A Sky Full of Stars – Drake x MC AU

A/N: Super fluffy short AU where Drake plots to take the next step with Jaclyn during their annual trip to Lythikos

“I wish you would take this damn blind fold off me! I can just keep my eyes shut.” Jaclyn grumbled, stumbling over her own feet as Drake tried to carefully lead her to their mystery destination. “I really hate surprises.”

“We both know you would try to peek, Rowan.” He rolled his eyes laughing at her protests. She never had much patience for surprises. Anytime he would try to do surprise her with something she would sense he was acting strange and wear him down until the surprise was ruined.

“I would not! Are we almost there? This is stressing me–” She cut herself off letting out a loud oof as he knocked her off her feet onto the ground below. “OW! What the hell, Walker?!”

Drake dropped down next to her with a thump and reached over to untie her blindfold. Jaclyn was about to scold him but he gestured to the sky and she quickly realized what she was looking at. Drake’s hand tangled with her own and Jaclyn smiled warmly, remembering fondly the first time they laid in this very spot and looked at these stars together.

“The meteor shower.” She whispered softly.

“That was the first time I knew I was in trouble with you.”

Jaclyn laced her fingers with his and squeezed his hand. “Seems like a lifetime ago. We’ve come a long way, haven’t we? The view is as breathtaking as I remember.”

“It really is.” Drake replied, his gaze fixed on her and not at the stars shining brightly in the sky. He stared at her intently thinking about how much this beautiful woman before him had incidentally changed so many lives, his included. He never imagined he would find a love like the one they shared.

“You see that bright star up on the left? The one that’s brighter than everything around it?”

Jaclyn nodded.

“When my father was still alive and he showed Savannah and I this place he would point out that star and say, Lorsque vous vous sentez perdu et enveloppé dans les ténèbres, souvenez-vous que les nuits les plus sombres produisent les étoiles les plus brillantes. It means when you feel lost and shrouded in darkness, remember that the darkest nights produce the brightest stars. He always knew the right things to say to lift you up… kind of like you do. I wish you could’ve met him. He would have loved your spirit, Jac.”

“I wish I could’ve met him too. I think he would be proud of the man you’ve become.”

Drake offered his hand to Jaclyn and they both stood up, bodies pressed together. “I had the star named, actually. I named it after the thing I love most in the world.”

“Did you name it whiskey?” She joked, playfully poking his nose.

No, I didn’t name it whiskey.” Drake chuckled then handed her a piece of paper from his pocket.

“What’s this?” Jaclyn unfolded it and began reading the certificate. A tingly feeling filled her whole body when she saw the star’s name. She looked up and locked eyes with Drake.

“I named it Rowan.”

“Drake… This is a beautiful surprise. Thank you. This means a lot to me.” She hugged him tightly pouring all the love she felt for him into her embrace.

“You are the light in my world, Jaclyn. The brightest star. After Savannah left without a word… I was so jaded. I felt lost in darkness for a long time. I thought I would never let anyone in again, but you tore right through my walls. Your love brings out the best in me, Jac. When I’m with you, I see a future of full of possibility and happiness. I love you… and I want to spend every second of the rest of my life showing you just how much I love you as your husband.” Drake reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box. Jaclyn’s mouth hung open and her breath hitched when he revealed the ring inside it.

“Jaclyn Rowan, will you… marry me?”

Tears of joy and wonder were now pouring down Jaclyn’s face as she jumped into his arms and kissed him with all the force she could muster. “YES! A thousand times yes! Of course I’ll marry you!” She squealed. Drake let out a cheerful cry of astonishment at her answer. He lifted Jaclyn off the ground and twirled her in the air before setting her down and slipping the ring on her finger.

“I love you, Drake. I can’t wait to be Mrs. Walker.” Grinning ear to ear she admired the modest ring on her finger. “Soon you’ll have to start calling me Walker!”

“You’ll always be Rowan to me. But Mrs. Walker has a very nice ring to it.”

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