The Journey Begins

DISCLAIMERS:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except for the characters I create for the storyline. This story will have NSFW or explicit material in later chapters but I will make sure to give warnings at the beginning.

Summary: Liam loves his surprise. He declares his intentions to Si. Will she trust him and take a chance to see if they could really work? An unwelcome guest arrives on Si’s doorstep.

Si smiles triumphantly when she hears a soft gasp escape from Liam. He cannot believe that he is looking at the Statue of Liberty.  He marvels as she becomes clearer, the closer the boat gets to the island. She stands majestically in front of the King, the symbol of freedom and hope. He can’t believe that Si was able to pull this together in such a short time, this is yet another reason he knows that she can be the queen he feels with every fiber of his being that she can. He leans down and whispers in her ear.

“Thank you. You have no idea how much this night has meant to me. You are an amazing woman, very few people have done something for me and not expect something in return.” Liam is in awe of the beauty before him. His heart feels like it is going to beat out of his chest. Yes, she is the one for him. He turns Si around so that he is looking into her eyes.

“Love, come back with me. You are the one that I have been looking for, you are my true mate. I do not what to leave here without you by my side.”

“I am flattered, but I don’t think that I am the right one for you.  If you look at all the queens I have seen, they are not big girls; I am most definitely a big girl. I am not graceful, I am a waitress, though my degrees say that I can run a small country, would they even accept me? What about your social season? How would this work?  Could we work?” Si argues.

“They will accept you because you are my mate. You are the only one I want to be my Queen. No other woman will do.  Now that I have found you. I will never marry anyone.  I would rather lose everything than be without you.  You are exactly want my country and pride need.  You are resilient, intelligent, empathetic. You use your intuition to get through difficult situations.  When you told me your past, I was in awe of the beautiful, genuine, compassionate woman before me. And Love, you are perfect for me. Your curves are driving me crazy, I cannot wait to get you alone and show you how much I desire you. Your body was created just for me. Let me love you, let me worship you, I will protect you.”

“How, how can you say that, I am damaged, I have been hurt so much in my life.” Si could feel the tears running down her cheeks. She has never felt so accepted by any man before, not like this. Could she trust him, or should she just break her no one night stand rule?

“Love, you are perfect, you have overcome such trials and heartache, you put yourself through school. A lessor woman would have crumbled under the stress that you endured. You have come through all of this, and you grant a wish of a stranger without any rhyme or reason. Where you are broken, I will help you heal. All I ask is that you trust me and give us a chance. Believe me when I say, there is no one for me except you.”

Liam pulls her to him, his mouth claiming hers.  He feels her tense, then she melts into his embrace. He traces her bottom lips with his tongue, coaxing her to let his tongue have entrance. He poured all the passion that he could into the kiss, his lion wanted to claim her then and there. Si feels the growl in his chest, she could feel herself getting wet as the kiss progressed. Liam could smell her arousal.

“I want to lick every inch of you.  I want to bury my tongue so deep in your luscious pussy. I want to make you cum so hard, that your sweet honey soaks my face, I will drink you deep. I want to feel your pussy tighten around my fingers sucking them in deep.” Si’s inhales sharply. She can feel her panties get wetter with each word that trickles out of his mouth. His voice is deep, husky, and full of lust. His eyes have changed from ice blue to the deepest navy at times they flash golden.   He can see desire in his eyes and his seductive smile.

“I can smell you Love, your scent tell me how much you want me to fuck your until you forget how to speak, until I have to carry because you have lost all ability to walk. You want my cock, balls deep in you filling you, making you mine.  I want to feel you pussy tighten around my cock, milk every bit of cum out of it, drawing in deeper. My scent will be all over you.  I will fuck you so hard and fill you with my seed. After I am done with your pussy. I will fuck that tight little ass, I want to feel you ass pull my cock deeper into it, I will fill your ass with my cum, I will fill you so much that it will be running out of you cunt and ass. Tell me you want me to do all that I have said to you. Tell me you want me to fuck you raw. Tell me what you want, Love. Stay with me tonight. Come to Cordonia with me. Please my Love. No man will ever make you feel they way that I can. Your body was made for me, your curves, your pussy, your ass, your mouth, all were made for me to worship. No one will love you like I can.  This is not a one-time thing, one night with you will never be enough.  I am talking about forever.”

Si can hardly talk, she is so around by his words, her words get lodged her throat.  Her head was spinning from the words that he had just said to her.  She is filled with such desire, she can feel her womanhood quiver with anticipation. She wanted him, she wanted him more than she had wanted any man.  Si is finally able to get two words out, “Kiss me” she said in a breathy, lust full whisper.

Liam possessed her mouth again, Si could feel his length pressing against her belly. She want this, she wanted him.  She surrendered to his embrace. Their kiss was interrupted by a voice.

“You might wanna come up for air you two!” Drake yelled winking at the couple.  They were so caught up in the moment that they did not realize that the boat had docked, and Liam’s friends were waiting on the pier. Si was twelve shades of embarrassed, still in Liam’s embrace he bury her face into his chest, wishing she could just melt in to the deck.  She felt Liam chuckle a little at her, she looks up at him and tries to scowl at him, but when he kisses her forehead, she couldn’t help my smile a little.

