t we just plan on spending time there? There is so much to explore. “ Liam says, “I will have James look into clearing my schedule for tomorrow. I will also call Maxwell and Olivia to come to Valtoria for the rest of the week.”
“Olivia, is already here, she came last night,” Drakes says as she is coming around the corner. Liam cocks an eyebrow and looks at his friend. “Ahem…anyway, Li, we need to get going.” Drake quickly walks towards the car and get in. Liam chuckles and follows.

Madeleine paces in her study, the announcement has been made that the bitch is carrying the heir to the throne. Her throne, how dare that weak pathetic, insignificant human, sit on HER throne. What did she have over her? The council agreed that she should be the queen. Why the hell, did they not fight him on this? She will make them pay, she will make them all pay. She has to plan it just right, there can be no more mistakes. She is going to have to do this alone, no witnesses, no accomplices. First she needed to get rid of them. Then she would turn her eyes to the throne, she will be Queen.

The next morning, after an eventful previous day, Si wakes up to hearing Olivia telling Gladys that she will wake her, but request that she brings up her breakfast. Olivia enters the room, and throws open the heavy curtains, letting the sunlight into the room. Si is still waking up. She cannot believe that she is almost halfway through her pregnancy and their wedding was happening in two short weeks.

Em, comes bursting into the room, along with Maxwell. “Little blossom, you’re awake. Good, there is so much to be done.” Maxwell proclaims. “We have to find your dress, get Liam’s ring, you and he will have a cake tasting this afternoon, followed by lunch, then we will go over the seating arrangement…”
“Maxwell, I have not had my ONLY cup of coffee yet. So zip it.” Si growls, and she slowly gets out of bed.
“Damn, girl, did your belly get bigger?” Olivia says, “I mean, no wonder you waddle when you walk. If I were you, I tell the Mr. to get snipped.”
“Yeah, right, that will happen. And thanks for making me feel like a beached whale. I cannot wait until they get here. It is getting harder to find a comfortable position anymore. And Li, well he is doing his King thing all the time, ..” Si stops talking and stomps to the bathroom.
“I think someone is not getting what she needs from a certain, Lion.” Em whispers, hoping Si doesn’t hear her.
“That is not the problem actually, thank you very much. As a matter of fact, well not completely the problem.” Si pouts.
“Oh please, that man can hardly keep his hands to himself.” Olivia laughs. “You two are the best at disappearing for hours.”
“Well not so much anymore, he has been reading all this stuff online, though we still have sex almost every day, it is…, it’s not….Hell, I am horny all the time and Li is afraid to touch me sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, I love that he is always concerned about my comfort and all, but I just want him to fuck me sometimes, you know like he used too.” Si yells.
“Um, blossom, you know I cannot unhear this, right?”Maxwell says as a blush spreads over his face.
They ladies erupt with laughter, Si had forgotten that he was even in the room.
Si wiping the tears from her eyes, “I am sorry Maxwell, but you are the honorary rooster in the hen house if you will. I did not mean to embarrass you, but I just needed to get that off my chest. I wish that there was some way, I could get him to loosen up a little bit.”
“Well, I have just the thing.” Maxwell declares.

He runs over to where he had left the gift he had bought for her. He hands her the bag with an exaggerated display. Si tears into the gift, throwing the tissue paper everywhere.
“Kinky cards?” Si says holding the box of cards. “Maxwell, where on earth did you find them?”
“Well, I was going to give them to Liam, as a present for the beginning of his social season, I thought that if he did not find someone he loved, at least these could make the marriage bearable.”Maxwell states, “Maybe there’s a card that will help your, um, issue.”
“Maxwell, you are one resourceful guy, you know that.” Em giggles.
“And don’t say anything, but Drake has a set, too,” Maxwell says with a smirk, looking at Olivia.
“Really, I did not think, he would be the type, I mean I know Li, has his kinks, but somehow, did not imagine, he would, well own anything like this,” Si says. She notices a sly smile start to creep across Olivia’s face. “Have you guys, broken them out yet?”
“Why would I know what Drake has?” Olivia throws out nonchalantly.
“Bullshit!” Em exclaims, “Everyone one knows the two of you are fucking every chance you get. No, one is stupid. So answer the question.”
“What we do or not do, is not the issue, but what IS the issue, is Si, needs to waddle her very pregnant, but adorable self into the shower. We have that who list of Maxwell’s to complete before one. So, Si, waddle on.”

