A Royal Mate: Chapter 8 – Masquerade

DISCLAIMERS:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except for the characters I create for the storyline. This story will have NSFW or explicit material in later chapters but I will make sure to give warnings at the beginning.

Summary:  Si and Em accompany Maxwell to the Beaumont Estate.  Liam and Drake head to his father’s private study. A hasty departure leaves behind vital information about Liam and Si’s past.  Si finally opens her gift and has help getting ready for the ball. Will she win the prize?


Maxwell leads Si and Em to the East Wing of the estate. Em is dropped off at her room first, which is the first room at the beginning of the corridor. Si’s room is the last room at the end of the hall. She opens the great ornate door. She cannot believe how beautiful her room is. The room is bigger than the whole of her apartment. To the left there is a great big be centered on the wall; on the bed was a large box with a light blue ribbon and a single white rose.

“What is this?” Si says excitedly, “Did you do this for me?”
“No, Little Blossom, I did not, but I am so very honored to host you this season. Just so you know to keep an air of mystery to you, you will be addressed as Lady Siryah Nelson. We fill that Dainelis is too easily recognized here. I hope you don’t mind.” Maxwell states.
“Ok, that makes sense. Liam did say that he needs me to fly under the radar for a bit,” she says with a yawn. “Maybe I should open this in the morning. I am tired right now.”
“Good night, Little Blossom, I think we are going to be great friends,” Maxwell says as he exits her bedroom.

Si goes to the bathroom and takes a quick shower and dries herself off. She put on one of the silk chemises that Julie insisted that she buys for the trip. She uses the body creme that was left in her bathroom, it smells like Jasmine and Apples, a scent that she remembers well, it was the scent of her mother. How would her mother have this, it is made in Cordonia. Si is too tired to think anymore, she slips into the most luxurious sheets she has ever been in as exhaustion overtakes her.

Once Liam and Drake arrive at the Palace, they quickly go to what was his father’s private study. Liam had it locked up once his father passed. No one except for Drake, Bastien and himself were allowed to enter. As they turn down the hallway, they smell that they are not alone in the hallway, Drake, motions for Liam to stay behind him, and draws his gun. They try to sneak up on whoever is in the study, but when Drake kicks the door open the study is empty.

“What the fuck. Don’t tell me there is a secret passage that leads to here too,” Drake exclaims “Seriously Li, we need to find the blueprints to the place. We have been living here for almost 30 years and we still don’t know everything we need to about this place.”
Liam laughs, “You know that they don’t have a complete blueprint of this place. It is a precaution so that it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.”
“As long as the step bitch and her demon spawn are here, we need to know. All of them. Something is up; when they find out that you found your true mate…” Drake stops speaking.
“I know Drake, I do worry that is why Daniel will be shadowing her, and she is with Maxwell at the estate and Em is with her,” Liam says, Drake noticing that there is a little fear in his voice. “He texted me as soon as they arrived.”
“Well let’s see if there is anything missing.”

Liam and Drake look around, and nothing seems out of place until Liam notices an envelope under the bookcase. He bends down to pick it up. Looking at it he eyes widen. Drake walks quickly to him.

“This has my mother’s seal on it. I have been here many times, and I have never laid eyes on this. The seal is broken.” he says in a shocked whisper.
“Where would your father had hidden it?” Drake questions noticing some more paper lying on the floor. “Liam, whoever was in here left in a hurry, look over there,” he says pointing to the papers.

They walk over to the papers, and as they were picking them up and examine them, Liam comes across an envelope with his name on it. He turns it over and finds that the seal on that too had been broken. He sits in he father’s chair and reads it.

28 April 2017

My Dearest Son,

If you are reading this letter than I am no longer with you. I am sorry that I did not get to tell you this in person, I hate the fact that I would have to put pen to paper, who knows who could incept this letter, but I pray that this letter gets to you.

You remind me of your mother. She was my heart and soul; she kept me grounded. She made me a better King and man. You and your brother are two of my greatest accomplishment. I am proud of you my son. You and your brother.

