A Royal Mate: Chapter 9 – Tea, Conspiracy, and Dinner for Two

DISCLAIMERS:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except for the characters I create for the storyline. This story will have NSFW or explicit material in later chapters but I will make sure to give warnings at the beginning.

Notes: This story will have NSFW or explicit material in future chapters but I will make sure to give warnings at the beginning.

Summary: The girls have tea with the Queen Mother.  Madeleine determines whether or not Si is a threat to her plans. Liam and Drake have a meeting with Taylor, Julie, and Daniel, more pieces of the puzzle is obtained.  Valuable information is given and plans are made.  Si and Liam enjoy dinner together. Will Liam let her in on the mystery or is leaving her in the dark truly the best for now?

Chapter 9: Tea, Conspiracy, and Dinner for Two

Maxwell leads Si out of the ballroom and is joined by Olivia and Em.  Si cannot help but smile, as the other suitors look at her and scowl, as they turn towards the corridor that leads to the West Wing where all the other suitors have their accommodation.

“Who is she, and why is she getting placed in the East Wing?” they were whispering.  “Is she some foreign Royalty?” other’s were questioning. “I hope someone has warned her about Madeleine, I don’t care if I never when a private anything with his Majesty, I just don’t want to embarrass my family.”

They said good night to Olivia, as she entered her apartment.  Maxwell escorts Si and Em of at their suite.  They all enter the suite together. He tells them to stay in their room tonight.  Madeleine is known to pace the hallways when she was upset. A run-in with her should be avoided tonight.

“Is she going to be that big of a problem?  I mean she did get the first dance with Liam, in front of the whole court.” Si argues
“Yes, she did get the spotlight, until you showed up wearing the King’s colors. That is a very bold move, and very few dare to do that.” Maxwell states.
“One, she was wearing the same, colors. Two, she was seated at his table. Three, she danced with him most of the night.  He only came to find me when she went to talk to Queen Mother.” Si says flustered.
“But she never looked as beautiful in my house colors, as you do, Love,” Liam says, his eyes move slowly up and down her body.
“How the hell did you get in here?” Si was not expecting to hear his voice behind her.
“This place has many secrets, one day a will share them all with you. But for now, come and share a drink with me, on your balcony.” Liam asks.

Si nods her head in agreement and wishes Maxwell a good night as he is leaving the suite.  Em says goodnight to the pair, winking at Si. Liam takes her hand and leads her to her bedroom opening the door for her. He enters her room behind her and leads her to the balcony. She takes off her shoes as she sits down and the table where she finds the most beautiful red roses in a crystal vase.  There are two glasses of red wine already poured, Liam hands one to her.

“How did you do all this, I left the ballroom before you? Maxwell, Em and I were talking in the sitting room. We didn’t see or hear you come in.” she questions.  “You are a sneaking one, your Majesty.”  a seductive smile spreads across her lips.
“Well, I made sure that you had this room, there is a secret passage that leads to my suite.  My brother showed it to me before he left. I never knew it was here, as I  stayed in the West Wing of the Palace.” Liam takes a sip of his wine, never taking his eyes off her mouth. Liam tries to control his lion as it was rising to want to claim her.  Si sees his eyes change and smiles.
“So, do you use it often?” Si asks with a mischievous smirk. Playing with the pearl pendant around her neck, Si asks, “You said that there is a story behind this gift, please tell me.”
“Well, to answer the first question, there has never been anyone in this room that I would want quick access to. Second, that pearl I found when my family was vacationing in Capri.  My brother and I had some down time so we went swimming. We found some oysters and when we opened them, that pearl was in there. My brother said that I should give it to the woman who tames my lion. The pearl symbolizes beauty, purity, new beginnings, and protection;  so I had it made into a necklace.  I always planned for it to be a wedding gift. But I could not wait to see you wear it so I gave it to you tonight.” He looks at her, and raises an eyebrow, leaning in close, “Even though, I much prefer that you were wearing nothing, except for that necklace.” his voice was low and husky. She could feel a rush dampness between her legs.