Si shoots a dirty look at Olivia, as she gets up and goes to get into the shower so that she could get dressed and conquer the list of things that still need to be done for the wedding.
“OMG, she does waddle, doesn’t she?” Maxwell says. The three of them erupted into laughter again.
“I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!” Si yells from the bathroom, causing the trio to laugh even harder.

Once Si is dressed she head’s downstairs were she hear Olivia, telling Daniel and Julie what they will be doing for the day. Si was happy to hear that she will be doing a cake tasting with Liam and then they would have lunch brought to them while they were there, so Si would not have to walk much, they found a boutique that was more than willing to close for the day and let the Royal couple and friends have the place for all the wedding planning.

Si slides into the back seat of her SUV with the gang, they head back to the capital. Si drifts off to sleep during the trip. She looked so peaceful that Em hated to wake her.

“Honey, we are here.” Em whispers. Si yawns and is embarrassed that she fell asleep.
“OH God, did I snore?” Si asks, not really wanting to know the answer.
“Like a chainsaw!” Maxwell replies.
“Really, Max?” Olivia scolds, “I swear, do you even know the meaning of the word tact?”
“Hey, you were the one who pointed out that she waddles and your yelling at me for telling her she snores?” Maxwell defends himself.
“Uh, could you shut up and help me out of this damn car?” Si yells. Olivia and Maxwell stifle their laughter as a face looking very displeased moves past them.
“Come, my Love.” Liam lifts her out of the car with much care, as if she weighs nothing. He sets her on her feet. Kissing her forehead.
“Hello, handsome,” Si says kissing his lips sweetly. “ I didn’t think that I was going to see you until a little later.”
“Well, that was the plan, but I wanted to be with you, so I canceled my meetings and we will all be here together. I cannot wait for you to see the dresses that I had made for you.” Liam kisses her temple.
“Seriously, Li, do we really have to do this? They will have to roll me down the aisle, I mean we are already mated is this really necessary?” Si asks. Liam could sense that she was very insecure for some reason, it was quite a change for her lately.
“Love, what is really bothering you?” Liam inquires, “You have not been yourself lately. I am worried about you.”
“Li… Can we talk about this when we get home? When it is just us? She asks, glancing down at the ground, he can see a slight blush spreading across her face. He can tell that she is embarrassed.
“Sure, Love. Whatever you want. Remember I am here. I love you. You are the most important thing in my life.” Liam says drawing her into his arms.

Madeleine is pacing back and forth in her study at her duchy, she needed a plan, their wedding was in two weeks, she needed her gone. She should be the one planning their wedding, it should be her carrying his heir, it was her right.

“Maddie, why are you so tense? Just remember 3 drops is all you need to become all that you are seeking.”
“I thought it was five drops,” Madeleine hisses.
“No, 3 drops. Three drops and the crown and the King are yours”

“Countess, who are you talking to?” Tariq asks, looking very confused, as there was no one else in the room with her.
“Ah, Tariq, it is about time you showed up. Did you take care of Neville?”
“Yes my Love, I did. He will be found hanging from his entry stairwell. I note confessing all his sins. Now we can leave this land behind and start our lives together.” Tariq says, enveloping her in his arms, and kissing her passionately.
“Oh, Love, you have made me so happy, I want to stay and go to the Royal Wedding. My absence will not go unnoticed. I will be there.” Madeleine coos.
“Madi, really, after all, they have done to you. Do you want to show support to them? This country can go straight to hell for all I care. I hate seeing what it has done to you. Where is my sweet woman?” he asks.
“She’s Dead,” Madeleine says, as she pulls the trigger, and there is a muffled noise, Tariq’s body crumples to the floor. Madeleine steps over the body and walks out of the room, closing the door.

Liam and Si are enjoying picking out the final decorations for their wedding with their friends. Liam is especially happy to see Si full of smiles. She was practically glowing.
The men were on one side of the boutique getting the finishing touches on their tuxes.
Liam looks at his friends and smiles.