I must get to the point. Your mother and I want you and your brother to have the best mates that we could find, unfortunately, your brother’s mate was nowhere in Cordonia, so I made the decision to make an alliance with two great houses. I betrothed your brother to Madeleine of Fydelia and you to the daughter of Valtoria. However, with mother’s death, the family fled fearing for the life of their baby girl. Liam, she is your true mate.

I sent someone I trusted with them, to watch over them and step in when they needed their help, but I was never to be told about their whereabouts until they decided to bring her back to her true home. She would come to Cordonia and become your mate, your wife, and with your brother’s abdication, your Queen.

I must tell you that I fear that something may have gone wrong, she should have been brought back on her 23rd birthday, which is the 25th of June, 2016. I have not heard from them, I fear the worst. I hope that fate will be kinder to you than it was to me, your mother was poisoned I never found a lead as to who would have killed my mate. I know that you were hurt when I married Regina, but that was for the sake of the country and the Crown. I had affection for Regina, but my lion mourned the loss of our mate.

Clues to finding your mate can be found in Valtoria, I know that that sealed important documents in the vault there. I would suggest you start there. I hope you find your happiness. Please be vigilant, I fear that someone close to us will be behind my death. Put you faith in Drake, Bastien, Olivia, and House of Beaumont only. No one else in Cordonia can be trusted, not even my wife.

Your father.

“So, someone found this letter and hid it from me. Drake, they will be trying to find her.” Liam says, his stoic facade is shattered by the tenderness he had forgotten his father possessed. “I didn’t scent who would have been in here, but they knew where to find these documents. If we had not come down the hall when we did, they would have succeeded at taking them and maybe destroying them.”

Drake opens the envelope with Liam’s mothers broken seal. He pulled out the paper, “Liam, it is a good thing that we are not letting her use her real last name..”
“Why do you say that?”
“This is your marriage contract, your parents have signed it, her first name is not on it it just says Countess Dainelis.” Drake hands they paper to Liam. Liam places the letter and the contract in with Si’s paperwork.
“Drake it is late, and I my lion needs to run, I will lock this up in the safe in my room. Call Daniel, set up a meeting before the ball.” They exit the study. Drake makes his phone call.

“Daniel we need to meet before the ball, things have taken a very interesting turn. We need to speak face to face we will be there at 5 pm.”

“Good morning, Little blossom. This is your wake up call. “ Maxwell was too much of a morning person.
“Maxwell, never wake her up without coffee,” Em smirks handing Si a cup of coffee. “She takes it with cream and honey. Give her about 5 minutes and then tell her what you need her to do. If you don’t she will not remember a thing.” Em laughs as Si squints her eyes and sticks out her tongue at her.
“Good to know. Really, honey and cream in her coffee? So does Liam! Maybe they are meant to be.” Maxwell is so excited about another connection between the two. “Anyway, I can tell you that we are going to first, have breakfast in your room, then I am dying to see what they present is, so don’t open when we are not present. Lastly, I need to go over some details before we go to the Palace. You have about 45 minutes to get showered, I will be back with breakfast.” Maxwell smiles and he and Em exit her room.

Once they were all dressed Maxwell pushes a cart filled with eggs, bacon, cronuts, an assortment of jams, oatmeal, coffee and Cordian apple juice, into her room. The smells fill the room and Si’s stomach growls loudly. She opens the double doors that lead to her balcony so they can sit outside and enjoy their meal.
“I am glad someone is hungry,” Maxwell smiles at Si. “Would hate for all this food to go to waste.”
“Oh, I am hungry alright.” Si says “So, what is on the agenda for today, I know that we will be spending time in the Palace, so what do I need to know?”
“Well, there is a masquerade ball tonight, I am pretty sure the gift is going to come in handy for that. And you will be meeting with the Queen Mother, but honestly, her opinion will mean very little to Liam, besides she is the one who wants Liam to marry her niece Madeleine. She really should just give that up…”
“Maxwell, your rambling, get to the point, we don’t have much time,” Em says bring Maxwell back to the agenda.
“Sorry. Anyway, you will not have to arrive until 5 pm at the Palace, well let’s make that 4:30, you will get settled in your room, we will have dinner, then get you ready for the ball. “

