A Tale of Destiny

Author’s Note: I don’t know why I can’t write just a little drabble, it always turns into something longer.  But oh well, this fic was able to take 2 angsty prompts combined with a fluffy one and become a funny and fluffy fic.  


It had been two days since the Duchess of Valtoria had arrived at the grand estate that would become her home.  Days full of exploring the extravagant house, meeting the staff and even a horseback tour of the land surrounding the manor with her fiancé.  Emma was very thankful to have her closest friends with her as she acclimated to her new surroundings.  She felt more at ease with Hana’s gentle support, Liam’s expert advice and Maxwell’s comedic relief as she navigated her new role as Lady of the House.  And of course she was thankful to have Drake, the soon-to-be Duke of Valtoria, standing beside her during this journey.  The beginning of their life together.

After some discussion, Emma had decided to host a celebration in honor of the annual lantern-lighting festival in Valtoria.  So amongst the group’s exploration, the house staff had been hard at work preparing for the festivities tomorrow evening.  Emma was determined to greet the people of her Duchy with grace and warmth, continuing to spread the message the friends had been delivering throughout this Unity Tour.  All the decisions had been made, the food was being prepped and the throne room had been been redecorated with the original Valtorian sigil of the Phoenix.  Emma was both eager and nervous to greet her people tomorrow.

The friends had just enjoyed a delicious, low-key dinner al fresco on the large deck overlooking the lush valley below the estate.  As the rest of the group had retired from the table to the lounge area of the deck with their glasses of wine and after-dinner drinks, Gladys had ushered Emma away to the kitchen for a few moments to approve the final menu for tomorrow.  By the time she had returned, she found the friends deep in conversation and laughter.

“So then, we had to try to sneak the extremely drunk Liam back into the palace through his balcony door.  Drake and I were so drunk ourselves, I’m not sure how the three of us managed to climb the trellis up onto the balcony …” Maxwell continued his story dramatically, hand gestures and all.

Liam jumped in.  “And then we stumbled into my chambers, only to find Bastien waiting for us.  And you know what he said?”  Liam paused for effect as Hana listened intently.

“No, what did he say?” Hana waited expectantly, eyes wide in anticipation.

Liam stared at her straight on with a serious expression, before his face broke out in a smirk and he snorted out a laugh.  “He said ‘That was quite the chase you had me on tonight, gentlemen.  Perhaps next time we can discuss in advance and you won’t feel obligated to climb up the balcony again.’  And then he just walked out.”

Hana’s jaw dropped and eyebrows raised in confusion.  “So, he was following you the whole time?  Was he mad?”

Maxwell shook his head as he took another sip of his drink.  “No, no … he wasn’t mad.  He was simply implying that we weren’t as sly as we thought we were.”

“And that I wasn’t in a position to be sneaking out unguarded anymore.”  Liam jumped in, a regretful look on his face.  “Because after Leo abdicated, my life was not my own to do as I wanted.”

“So that’s when I planned the whole bachelor trip to America!”  Maxwell started proudly.  “Our last hurrah in a foreign land where we at least had some semblance of anonymity.”  He smiled when he glanced up at Emma.  ”Our last night of the trip we spent in New York City and Drake chose this little hole-in-the-wall bar & grill for dinner, stating something about needing to enjoy the true American bachelor experience … and that‘s how we met Emma.”

Hana let out a feminine swoon, clutching her hands to her chest over her heart.  “Awwww …” She looked up at Emma, who stood silently grasping the back of a chair as she listened intently.  “It was fate that Drake chose that bar on that night.  You were meant to meet him, to meet all of us.”

Emma pondered the men’s story, a bit flabbergasted at the serendipitous implications.  “I … I never knew Drake picked the place that night.  I always assumed Maxwell did …” She shook her head at the realization, then glanced around at the group.  “Wait. Where is Drake, anyway?”

Maxwell and Liam shrugged, and Hana simply responded ”He said he needed some air and went for a walk.”

“Oh … well let me me go check on him.  You guys stay here and help yourself to whatever you want,  I’ll be back shortly.”  Emma nodded courteously.

“Already the gracious hostess.” Liam said proudly.

“Cheers to the Duchess of Valtoria!”  Maxwell burst out in a toast.  Emma simply chuckled at her dramatic friends before turning to search for her fiancé.

She checked with the butler and the stable master, both of whom confirmed that Drake had not left through the front entrance or through the gardens by the stables.  Perplexed, she returned to the grand entry and started searching the house.  Drake was not in the library, nor the parlor, nor the gameroom, nor in his temporary chambers.  She passed through the throne room on her way to check back with her friends on the balcony, assuming he’d returned to them, when she found him standing in front of the throne.  He stood motionless, arms crossed over his chest, peering up at the two banners hanging alongside the throne, a look of remorse on his face.

