A Thousand Lifetimes

A Thousand Lifetimes
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I got a prompt for early morning kiss for Jake and MC, though it ended up going a little angstier than I expected. Blame the Endless Summer finale. This is set immediately after the last chapter of Endless Summer 2. I make some guesses about the Endless and how they exist.

Paring- Jake/MC

Rating- PG-13

Summary- The Endless remembers a loving moment from one of her many lifetimes.

Words- 387

You awake to the feel of lips against your skin. Soft, hesitant kisses on your cheeks and nose.

“Hmmm…” You sigh, opening your eyes to see Jake looking at you, his face inches from yours.

“Good morning Princess,” he says huskily, pressing a kiss to your lips. You deepen the kiss instinctively, wrapping your arms around him and holding him tight against you.

“Princess,” he groans against your lips, his body pressed against yours. “We should…”

“Stay right here,” you interrupt him, raising your hips slightly so they’re pressed right against his.

Once you leave this room, reality will intrude and it will be back to fighting for your lives and trying to find a way off this island, but right now, in this moment it’s just the two of you and you want to savor it… Want to give in.

Jake doesn’t take much persuading, his lips hungry against yours, his hands roaming your body. You move together eagerly, desperate to be one. To forget reality and just focus on this moment, with the two of you…

The Endless opened her eyes with a shot, shaking off the memory.

She didn’t know which lifetime that had been. Which of the 2139 times she had fallen in love with Jake McKenzie had produced that particular moment. She’d watched herself fall in love with him over and over, getting the memories of each lifetime, of each doomed love story.

Most of the time she thought she had distanced herself from it, after all enough time had passed since that first lifetime, the one where she had forced herself to become this but every once in a while a memory would sneak up on her and catch her off-guard.

It had been happening more and more in the last few days, since the cycle had been broken. It was as if reaching the next step had helped break the mental lock, like she needed to remember what she was fighting for. Or rather what she was helping her younger self fight for.

After all, it wasn’t her that would have a lifetime with Jake, it was that younger Stephanie, the one that now existed separate from her. The one who had a chance at a life and happiness.

A chance that the Endless intended to make sure became a reality.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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