A Twist of Fate

Twist of Fate
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- My epic TC&TF tale. This is the edited version that has rested on my computer for months  and it’s posted in one go because I haven’t figured out chapters yet (I’m working on it, I promise).

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- NSFW (at parts)

Summary- Kenna, and Diavolos have a meeting in a tavern that changes the course of their lives.

Words- 45087


“Before we head to Aurelia, we have to go the nearby village,” Val spoke up and then she grinned at Kenna, “you should come with us.”

“No,” Gabriel said immediately, “it’s too dangerous.”

“Why?” Val questioned. “Change her clothes, tie back her hair and she’ll look like one of us. It’s low risk and it establishes her as a member of the crew.”

“I think it’s a good idea,” Kenna spoke up and not just because she wanted the freedom of just going to town for the first time in her entire life.

“Fine, we’ll go,” Gabriel conceded, but Kenna knew he wasn’t happy about it, besides…

“You’re incapable of blending in,” she pointed out.

“You are not going by yourself,” he said flatly.

“I’ll be there,” Leon spoke up, “I can keep an eye on her and my presence won’t raise any suspicions.”

The two men exchanged a long look and then Gabriel nodded. “Fine.” He took Kenna aside. “Be careful, I know you won them over but they are still mercenaries and…”

“I know,” Kenna assured him, “I know it’s a risk, but… It’s been so long, Gabriel.”

His expression softened. “I understand. I know the last few years have been hard on you. This is not the life you were supposed to have.”

“But it’s the one I was given,” Kenna responded before hurrying off to get dressed so that she could join the others.

The day passed quickly, with Kenna marveling at the sights and sounds of the town. Val seemed to get a kick out of her amusement and went out of her way to show her around, while Leon and Jackson hovered protectively. Finally, after a day of shopping and other tasks, their small band headed to the local tavern to relax.

“This is the best part,” Val said enthusiastically, “we’ll drink some, gamble some, maybe throw a few punches…”

“Sounds… Interesting.” Kenna commented this was definitely not something she had ever experienced in the palace.

Val grinned. “We’ll make a proper mercenary of you yet.”

“Must I remind you that discretion is key?” Leon pointed out, “there are a lot of people here and we don’t know who can be trusted, so Kenna please try and be as inconspicuous as possible.”

“I will,” she promised as they entered a table and found a small table at the back. As Kenan took her seat, she looked around the tavern. She’d never actually been in one before since it wasn’t something proper princesses did and then she’d spent two years locked up in a monastery.

The first thing she noticed was that Leon was right, there were a lot of people and from a lot of different walks of life. Though no soldiers that she could see, however, there was a group of men on the other side of the room who caught her attention. They were dressed all in black, no armor or identifying insignia, but there was an air of danger about them.

Kenna was about to look away when she saw one of them looking at her. Their eyes met and Kenna felt her breath catch in her throat. He was the most handsome man she’d ever seen, but that was only part of it, there was just something about him that knocked her off balance. As she met his dark, mysterious eyes she felt a rush of heat which caught her off-guard. This wasn’t like her attraction to Dom, which had built over time before she’d even realized it. This was an instant and overwhelming attraction to a total stranger.

“I need air,” Kenna whispered to Val, “cover for me.”

Val glanced over at the mystery man and then grinned, before distracting Leon and Jackson long enough for Kenna to get up and slip outside.

She stood outside, trying to figure out what had just happened. How had she reacted so strongly to a simple look from a stranger? This is ridiculous, she told her and turned to go back inside when she realized she wasn’t alone.

He had followed her outside.

“Hello…” Kenna said nervously, realizing that she was alone and that her only weapon was a small knife.

“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he apologized, “ I just… I don’t know how to explain it without coming across as a psycho.”

“I think I understand,” she said, finding her voice. “I felt it too.”

She could see surprise and then something else flash across his handsome face. “I can’t make promises,” he told her flatly, “This isn’t a fairy story, we’re not going to fall in love at first sight and live happily ever after. I’m departing tomorrow and I don’t know when I’ll come back or even if I will.”

“I’m not looking for promises or fairy stories,” Kenna assured him, “I’m on a bit of a journey myself.”

“As long as we’re on the page, then we should make the moment count,” he said quietly, reaching for her. She stepped into his embrace willingly, ignoring the voice that tried to remind her that queens did not have affairs with strangers that they met in taverns. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he lowered his mouth to hers.

It was nothing like her stolen kisses with Dom. There was nothing sweet or gentle about this. His lips were hot and demanding, his tongue seeking access to her mouth. His one arm circled her waist, holding her tight against him, which was fine with her. In fact, she pushed herself closer, savoring the feel of his body against hers.

After a long moment, he broke the kiss and smiled down at her. “You are so beautiful.”

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she responded with a grin, still pressed against him.

“I’m—” he began, but she cut him off.

“No names.” She couldn’t tell him her name, of course, and she didn’t want to give him a fake name.

After a moment, he nodded. “As you wish.” He suddenly released his hold on her and stepped back. “I want you,” he stated, his dark eyes staring directly into hers, “more than I can ever remember wanting anything or anyone. Do you want me? Or do we go back inside and pretend this didn’t happen?”

She thought of all the reasons why she should go back inside. The fact that he was a stranger, for all she knew he could be a Nevrakis soldier or an assassin who planned on killing her. There was also the fact that she was incredibly inexperienced and probably in way over her head.

“I want you too,” she told him, despite her better judgment, “I just need to make my excuses to my companions, otherwise—”

“We could have an unpleasant interruption?” He guessed.

“Yes.” She was surprised Leon hadn’t stormed out after her already.

He pulled her towards him and kissed her quickly. “Go, make your excuses and then meet me by the staircase. I have a room reserved for the night.”

There was something cold about that and it almost made her second-guess her decision. She was doing this because there was something about him that called to her, but that wasn’t the case for him. He had intended to find a bedmate for the night and he had just happened to decide on her.

This means nothing, she reminded herself, willing herself to walk away. But she didn’t. She couldn’t just walk away from this man and she had no idea why.

She slipped back into the tavern just in time to cut Leon off.

“There you are!” He said sternly and then lowered his voice, “you can’t slip off like that. It’s my job to keep you safe.”

“I’m sorry,” she told him, then look across the room where her would-be lover waited for her. “And I’m sorry for this too, but… Leon, you’re not my father and I need you trust me that I can make my own decisions.”

With that she quickly walked away, leaving him staring after her. She saw Val intercede before he could follow and let a little sigh of relief.

“Someone isn’t happy,” the mystery man commented, “your father?”

“Uncle,” Kenna said smoothly, “he’s just a little protective.”

“As he should be with such a beautiful niece,” the stranger said and then held out his hand, “shall we?” She took it and he led her up the stair to one of the rooms. Kenna could feel her heart pounding in her chest as he closed the door behind them.

He watched her carefully. “Have you ever done this before?”

She considered lying, but in the end, she shook her head. “No.”

He took a deep breath. “I should send you back stairs right this minute because I can’t make you any promises.”

“I know,” she said, taking a step towards them, “but that’s okay, I don’t want them. I just want you. I’ve been telling myself this is a bad idea, but I’m still here and I know if I go downstairs now, I’ll regret it. I don’t know why, but I know I will.”

“I feel the same,” he admitted, pulling her into his arms, his mouth descending on hers for another hungry kiss. They broke the kiss just long enough to tug at each other’s clothing, quickly discarding them in a pile on the floor and then they were back in each other’s arms.

“Hells you’re gorgeous,” he told her, staring at her in awe, causing her to blush. “Sit on the bed.”

She did as she was told and he knelt on the floor in front of her. She took in a deep breath as his hands rested on her thighs, gently pushing them apart. He placed a surprisingly gentle kiss on her mouth before kissing his way down, lingering over his her breasts, before going lower… As he kissed his way down, his hand travelled up from her thighs exploring her core and making her gasp at the sensation.

He slipped one finger inside of her and then another. He pumped his fingers in and out of her quickly, the frantic pace making her gasp, especially when his mouth moved downward, his tongue finding her sensitive numb. The combination of his hands and tongue were too much for her to take.

“Ohhh!!!” She screamed, gripping the bed as hard as she could.

“That’s it, baby,” he encouraged, “come for me, let me hear you moan.”

She didn’t think she could have stopped herself even if she had wanted too. What he was doing to her felt too good. “That was…”

“Just the beginning,” he assured with a confident grin, “lie back.”

She did as he was told and he climbed onto the bed, looming over her, using his hands to support his weight. “Just looking at you makes me hard,” He told her, “I want you so badly.”

“Then take me,” She whispered, though a part of her was a little intimidated by his sheer size.

“This might hurt, but I’ll do my best to make it enjoyable,” he promised, his voice almost tender. Kenna nodded and braced herself as he entered her slowly. As expected there was a bit of pain and the odd sensation of being stretched and then filled, but then he began to move against her and the pain was slowly replaced by pleasure.

He kissed her neck and shoulder as he continued to thrust into her, instinctively she raised her hips to meet his thrusts, arching into him.

“Just like that,” he encouraged, “you feel so good.”

“So do you,” Kenna admitted, “I didn’t realize…” She’d had no idea it could feel this good. Of course she had been a good girl who had been brought up knowing that she was expected to wait for an arranged marriage, so it wasn’t something she had thought about a lot. She definitely hadn’t thought about losing her virginity to a nameless stranger in a room above a tavern.

Obviously encouraged by the noises she was making, he sped up his thrusts which just deepened the sensations and made it more intense. Kenna wrapped her legs around his waist to give herself a better angle to meet his thrusts and to pull him as deep into her as possible. Soon all pain was forgotten and she was overwhelmed by pleasure as she came apart.