Her breath hitches, as a familiar feeling stirs in her core. She needed him. Si gets up and moves to his lap, and kisses him.  Liam quickly takes over the kiss and picks her up and carries her into the bedroom. He set her on her feet; he wills himself to break the kiss.

“As much as I want to take you right now, it would not be wise, you have tea with my stepmother tomorrow and she cannot smell my scent on you. But know this, when the time comes, I will make sure that my scent will never again leave your skin. Everyone will know that you are mine.” He kisses her on the forehead and shows her how to open the secret passage from her bedroom, and exits her room. “Good night, Love, until tomorrow night.”

The next morning, Si drags herself out of bed, she had a fitful sleep, she kept wanting to use the passage to sneak into Liam’s room, but she knew that he was right to leave last night, although her body did not agree with her head. The smell of coffee lures out into the main room.  At the dining room table, she sees the gang.

“Good morning, sleep well?” Em grins
“Yes, I did. Before your mind goes completely gutter, we just had a glass of wine and talked. “ Si says glaring at Em.
“Is that what we are calling it these days?” Olivia snidely remarks.
“Do I smell like him?” Si sighs, remembering his words from the previous night.
“Good to know that the two of you can show some self-restraint.” Olivia quips, “You already won the dinner and Madeleine is pissed.  No doubt Regina read her the riot act. Anyway, we must be as discreet as possible. After the Regatta, Liam will be free to let everyone know who the front runners are and he will spend as much time getting familiar with the lady or ladies of his choice.” Olivia laughs as she watches Si face contort in annoyance at what she implied. “Si, you are going to have to control your facial expressions, they give you away.  You are going to have to endure Madeleine talking about marrying and bedding Liam, and yes the thought of Madeleine in any sex act, makes your stomach churn, but you must remain stoic. If she knows that it bothers you, she will keep going until you break.”

“She is right Little Blossom, with you winning the first task, she will see you as direct competition.  She was bred to be a Queen, but she has no empathy, no compassion. Hell, I am not sure she is even human, as you humans say. She desires power.  Plus being jilted by the first Crown Prince after a 3-year engagement, well let’s just say, she will do anything to win.” Maxwell further explains. “So, if we are going to swat at a sting bee’s nest, might as well go for a win.”

Si and Em burst out laughing, “Oh Maxwell, the saying is ‘Stir up a hornet’s nest.’” Si corrects him. “And if I am going to have a target on my back, well then, might as well make the most of it. She is going to lose by a landslide. So Obi-Wan, what do I need to know about this tea and what am I going to wear?”
“I knew you were my kind of a bitch,” Olivia states as she prepares the tea for the practice service.

After the tea lesson is complete, Si went to get ready for the tea service. Olivia gives her guidelines of what would be ideal to wear but wants to see what she would pick out.  Si chose a shimmery, raw silk taupe cocktail dress.  The dress had a chiffon overlay at the skirt and a cropped lace bodice. She pairs the ensemble with copper high heeled Mary Jane’s with matching clutch and cream gloves, with delicate button details. Simple pearl drop earrings adorns her ears. She pulls her natural curls is a chignon hairstyle. Her make is natural and elegant.

“Does this meet your approval?” Si says as she steps out into the main room.
“It does,” Liam says, “If this is what you are wearing to the Tea Service, I cannot wait to see what you will wear tonight.” chuckling at Si’s look of shock.
“Liam, I sorry, I just did not expect to see you until tonight.” Si smiles, walking up to a placing a light kiss on his lips.
“I had a few moments to spare, so I came to see you,”
“Well, unfortunately, Liam, we have to leave, now.” Olivia interrupts. “Si cannot be late if she is going to win at every task. So we don’t have time for you two to have a moment.”
“I guess you will just have to settle for a quick kiss before I run out the door,” Si says giving him another quick, gentle kiss, before following Olivia’s lead.

Olivia, Si, and Maxwell head to the formal dining room that is Tea party is being hosted, leaving Liam and Em in the suite.  Liam takes a seat on the couch across from Em.