Maxwell continues to outline that there was a tea with the Queen Mother at 2 pm on Monday afternoon; he stressed that Si could not be late for that. Liam would choose someone to have dinner with on Monday evening. His choice will be based on the best-dressed suitor at the ball. Tuesday will be the Royal Regatta, followed by a beach party then Liam will choose to have a private evening ride on the Royal Yacht. Pose and calm under pressure will be what determine who wins the dinner. Wednesday is a free day, so she could go on a tour of the Palace or capital. Later that night they would have to prepare for traveling to the royal country home at Applewood.

“So, what is with all the test?” Si asks.
“I am so glad you picked up on that. Queen Mother, or Queen Step-monster as I call her, basically planned each event so that Madeleine will have an edge of all the others, what she did not plan on was you.”
“So, Si, Max and I have discussed and from what Olivia has been saying is going on in the Palace. No one knows who you are. Liam has added your name to the suitors, you are the House of Beaumont’s late entry.” Em explains, “So, you have an air of mystery about you.”
“Em’s right, they are going to think you came out of thin air.” Maxwell gives her a smile.

After they finish breakfast they go through all the clothes Si brought with her to pick the perfect outfits for every occasion. After what seems like forever, Si is finally packed with everything she will need. Maxwell assured her that there is a boutique in the Palace and she will have a standing appointment if she needs to get anything else. The last thing to do is open the gift.
Si starts by reading the note attached to the top. She carefully opens the envelope inside she finds a key, which she hands to Maxwell. As she begins to read the short note her face lights up.

Something beautiful for my Beautiful.

“It’s from Liam,” she says blinking back the tears. She hands the note to Em and she and Maxwell read it. Smiling at her, so few words, but so much meaning. Si opens the box, on top of the white silk hiding the actual gift, is a beautiful Cordonian light blue mask adorned with pearls and Swarovski blue crystals. She gently passes the mask to Em; opens the rest of the gift, when she pulls out the dress her mouth drops open. It is a strapless floor-length gown that is a mixture of Cordonian blue, silver and pearl. The bodice has a sweetheart neckline with a deep plunge, good thing she has enough to hold it up, it is covered in the same pearls and crystals as the mask. There is a split on the left side that goes almost to her hip. At the top of the split, there is light blue feather cascading down the front of the dress that goes around to the back at a decreasing angle to the back of the dress.

“This is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen.” holding it up to herself, “How did he know my size?” Em just grins at Si. “Em, when did you have time, you barely spent any time alone with him?”
“It’s called texting, duh.” Em laughs, “Si, he really loves you and he wants to spend as much time with you as possible, without raising suspicions. So he knows, what his stepmother has planned. He figures if she can help Madi, then he and Maxwell will help you. Everyone will think it came from Maxwell, only you will know the truth. If anyone asks a direct question, just tell them that a woman doesn’t tell all her secrets. You won’t be lying.” They carefully pack the dress and mask up and start off to the Palace.

Having made sure that they were not followed Drake and Liam go to the planned meeting spot and wait for Daniel to arrive. As Daniel approaches, he doesn’t look happy.