To her surprise, he quickly pulled out. She was confused because he was still hard and she hadn’t felt him finish and then the knowledge hit her and instinct took over. She reached for him, taking him in her hand and massaging his impressive length. “Oh, yes,” he moaned as she pumped him into her hand and seconds later he was spilling all over her hand and the bed before collapsing beside her.

They stayed there for a moment, laying on the bed, not quite touching but still very intimate. Then, he sat up and reached for the basin by the bed. He took the cloth and with surprising gentleness, he began to wipe her off. First her hands, then her legs. She let him, even though part of her thought that this felt more intimate than what they had just done.

“Your uncle is probably going to tear this place apart if you don’t go downstairs soon,” he said after a moment.

She nodded, knowing he was right, and got off the bed. She got dressed quickly, watching as he did the same. Once she was dressed, she turned to him, not sure what to say. It wasn’t like she would ever see him again and she knew that she should regret what had just happened, but she didn’t.

“I wish I could just whisk you away,” he said suddenly, “forget who I am, forget my responsibilities and just lose myself in you forever.”

“That would be nice,” Kenna admitted, “but…”

“Life doesn’t work like that,” he finished with a small smile. He reached for her and she went into his arms willingly, wrapping her arms around his neck as he lowered his mouth to hers in a gentle kiss.

“I have a feeling that I won’t forget you as easily as I should,” he whispered against her mouth.

“Me either,” Kenna admitted and then pulled out of his embrace. She looked at one last time, memorizing his face, and then opened the door and hurried down the stairs.

The tavern was still full of people and she had no idea how much time had passed. Though from the way Leon was glaring at her, she was going to assume it had been a while. Jackson didn’t look happy either.

Val simply smirked. “There you are. Just in time, I didn’t think we were going to be able to restrain him any longer.”

“How irresponsible are you?” Leon demanded. “Going off with a strange man like that? It would have been the perfect opportunity for him to kill you if he wanted.”

Kenna acknowledged his point, though she refused to believe that someone with eyes like that could ever be the enemy. “Haven’t you just… Been drawn to someone?”

He studied her for a long moment, a faraway look in his eyes, and then nodded. “Yes. But you don’t get the luxury of being able to indulge such feelings. One mistake can cost you your life.” He stood up. “I won’t mention this to Gabriel, but please don’t make a habit of it.”

“I won’t,” Kenna promised, moving to follow him out of the tavern, though she stole one last glance at the mystery man. His eyes met hers for a moment and then she turned and walked, regret finally hitting her. Though not because of what she had done, but because she would never see him again.

Less than a week later, she would arrive in Aurelia and meet another mysterious man whose gaze would fill her belly with heat and make her breath quicken. Emboldened by her experience, she was receptive to his advances and curious to see what might be.

A year later, she would host a dinner part for her enemies and learn that destiny was a funny thing. Because that handsome mystery man who had rocked her world a year before walked into that dinner party and turned her world upside down.

“You didn’t start with me, did you?” He asked his father and sister, before turning to look at her and she saw the surprise in his eyes, quickly replaced with the same heat she’d seen a year earlier and once against she was filled with the knowledge that this man was going to change her life.

It took her a moment to find her voice. “You must be Diavolos,” she said quietly, “Welcome to the table.”

Chapter Two

“Marco is whining,” Baltair commented as they headed into the tavern.

“Of course he is,” Seoras said with an eyeroll, “Marco is always whining. I’m glad you had to make the visit to Stormholt, not me.”

“He’s pissed that he’s not going to be fighting the Iron Empire,” Baltair continued, “he was quite vocal about how unfair it is.”

“Father wants Marco at Stormholt,” Diavolos said with a shrug, “so that’s where he belongs.”

“Father knows that Marco would never follow your orders,” Seoras corrected, “and that on the battlefield that’s a liability. He needs you to lead the army, so Marco gets to stay home and sulk.”

Diavolos didn’t deny his brother’s point. “I’d rather not waste my night talking about Marco,” he said instead.

“Me either,” Baltair agreed, looking around the tavern. “I can think of much more enjoyable ways to pass the evening.” His eyes fell on a barmaid and he gave her an appreciative grin which she quickly returned.

The three men were travelling under the radar, no insignia or crowns. Diavolos knew the people of Stormholt weren’t happy with his father’s rule and he didn’t want to invite conflict. He just wanted to relax for one night with some ale, some good food and hopefully find someone to share his bed and pass a few hours.

“Looks like Baltair’s found something he likes,” Seoras said with a grin, scanning the room. “And so have I… Look at the beauty that just walked in.”

Diavolos followed his brother’s gaze to a group that was settling in at the back table. Two men and two women. Both women were attractive, but Diavolos knew his brother was referring to the younger one with the long dark braid and the face of an angel. She caught him watching her and their eyes met. With one gaze, Diavolos felt a rush of an instant attraction. He wanted this woman.

“She might have you caught your eye, brother,” he heard Baltair comment, “but she only has eyes for our older brother and I think the feeling is mutual.”

Seoras made a disgruntled comment, but Diavolos ignored him, his gaze fastened on the dark-haired beauty. He was stunned by how much he wanted her. He watched as she got up and hurried outside.

He nodded to Seoras and Baltair and quickly followed her. He watched her for a  moment, the way she stared at the sky, and wondered if she’d felt the same over-whelming attraction he had and if she was just as unnerved by it.

She turned suddenly and saw him and took a step back. “Hello…”

“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he apologized, “I just… I don’t know how to explain it without coming across as a psycho.”

She smiled. “I think I understand. I felt it too.”

Diavolos was surprised that she was willing to acknowledge it so quickly. He took in her appearance, including how young she was, probably only around 20. Young enough to perhaps read more into this encounter than he could give her.

“I can’t make promises,” he told her flatly, “this isn’t a fairy story, we’re not going to fall in love at first sight and live happily ever after. I’m departing tomorrow and I don’t know when I’ll come back or even if I will.”

There was a good chance this war would claim his life. He had always known that. It was one of the many reasons he’d resisted any sort of commitment.

“I’m not looking for promises or fairy stories,” she assured him, “I’m on bit of a journey myself.”

That intrigued him, but he decided not to pry. Instead, he stepped towards her. “As long as we’re on the same page, then we should make the moment count,” he suggested, reaching for her.

She went into his arms willingly, wrapping her slender arms around his neck as he claimed her lips in a kiss. Her lips were sweet and soft against his and he immediately wanted more. He deepened the kiss, pushing her lips apart with his tongue and taking everything she was willing to give him. He pressed her tight against him, the feel of her soft curves under his hands having an immediate effect on his body. Hells how he wanted her.

After a long moment, he forced himself to break the kiss. “You are so beautiful,” he told her, caressing her face.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she responded with a grin, still pressed up again him.

“I’m—” he began, but she cut him off with a shake of her head. “No names.” He raised an eyebrow, wondering what she had to hide. He decided it didn’t matter. “As you wish.”

The feel of her body against his was too much and he knew if they stayed long that a moment longer, he’d take her right where they were standing. So, summoning up all of his willpower, he let go of her and stepped back. “I want you,” he told her honestly, “more than I can ever remember wanting anything or anyone in my life. Do you want me? Or do we go back inside and pretend this didn’t happen?”

He wasn’t sure he was capable of that, but he had to make sure she was willing. If she had even a moment of doubt, he would force himself to walk away.

“I want you too,” she said after a moment, biting her lip slightly. “I just need to make my excuses to my companions, otherwise—“

“We could have an unpleasant interruption?” He guessed, remembering the way the older man had ushered her to the table with obvious protectiveness.


He wondered how her companions would feel about her going off with him. He really didn’t want bloodshed, but for her, he might risk it. He pulled her towards him again and kissed her quickly. “Go make your excuses and then then meet me by the staircase.” He bade. “I have a room reserved for the night.”

He saw doubt flash in her eyes for the first time and he wondered if she was going to change her mind, but she nodded before hurrying inside.

A moment later, he followed her. He nodded to his brothers, Baltair grinned knowingly and Seoras gave him a sour look, before heading to the staircase. He saw his beauty arguing with the older man and then watched her walk away and hurry to the staircase.

“Someone isn’t happy,” he said dryly, “your father?”

“Uncle,” she told him, “he’s a little protective.”

“As he should be with such a beautiful niece,” Diavolos remarked, aware that the older man was glaring at him. From the corner of his eye, he saw that Baltair and Seoras had noticed to and were alert. He motioned for them to stand down, hoping that he wouldn’t need their aid, and held out his hand. “Shall we?”

She took it and he led her up the stairs towards his room. She took a deep breath as the door closed and he could see the nervousness on her face.

“Have you ever done this before?” He asked her suddenly, watching her closely.

After a moment she shook her head, “no.”

He took a deep breath, warring with himself. He made it a strict rule only to get involved with women of experience, who knew the score. Because he couldn’t make any promises and because he wasn’t sure he had it in him to be gentle and tender. He kept his intimate encounters strictly physical. Yet… Could he really let this woman go without touching her? Without tasting her? Without knowing it was like to be inside of her? He realized that the answer was no.

“I should send you back downstairs right this minute,” he told her, “because I can’t make you promises.”

“I know,” she assured him, stepping towards him, “but that’s ok, I don’t want promises. I just want you.” As soon as she said that, looking at him with wide dark eyes, he knew he was lost. “I’ve been telling myself this is a bad idea,” she continued, “but I’m still here and I know if I leave now, I’ll regret it. I don’t know why, but I know I will.”

“I feel the same,” he admitted, giving into temptation and pulling her into his arms and claiming her mouth with his. They kissed hungrily, desperately, only coming apart long enough to frantically tug at each other’s clothing.