“Leo, I know that being here is hard for you at times, but I really appreciate that you are here for me.”
“Liam, no need to thank me, just name one of your kids after me, and all will be fine.” Leo laughs, clapping Liam’s shoulder.
“Well, Since Drake is my best man, I was wondering if you would do the honor of officiating our wedding.”
“Hey, I thought I was going to do that!” Maxwell exclaimed. “I got licensed online and everything.”
“Maxwell, are you ordained in Cordonia?” Drake asks.
“I don’t really know they website was in French.”
“Well, Max, how about I take this wedding, and you can officiate Drake’s wedding. Deal?” Leo grins, as Drake scowls.
“Deal, I cannot wait to tell, Olivia.” Maxwell bounds to the other side of the room before Drake could stop him.
“Olivia, huh?” Leo and Liam say in unison.
“Does this look alright, it feels kinda tight,” Drake says, changing the subject.
“Oh no, my dear friend, you are not getting out of this so quickly,” Leo smirks.
“It is about damn, time!” Liam exclaims, “I thought you two would never stop lying to yourselves.”
“Liam, seriously, have you met Livy?” Drake says, “It is not like you can just walk up to her and say ‘Mine’”
“So when did this finally start?” Leo asks
“Aren’t we here for your brother’s wedding day, Leo? I am sure that he would like our focus on him today.”
“No, Drake, I am perfectly happy, with this topic of conversation.” Liam smiles.
“Then, how about looking at your mate, she seems a little down, don’t you agree?” Drake points to Si, he should feel ashamed for using her as a deflecting shield, but he wasn’t ready to go into details just yet.

Liam smile falters and he walks up behind Si and wraps his arms around her. He can feel her tension melt away. He puts his hands under her swollen belly and light lifts up. Si feels the relief immediately.

“Oh, God thank you. My back was killing me.” Si sighs.
“Come, Love, it is time for our cake tasting. I had them prepare a room for us, upstairs.” Liam kisses her temple. He helps her up the steps and then helps her to the chaise that was in the room. Si looks out the opened retractable wall, tears start to flow down her cheeks. Liam sees the tears and is concerned, but before he can inquire, the baker’s assistant interrupts them.

“Hello, your Majesties, I am Tessa and I will be here to facilitate your cake tasting.” Si, mouth agape, staring at Tessa. Liam notices his mates inability to articulate, so he speaks for them both.
“Thank you, Tessa, can you please bring out the first platings,” Liam says not taking his eyes off of Si.
“Certainly, your Majesty.” slightly bowing, and then disappearing into the kitchen area.
“Si, your staring,” Liam says, breaking her from her trance.
“Oh, I am so sorry, but did you look at her?”
“No Love, I only have eyes for you,” Liam says kissing her softly.
“No, Li, you have to look at her, what the hell did she do to her eyebrows.”
“Love, seriously, you are not usually this judgemental.” Liam chastises, then he turns toward the direction that he hears Tessa coming. He looks at her and smiles. He stoic facade in place. He looks at Si and smiles. “I guess I stand corrected. “ Liam and Si cannot tear their eyes off of her brows, was it a genetic anomaly, no one would purposely do that to oneself.
“Her eyebrows, they look like…” Si starts.
“Love, please don’t finish that sentence, but yes they do.” Liam choking down a laugh.
“Well you two lovebirds, I will be back in about an hour to see what flavors you have picked.” Tessa bows and walks out of the room closing the door behind her. Liam waits until he hears her go down the stairs, and looks over at Si. The two have never laughed so hard.
“Oh my god, Li what that for real. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while, I almost peed on myself. Si says, as she finally is able to catch her breath.
“Shall, we get on with the tasting?” Liam asks. Si just stares at her mate, she hasn’t seen him, not really, she misses him, she misses his touch. The tears start to flow again.