“Liam, Si Aunt is in Cordonia, I have tracked her with two males, I think one’s name is Neville,” Daniel warns.
“Shit, Neville, and Tariq are bottom feeders. They are lackeys for Madeleine, which means she is going to know more than we think about Si. Fuck.” Drake exhales.
“Well we have another issue, when we got back to the Palace, we went to my father’s private study. I ordered that no one will enter without my express permission, but someone was in there. They found a letter addressed to me. We found the letter and the seal was broken. “ he hands the letter to Daniel. Daniel reads the letter.
“Damn, it is a good thing that her name was left out, so they still have no idea who she is, but they know where to look. I was afraid that this is bigger than we planned, so I called and asked my father and Julie to come here. They can go to Valtoria and look for what they need. Since my father is the man your father sent with them.”
“Your father was part of the Royal guard,” Liam says as it dawns on him. “Si is my betrothed, we found this document, my mother’s seal was on it, It too was broken. Whoever was in the study, left quickly dropping these in the escape.”
“Would your father know all the secret passages within the Palace? “ questions Drake.
“He may, they should be arriving within the hour. I will fill them in on what we need them to do, and send them to Valtoria. Liam, you have to hide those documents. Someone is digging, I don’t think Palace is secure enough. None of these documents can fall into the wrong hand.” Daniel states.
“Li, I think that we should give them to Daniel for safe keeping, his family has kept this secret for 25 years, it is safe with them. I know you feel you need to protect her all by yourself, but right now we all are here for you and her, you both matter to all of us.”
“Your right Drake, Daniel I trust you, please keep them and Si safe, I can only give her so much of an edge in the tasks coming in the social season, I have to make it look like I am not favoring her.”

Liam hands over all the documents to Daniel. Daniel states that he will send a message when he speaks to his father and they will set up a meeting while all the ladies are having tea with the Queen mother the next day. Liam and Drake head back to the Palace to get ready for the Masquerade ball.

Si and Em still cannot get over the grandeur of the suite that they have been put in for the time at the Palace. Liam arranged for them to be in the only double suite closes to the Royal suite. Olivia has an apartment custom made for her in the same hall. Madeleine is in the wing on the opposite side were she can easily watch there comings and going.

“Which room do you want Si?” Em asks, they have not even chosen their bedrooms because when they arrived, Maxwell had to give them a tour.
“I can answer that, Si is to take the main bedroom down the hall.” Olivia states as she enters the room. “It is Liam’s wish, and it is the furthest from everyone, so no one will be disturbed if he comes for a late night visit,” She says with a sly smirk and wink. Si is bright red, and Em cannot help but laugh at her friends embarrassment.
“Olivia is not wrong, you guys are loud.” Em states matter of factly, “Before you ask how I would know, Julie and me, kinda stayed behind when you kicked us out of your apartment to bring Liam home. Well, once I believed that he was going to stay with you we left, not right away, but maybe 15 minutes after you started. We wanted to see your face in the morning that is why we invited everyone for breakfast the next morning.”
“What the hell, Em,” Si’s voice full of embarrassment.
“Em, I am going to like you. You and I are going to reek havoc on these uptight bores.” Olivia laughs. “Oh, Si, stop being embarrassed, trust me, you should be proud that you are the one in his bed. Women will kill to be in your shoes. I should know.” she winks.
“Anyway, I have arranged for someone to do your hair and makeup for the ball, you have about an hour till we need to start getting ready, I suggest you take a nap. Lord knows you are going to need your strength for tonight.”

After Olivia leaves Si sits on the sofa in the common sitting room in the sweet. She is still embarrassed by her friend and Olivia’s admission. Was it an admission, or was she just trying to rile her up? There were so many things that were going through her head, she decided that a nap would be wise. Si woke 30 minutes later and went to go shower when she came out of her ensuite bathroom, she found Em and Olivia and some others that she did not know in her bedroom. Olivia ushered her to the chair near her vanity.

“Here she is, she needs to be made to look like a Queen. I want her hair and makeup to be flawless.” Olivia orders, “Do not disappoint me, you have 1 hour.” With that, Olivia marches out of her room and goes to get dressed for the ball herself.

Forty-five minutes later, Em comes into Si, bedroom to see the progress. Em has chosen a sleek black floor length gown with off the shoulder and deep V-shaped plunge in the back. Si thinks that she looks absolutely beautiful. With Si, makeup completed, Em helps her into her dress. It fits her like a glove, hugging her curves in all the right ways. The hairstylist instructs her to put on the mask so that they can make any adjustments to hair and makeup as needed. Once she was finished getting dressed, she looked at reflexion; she did not recognize herself. She graciously thanked the makeup artist and the hairstylist as they let the suite. Just as she began to close the door, Olivia and Maxwell came through the door.

