A Royal Mate: The Epilouge

It was the morning of Liam’s funeral, Si had been coronated just two days before, now she must mourn the loss of the love of her life. Her tears seem too never cease; she rubs her belly she cannot help but think that they will never know what a wonderful man their father was, how in a few short months he changed her life completely.

She went from broken, to lover, to mother, to Queen of a country that now was her home, all to end up broken again. Her tears fell again. Suddenly she feels a sharp pain in her abdomen, then another.
“No, No, NO!!! It’s too soon…”

“Si, Si, !!!! Wake up!!” Em yells. Si’ bolts up in bed, covered in sweat, she immediately puts her hand on her belly. The cubs were due any day now. She looks over at the empty side of the King size bed.

Later that day…..

A scream cuts through the quite Palace. Em bursts into the conference room and states, the Queen was in labor. All go running down the hallway. The Queen is in pain, more pain then she had been on that fateful day. The day that changed her life completely.

“Where is …” Si’s yell was cut off by another strong contraction.

“Remember your breathing, your Majesty, you have to stay in your human form as you give birth,” the doula says calmly, “I have sent word, and they are on their way. Now concentrate on your breathing.”

“Well, they better hurry the hell up or I will have to do this without them,” she says, trying to control her breathing.

“Okay, your Majesty, Si you have to listen to my voice, remember where your focal point is, I need you to concentrate on that. Send all your pain there, …” the doula says,

Just then, they burst through the door.

“I am here, I am here…” they say, reach the Si’s bedside.

“You’re late!” Si hisses in pain

They chuckle, “No, you went into labor early, they were not supposed to come until next week.”

“Now is NOT the time for your bullshit. Owww!”

“Ok, your Majesty, let’s get you into a squatting position, it is time to push. Quickly get into position behind like we practice. Take a deep breath then bear down” she instructed.

“Here squeeze my hand if you need to.”

Si takes had a deep breath and pushes. They start to count as she holds her breath and bears down.

“Relax, your Majesty, listen to you the rhythm of your body, it will tell you what to do and when. When you need to relax, relax into your partner, they will help support you through this process.”

After what seemed like an eternity, the Crowned Price is finally here, Si cries from happiness. A few moments later, another Price and a Princess also make their way into the world. The triplets are beautiful and healthy. They all have Liam’s eyes, Si cannot help but smile. There will always be a part of him in the world, she thinks to herself.

The rest of the group enter the room and admire the babies. In no time, Olivia, Em, and Julie have a baby in their arms.

“Wow,” Si marvels, “ you each have picked up your Godchild. Em, you are holding the Crown Prince, William Alixander Drake. Julie, you are holding Prince Leo Daniel Maxwell. And Olivia, you are holding Princess Emilia Maryah Olivia.” The women all coo over the children, even Olivia cannot help but be enthralled with the little Princess.

“Well, old friend, how does it feel to be a father?” Drake smiles

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

“Luckily for you, you don’t have to,” Drake says, remembering that fateful day. The day that Madeleine had placed poison into a cup was meant for Si, but Liam had switched their cups and drank the poison himself. He had no idea that the event would trigger Si to shift so quickly, into one of the most powerful, rarest, animal there was. A Phoenix. She rained down fire on Madeleine, who tired to shift and run, but she and her lion were no match for the fury that was in Si. She had taken the most important thing to Si in a moment of jealousy and contempt.

“I know what you are thinking. Stop that, had Madeleine not done what she did, Si, wouldn’t have shifted and I would be in the grave, instead of watching my mate give birth to our children.” Liam says putting his hand on Drake and Daniels shoulders.

“Are you four going to stand over in the corner all night? Or are you going to come and see the babies.?” Si says Liam can hear the exhaustion in her voice. He walks over and kisses her head.

“Thank you, my Love. Just when I thought finding you was my greatest gift life could give me. You save my life, and then give me three precious lives.”

“Thank you for not leaving us,” Si says, he can feel her sadness.

“Well, your tears would not let me leave you.” Liam smiles. Liam lifts Si’s chin with his head and gently kisses her lips.

“Well, I just thankful that they got their mother’s looks. I would suck for them to go around looking like you, little brother.” Leo jokes

Em, places William in Liam’s arm, Julie hand over Little Leo to Leo, and Olivia places the Emilia in Drake’s arms. Drake looks very uncomfortable with the small delicate person in his arms.

“Well, guys, meet your godchildren, Daniel,we would be honored if you are the Crown Princes’ Godfather. Leo, you will be Leo’s Godfather, and Drake, there is no one else that we want protecting our little Princess.”

“Liam, why couldn’t you have made all boys? I feel like I going to break her.” Drakes says.

“Suck it up Walker, it is good practice for you. So you will not drop your own daughter when she arrives.” Olivia declares.

“That is a long way off, Livy” Drake retorts.

“No, she will be here sooner than you think,” Olivia says with a wink.


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