“Hells, you’re gorgeous,” he told her, smirking at the slight blush that appeared on her cheeks. “Sit on the bed,” he ordered. She hesitated for a moment, he had a feeling she wasn’t used to being told what to do, but then did as she was told.

He knelt on the floor in front of her. He was determined that she was going to enjoy this experience. That every other man that came into her bed paled in comparison to him and the pleasure he brought her.

He leaned forward and kissed her as gently as he could and then began to kiss his way down her perfect body while his hands caressed her thighs and then pushed them apart, exploring her core.

She gasped as he slipped first one and then two fingers inside of her. He took the sound as encouragement and pumped his fingers inside of her while massaging her clit with his thumb and continuing to places kisses on her stomach and then on her thighs. Then his mouth hovered just above his fingers, his teeth gently rubbing over her sensitive nub and making her squirm with pleasure.

“Ohhhh!” She screamed, gripping the bed as hard as she could.

“That’s it, baby,” he encouraged, lifting his head, but continuing to work his fingers inside of her, “come for me, let me hear you moan.”

She did just that, making incoherent sounds of pleasure as his worked her with his hands and his mouth. “That was…” She began with a gasp after she’d had her release.

“Just the beginning,” he assured her with a confident smirk. He wasn’t done with her yet. “Lie back.”

Once more she did as he asked without question. He climbed onto the bed beside and positioned himself over him, using his arms to support his weight.

“Just looking at you makes me hard,” he groaned, “I want you so much.”

“Then take me,” she told him, looking up at him with those big beautiful eyes. He could see the desire in them, but also a little bit of nervousness and he reminded himself that this was new for her.

“This might be hurt, but I’ll do my best to make it enjoyable,” he promised tenderly, positioning himself about her entrance. At her nod, he entered her slowly, easing his way in. After a moment, he began to thrust, speeding up as she raised her hips in time, arching into him. “Just like that,” he encouraged, placing kisses along her neck and shoulders, “you feel so good.”

“So do you,” she confessed, “I didn’t realize…” He silenced her with a kiss, though he found her words endearing and highly gratifying.

He sped up his thrusts, pumping himself into her hard and fast now that he knew she could handle it, and in response she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to her. She felt so good wrapped around him and he knew he was close. Too close. Luckily at that moment, she came apart beneath him.

He quickly pulled out, not wanting to risking coming inside of her. He wasn’t going to risk that she knew what herbs to take to prevent pregnancy. He saw confusion and then understanding flash across her beautiful face and then she reached for him, wrapping her hand around his hard length.

“Oh, yes.” Damn that felt good. He had been so close that it only took a few motions to bring him to completion. He groaned as he came all over her hand.

He collapsed on the bed next to her, not touching but very aware of her presence. After a moment he sat up and reached for the basin by the bed. He grabbed the cloth and wiped himself down and then he reached for her, wiping first her hands then her legs.

He wasn’t sure why he didn’t just hand her the cloth since there was something far too intimate about his gesture, but he wanted to do it. He wanted to show her care and compassion. Part of him wanted to take her in his arms and offer promises, but he couldn’t do that.

Besides, it was foolish, he had just met her.

“Your uncle is probably going to tear this place apart if you don’t go downstairs,” he told her when he finished, mostly to prevent himself from saying something stupid.

She nodded and quickly got dressed. He did the same. She reached for the door and then paused, turning to look at him.

“I wish I could whisk you away,” he told her suddenly, unable to stop himself, “forget who I am, forget my responsibilities and just lose myself in your forever.”

It wasn’t possible of course. He had a war to fight. And if he managed to survive the war long enough for his father to make him choose a bride, it would be a princess or noblewoman not some random girl he met in a tavern. Even if he had been drawn to her from the moment he set eyes on her.

“That would be nice,” she said lightly, a strange sadness in her eyes, “but…”

“Life doesn’t work like that,” he finished, realizing that he wasn’t the only one with secrets and commitments.

Who was this girl, what was her story? Unfortunately, he would probably never know. He reached for her then and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he lowered his mouth to hers.

“I have a feeling that I won’t forget you as easily as I should,” he whispered against her mouth.

“Me either,” she replied, before pulling away and reaching for the door.

He watched her go and then followed a moment later.

Her uncle was obvious incensed, talking to her heatedly. Diavolos considered intervening, but worried he’d make the situation worse and it wasn’t like he could make any promises, so he simply rejoined Seoras at the table. Baltair was nowhere to be seen, no doubt off with the barmaid.

“Didn’t find anything to your liking?” Diavolos asked Seoras.

“I figured I should run interference,” Seoras said, nodding at the uncle. “Didn’t want your evening to be interrupted. But I didn’t have to do much, his companions kept him in line.”

“Well, I’m grateful,” Diavolos said, reaching for his drink.

He looked over in time to see his mystery woman leaving the tavern. Their eyes met for a moment and then she was gone.

Yet, he knew it wasn’t that simple. He might never see her again, but he had a feeling that he would think of her often. And he did.

The next year didn’t bring a lot of opportunity for female companionship but when it did, her face always flashed in his mind. None of the women who shared his bed for a night could hold a candle to her.

Then he found himself in his own dungeon, convinced he’d never touch a woman again and her face haunted him constantly.

Finally,  he was released, told that his father had negotiated an alliance and he was invited to dinner with Queen Kenna. There wasn’t time to wonder what the warrior queen would be like, he barely had time to bathe and change into clean clothes before being escorted to the banquet hall.

“You didn’t start without me, did you?” He asked his father and sister with a grin, before turning towards his hostess and then froze in disbelief.

He knew this woman, intimately. He had pressed kisses all over her body, had heard her cry out in pleasure, knew what she tasted like. This was an interesting development.

He could see the shock on her beautiful face and knew he wasn’t the only one surprised by this turn of events.

“You must be Diavolos,” she said quietly, “Welcome to the table.”

Chapter Three

Kenna glanced over at Val and Jackson to see if either of them recognized Diavolos, but there was nothing unusual about their expressions. Of course, they had only seen him from across the room and that night probably wasn’t as memorable for them as it was for her.

Kenna invited Diavolos to take a seat with a polite smile and focused on the conversation at hand, but her mind was racing.

Diavolos was the man from the tavern? Her first thought was that Leon was right, she’d taken an incredible risk that night. She’d bedded Luther’s son, if he had guessed who she was…

But he hadn’t, she reminded herself. He hadn’t harmed a hair on her head, on the contrary he had been a very considerate and generous lover.

“Now that everyone’s here, let’s dispense with the small talk and idle nonsense.” Luther declared and Kenna forced herself to focus on him. “We’re trying to win a war.”

“Fine by me,” Diavolos said with a shrug, “but winning shouldn’t be too hard.”

His words were accompanied by a confident grin. Kenna would guess that it took more than a few weeks in a dungeon to shake this man’s confidence.

“Oh?” Luther asked, raising an eyebrow. “And who suddenly made you commander of the armies?”

“Are you forgetting that we no longer have titles?” Diavolos said dryly. “That’s what happens when you lose.”

Kenna found herself smiling despite herself at the way Diavolos challenged his father.

“Perhaps you’re forgetting the title I perpetually hold over you, son.” Luther warned. “But you want to lead, by all means share your brilliant strategy.”

“We just have to hold Lykos! With Kenna’s superior navy and salvaged airships, we’ll be unstoppable. Especially with our soldiers here, where they’re comfortable.”

It was the obvious strategy and Kenna wasn’t surprised that he’d thought of it. It was one that had been tossed around many times in strategy meetings.

Luther scoffed. “That would be tactical suicide and I’m not the only one who thinks so. Queen Kenna?”

“It’s a good idea, but I’m afraid it won’t work.” She admitted, concentrating on Diavolos instead of Luther. She told herself it had nothing to do with the past, but that just was more pleasant than his father. “It’s a tactic we gave ample consideration, but we’ll be crushed if we try to make our stand here.”

Diavolos nodded, immediately understanding. “Hmmm… Because our armies are both still recovering? We have the right position, but we’re not strong enough to hold it.”

“Yes, actually.” Kenna commented, unable to keep the surprise out of her voice.

“You seem surprised.” Diavolos commented with obvious amusement. “I’m just not used to agreeing with—”

“A black-hearted Nevrakis?” He interrupted, meeting her eyes. His were amused and she could hear the unspoken even if you’ve shared your bed with one.

She’d taken a Nevrakis to her bed. The news still shook her to the core. Even if it was hard to think of this charming, good-natured man in front of her as the enemy and even harder to think of her passionate, considerate lover from a year ago that way.

“Something like that,” she admitted with a smile, trying to banish the memory of him in her bed from her mind.

“What do you propose then?” Florian asked crankily.

“A tactical retreat.” Whitlock spoke up. “We’ll gather support as we move our armies back to the most defensible position there is… Stormholt.”

Diavolos nodded, obviously seeing the wisdom of the plan. She wondered if he’d ever been to Stormholt. He hadn’t been there the day of the invasion, but what about in the two years of his father’s reign of terror? He must have been, given that she’d met him in tavern within the kingdom’s borders.

“We’ll need all the help we can get,” Kenna spoke up trying to focus on the matter at hand, “and the Fydorians to our North have no idea what’s coming. I’ll go warn them at first light tomorrow.”

Plus it would be good to be away from Lykos. She need a chance to catch her breath and process this newest development. Needed time away from Diavolos, because his mere proximity was awakening all kinds of confusing feelings.

“A waste of time,” Luther scoffed.

“They’ll make for strong allies,” Annelyse pointed out.

Fydorians,”  Luther said scornfully, “What good are those know-it-all dandies in a battle?”

Kenna looked at Diavolos, wondering if he’d back up her strategy, but he stayed silent. She wondered if he agreed with Luther or if he was just used to keeping his mouth shut?