“Well, they took my words to heart. You look adequate,” Olivia smirks.
“Adequate, she looks fucking gorgeous!” Em exclaims.
“I will have to agree with Em,” Maxwell says “Si, you look amazing. You are going to turn a LOT of heads tonight. I am so glad I am not Liam.” he says with a sly smile. “Oh speaking of which, I am to give this to you.”

Si takes the box from his hand; opens it, it was a beautiful pearl necklace and earrings. She tried to blink back the tears, as she did not want to mess up her makeup. Em helped her with the jewelry. Si notices the note in the box.

Ask me about the pearl. It is a beautiful story and meaning behind it. -L


Em sees that Si, is a little uncomfortable with the gifts, steps in front of her and says.
“Breathe, Si, he is showing how much he cares for you. You are going to have to get used to this. You are not a waitress anymore. Not everyone is going to use and abuse you. Let him in.” Em gives her a reassuring hug.
“Yeah, Si, I have known Liam all my life, he is the most genuine guy I know. He is taking so many precautions to ensure your safety and he wants to give you the best life you could possibly live from this point on. He will not hurt you. He will not leave you. Your happiness is all that he wants.” Maxwell squeezes her hand.
“Okay, if you are quite done with the pep talk, we have a ball to attend,” Olivia says walking out the door. They follow suit.

Once they were close to the ballroom, Em hugs Si once more and goes to the side door to enter with those who will not be announced. Si takes a deep breath and places her hand on Maxwell like that practiced. The double doors are opened and she and Maxwell walkthrough.

“Lord Maxwell Percival Beaumont accompanying, Lady Siryah Nelson.”

All heads to turned to see the beauty on Maxwell’s arm. He guides her to the Royal family and introduces her to them.
“May I present the House of Beaumont’s sponsor for this years social season. Lady Siryah Nelson.” He politely bows and Si, curtsies. “This beautiful creature is Queen Mother Regina, and His Majesty, King Liam Rys.”
“It is my honor to meet you, your Majesty and likewise to you, Your Majesty Queen Mother.”
“It is my honor, Lady Siryah. Welcome to my home.” Liam says, bring her hand up to his lips. “Would you honor me with a dance?”

Si remembers that Maxwell instructed her that Liam must dance with the Queen Mother’s choice first, then he may dance with any suitor of his choosing. So she chooses her words carefully.

“I would be honored to share a dance with you, your Majesty, but if I recall, your first dance must be with a woman of Queen Mother’s choosing. I promise to save a dance with you this evening.” Si says.
“How wonderful, I see that you have been instructed in protocol for this event. Your answer was graceful and honored tradition. You have chosen well, Lord Beaumont.” Regina says.

Maxwell leads Si away to the table that Em and Olivia were waiting for them. Maxwell was beaming with pride. Si had managed to get them a compliment from the Queen Mother. After Queen Mother gives the opening remarks, the first course is served to the guest. Si can see that Drake is sitting with Liam and another, a young woman is seated on the other side of Regina.

“Who is that woman sitting with Queen Mother?” Si inquires.
“Oh honey, save the formality for when you speak to Regina, here you are amongst friends. And the thing to her right is her niece Countess Madeleine. She is the one whom Regina want Liam to wed, but we all know that will not happen, don’t we.” Olivia smirks, “Be careful around her, don’t let her smell your fear. “

Olivia sees Madeleine glaring at their table, she can tell behind that cool facade she is seething. Madeleine has not stopped looking at Si’s dress, and neither has Liam. When he realizes that Olivia is staring at him, he gives her a knowing smirk. He purposely put Si, in Cordonian colors. Madeleine’s intent to make sure that everyone knew that she was the favorite was neutralized. Just the ammunition Olivia needed to torment her on another failed plan. Regina would not be pleased with Madeleine failure tonight.

After dessert plates were cleared, Regina stands up to address the people gathered.
“Thank you for coming. Tonight will be the start of this years social season. I would especially like to welcome all the suitors here for this year’s season. The winner of tonight will have a private dinner with King Liam, tomorrow night.” She looks over at Liam. “So, let us beginning tonight’s festivity with the Waltz, Liam, and Madeleine, will you start us off with the dance?”