“How is she?” Liam asks.
“I think that she is fine, the thought of Madeleine makes her uneasy, but her being here, it’s like she is becoming more and more fearless.  I cannot explain it, but since we got here, she hasn’t questioned any of her choices.” Em says. “Don’t worry, our girl is safe.”

Olivia and Si find their places for the tea service. They have been sat with the Queen Mother and Madeleine.  Si has no doubt that it was a strategic placement.  Olivia takes a flask out of her purse and takes a drink and then passes it to Si.

“If were are going to be in the den with snakes, might as well have some antivenom.” Olivia smiles. Si takes the flask and takes a drink.
“I have a feeling, I about to make Maddi,” Si is saying when the herald announced the arrival of Madeleine and Regina. The women exchanged pleasantries as they passed the other ladies as they made their way to the table.

“Ahh, Lady Siryah, Duchess Olivia, I am so glad you that you will be sitting with us at this event.” Regina smiles, but Si could see right through it. She knew that this was another test. “Lady Siryah, you are a bit of a mystery, I must say, and I do love a good mystery. Please tell me about yourself.”
“Well your, Majesty, there is not much to tell.  My parents died with I was sixteen. I was sent to live with my Aunt Josi, that was a disaster.  I went to court to declare myself an adult at seventeen. Finished high school, put myself through college with the money that my parents put away for school. Graduated with high honors in my undergrad and graduate studies. I was about to start my Ph.D. when I met Liam in New York. I think that pretty much sums up my life. Any more questions?” Si says Olivia noted the hint of defiance in her voice.
“Well, you are most certainly accomplished. And to have all that tragedy start at such a crucial time in your life and not become another unfortunate statistic.” Regina remarks, her face was like stone.
“Lady Siryah, your story is fascinating, but how would you be able to help the King run a kingdom, with a degree, in what English? I think I heard that was your major from someone.” Madeleine says with a condescending tone.
“Countess, I am sorry, but you have heard incorrectly, I graduated from Columbia University with a double major in International Business and International Relations. A Masters in International Development Studies.  I am currently thinking about pursuing my Ph.D. in International Business. So, I think that I most qualified to be more than a pretty face to His Majesty, if I am chosen.” Si says looking Madeleine in the eye.
“Well, Lady Siryah, you never cease to impress. Please forgive me, I must go mingle with the other Ladies. Please stay and enjoy your afternoon. Ladies.” Regina bids them farewell.

“Listen, I don’t care who you think you are, but Liam and the Crown are mine.  So enjoy your time with him tonight, but know this, I will be his Queen. If you can manage to learn your place, I may tolerate you as being his whore, but no human again will sit on the Cordonian Throne, especially low-class foreign commoner. You are so out of your league.” Madeline hissed the clenched teeth and a painted on smile.

Olivia was about to rip into Madeleine when Si speaks up.
“Maddi, green is not your color.  From what I hear, you were first engaged to the former Crown Prince. If he’s anything like Liam, I am sure you had your share of rough rides, and now you wish to move on to his brother, and I am the whore?” Si says, beating Madeleine at her own game.
“Madeleine, close your mouth. It is unbecoming of someone of your status.” Olivia says mockingly. “To think, someone who isn’t me can see you for who and what you are?”
“And what am I, Duchess?”Madeleine questions.
“Desperate, conniving, power hungry, most of all pathetic,” Si answers, taking a sip of her tea.
“Watch your back, you bitch!” Madeleine sneers. She stands up and paints a lovely smile on her face and says “Lady Siryah, it was lovely to have met you, and I hope that you enjoy your stay in Cordonia. I have some other pressing matters to attend.” with that she leave Olivia and Si at the table.
“Ok. Where the hell did that come from? Seriously? Please tell me that wasn’t a dream.” Olivia was elated.
“I don’t know?” Si says shock written all over her face. “When she said Liam was her’s, I felt as if something deep inside wanted to come out and rip her apart.”

Olivia could smell her fear and confusion, but there was something else. Olivia decided to keep her thoughts to herself for the time being, but she could sense something is stirring in Si.