“You’d be surprised by how helpful allies can be when you let them live.” She told Luther with a bland smile.


The servants came then to serve the main course and there was a pause in the conversation.

Kenna swirled the wine in her glass, trying not to look at Diavolos. It was still seemed impossible that her mystery lover was really Diavolos Nevrakis, Luther’s favorite son.

“Heh, this goose reminds me of that party with the Drammir family.” Diavolos said after a moment, obviously trying to break up the awkward silence. “Eh, sister?”

Zenobia looked flustered and her cheeks were nearly as red as her hair. “Uh, what party?”

“Come on, don’t you remember?” Diavolos prodded teasingly. “That Fydorian prince? The one you were all flummoxed by?”

“You mean Tevan?” Kenna asked surprised. “Zenobia was flummoxed by Tevan?”

“No!” Zenobia denied, “I wasn’t flummoxed by anyone.” The flush on her cheeks and the glare she gave her brother contradicted her words.

Diavolos seemed unaffected by the glare.  “I caught her before the party, practicing a speech to him in her mirror.”

“Fascinating, please go on.” Annelyse bade.

Diavolos grinned. “I’d love to tell the story, if you’re interested.”

“We are,” Annelyse said, speaking for all of them.

Diavolos began to talk, Kenna tried to concentrate on what he was saying but it was hard when her mind was racing. When she kept remembering what he looked like naked, the way his body had moved against hers, the way his lips had felt…

There was also the disturbing fact that that instant, undeniable attraction she had felt to him had not been a fluke.  She still wanted him badly. The only difference between now and the first time she saw him was that now she knew exactly what it would be like to have him and that just made her want him more.

So the mysterious beauty who had haunted him for a year was Kenna Rys. The world definitely worked in mysterious ways sometimes.

Diavolos wondered what his father would do to him if he ever learnt that he’d bedded the queen, that he’d had her vulnerable beneath his hands, without ever having a clue who she was. Of course there wasn’t much his father could do to him these days, thanks to Kenna.

Suddenly a trio of figures ran in. Diavolos recognized the Adder of Lykos as one of them, though he couldn’t identify the man or the other woman.

“You must come now,” the woman, who had strange paint on her face, ordered Kenna. Kenna and her companions got up from the table and hurried to the corner. Luther nodded to Zenobia, a champion eavesdropper, and she quickly got up.

“Aurelia’s been attacked,” she said when she returned, “by one of the dragons.”

Luther smirked at that. “Hex, I presume.”

“You seem a little too pleased given that we’re allies.” Diavolos pointed out, though knew his father to know that the alliance was only going to last until he saw an opportunity to seize power again.

“And it’s the perfect time for us to show our allegiance,” Luther told him, “I assume Kenna plans on going to Aurelia?”

“Yes,” Zenobia concerned, “she’s sending her spymaster and Valentina to Aurelia to warn them.” The dark-haired man must be the spymaster. “But heading to Aurelia herself.”

Luther turned to Diavolos. “You’re going with her. Go catch her now, before she leaves.”

Diavolos didn’t both protesting he just nodded and strode out of the castle. He was used to taking orders, besides this time he was in whole-hearted agreement. He wanted to be on that mission. Besides he and the Queen had unfinished business to discuss.

He caught up to her on the docks, loading her airship.

“This isn’t the time,” she told him, obviously assuming he wanted to talk about the past.

“I think it is,” he corrected, “we couldn’t help but overhear what is going on and Father respectfully requests that a member of the Nevrakis family be included in this important mission.”

Kenna smirked. “Somehow I doubted that he requested this with that much respect.”

“But I am.” Diavolos pointed out. She hesitated, obviously not sure how to proceed. “And you don’t have any reason to say no, unless you are worried that your spymaster would object to you working so closely with me given our history?”

It was a calculated guess. He had been watching them, had noticed the way the dark-haired man had rested his hand on Kenna’s back as they spoke and how close they had bent their heads.

Kenna looked surprised. “Raydan? No…” He wondered if she was denying that she had a relationship with the spymaster or dismissing the idea that he would have any reason to be jealous. “Our history has no bearing on anything,” she snapped, “I simply can’t afford to risk this mission because it might hurt your father’s feelings.”

“You can’t afford to risk leaving us out of.” Diavolos countered. “We’ll fight alongside you, but only if you treat us like allies instead of dogs.”

He could see her considering his words. It was interesting comparing the woman in front of him to the girl he’d met in the tavern. This woman was so much more confident, less hesitant. Of course, reclaiming a kingdom could have that effect.

“What do you propose I do?” She asked finally.

“It’s less of a proposal and more of a fact,” he told her, “I’m coming with you.” He grinned. “Be grateful he sent me and not Zenobia.”

Kenna rolled her eyes. “She’d be easier to turn down.”

“Yes, you do seem to have a hard time saying no to me,” Diavolos smirked.

She flushed. “That wasn’t…” She sighed. “Can we just forget that night ever happened?”

“I’ve spent a year trying to do that and have failed,” he told her quietly.

He saw her swallow hard and then sigh. “Well, if you’re coming, hurry up,” she snapped before turning and boarding the airship.

With a smirk Diavolos followed her up the ladder, pleased that she seemed flustered by his proximity. It was only fair after all, since she’d haunted him for a year.

Chapter Four

“What’s he doing here?” Jackson asked, nodding towards Diavolos. Kenna refrained from glancing back at the Abanthean Prince.

“Fulfilling his part in our alliance,” she answered.

Jackson muttered something under his breath, but to Kenna’s relief he didn’t argue. The situation was already confusing enough.

“I’ll show you to your room,” Kenna told Diavolos after a moment. Besides, as much as she wanted to put it off, they probably needed to talk if they were going to be able to work together.

He nodded and followed her into the corridor. Kenna stopped in front of one of the doors and they both entered.

“You’re every bit as beautiful as I remember,” Diavolos said as soon as the door closed, “I’ve wondered if that was possible or if my memory was playing on tricks on me, but it’s true.”

Kenna flushed. “I… We… What happened that night is in the past. We both agreed at the time that it was just a one night thing.”

“That didn’t stop me from thinking about you,” he told her, “are you saying I never crossed your mind at all in the last year?”

She wanted to say no, to tell him that she hadn’t given him a second thought since walking out of that tavern, but the lie wouldn’t cross her lips.

“That’s what I thought,” he said after a moment, moving closer to her.

“You’re the enemy.” Kenna reminded him quietly, stepping back.

He quirked an eyebrow. “I thought I was your ally?”

“You are.” She told him. “But…”

“But I’m still a Nevrakis,” he acknowledged, “and that makes us enemies as well as allies. However, I am also your former lover. It’s a complicated situation, isn’t it? We’ve been lovers, enemies and now allies. I know which role I like best.”

“I…” Kenna began, at a loss for words.

She was normally more confident than this, but there was something about Diavolos that reduced her to speechlessness. Damn him  and his effect on her.

“The others will be wondering what’s taking me so long,” she said finally. She didn’t really want to answer any questions, especially when she was so confused about the situation.

“I’ll be back out in a moment,” Diavolos told her, throwing his bag on the bed.

She nodded and headed for the door, but paused once she grabbed the handle. “Would you have killed me?” She asked, her back to still him, the question coming out of its own accord. “If you had realized who I was?”

“I don’t know.” She turned then and saw the pensive look on his face. “I’d like to say no,” he told her, “I’ve never killed anyone in cold blood.”

Her disbelief must have shown on her face because he made a face.

“I’m not my brother or my sister. I don’t kill people just because they displease me or I don’t like the color of their outfit.”

Kenna hoped that was a joke, but knowing Zenobia anything was possible.

“I’ve taken lives, yes,” Diavolos continued, “but only on the field of battle and while, it can be argued that you and I were at war a year ago, I don’t think I have it in me to kill a vulnerable young woman.” There was a pause. “Especially not one who made me feel the way you did.”

“Leon gave me a lecture about being reckless,” Kenna said softly, stepping further into the room. “He told me that I’d put myself in a vulnerable position and how knows what could have happened and I knew he was right, but… I also knew that you’d never have hurt me. I felt safe with you.”

Even knowing who he was and how much of a risk she’d taken didn’t change that.

“And now?” Diavolos asked, taking a step closer to her, close enough that she could feel his body heat even though they weren’t technically touching.

“Safe isn’t the word that comes to mind,” She admitted, “In fact I think you might be the most dangerous man I’ve ever met. You threated my peace of mind and everything I built because I look at you and I want to forget you who I am and who you are.”

There was a second of charged silence and then his arm was around her waist and his lips were crashing into hers in a desperate, hungry kiss. Kenna wove her arms around his neck, kissing him back with just as much desperation.

His kiss was every bit as good as she remembered. The way his lips felt against hers, the subtle pressure of his tongue, the way his teeth scraped at her lips… He hit all the right notes. For a year, she’d wondered if it had been so good because she’d had nothing to compare it to, but she’d had enough experience now to know that wasn’t the case. It really was that good.

They made their way across the small room to the bed without breaking the kiss. Kenna pushed him down on the bed, landing on top of him. She finally broke the kiss and sat up on her knees and started undoing the buttons of his shirt while he worked at the straps of her armor.

“What about the others?” He asked her as he threw his pants on the floor.

“Let them talk,” Kenna said recklessly, knowing that she would regret it later. But with him lazing naked in front of her eyes, rational thought was impossible.

He grinned and pulled her head down to his for a long, slow kiss. Then he grabbed her waist and flipped her over so that she was on her back. He knelt over her and then leaned in, placing kisses along her collarbone and making her take a deep breath which became a squeal when he bit down.

“No marks,” she cautioned.