“Hey, I’ve been looking for you.”  Emma said softly, startling him from his thoughts.  He looked down at her with a gentle smile when she hooked her arms through one of his and pressed against his side, resting her head upon his shoulder.  “Is everything okay?”  She met his gaze with a thoughtful look in her eyes, warm and loving, making his heart ache a little.  He knew he would go to the ends of the Earth for this woman, which is why he knew he had to be honest with her.

He sighed deeply, bringing his stare back to the banners in front of them. The Phoenixes waved subtly back at him as a draft breezed through the large room. “I just never thought I’d be here, Warner.  I grew up on the sidelines of royalty and nobility, never feeling like I was as good as them.  So eventually, I began to resent this lifestyle and everything it represented.  I shut out their condescending stares and ignored their belittling comments.  I wanted to show them I was proud of my simple background.”  He paused, contemplating his next statement.  “And I’m scared that after years of thinking like this, I’m not equipped for this responsibility.  I realize now that this is about so much more than big houses and extravagant parties.  It’s about taking care of Cordonia and it’s citizens.”  He shifted his body so that he was facing her, then traced his thumb along her cheekbone as he cupped her face.  “I just don’t want you to ever wish you’d married someone else, someone more fitting for the role of a Duke.”

Emma’s eyes welled up with tears as she nuzzled her face into his palm.  “Drake, I don’t like when you say things like that. To me, you’re perfect.”  She took his hand from her face and pressed it against her heart.  “I believe in my heart that your simple beginnings are exactly what will make you the best Duke of Valtoria.  You understand the people and you love them … and that’s more important than any pedigree could ever be.”  She reached her other hand up to his face, softly brushing her fingertips along his cheek.  “And for the record, if this is not what you want for our life together, I’d want you to tell me.  Because I’d rather live a lifetime with you happy in a shack than one in a palace where you’re miserable.  I choose you every time.”  A single tear fell from her eye and ran down her cheek, pooling on her jawline.  

Drake swiped the tear away with the pad of his thumb, staring into her eyes with love and promise.  Don’t cry. Everything’s going to be okay.  I don’t want you, or us, to give up this life.  Just be patient with me, Warner.  This is still an adjustment for me.  But I honestly think we’re both exactly where we’re supposed to be.”

Emma closed her eyes as she let out a long sigh of relief.  She smiled when she opened them again and beamed up at him.  “Good.  Because I’m still adjusting as well.  And it means so much to me that we’re in this together.”  She stepped up on her tip-toes and pressed a soft kiss to his lips before dropping back to the floor.  She smirked as she remembered her friends’ story from earlier.  “Speaking of fate, Maxwell and Liam told the story earlier of how you guys ended up in New York.”  They walked hand in hand back towards the balcony as she continued explaining.  “Maxwell said you were the one that picked the bar that night.  My bar.  Almost like destiny was calling you to me that night.”

Drake nodded as they walked.  “It’s true.”  A moment later he released a soft chortle, then ran his hand through his hair reluctantly.  “My first choice that night was actually a gentleman’s club down the street from your bar.  There was a dancer named Destiny calling me that night also.”

Emma stopped in her tracks, jaw dropped.  “Drake Walker!  Are you saying I was you second choice that night?!?!  Maybe you were right,  I think I might be better off without you.”  She shook her head in dismay, quirking an eyebrow at him.  “Although, I’m not buying it.  When Maxwell wanted to play Beyoncé on the juke box, I distinctly remember having to break a twenty for him because no one had any ones.  You were definitely not prepared for the strip club that night.  Plus I can read it on your face when you’re lying.”

“So now you get why we ended up at my second choice!!!”  Emma pushed him away playfully as Drake placed his hands on her hips and pulled her into him.  “No, you’re right … I wanted to take Liam and the guys out on our last in America to a typical American hangout.  We passed your bar that night and it just felt right.”  He reached up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear.  “And it turns out it was the best decision I ever made.”

Emma hooked her arms around his neck, softly caressing the back of his neck as she gazed at him affectionately.  “I don’t know how I ended up so lucky that you found me that night, but I’ll never stop thanking fate for bringing you to me.  I love you Drake Walker.”

“I love you too, Warner.”  He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before pulling away, a sneaky smile on his lips.  “I’m so glad that I’m here with you and not Destiny.  She would have made a lousy Duchess.”  He tried to hide his smirk, but the look of pride on his face was unmissable.  

Emma swatted his shoulder, an amused but scolding expression on her face.  “You’re really not funny.  You’re going to be a Duke soon, you need to class up your sense of humor.”  She shook her head and rolled her eyes.  “And this coming from the guy who wouldn’t even smile for the first few weeks after I met him.”

“What can I say, Warner?  You make me want to laugh.  You make me happy.”

Good.  Just try to steer clear of the exotic dancer jokes when we’re at formal events from now on.  She winked and grabbed his hand again, leading him back towards their friends.  



Author’s Note (continued): This fic fulfills an anonymous request for angsty prompt #6 “I don’t like when you say things like that. To me, you’re perfect.”; and two angsty requests from @darley1101 for #2 “I think I might be better off without you.”and #11 “Don’t cry. Everything’s going to be okay.”

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