Meetings and Confrontations

DISCLAIMERS:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except for the characters I create for the storyline. This story will have NSFW or explicit material in later chapters but I will make sure to give warnings at the beginning.

Summary: Si meets with her parents’ lawyer and finds out just how much her parents planned to secure her future. An unexpected guest comes to see her. Will they be a welcomed guest, or will it be the perfect storm? A chance meeting may change the course of the night.


Finally reaching the law offices of Taylor, Ross, Alexander & Associates. Si is greeted by the receptionist. Si waits patiently as the receptionist transfers a call.  She looks up at Si and smiles.

“Hello, how may I assist you?” she politely asks.

“Hello, I’m Siryah Dainelis, I have 11:30 with Mr. Taylor.”

“Yes, Miss Dainelis, I have you here, you can have a seat over on the right.  Can I get you a coffee or bottle of water?” she asks.

“A coffee with two creams and honey would be great,” Si replies.

“I will go and get that for you and let Mr. Taylor know that you are here.” the receptionist says as so goes to get her coffee.

“Here you go. Mr. Taylor will be right with you,” she says handing Siryah her coffee.


She takes a sip, then picks up a magazine from the table.  Flipping through she is looking at an advertisement for a new store that is opening up, she thinks to herself that if she gets a check today, she can deposit it and go shopping in a really nice department store and not a thrift shop for once.  She knows what she wants to get Em and Daniel for a wedding present. She is even thinking of getting Em a gift certificate to a high-end lingerie store she’s been eyeing for some time.


“Sorry to keep you waiting, Siryah, if you’ll follow me to my office.” Mr. Taylor says leading her down the exquisitely decorated office.  She can remember the last time she came here with her Aunt after her parents died.  She had no idea that her parents had the kind of money that they did. She remembers them telling her that she should always work hard and not take anything, anyone, or money for granted. The man her helped them then, was a different man, but there was something familiar about Mr. Taylor, it was like she’d seen him before, but she couldn’t remember where. She’d received a letter a couple of years ago, that he’d be taking over her account and if she had any question or concerns to direct them to him.


“Here we are, have a seat.” he gestures for her to sit at the chairs across from the desk. “First of all, happy birthday.  Second, I want to tell you what an amazing young woman you have turned out to be.  Your parents would be proud of you.” he says with a smile.

“Thank you, Mr. Taylor, that means a lot. Did you know my parents well?” she asks.

“Yes, your father was my college roommate since freshman year. We tried to keep in touch after graduation.  I was very sorry to hear of their passing.  I am most sorry that I was not around when you Aunt shows her true colors and abandoned you while stealing your money. I wasn’t with the firm then so there was nothing I could do.”

“Yeah, but at least she did help me get emancipated so that I could live alone in the home my parents left for me. I did not have to live with her and that sleazy boyfriend of hers” Si says sadly.


She was so scared to live alone, she had to work and finish high schools, she really had to grow up fast, luckily her parents had taught her the basics so that when she was on her own she would survive. She knew how to balance a checkbook because she would help her parents when they ran the coffee shop that they had owned.  She loved that shop, but her Aunt also ran that into the ground. So, she sold it, to a couple and it is flourishing.  They promised her that they would not change anything and that she will always be welcomed.


“Siryah, are you okay?” Mr. Taylor questions, “I have seemed to have lost you.”

Si blushes, “Sorry, I was thinking of the coffee shop.  I am listening”

“That is okay, what I was saying is that I have a certified check for you to take today, the rest of the inheritance will be released into the account that your parents left in trust for you.  You will need to go to the bank listed and show identification along with this letter. Ask for Mr. Rollins, he will have all the paperwork for you to sign.”

“Thank you, can I ask, why did this office only have the amount on this check?” Si questions.

“Well, I’ve always known about the account at the bank account, your parents set that up. I technically am your Godfather, they didn’t trust your Aunt, but I don’t think that they would ever imagine that she’d be so heartless, so I decided to not list it as part of your inheritance so that she‘d never know about it.  Since she was your legal guardian, she’d have had access to it. And I only found out what happened to you when I moved to this firm 2 years ago. Your parents left instructions not to mention the account until you received your full inheritance. I took over your case never telling them the relationship that I had with your parents, if I had, they would’ve assigned you to someone else. This way I could always look at for you, well at least financially. I have kept her hands out of your money and believe me she tried.”

“Well, hopefully, you don’t have to be my secret guardian angel anymore. I’d love to hear everything you knew about my parents.” Si allowing a small smile to start.

“My wife and I are leaving for Italy, tomorrow, maybe when we get back we can all go out to dinner. Remember if you need anything, I’ll be here.” he gives her a reassuring smile.