“At least not where anyone can see them,” he countered with a confident grin.

She was already fairly certain that grin was going to simultaneously drive her crazy with frustration and make her go wild with desire. He continued to kiss his way down her chest, pausing at her breasts to suck the nipples into hard points and then bite at her tender flesh.

While his mouth explored her breasts, his hands were busy exploring lower. He caressed her thighs and then went higher, exploring her wet folds before plunging his fingers inside of her and pumping in and out of her at a frantic pace while his thumb massaged her clit.

Kenna bit down on her lip, trying hard not to call out. It was a small ship after all and there were already going to be enough questions.

“You’re so beautiful when you come,” Diavolos told her, moving back up to claim her mouth, “I guess I should make you do it again.”

“Please.” She whispered, needing him inside of her. To her surprise he crouched back down and she realized what he was going to do and reached out for him, grabbing at his hair and pulling his head up. He looked at her in surprise.

“I want you inside of me,” she instructed roughly. She remembered how good his mouth and tongue had felt, but that wasn’t what she wanted right now.

He grinned again, but did as she asked, settling between her thighs and plunging into her. “Is that what you want?” He asked, cradling the back of her neck in one of his hands.

“Yesss…” The word was drawn out thanks to the sensations of him thrusting inside of her.

She arched her hips to meet him, entwining one of her legs with his, her hands digging into his back. His thrusts are hard and fast, just the way she remembers and it’s the perfect tempo. She let go of his back long enough to pull his head towards her and kiss him deeply.

It didn’t take long for her to reach her peak and she moaned her release into his mouth. Remembering how their last encounter ended, she wrapped her legs tight around his waist to keep him in her and whispered, “I’m safe”. He understood her meaning and kept thrusting into her before spilling himself inside of her as he groaned his release against her shoulder, biting hard enough that she would have a mark. At least her armor would cover it.

He stayed where he was for a long moment before rolling off of her. It was a tight fit, because it was a small bed and his big frame took up most of it, so Kenna found herself pulled tightly against him.

She knew she shouldn’t linger. Now that her lust was sated, the reality of what they had just done started to hit her. She’d bedded Luther’s son. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t the first time, because at least before she’d had the defense of not knowing who she was. Now she knew and she’d still done it.

And how would she explain it to the others? As far as they knew, she and Diavolos had met only a few hours ago. She knew it wasn’t any of their business and that she was a grown woman, but she still felt self-conscious at the idea of them whispering about her. And yet… She couldn’t bring herself to regret what had just happened.

Diavolos was silent as she had her mental debate, but she could see him watching her carefully.

“I should probably go back to my room,” she said finally, wondering how much time had passed. She assumed enough that everyone else had gone to bed, though she was likely have to deal with some questions in the morning or at least, knowing looks.

“You could stay a little longer,” Diavolos invited quietly, “since everyone else is probably asleep.”

Kenna knew she should say no, she needed to keep her distance from him, but… “For a little while,” she agreed, laying back down.

He wrapped his arms around her again and pulled her tight against him. “I wish I knew what it was about you that makes me act against my better instincts.” She told him, resting her head on his chest.

“It’s because I’m irresistible,” he teased, leaning down to brush his lips against her. She laughed and relaxed in his embrace, but she couldn’t help silently agree.

He was irresistible and incredibly dangerous.

A Twist of Fate
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them unharmed.

Summary- Kenna and Diavolos have a heart-to-heart that quickly becomes something more.

Rating- NSFW

Words- 3336

Chapter Five

The next day passed very slowly for Diavolos. He tried to find things to do on the airship to keep him busy, but he was very aware of his outside status, though he did his best to ignore the looks that Kenna’s friends were giving him. They ranged from embarrassed curiosity to disapproval to outright hostility.

He wasn’t sure if it was a general reaction to his place on the ship or because of the time Kenna had spent in his room the previous night, but whatever the reason he was just glad that they seemed to be focused on him and not Kenna. He didn’t know any of these people, didn’t care about them and most of them already considered him the enemy, so their disapproval didn’t affect him the way it might affect her.

Whitlock was the most polite of the bunch and accepted Diavolos help with a few tasks he was working on in preparation for the battle. Diavolos didn’t really understand anything Whitlock was telling him, but at least the young man was civil and it helped pass the time. Besides, he was good at grunt work.

Eventually, Kenna gathered everyone into the main area of the ship to discuss the plan for the following day. When they would take on a dragon.

“How long until we reach Aurelia?” Kenna asked Whitlock.

“If this tailwind keeps up, we should reach the city by mid-morning.” The young genius answered.

“Hells, we could have used a few of these airships when we attacked the Iron Empire.” Diavolos commented. It was definitely preferable to travelling by boat. “A shame that Hex was too busy with her side project to finish them in time.”

“Yeah, would have been nice if she hadn’t wasted all that time learning to mind control people.” Jackson said, glaring at him. Of the people on the ship, Jackson was the most hostile towards Diavolos. He wasn’t sure if it was simply because he was a Nevrakis or because of his relationship with Kenna, such as it was. Or perhaps it was both.

“Right, like your dragon friend, Dom.” He reminded them. “And just how are we planning to take him out exactly?”

Kenna gave him a disapproving look. “No one is going to ‘take him out’, Diavolos, this is a rescue mission.”

He flinched at her tone. There was a part of him that desperately wanted to please Kenna, more than he’d ever wanted to please anyone other than his father. However, he shoved that side down and focused on pointing out the reality. “I get it,” he assured her, “I’m just saying that I’ve been on the receiving end of a dragon attack. I was at the Battle of the Bay, remember?”

“Yeah, no one’s forgetting that.” Jackson muttered, sending another glare his way.

“Just like I won’t forget that your dragon pals roasted a few dozen of my men alive.” Diavolos pointed out.

Sei simply shrugged. “We were at war. They would have killed me if they could. It is not my fault that they could not.”

Diavolos grinned. She had a point. “Fair enough… But mark my words, it’s going to be war when we reach Aurelia too. And if I have to choose between fighting and getting eaten alive, well… Diavolos isn’t on the menu.” He looked at Kenna, “and for the sake of alliance, I’d prefer if Roast Kenna wasn’t either.”

Not just the alliance, he admitted to himself. The idea of Kenna hurt… Well, he didn’t like it. He knew she was more than capable of taking care of himself, something his brother had learnt all too well, but… It was hard to stop thinking of her as the gentle girl in the tavern.

“I know,” she agreed softly, “and you have a point. With Dom under Hex’s control, it would be foolish to assume we could get him back without a fight.”

“Glad to know we’re on the same page.” He told her.

“I don’t know if I would go that far…” She teased.

He grinned again. He could see her friends watching them, both curious and disapproving and his grin faded. “How do you propose we… subdue  your pal without getting bitten in half?” He asked after a moment.

“We’ll also have Hex to deal with. Not to mention her other captive fire user.” Whitlock pointed out.

Another one? “Hells, how many of those fire-spitters are there?”

“Hex, has two, but I am more powerful than both.” Sei informed him.

Diavolos was starting to think he should have paid more attention to Hex, but honestly she had given him the creeps and he’d tried to avoid her as much as possible. Really, she had been one of the many aspects of his father’s rule that he tried to ignore. His job was to win the war, not to question his father’s methods or the people in his father’s employ.

“That’s what I’m hoping, Sei.” Kenna commented. “When we get to Aurelia, I want you to transform and go after Dom. Sei has the best change of restraining Dom without hurting him, the rest of us will go after Hex and Anton.”

Diavolos nodded approvingly, “makes sense. Send a dragon to fight a dragon.”

“Dom cut his training short. It should not be too difficult to overpower him.” Sei said confidently. “Kenna, I would consider it a personal favor if you try not to kill or permanently damage Anton. He was my friend once and I believe he is not completely lost to us.”

“We’ll do our best, Sei.” Kenna promised.

Diavolos watched her thinking how different she was than his father. His father would never have made a promise like that, but those in his command would have known better than to ask. Luther didn’t see individuals, he only saw victory and defeat. Even his sons had been disposable.

Diavolos’s chest ached at the thought of Baltair and Seoras and he missed some of the conversation. He forced him to focus just as Whitlock was handing Kenna some strange new weapon.

“You never cease to amaze me, Whitlock.” She praised.

Diavolos watched the young man blush. “Good, it is sort of my job.”

Kenna’s ways were very different than his father’s, but he could see the benefit to her strategy, those who followed her were certainly devoted to her. Of course, he had a feeling it was easy to become devoted to Kenna…

“When we set down, you and Annelyse will stay with the ship, at least until the fighting is over.” Kenna instructed, putting the weapon aside.

Whitlock nodded and agreed, but Annelyse shook her head. “No.”

Kenna raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean ‘no’?”

Diavolos watched the exchange with curiosity, wondering how Kenna would handle a challenge. He knew how his father would react, but again, Kenna wasn’t his father. She didn’t require unquestioning obedience.

Annelyse pointed to the map. “Aurelia is just on the other side of that peak.” She explained. “Whitlock, you’ll want to let us off on the Western slope. While you’re fighting in front of the city, I’m going to sneak in trough the mines and evacuate everyone I can find.”

Diavolos watched her curiously. His father would have dismissed her attitude as foolish sentimentality, but Diavolos admired it. He believed that a leader was responsible for the people who followed him, once of the few things he had ever dared disagree with his father about.

Except, he was starting to realize how much of his father’s way of doing things he disagreed with, he had just buried his head in the sand, unwilling to say anything. Not even when his father’s war had gotten Baltair and Seoras killed.

He couldn’t take it anymore and abruptly got up and exited the room, needing to be alone with his thoughts.

Kenna watched Diavolos leave, wondering what had upset him.