While the ladies were enjoying a tea service, Liam and Drake head to the meeting with Daniel and his family. They decided to meet at Valtoria since everything seems to begin and end with this duchy.

“Hello, Liam, Drake, you remember Julie, and this is our father Daryn Taylor.”
“I know that you have a great many questions, so let me start by saying, your parents and Si’s parents were some of my closest friends. With the death of your mother, we knew that they would be next. Valtoria was a great house that stood behind the crown, Fydelia was the second great house, but they felt that they should rule because their bloodline was “pure” meaning no humans in their bloodline. Si’s parents were human, but her father’s side had shifters in their lineage. There were rumors about the animal soul in their family, but nothing has ever been proven.” Taylor says, “Constantine, thought making betrothal to both houses was the right thing to do.”
“Do you have any idea who killed my mother?” Liam asks.
“No, I left before the investigation started, we had to leave in a hurry. A couple of years later there were still no leads, and Constantine had married Regina. She was the only suitor that took place in both of his previous social seasons. She was one of your mother’s Ladies in Waiting. So it was natural for Constantine to get close to her while grieving your mother’s death.”

They talked for another hour and made a plans that Julie and her father would stay at Valtoria. Drake voices his concerns that the documents were concealed from Liam, and no one knew of the betrothals, but someone knew where to look, not even sure how long these seals were broken. It seems as if someone was trying to erase the past, but why? How do the pieces fit together? Liam hands over the documents and Daryn assures him that he would make sure that they would be safe in Valtoria, as he knew almost every inch of the place. With the plan set in motion, Drake and Liam left so that Liam could prepare for his evening with Si.

Liam turns to Daryn, “Would Regina have any knowledge of the betrothals?”
“Could be your Majesty, since one of them was to her own niece, she would naturally assume that the same was done for you.” Liam could see Daryn was deep in thought about what he just said. “I will find out as much as I can on this end Liam, you need to be wary of your stepmother until we can eliminate her from the potential threats.”
“So, you think she is a threat?” Liam questions.
“Yes, I never trusted that woman. First Queen ran away, the Second was poisoned, but no attempts have been made on her life. But there was an attempt on yours and  your father’s lives.”

Si is in her room trying to decide on what she should wear to her first official date with Liam.  She finally chooses a fitted black dress with wide straps and a deep V neckline with a zipper that ran down the back.  She paired with black peep-toe stilettos and matching clutch. She left her curls to be a little untamed as they framed her face nicely.  Em came into the room to do her makeup.  Si takes a last look in the mirror as she steps out of her bedroom.

Maxwell and Em and sitting in the living room when the stop talking and look at Si.  The mouths drop open.  She smiles and gives them a spin.
“Do I look okay, is this appropriate?” Si asks, know the response she is going to get.
“Yeah, if you are going for, yes, I am hot and this dress may not be on all night.” Maxwell says, “Then, Yes, you are appropriately dressed.”
“I think you have never looked sexier than you do right now.  Sexy and demure.” Em adds.
Si cannot help but grin.  Maxwell tells Si that Liam as a car waiting for her. He has been instructed to escort her to it.  Si grabs her wrap and hugs Em and follows Maxwell out of the suite.  As they walk past Madeleine’s room, Si swears she can hear her growling.  Si smile brightens. Game on, Bitch. She says in her head. He is MINE!  Once they reach the car, the driver is waiting to open the door for her and take her to her waiting King.

“Something is changing about you, Si,” Maxwell says,  “It seems that falling in love with a King suits you.  He is head over heels for you, and I can tell you are head over heels for him.  Don’t let Madeleine or anyone try to persuade you otherwise.”
“Oh, Max, you are too sweet for words. I do understand, and something deep inside me as already claimed him as mine, just as he claims me as his.  I don’t know why, but this country, this place, and Liam feel like home.  Like, I was meant to have always been here. Don’t worry, that bitch Madeleine is the one who should worry.” Si smiles and gets into the car. Her King awaits.