Liam gets up and rounds the table to where Madeleine was seated and held out his hand to her with a slight bow. She put on her best coy smile and accepts his hand saying, “Would be my honor to dance with my King.” Liam leads her to the center of the dance floor, as the music starts they glide across the floor. Madeleine was looking at him adoringly as they dance. Liam has plaster on a smile, that looks like he is trying to hide a grimace.

“Must you always be so difficult?” Madeleine hisses through clench teeth. “Why are to prolonging the inevitable. I have seen the suitors this year and none of them are bred or worthy to rule beside you. I wouldn’t mind if you take a few of them as Mistresses, as long as they abide by the rules.”
“Why do you think that I want a Mistress, let alone marry you?” Liam says in a mocking tone. “All the breeding in the world cannot make up for your lack of a soul.”
“We will be married, Liam, mark my words. I will let you make a fool of yourself, you will come crawling to me, begging.”
“Thank you for the dance, Countess. Cordonian blue? Good choice in color tonight, but I have seen it look much better on others.” he smiles and leaves her on the dance floor.

Several hours later Liam finally walks up to Si and bows, “I believe you owe me a dance, Lady Siryah.”
“Please, call me Si, your Majesty, and I would be honored to dance with you.” Liam takes her hand as the music for the Cordonian waltz is played.
“I am not sure if you know this dance,” Liam says, “but follow my lead and we will get through it together.”

As he places his hand on her lower back, Si feels a bolt of electricity run down her spine. Liam leads her in the dance, then it starts coming back to her, she remembers that her father taught her has to ballroom dance with she was a child, right up until his death. As Si and Liam dance, he dances her out to a balcony.

“Smooth move, your Majesty.” Si coos, relishing being back in his arms.
“I wanted to have you all to myself. Even if it is just for a moment. I must say you look ravishing tonight. I could hardly keep my eyes off of you. My lion wanted nothing more than to claim you right there in the middle of the dance floor.” he growls in her ear. He pulls her closer to him, she can feel his erection pressing into her stomach.
“Cannot tell you how much I want to taste you right now, but I would surely not want my time with you to be interrupted.”
“Thank you for the dress and the jewels, I have never owned something beautiful before. The note said that there is a story behind it. Will you tell me?” she whispers.
“Will tell you when I see you tonight, after the ball.” before she could reply, he captures her mouth in a possessive kiss. Her whole body is on fire. “Love, your scent is driving me crazy, I cannot wait to taste you again, to hear you scream my name as you cum. Your honey dripping down my cock.”

Liam finally pulls away from Si. He gives her a moment to collect herself and fix her lipstick. He leads her back into the main room. He drops her back of to her table, where Maxwell, Olivia, and Em are sitting, with big grins on their faces. The sight only makes Si face flush even more.
“Si, you have the worst poker face. You cannot blush every time someone gives you a knowing smile. You must control it if you want to make it through this season.” Olivia chastises, “We have our work cut out for us. We will have breakfast in Si and Em’s sweet, then we will go to the boutique and pick out her outfit for the tea with the Royal bitch and her cunt of a niece at 2.”

Just then, Regina’s voice rings out above the chatter, “May I have your attention please, as we close on this evening’s gala, I am happy to have Liam announce the winner of tonight’s contest. He will choose the young lady, who was poised and conducted herself as befitting of the station that she would have bestowed upon her.”
“Thank you, Regina. First I would like to that everyone who has joined us this evening. Ladies, I have truly enjoyed my time with each one of you, and I hope to learn more about some of you. The lady that will be joining me for dinner on my yacht will be the suitor representing the House of Beaumont, Lady Siryah.” Liam declares.

Si curtsies to Liam. The Nobles standing near them congratulate her and admire her dress. All telling her how stunning she looked. They have never seen the Crown’s colors look more amazing on anyone else. Olivia looks for Madeleine and Regina, she spots them storming out of the ballroom.

So it begins.

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