“What’s his problem?” Jackson muttered, “you’d think he’d be fine hearing about massacres, he must have participated in enough.”

“Jackson!” Kenna scolded. “However you feel about him, he is our ally. Besides, he’s not his father.”

“He’s still a Nevrakis,” Jackson pointed out, “or have you forgotten?”

Kenna stiffened at the accusation. “I am free to make my own judgements, am I not?” She asked coldly.

Annelyse and Whitlock exchanged a look, while Sei was watching her carefully.

“We’re just concerned,” Annelyse told her, “you just met him yesterday…”

“I met him a year ago,” Kenna corrected, “I didn’t know who he was, but…” She saw the light go on in Jackson’s eyes and he let out a curse, obviously putting the pieces together. “My relationship with Diavolos is my business,” she told them all coolly, “but before you ask, yes I trust him. I don’t trust his father and I’ll never forgive Luther for my mother’s death. He’s a brutal, calculating killer and he deserves to rot in a pit for the rest of his life, but Diavolos is not his father and I will not have him condemned when he hasn’t done anything wrong.”

With that, she stood up and exited the room. She knew her friends were right to be wary of the Nevrakis family and maybe she was being foolish, but… Every instinct she had told her she could trust Diavolos.

She found the man in question in the corridor, cradling his hand. “What happened?” She asked, motioning to his hand.

“I punched the wall.” He admitted. “Thought it might make me feel better.”

“Did it?” She asked with a smile.

“Not particularly,” he told her, “I shouldn’t have taken off like that.”

“Why did you?” Kenna asked softly.

There was a long pause. “A lot of reasons,” he said finally.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Kenna asked softly.

He looked at her and nodded. “Actually… I would like that.”

She held out her hand. “Come, we can talk in my room.”

He took it and together they walked towards the ladder that led to her bedroom. He gave her a slight boost, which she didn’t need, but didn’t turn down either and then followed her up.

He looked at her bed and grinned.  “No fair, your bed is bigger than mine, if I had known, I would have suggested we moved to your room last night.”

“I don’t think either of us was capable of going anywhere,” Kenna said with a laugh.

“True,” Diavolos said, giving her a heated look. He flopped down on her bed and then reached out and pulled her down with him.

“We’re here to talk, remember?” She said, but she couldn’t keep the smile off of her face. How did this man have such an effect on her? “What was bothered you so much that you needed to take it out on the wall?”

“It was just, watching you with your people, seeing how you and Annelyse feel about the people in your command…” Diavolos began, “It just made me think about my father and take a long, hard look at who he really is and who I am for following him blindly for so long.”

“Diavolos…” She whispered, placing her hand on top of his.

“Baltair and Seoras are dead,” he said quietly, “Did you know that?”

Kenna shook her head, “no, your father never said anything.”

“He wouldn’t,” Diavolos said with a bitter laugh, “he’d be afraid that it would make him look weak to admit that his war got his sons killed.”

The look of pain on Diavolos’s face made Kenna ache. “I’m so sorry,” she told him, squeezing his hand. “Were you close?”

She tried not to think about Diavolos’s third brother, the one dead at her hand.

“We were,” Diavolos said quietly, “Marco… He and I hated each other. We could barely be in the same room, but it wasn’t like that with Baltair and Seoras. They would give me a hard time for being too serious, for being too much like Father and do what they could to cheer me up and make me smile.” He sighed. “I just wanted more from them, you know? I wanted them to be the ones who made it out alive.”

Kenna frowned. “What about you?”

He shrugged. “War is all I know.” He looked at her. “Kenna, what was your father like?”

Kenna paused, considering the question. “I barely remember him, actually.” She said after a moment, thinking of the father who’d died before her 4th birthday. “He died when I was a little girl. I remember… Being held. I think he was wearing armor. He was showing me his sword, and I put my hand on his over the hilt.”

“Is that your earliest memory? Holding a sword?” Diavolos asked, playing with a strand of her hair. “‘Cause that explains a lot about you.”

She grinned at him. “Doesn’t it? What about you? What’s it like having Luther as a father?” She thought the man was evil incarnate, but… There had to be something more to him to make Diavolos so loyal, right?

“Honestly, we’re not so different in that regard.” He said after a moment, dropping his hand. “It feels like the man who was my father died years ago. After his father was killed by the Iron Empire, he was usually too busy running the war to spend time with me. But… My mother could make him laugh. When she died too… It changed him.”

“How did your mother die?” Kenna asked quietly.

“She was killed when I was five years old. Father was away at a war meeting, and I was asleep in my own room.” Diavolos answered after a moment. “The assassins were so quiet… No one realized what had happened until the servants found her the next morning.”

“Gods…” Kenna whispered. “Did you know who sent the assassins?”

Though she had a fairly good idea. No wonder Luther was so obsessed with defeating the Iron Empire if he’d lost both his father and his wife to Azura.

“They left no trace, but I’d bet all I own on Azura.” Diavolos told her, confirming her suspicions. “After Mother died, Father disappeared completely into the war. He barely ate, he didn’t speak to me for months at a time.”

“That’s terrible.” Kenna said, her heart aching for the little boy he’d once been.

“Father remarried after only a few months,” Diavolos continued, “mostly to have someone to take care of Baltair and I.” Diavolos sighed. “Julia had more interest in a baby than in a sad, motherless five year old. She did the bare minimum, but…”

“It wasn’t the same,” Kenna finished, “what did you do?

“I got Father’s soldiers to me how to fight, and I studied tactics with his advisors.” Diavolos told her. “Father didn’t seem to want a son anymore… So I turned myself into a weapon instead. And it worked. I fought in my first battle at thirteen and that night Father through a feast in my honor. Soon he was training me himself.”

Kenna stared at him in horror. “You joined Luther’s army that young?! That’s awful! How could Luther let you fight when you were just a child?”

Diavolos shot her a look. “Kenna, you’ve met my father. He’d let a kitten fight in his army if it could swing a sword and honestly, I’ve never minded. It’s all I’ve ever known.”

“And haven’t you ever wanted to change that?” Kenna challenged, “haven’t you ever wanted more for yourself?”

“Only once,” Diavolos told her quietly, “I can only thing of one night when I wanted more.”

Oh. Kenna felt her breath catch in her throat.

“And now I find myself second guessing everything I’ve ever known,” he continued, “I don’t know you do it, but you turn everything upside down.”

“So do you,” she countered, “I know how I should feel about you, but… You make me want to forget your father and all the history with your family.”

“Can you do that?” Diavolos asked her quietly.

“I don’t know,” Kenna admitted, “it was easier that night in the tavern when there was no thinking and all I had to do was feel.”

She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. He instinctively wrapped his arm around her and pulled her onto his lap. He wrapped his fingers in her hair, tugging lightly as the kiss grew deeper. After a moment, Kenna broke the kiss and tugged at his shirt.

“You’re wearing too many clothes,” she informed him.

He grinned, “that can be taken care of.” He stood up and quickly discarded his clothes, while she did the same.

He moved to take her back in his arms, but she shook her head. She wanted to lead this time. Something about his confession stuck with her, how lonely he must have been and she wanted to care for him.

“Sit down,” she instructed. He raised an eyebrow, but did as she instructed, swinging his muscular legs over the edge of the bed.

“Oh…” He said in realization as she knelt between his legs. “Kenna, you don’t…”

“I want to,” she assured him, cupping him in her hands before lowering her mouth and placing feather-light kisses all along his length which caused him to groan. The sound emboldened her and she combined her mouth, tongue and hands to bring him as close to the edge as she could. Loving the feel of him in her mouth and empowered by the sounds he was making and the knowledge that she was the one doing this to him.

He dug his hand into her hair hard, which just encouraged her to keep going. “Kenna…” He groaned and then pulled hard. “I can’t… I need to be in you.”

His words sent a delicious heat through her body. She wanted that too.

“Ok,” she said getting up and climbing on top of him, lowing herself down onto him. He gripped her hips and thrust up into her, causing her to bite back a moan.

They moved in time with each other, his hands on her hips, steadying her, and then Diavolos suddenly pulled out of her, but kept his grip on her hips. He ignored her whine of protest and in one smooth motion, flipped her onto her knees.


In an instant he was behind her, entering her again. Pounding himself into her as she gripped at one of her pillows. His pace was frantic, pushing himself in and out of her hard and fast and it just made her want more. He cupped her breasts with one big hand, while the other one moved between her legs.

He rubbed her clit as he continued to pound into her and the combination was too much for her. For him too, apparently, because they came together, both of them panting. He rested there for a moment, she could feel the slickness of his skin against her, the delicious pressure, but then, too soon, he moved away, rolling onto the bed beside her.

Neither of them spoke for a long moment.

Kenna didn’t know what to say. It all felt too intimate. It didn’t feel like a strictly physical encounter. It had only been a little more than a day since Diavolos had come back into her life and he was already turning everything upside down.

“Do you want me to leave?” He asked after a moment, propping himself up on one elbow.

She shook her head. “No. Not yet.”

He nodded and then pulled her into his arms, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling his face in her neck. “As I said, you have an ability to make me wish for the impossible.”

She stayed quiet, but couldn’t help but think that the feeling was mutual. As much as she kept telling herself that he was a Nevrakis and that his couldn’t ever be anything more than physical, and even that went against her better judgement, she knew it already was more.

So much more.

Chapter Six

The fight with Dom, Anton and Hex was grueling and Kenna had to admit that she was aching by the time they returned to the airship. She knew she wasn’t the only one, Dom was limping and she winced, thinking of the wound she’d inflicted, even if it had been in self-defense.

“You need to go lay down,” Annelyse instructed Dom after she’d dressed his wound.

“Yeah, lying down sounds good.” He agreed weakly.