The SUV pulls off from the Palace and Si hears the driver say that they will arrive at the Royal Marina in about 25 minutes.  She thanks the driver and finds an envelope on the seat next to her.  She smiles as she sees the words, To Lady Siryah written in Liam’s hand. She gingerly opens the envelope and reads,

My Dearest Lady Siryah,

I am so looking forward to spending the evening in your company.  You have become a breath of fresh air in my life.  I hope that you will enjoy your stay and that Cordonia will one day become your home.

Si couldn’t help but smile, this man made her feel in a few days, more than she has ever felt for anyone.  How could he complete captivate her heart in a single evening?  Was this all going to be a dream?  Could they really live happily ever after? Was this a result of her wanting her horoscope to finally be true? She stopped the questions in her head as the driver pulls up to the Marina.  At the end of the dock she sees, Bastien, and another guard. Then she sees him.  God, he was gorgeous, his dirty blond hair was perfect, he was wearing dark rinsed jeans, with a crisp white button down with the first three buttons undone, and a Navy sports coat.  He was hiding something behind his back. The driver stops the car, and get out to open her door.   Liam stretches out his hand and helps her out of the SUV.

“You look enchanting, Lady Si,  I am so pleased that you could join me this evening,” he says, lifting her had to his lips; placing a chaste kiss on her knuckles.  Si notices a seductive smile crossing his face.
“It is my honor, to have been selected, your Majesty,” she coos.
“No, good lady the honor is mine.” Liam winks, “Shall we go, we will board and then the captain will take us out a way and dinner will be served.”
“Oh, and what is for dessert?” She says, her eyes glowing with a hint of seduction.
Liam pulls her closer as they are halfway to the Royal yacht, “Anything you desire, Love” he says in a low, husky voice.  “I live to please you.”
Si knew exactly what he was meaning, but coyly says, “I hope there is chocolate cake or Baklava, or hot fudge sundae with extra whip cream.”

Liam leads Si up to the main deck, he has the champagne chilling, he instructs the porter to have the captain set sail.  He turns to Si and fills their glasses.  After a few moments they two are sat down to a delicious meal.  The conversation is light, but Liam can smell her arousal increasing as the dinner continues.  Before the dessert course, Liam looks lovingly at Si. He walks over to her and pulls her into his embrace.

Her scent is very distracting, he can hardly contain his desire for her. He caresses her cheek, her skin feels like silk on his palms, instantly making him want more. He wanted to consume all of her. He lifted her chin and brushes his lips across hers, he lets out a low growl.  Si’s breath hitches giving him and invitations to taking her mouth fully.

“You taste so sweet,” he whispers into their kiss. “I can’t wait to sample the rest of you.” With a quick gasp, Si opens for him, her hands rake through her golden hair. Breath and tongues mingle and spar for dominance, Si shivers in his arms. Her arousal thickens scenting the air. Her slick wetness gathers between her legs.

“What do you hungry for, Si?” With a smile, she wraps her arms around his neck.

“You.” Liam’s mouth claims hers again and he slides his hands under her ass.

“I know just the place where we won’t be disturbed.”
“I can walk, you know,” she says, clinging to Liam for dear life as he rushes down the steps.
“Show some gratitude, wench! By the time I’m through with you, walking will be questionable.”

Once they entered the bedroom below deck, he sets Si on her feet before he spins her around to unzip her dress, letting it slide down her body, pooling at her feet. He presses his full erection to her back. Si closes her eyes and tilting her head to his chest as he cups her breasts, sliding his thumbs under the lace to graze her nipples.
“So full and delicious,” he whispers as he lets his fingers pluck the bra straps from her shoulders. He slips the straps over her arms and unclipped the back. Si pulls the bra from her body and lets it fall to the floor with her dress. Liam dips his hands to her stiffening peaks, teasing circles over each. He slides his fingers down her belly, slipping into the top band of her matching lace thong.