Si nods and thanks him for is time.  She takes the address to the bank and looks at her watch, it was only 12:25 she did not have to be at work until 2. She has plenty of time to go to the bank, she decides to just use that bank as her main account, since the one she had her Aunt knew about, this one she feels will be safer. The bank was only 3 blocks away.  When she arrived she asked for Mr. Rollins, the teller called him up to the front.

“Hello Siryah, Mr. Taylor called and said that I should be expecting you.  Follow me, please.” Mr. Rollins said as he guided her back to his office.  “I know that the circumstances that you find yourself in are quite the mystery for lack of a better term. I assure you that all is quite uncomplicated.  Your parents were one of our biggest accounts, you may not know, but both of your parents came from wealth.  They saw how money had tainted some of the family and wanted to raise you away from that.”

“Yes, this is all very cloak and dagger in a creepy sort of way.  I don’t understand why no one came to my rescue all those years ago! I was left to raise myself after my parents died and my Aunt abandoned me. I struggled for eight years. Now, I find out my parents were loaded. It is bit much.” Si frustration has gotten to her and she exploded.

“I cannot give you an answer, but maybe this letter that your parents left for you will.” Mr. Rollins hands her a letter, she immediately recognizes the handwriting, it was her mother’s. Tears start to form and then free fall.  Mr. Rollins had her his handkerchief.

“Please don’t cry, from my understanding, this was all to protect you, I may not understand fully myself, but you will not have to struggle anymore. “he gives her a warm, comforting smile. “Let’s get this all over with so that you can go home and process everything, first here is your key to the safe deposit box and the list of its contents. Second, in regard to your account, will you transfer the money, or do you want to take over the account? “

“I would like to take over the account and open a new one with this check that I have,” Si says as she composes herself. “How long will it before I can access the money?  I would love to pay off all my student loans as quickly as possible.”

“Once you sign, I will have a debit card issued today, and you will have it before you leave, I would advise having two separate debit cards for each account. I would also recommend a savings or mutual account that will not have any card so that you will have something put aside for an emergency.  If you a list of your creditors, we can set up so that we can send the money directly to them today, and by Wednesday you can be debt free.  I will personally see to it is done. “

“That would be wonderful,” she smiles.

After filling out of what seems to be a mountain of paperwork, Si retrieves the contents of the safe deposit box, opens a new account, and realizes that she just received over 15 million dollars.  She’s so lost in her thoughts, that she doesn’t realize that someone’s watching her.  She walks to her old bank and closes the account.  Mr. Rollins had stated that she could transfer the money into her new account, but she didn’t want her Aunt to see the new account number for the transfer. She withdrew the $2500 that was in it and closed the account and left the bank with cash in hand.  She looked at her watch, it was 1:15, she needed to get home and change for work.  She hails a cab and heads home.  Once home, she changes for work, hiding some of the cash in the apartment, and heads to work.

She thinks about what she’ll do next as she walks to work.  She’s definitely doing something big for Em and Daniel.  She’s definitely taking at least a couple months off to travel. She’ll be able to figure out the next steps when she gets back. Maybe her horoscope was correct after all.

She arrives to work and there is a cake waiting for her along with her favorite meal. She tells Daniel all about what happened after breakfast with Em.  She tells him that she is planning to take some time off or quit whichever she has to do, to have the time to travel. Daniel cannot believe that all this time no one told her about her parent’s plan.

“Wow, Si, this only happens in movies.” Daniel shockingly says, “Who’d have thought this would happen. They really did not trust your Aunt to take care of you, so why leave you in her care?”

“Your guess is as good as mine,” Si says shrugging her shoulders. “Well enough of that, I have a job to do.”

Just then Allie, the new server, comes and tell Si that she just sat table 8 and they specifically asked for her.

“Thanks, Allie. Duty calls.” she giggles picking up her order pad.

“Hello, my name is Si, want can I get for you?” she asks then she looks at the person at the table.

“Hello Si, I have missed you so much, Happy Birthday, and we both know why I am here.” her Aunt says with a wicked smile. “I think you owe me something.”

“I don’t owe you shit; get the fuck out of here!” Si yells not giving a damn who hears. Her so-called Aunt sneers, “You owe me everything, you little bitch, if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have made it to where you are now, I know my sister and your father, left you more money, I want my fair share, it should have been mine, to begin with. You were always in my way.”

Her words make Si even anger, Daniel can smell her anger and distress, he hops over the bar, walking straight towards the women. His animal is furious and wants to rip the Aunt apart. He gets between Si and her Aunt, he is facing her Aunt and growls, “It is time for you to leave while you can walk out of here.”