“I’ll help you to your room,” Kenna offered, wrapping an arm around her waist. She saw Sei watching her with a raised eyebrow and a pensive expression, but decided to ignore it. Dom was her best friend and he’d been missing for weeks, she wanted a chance to catch up with him in private. Sei could wait her turn.

“Who’s the newcomer?” Dom asked curiously when they reached his room.

“Huh?” Kenna asked and then blinked, realizing he meant Diavolos. There hadn’t been time for introductions during the fight. “Oh, that’s Diavolos… Diavolos Nevrakis.”

Dom stared at her. “As in Luther’s oldest son? Why is he here?!”

“Because I made an alliance with Luther,” Kenna told him, she smiled ruefully at the expression on his face, “it’s a long story and you should rest.”

“Yeah, that’s not happening,” Dom told her, “at least not until you fill me in.” As they talked, he stripped off his shirt and climbed into the bed, settling amongst the pillows.

Kenna watched him with a fond smile before taking a seat on the desk. “Where do you want me to start?”

“Preferably the beginning,” Dom told her, “what happened after the Battle of the Bay?”

Kenna took a deep breath and then filled him in on all of it. The invitation to visit the Iron Empire, Leon’s death, the decision to ally with Luther.

“We need the numbers,” she explained, “plus he’s been fighting her longer than we’ve been alive. As much as I hate working with him, it’s the smart thing to do.”

“Is she really that scary?” Dom asked, studying her face. “Azura, I mean?”

Kenna sighed. “I’ve never seen anything like it, Dom. We’re going to have to give everything we have and I still don’t know if it’ll be enough.” She made a face. “Do you really think I’d have agreed to work with Luther if I thought there was any other option?”

“No,” Dom said instantly, “what’s it been like having Diavolos on the ship? Awful?”

Kenna paused, wondering how honest she should be. But, even though no one had said anything, she was pretty sure everyone else on the ship was aware of her relationship with Diavolos and Dom would find out sooner or later and it was better he hear it from her.

She didn’t owe him anything. They had been lovers very briefly when they were first reunited, but had both acknowledged that two years apart had changed their relationship and that they were better off as friends (Kenna suspected that her relationship with Raydan had played a part in that decision, but they’d never discussed it). However, he was her best friend and she’d always been able to be honest with him in the past and she didn’t want to start lying to him now.

“No,” she said slowly, “it hasn’t. Dom, he’s not his father.”

Dom narrowed his eyes. “How can you be sure? He’s a Nevrakis Kenna and you just met him.”

“I actually met him a year ago,” Kenna corrected, “before I went to Aurelia, we stopped in a tavern and I slipped away. I wanted to do something rebellious, be someone else for a night. I met a man… Diavolos, though I didn’t know it at the time.”

Dom stared at her, disbelief and horror written all over his face. “You took Luther’s son to your bed?”

“I didn’t know who he was,” Kenna defended, “but yes.”

“And that makes you think he’s a good guy?” Dom asked, raising an eyebrow. “Because you had a fling without knowing his name?”

When he put it that way, it sounded foolish but Kenna knew what her instincts were telling her.

“He was kind and gentle that night,” she said quietly, “there was nothing evil about the man I met, nothing cruel and nothing I’ve seen or heard since meeting him again has made me think he’s like his father.”

“Have you taken back into your bed?” Dom demanded.

“That’s none of your business,” Kenna said coldly. “I don’t ask about your relationship with Sei.”

“And I have never questioned your relationship with Raydan,” Dom countered, “but this… This is insanity, Kenna. He’s a Nevrakis, he’s the enemy.”

She understood why he would think that, she really did, but… She couldn’t. She couldn’t think of Diavolos as the enemy, not after what he had shared with her about his childhood and his brothers. Not to mention the physical connection between them and the way he’d held her in his arms afterwards, neither of them wanting to let go. There was so much more to him than his last name. But would she ever be able to make those around her see it? Or was any potential relationship with Diavolos doomed before it even began?

“I’m going to let you rest,” Kenna said after a moment, standing up.

“Kenna…” Dom began.

She shook her head. “I don’t… I don’t want to have this conversation right now,” she said quietly, “just… Give him a chance, ok?”

Dom looked at her for a long moment and then sighed. “Ok.”

Diavolos quickly retreated to his room after Kenna disappeared with her arm around Dom, trying to fight the feelings that were rising up inside of him. It was ridiculous. Kenna didn’t owe him anything. They had made no promises to each other, but…

The sight of her with Dom had torn at him, made him feel things he’d never experienced before. Like jealousy. And not the petty sibling jealousy he was familiar with, but the deeper, emotional type that he’d never experienced before. And he didn’t like it. He didn’t like the fact that Kenna was capable of making him feel so deeply in such a short time.

Just then there was a knock on his door. He crossed the room and yanked it over and then blinked when he saw Kenna.

“Can I come in?” She asked quietly.

“Of course,” he told her, stepping aside, “I’m surprised you can tear yourself away from Dom’s side.”

“He needs to rest,” Kenna told him, “and he can do that without me holding his hand.” She smiled. “I saw Sei go in as I was leaving, though, so maybe she’ll hold his hand.”

“She doesn’t seem like the hand-holding type,” Diavolos said dryly.

Kenna laughed, “true. However, I think she is feeling oddly protective and I wanted to give her and Dom some time alone.”

He was surprised by her comment and the smile on her face. “And their relationship doesn’t bother you?” Diavolos asked carefully.

Kenna looked surprised. “No, why should it?” She studied his face carefully and then sighed. “Growing up, Dom and I were close, he was my dearest friend. Eventually, he became more, except it never went beyond longing because my mother was very clear about what my future held and it didn’t include a romance with a commoner, but then…” She trailed off.

“Then my father struck,” Diavolos filled in, guessing what she was trying to say.

“Yes,” Kenna said quietly, crossing the room to the bed and sitting down. “I spent the next two years living in a monastery with very little contact from the outside world. Letters from Dom were the only thing that kept me going, I guess it became easy to see our friendship in a new light,” she said quietly, she smiled slightly, “it wasn’t until I met you that I began to question to my feelings, actually.”

“Hmmm?” He asked, stepping closer to the bed, but not sitting down.

“I felt this intense attraction to you,” Kenna told him, gazing up at him, “That night, Dom didn’t even cross my mind. I just wanted you.” She took a deep breath. “It made me question my feelings for Dom and whether they really were romantic or it as just friendship. Then, not long after I met Raydan, which made me question things even more.”

“He’s your lover.” Diavolos said quietly, trying to fight the jealousy that rose in him at the mere idea.

“Yes,” Kenna confirmed, “and my friend. But there are no promises between us.” He didn’t know if she was reassuring him or just stating a fact. “Maybe that was part of the appeal,” she mused, “with Dom it could never have stayed casual, he would have wanted things from me, I would have wanted to give them, but Raydan has no expectations. We both knew that it was fleeting and neither of us expected any promises from the other.”

“I take it you’re not in the market for promises?” He asked with a casualness he didn’t feel, wondering if she was warning him off.

“It’s more that I don’t have the ability to give them,” Kenna said quietly, “at least not to them. So much has changed since my mother died, but some things haven’t. I’m still obligated to do what’s best for my people. Any choice I make will be for Stormholt as well as for myself and that means a husband of appropriate status.”

Diavolos suddenly had the fleeting thought that, current circumstances or not, he was a king’s son. But he reminded himself that thoughts like that were dangerous. Surely his last name alone meant that he wouldn’t qualify as appropriate.

“Since you made no promises to your spymaster, does that mean there is nothing to stop me from doing this?” Diavolos asked, leaning down and covering her mouth with his. He wanted to stop thinking and just feel.

Kenna immediately responded, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to her so that they were both laying on the bed. He braced his weight with one hand, taking care not to crush her and wound the other in her long hair.

“I can’t keep my hands off you,” he confessed against the soft skin of her neck.

“I don’t want you too,” she told him, arching to give him better access, “No matter how much I try to tell myself this is a bad idea, I still want you.”

Her words had the opposite effect of what she likely intended. They were a harsh reminded of the fragility of the situation and he pulled away, breaking the kiss and sitting down on the bed beside her.

She sat up, giving him a confused look. “What’s wrong?”

“What is this, Kenna?” He asked her, “what are we doing? We can’t keep our hands off each other, but does it go beyond that? What happens when we reach Stormholt?”

He could only imagine how his father would react to the news of his relationship with the queen. He’d either see it as the ultimate betrayal or he’d started scheming to use it to his advantage. Both scenarios filled Diavolos with dread.

“I don’t know,” she admitted, placing her hand on his leg, “All I know is that I want you. I know I can’t stop thinking about you. That I just got in fight with my oldest friend because of you.”

Diavolos stared at her. “What?”

Kenna sighed. “Dom… He asked me what I was doing, questioned my judgement in trusting you.”

“Kenna…” Diavolos couldn’t resist the impulse and kissed her again, this time a long slow kiss that he hoped conveyed everything he was feeling and couldn’t put into words.

“I don’t know what this is,” she told him when they finally broke apart, resting her hand on his face, “but I know that I trust you, that I care about you more than I should.”

“Me too,” He told her, “for so long all I’ve cared about was winning the war and I never gave anything else any thought. Until you.”

“We have the fight of our lives ahead of us,” she reminded him, dropping her hand, “and it’s hard to think of anything beyond that.”

“Yeah,” Diavolos agreed, trying not to think of that fact that in a few weeks the war that had defined his whole adult life would be over one way or another.

“So why don’t we concentrate on now?” She asked him instead, “and right now I want to be with you.”

Her words were soft and there was an earnest look in his dark brown eyes that filled with emotion he couldn’t name. He just knew this woman had the ability to destroy him.