“I want to spread this fine pussy and lick you from your wet, hard clit to your tight hole.” Spinning her to face him, he kisses her hard, his tongue demanding and merciless. His palms splay wide against her lower back, reaching deeper to cup her full ass. “The curve of this ass and the way it glistened with your juice made my mouth water for days.” Dragging his thumbs upward, he traced the fine seam of her ass until he reached her waistband again before sliding his hand around to dip between her legs. He circles her clit and she gasps clutching his shoulders as he spread her moist folds.
“You’re so wet, you’ll take every inch of me, easily.” He walks her backward until her thighs reach the bed. Liam pulls his hand from her panties and lifts her onto the tall bed. “Show me your pussy, Si. Spread your pretty lips for me.” Si slides the lace thong from her hips, flipping them to the floor.

Liam has completely undressed, he stands above her and one hand around his shaft, sliding his palm over the corded length to his head. He squeezes the ringed ridge, forcing a pearl of cum from the end. Si’s covers his hand with hers, flicking her tongue to the edge of his cock. Liam gritted his teeth and growls. “On your knees, SI.” She moved down to the floor, kneels before her King.

Her mouth is even with his navel; she grabs his hips. “Careful, love. It’s quite a helping for your small mouth.” She smirked, sucking his head between her lips. Circling under his ridged head, she curls her tongue and slides it over the ribbed underside of his cock. Liam groans as she grazes her teeth over his sensitive flesh before relaxing her throat to take more of him deep. “Fuck, Woman!” he fisted her hair, pulling his length from her mouth only to have her suck him in deeply again.

“Fuck, that’s it, take me in deep. Suck my full length.” With a hiss through his teeth, he pulls his cock from her mouth. “You tasted me, now I must have my turn.” He helps her rise from her knees and lifts her to the bed.  He spreads her knees wide and inhales deeply, lower to his knees so that he can suck up her wet juice before lifting his mouth to her clit. “Love, your is honey is so sweet!” His teeth graze her nub as his fingers spread her folds, curling up into her cunt. He circles her spot, as he plunges his fingers deeply while sucking her clit between lips, teasing her with his tongue. His lion is screaming to take her, desire flooding his body. He keeps working her until she pooled, soaking the bed beneath her. Si’s pants as her hips buck against his hand. “Cum for me, Love. I want to watch your body come apart at my touch.” As he finishes his statement  Si cums against his hand, pleasure surging through her body. Liam waits for her orgasm to fade and he pulls his hand from her drenched pussy. He licks his fingers and then runs his thumb over her bottom lip before licking the digit clean. He climbs up to the bed hovering over her and traces his tongue across her bottom lip. “Taste yourself on my tongue, Si. Taste how sweet you are.”

As Si kissed Liam, he drives his cock into her. Si cries out as she lifts her hips to match him thrust for thrust. Her juices coating his cock and she takes every hard inch of his massive length until he was balls deep. Her walls encase his cock, squeezing him.

She raked her nails across his lower back causing him to hiss. Her actions cause Liam to increase his speed and intensity of his thrust. “That’s it, Love, you like it rough.”He pounds her pussy. At rawness of his words, she grips his hips, urging him deeper and faster until another orgasm ravishes her again. He feels her walls shuddering against his thickness. Her legs tremble around his hips. The scent of her climax fills Liam’s nose and his lion rises shooting, electricity through his body. Feeling his on release coming, he tenses and his cock twitches, swelling even more within her, his head engorged, straining with the need to burst. A roar rips through him as he throws his head back, letting hot jets pump deep. Si clings to him, her body responding,  as the feeling swept her higher. He held her hips as his body empties an orgasm like never before until they are both spent and panting wrapped in each other’s arms.

“Are you alright?” he asks. She sucks in a breath, aftershocks still coursing through her body, his cock still thick and deep within her. “Seriously? I’m great. You?” His tongue traces the salty tender skin beneath her jaw. She guides him to her mouth. With a growl-like purr, Liam breaks their kiss. Si snuggles into his arms, and he no longer wondered if she would survive the mating ritual, but if he could survive another night without her. His brushes his lips over her earlobe as he tightens his grip over her luscious breasts. He can tell from her breathing that she has fallen asleep in his arms.

“Welcome to Cordonia. My Love.”

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