“Love, what is wrong, you know you can tell me anything, right,” Liam says, his eyes full of concern.
“Li, I miss you, I miss us…” Si sobs. “I don’t think you find me attractive anymore, because of this..” she motions to her growing belly. “You don’t touch me like you use too. I don’t see the fire in your eyes like I use too. Did everything happen to fast? Do you think you made a mistake?”
Liam’s lion was furious, how could he let her feel like they did not want her. He thought he was making things easier for her. He was trying to be careful and not hurt her or the babies. So he pulled his lion back.
“Oh, Love, I did not mean to make you feel this way, I was afraid of hurting you or the babies. I thought that I was doing something right, but I can see that I really fucked it up. I am so sorry. I love you more than I can say. To me, you are even more beautiful each passing day.”
“I know, I am sorry, I don’t want you to feel bad, but Li, pretty soon, we won’t be able to have sex. I mean the closer I get to full term, we get cut off. I know it is not all about sex for us, but it is one way that we shut out the world and it is you and me. Nothing else exist. I need you and that lion of yours. I have been rejected for the last eight years, and I got scared….” Si cannot hold back the tears. Liam’s heart is breaking. He picks up his phone and calls James. He walks away so that James cannot hear Si’s sobs.
“Hello your Majesty, how can I be of assistance.” James questions.
“What does my schedule look like? Can I push anything back to next week?” Liam asks.
“Well actually, you can. With your wedding coming up, everyone is pushing meetings back until after you return from your honeymoon. Is there something I need to do for you?” James already knew the answer to his questions.
“Yes, clear my calendar, I will be going back to Valtoria until the middle of next week,” Liam says.

Liam returns to Si’s side and pulls her onto his lap, and dries her tears. “Love, I have cleared my schedule until next middle of next week. I am at your complete disposal.” Liam smirks.
“Oh Li, I am sorry, I just…Thank you.” Si manages a small smile. “I feel so stupid, I am, I don’t know why I feel this way all the time. “
“Love, it is ok, maybe, I have been too focused on getting everything done before the cubs get here. I forgot to be completely present.”

Tessa clears her throat, “I am sorry to interrupt, but have you made a decision?” Liam looks at Si and she speaks up.
“Yes, we will have the 7 layer cake with the Royal colors, the bottom six layers will be the Sweetened Cordonian Ruby cake with the strawberry champagne filling. The top layer will be Vanilla Chantilly cake also with the strawberry champagne filling. We will need that layer to be packed for us to take with us once the cake is served. No one will cut that layer. Ok?”
“Certainly, your Grace.” Tessa jots down the notes and request made, bows and leaves the rest of the cake for them to enjoy.
“So, what shall we do on this staycation?” Si asks.
“Staycation? is that even a word?”Liam asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes Li, it is a word. Stay at home vacation. Staycation.”
“I don’t know whatever you want, Love,” Liam replies, taking her hand in his and kissing her knuckles.
“Well,” Si starts fidgeting, “Maxwell and Olivia gave me a gift. I was hoping you would be up for it?”
“What kind of game?”
“A card game. Here” Si puts the box of cards in his hand.
“Kinky Cards, really?” Liam smirks, “I would love to play with you.” Si can see the flash of gold that she has been missing in his eyes.
“Good then, you will pick the first card, and you will have to perform the act on the card. “
Liam shuffles the deck then hands them back to Si. She takes a few cards and fans them out so that the back of the cared is facing Liam. He studies the cards for a moment. Then he pulls one. A big smile spreads across Si face as she reads the card aloud.
“My King, you have chosen well. Your card is number 10, entitled — Drop It. For a full day of your partner’s choice, when he/she says “Drop It”, you must drop your pants down (or lift up your skirt) and have sex for at least 2 minutes.”
“I think that I am going to like playing this game with you.” Liam smiles.
“Have you ever seen them before?” Si inquires.
“Yes, I have a deck back in the safe in my study. They were a gift from Leo. And before you ask, no, I have never played with anyone else. I was waiting for our honeymoon before I presented them to you.”
“Well, now we have a backup set, that we can leave at Valtoria.”
“When can I expect to hear those words?” His smile fans the flames desire within Si. Liam smiles at Si, “Love you can talk to me about anything, you know that right. I never want you to feel undesirable, it just…I don’t know what the limits are, I really never been around a pregnant human before. So this is all new to me.”

Just then their cell phones start buzzing frantically. And they hear Olivia from downstairs.

“You have 5 mins to get dress, or I am coming up there. Some of us are hungry.”

4 thoughts on “A Royal Mate: Chapter 14”

    1. Nice! Slumps are the worst. If I can ask you’re opinion – have written a chapter from Liam’s POV and am unsure whether to alternate or keep on there for a while. You effectively switch but I haven’t been so what do you think?

      1. I say, go with what feels right. My story just flows like that, I like a lot of dialogue, but it feels right. Very few stories are told from Liam’s POV, so this is a satisfying change. Let the story lead you, let it flow. I write from an emotional creativity, so if my emotions are all over the place, I cannot focus on writing the story. I really love your writings, do think to much, just see where it takes you.

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