“Oh, you are with this animal, seriously, you can’t do better than this animal, what no human will have you?” her Aunt maliciously states.

“I don’t know ask your loser of a boyfriend, or has he left you for a child?” Si is seeing red.

“You came on to him, you little slut! I took you into my home and that is how you repay me? I should have let you go into foster care.”

“I was 16, he came after me, you bitch!  GET THE FUCK OUT! Don’t ever come near me again, I don’t what see you again. I have nothing for you, you won’t get another dime from me. My parents left everything to me, not you. Why? Because they were my parents! Not my fault all your inheritance went up your nose or in your veins. You have taken all that you are going to get from me, eight years ago, be lucky you aren’t in jail.” Si yells, with that she turns and runs to the kitchen.

Daniel’s eyes glow as he gets into her aunts face, “I suggest you leave and never show your face in this city again.  I’ll make sure you are ripped limb from limb, they’ll think a wild animal killed you. It’ll never come back to me.” A smug grin spreads on his face, he can smell the Aunts fear. He hears her gulp, she picks up her purse and slides around him slowly never taking her eyes off him, then bolts for the door.

Daniel hurries into the kitchen to check on Si, he pulls out his phone and calls Em to come to the bar.  He finds Si in the manager’s office sitting on the flooring crying.

He sits down beside her and pulls her to his lap.

“Shhh, she is gone.  I told her never to come back or a wild animal would tear her apart.” Daniel saying rocking her in his arms.

“I… I can’t believe she’s doing this…. I didn’t do anything to deserve this…” she stutters.

“No, you didn’t she’s a piece of shit, don’t let her see that she’s getting you.  I’m having Em come and get you for a few hours, we’re slow and I’ll need you in the right frame of mind tonight.  Allie will be okay as long as it’s slow. Si remembers you’re loved by Em and me. We’ll always have your back. “Daniel kisses Si on her forehead, as she starts to calm down.

“Are you sure?” Si questions.

“Si you look like a raccoon.” he laughs.

“Shut up,” Si scowls, “I’ll be out in a sec.”

By the time she has stopped crying and has fixed her makeup, Em has arrived and Daniel had already filled her in on the confrontation that had taken place. Em looks at Si with such compassion. She pulls her into a tight hug.

“I’m so sorry, Si, how dare she come here to demand anything from you. Really, she’s complete trash.” Em says with all the contempt she has for that woman.  Come on, I know just what you need”

“Actually, I’d like to go back to my apartment, I have a feeling like she’s going to break in and look for anything of value there.” Si voice full of worry and dread.

“Daniel, can you send someone to Si’s apartment to watch it. I think she may be right.” Em questions him.

“I’ll have Julie wait at Si’s place until she gets off,” Daniel says, calling his sister.

Em and Si, leave the bar for a few hours so that she can calm down.  Si takes Em to the lingerie shop and buys her something for her honeymoon and picks up some for herself. Several clothing stores later, Em drops Si off at the bar and takes Si’s items to her apartment where she plans to stay with Julie until Si comes home.

“Feeling better?” Daniel asks as soon as she comes to the front of the house.

“Yes, thank you so much, you have always stuck your neck out for me. Sam didn’t give you a hard time, did he?” Si questions, eyes filled with worry.

“Si, Sam hasn’t been here in four days, he won’t find out anything, I have been doing payroll for the last month.” Daniel states. “By the way, Julie called, your Aunt tried to get into your apartment, but since you changed the locks and I added the deadbolt she couldn’t.  My sister walked up as she was trying to break down the door. I think that maybe you should have the girls stay with you tonight. I’ll be by after I complete inventory. Table 25 is yours, they seem a bit stuffy.”

Si tucks her order pad into the pocket of her apron, grabs a pitcher of water and walks over to the booth. She looks at the two gentlemen that are sitting there studying the menus. Oh shit, they are the men of table 25 from breakfast. Composing herself, she goes to greet them.

“Hello, I’m Si and I will be your server for the evening,” she says while pouring the water into the glasses on the table, she notices that there are three place settings, who was missing? “Are you expecting anyone else?”

“Yes, that would be me?” a deep voice says, they were so close she could feel the heat radiate from their body. Si slowly turns and see the same blue eyes that captivated her at breakfast.

“Oh, it’s you” she whispers.

“Yes, it’s me,” Liam chuckles, he feels his animal stirring within him. He can smell her arousal. “My name is Liam, and you are?”

“S…  S…  Siryah, but most call me Si.” she manages to stammer out. He is still standing so close to her, but she doesn’t want to take a step back. She just stands there lost in his eyes.




Start writing…

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