“It’s late, I should get you home. Unless you want to come back to the hotel with me?” Liam suggested. He was hoping that she would say yes. He wanted to be with her all night and wake up with her in his arms. He and his animal wanted to ensure that no one would ever hurt her again. Finally, she whispered to him, “You can stay with me at my place.”

“Absolutely, Love, whatever you wish, I am at your command.” Liam kissing her lips.

They all climb into the car and Si the driver her address.  It was a very silent ride home. Liam holds her hand, rubbing small circles with his thumb on her hand.  Her hand feels small in his. Si let’s go of Liam’s hand so that she can text Em.

She smiles to herself and looks over at Liam, he is looking at her beaming. She feels so desired at this moment. No man has ever looked at her the way he did. He treated her like she was a rare jewel, not some chunky girl that should be grateful that she got any male attention. She knew that she was a curvy girl, and she was proud of her body. Her mother always taught her to love herself, and value herself, but living with her aunt after her parents died, well her aunt would force her to diet and call her horrible names. Liam sensing her sadness wraps his arm around her pulling her close. He gently kisses her temple.

Pulling up in front of Si building, Si and Liam get out.  He tells the guys that he is going to stay there as they have a lot to discuss.  Drake voices his concerns, but Si lets him know that it is a secure building and she is the only apartment. Drake finally relents and tells Liam that he needed to call as soon as he was ready to leave, and they would come and pick him up. “Liam, remember we are leaving at 2PM sharp tomorrow.” giving them a knowing wink. “See you later, Si, and thanks for showing us the cove.”  Once the pair was inside the secured door the car took Maxwell and Drake back to the hotel.

“Welcome to my humble abode,” she said, and she opened the door to her apartment. Once they were inside, she locked, and dead bolted the door.  Si guided Liam into the open, warehouse style apartment. From the entry, you could see the kitchen, living room, and dining room.  There was a long hallway off to the right of the kitchen that leads to the bathroom and bedrooms. “The bathroom is down the hall on your left, “Si said once they were in the living room apartment.  Liam looked around and could sense the love that still lingered within the walls.

“You lived here with your parents before they died?” he could sense some sadness in her. He wished so much that he could take all her hurt, pain, and anger that was still dwelling in her away, but he knew that was impossible. “I wish I could absorb all your pain into me, I would gladly bear that hurt for you.”

Just as Si was about to answer, there was a loud knock at the door. Then she heard the voice yelling through the locked door. “SI! I know you are there! Open up you little bitch! That money is mine and I want it!”  Liam quickly smelled the fear and anger in Si, and his animal was clawing under his skin to rip the woman on the other side of the door apart.

“Who is that?” Liam asks, his voice was a deep growl, she saw his animal trying to be released.

“It’s my aunt, I don’t want her here.  I don’t want her anywhere near me.” Si she says, Liam can smell the fear coming off her in waves. His animal could not take it any longer, he reached the door in three steps, unlocked the door, and opened it. Si aunt looks Liam up and down; puts a very seductive smile on her face.

“Well hello,” she coos “you are handsome. To handsome to be here with my dumpy niece. Why don’t you come with me and I can show you what a real woman can do for you? You don’t have to settle for the likes of her. We both know it would be a pity fuck.”  Si’s aunt reminds him of Madeleine, yes, the woman was beautiful, but her words, her soul was filled poison.

Liam answers her with a roar. He could see all the color drained from her aunts face. Liam picked her up off the floor by her jacket.

“If you so much as utter another word to Si for any reason, I will rip you limb from limb. I am a King and have diplomatic immunity, you threaten the life of my queen, do you think anyone would blame me?” Liam did not wait for her response, he carried her down the steps and out the front door of the building and drops her on the sidewalk. “I would not enter this building again if you value your life,” he says with a growl, eyes are a dangerous shade of gold and filled with anger.  Turning away from the woman, Liam bounds up the steps, back to a shaken Si.  Locking the door behind him, he reaches her and pulls her into his embrace.  Si buries her face into his chest and sobs, Liam’s heart aches for his mate. He takes a step back and lifts her chin with his hand. He kisses her with all the passion that he can. “Come away with me, you will never have to feel alone anymore.  I am here, and you are my mate. Will you come back with me?”

“Can I answer you in the morning?” she breathes out.

“Yes, love, I can wait for your answer. Right now, I just want to comfort you.” Liam reaches for Si, drawing her to him. Liam can see that Si is thinking, fighting within herself. “Love, don’t think, just feel, be in this moment with me.”

When he touches her lips with his, fire spreads through his veins. She moans in the back of her throat. The sound is soft and sexy, he tightens his embrace harder than he intends He aches to be inside her, to feel his cock slip into her wet folds.  To feel her tightness, stretch around his cock. Just the thought makes him even harder. Si can feel his erection pressed against her. The moment she intertwines her tongue with his, all the problems of her world ceases to exist. She is the only thing his lion and Liam are in relishing.

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