He didn’t respond with words, he just kissed her again. Soon they were fumbling with each other’s clothing, throwing them to the ground. It was a rush of hands and mouths, both them seemingly desperate to touch and taste each other.

As he kissed the inside of her thighs, Diavolos found himself torn between the desire to explore every inch of her and the need to have her now. He just couldn’t get enough of her. Seeing her like this, naked beneath him took his breath away and filled with a desperate hunger. It wasn’t just desire. It was more than that. He needed this woman, the way he needed air.

“I need you inside of me now,” she commanded, grabbing at his head, echoing his thoughts.

“Far be it from me to deny you anything,” he told her, stretching up and raising himself over her before entering her.

He kept a steady rhythm, trying to take it a little slower this time and see if he could control that desperate need, but Kenna wrapped her legs around him and buckled her hips to pull him closer, her movements urging him to speed up. So he did that, increasing his pace as he thrust in and out of her, losing himself in the feel of her around him, of her nails in his back, her lips placing kisses along his collarbone. He felt her reach her peak and he came at the exact moment, spilling himself inside her as he groaned out her name, “Kenna.”

He moved to roll off her, but she kept her legs locked around him. “Not yet,” she instructed, gazing up at him.

He stared down at her beautiful face, carefully distributing his weight as not to hurt her, and realized he was lost. He had only known her two days, if you didn’t count that one night that seemed like something out of a dream, but… It was long enough that he knew his life would never be the same.

But how did they go forward from here? How did they reconcile who they were with what they felt? Assuming it was mutual, of course, and that he wasn’t setting himself up for the biggest fall of his life.

Even as all these thoughts were whirling around in his mind, he was lowering his mouth to hers and their lips met in a surprisingly sweet kiss. They stayed that for a long time, clinging to each other, and he wished that they could freeze time and forget the rest of the world and just stay in this moment forever.

Chapter Seven

Kenna wondered if she should be embarrassed to be seen coming out of Diavolos’s room in the early hours of the morning. Perhaps. It certainly hadn’t been her intention to stay there all night, but she was quickly learning that with Diavolos things never went the way she intended them to.

Besides, she wasn’t ashamed of her relationship with him and while she understood the need for discretion, it was a less of a priority on the airship when her only companions were her closest friends. They might not approve, but they would never judge her or think less of her.

“Did you sleep well?” Annelyse asked quietly, handing her a plate with some food.

Kenna nodded. “Yes.”

Annelyse was quiet for moment, obviously trying to decide what to say. “Kenna, are you sure you know what you’re doing? I mean, he’s…”

“Not his father,” Kenna told her, trying to be patient, “Annelyse, I… I’ve never felt like this.”

Annelyse looked at her carefully, obviously searching her face, and then nodded. “Ok. If you trust him, then I do too. Your instincts have yet to fail us.”

“Thank you,” Kenna said, squeezing the other woman’s hand.

The others soon joined them, putting an end to any conversation, which was fine with Kenna because she wasn’t up for any discussions on her relationship because she had no idea even if it was a relationship.

There was still so much standing in their way and yet… Every day she and Diavolos grew closer and revealed more about themselves to the other and she realized that the connection with them went beyond the physical.

If he was any other man, she had a feeling she’d be willing to at least consider labelling what she was feeling as love. But he wasn’t. He was a Nevrakis. He was the son of her sworn enemy and that made everything so much more complicated. How could she love the son of her mother’s murderer?

“What’s the plan for when we arrive at Stormholt?” The man in question asked, coming to stand behind her at the table.

“First thing we need to do is assess the troops, the supplies, etc.” Kenna told him, she looked at him. “Are you familiar with the castle?” It was the best way she could think of easing into the uncomfortable subject: the fact that his father and brother had stolen her home.

Diavolos shook his head. “No, I was only there once and it was a quick visit. Father preferred to keep a good distance between Marco and I.”

Dom, who had been observing them, looked at Diavolos curiously. “You and Marco weren’t close?” His tone was casual, but Kenna knew the question wasn’t.

“No.” Diavolos said shortly. “Marco was a cruel, spoiled, petty excuse for a human being. The fact that we were blood kin didn’t change that. And maybe it makes me a terrible brother, but I didn’t shed any tears when I learnt of his death, all I felt was a little regret that I wasn’t the one to kill him.”

“I think a lot of us share that regret,” Dom said, breaking the long silence that followed Diavolos’s words.

Diavolos nodded and then turned back to the maps on the table. “Because I’m not familiar with the castle, I’ve been studying the maps and I think I’ve noted a few areas of interest.”

The rest of the morning was devoted to strategy talk, but the air was lighter than it had been before Diavolos’s outburst, apparently learning that Diavolos had hated his brother had removed some of the suspicion her friends held towards him.

Well, most of them, Jackson was still glaring at the Abanthean prince, especially whenever his hand brushed Kenna’s or he stepped too close. She knew he meant well though and really it reminded her of Gabriel and Leon and their distrust of Gabriel and Raydan and she understood it went with the job. However that didn’t meant it wasn’t annoying.

Once they arrived at Stormholt, everyone departed for their chambers to settle in, agreeing to meet back in the Great Hall shortly. Kenna offered to show Diavolos to his rooms.

“I assumed I’d camp out with my troops,” he told her and she remembered what his father had said about his beliefs in equality.

“If that is your wish, then that can be arranged,” she promised, “but it’ll be several days before your troops arrive and until then, you might as well stay in the castle.”

“Of course, I appreciate it,” he told her, following her to his room.

All of the guest quarters were in a different wing than the royal quarters. Kenna assumed that was done to offer a layer of protection, after all it didn’t make sense to let a potential enemy sleep next door to the queen. Some of her friends had rooms in the royal wing, but she knew that rumors would fly if she assigned Diavolos one and she wasn’t ready for that type of speculation, not when she had no clue how to define their relationship.

Besides, there was another option. After showing him his room, she pulled him back out into the hallway, he looked confused until she showed him the secret passage way, which was conveniently right next to his room. She looked to make sure no one was watching and then opened the door, motioning for him to follow.

“Do I dare ask where this passage will lead?” He asked and she could hear the grin in his voice.

“Somewhere I think you need to reach,” she said mysteriously. Once they exited the passage, Kenna looked around again, before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the closest door. He stepped into her quarters, not seeming at all surprised at their location.

“Now that I know where that passage leads, what’s to stop me from using it whenever I please?” He asked, stepping towards her.

“Nothing, I hope.” Kenna said boldly, wrapping her arms around his neck. She saw the surprise in his eyes at her boldness. “We both know that there is… something here. But my position, and yours, requires a certain discretion, the passage ways grant us that.”

“You say that like there can be something between us,” Diavolos said and she could hear the bitterness in his voice. “I am still a Nevrakis.”

“I don’t care.” The words surprised even her. “This has all been happening fast,” she said quietly, “but all I know is that I am drawn to you. That I can’t stop wanting you, no matter what your last name.”

Instead of responding in words, Diavolos tightened his grip on her waist and then fused his lips against hers. It was a desperate kiss, full of intense need and Kenna was gasping for breath when it was done.

“I’ve never wanted anything the way I want you,” Diavolos told her, his eyes dark with longing. “You make me feel things I didn’t think I was capable of feeling. Part of me wants to run in the other direction and the another part never wants to let you go.”

Kenna bit her lip, overwhelmed by his words. It had been less than three days she reminded herself, it was too soon to be feeling this way. Those kind of feelings took time to develop, didn’t they?

And yet… The connection had been there since the moment she had set eyes on him in the tavern, learning that he was a Nevrakis hadn’t change that, it just made it more complicated. Instead of responding, she kissed him again, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her hips against his to bring him as close as possible.

“Kenna,” he groaned against her lips, his hands digging into her hips, “we can’t…. People will be looking for us.”

Kenna knew he was right. Val and Raydan should be back from Fydoria soon and Kenna needed an update on the situation.

Raydan. That was another complication that she was going to have to deal with. They hadn’t made each other any promises, but she knew she would still owe him an explanation and she had no idea what she was going to say.

Diavolos watched all the color drain from Kenna’s face as Val explained what happened in Fydoria.

“Raydan…” She gasped.

Diavolos looked around him taking in everyone’s reactions. Whitlock looked as if he was going to throw up, Dom and Jackson both looked murderous, Annelyse was silent but her pain was evident.

Finally, Diavolos looked at Sei, whose face was characteristically blank. Their eyes met and a look of understanding passed between them and he knew he wasn’t the only one who was questioning the fact that the spymaster was the one who had turned traitor.

Of course, there was no reason to voice that thought. Azura had spies everywhere and even the whisper of doubt could put Raydan’s life in danger. If he had gone undercover, there was obviously reason, some information that he was hoping to find and the best way to aid his mission was to stay silent. If he was truly a traitor, Diavolos was confident that Kenna would have her revenge.

After a moment, Kenna excused herself and left the room. Dom started to follow her, but Sei held him back. “She needs time to process this,” she said quietly.

Dom looked torn, but he finally nodded.

Sei’s eyes met Diavolos’s again and she nodded her head slightly, motioning towards the door, obviously suggesting that he should follow Kenna. Interesting. He wondered if she truly thought that he was the person Kenna would want to comfort her or if she had an ulterior motive. Possibly both.

He simply nodded in return and then waited for everyone to start talking again before quietly slipping out of the Great Hall and up to Kenna’s room. He knocked on the door.

He could hear footsteps and then the door opened. “Dom, I’m not…” she began and then she fell silent as she realized it was him, not Dom. “Oh.” She stepped aside to let him in and he quickly stepped inside and then locked the door.

“I didn’t mean to leave like that,” she apologized.

“No one blames you,” he told her honestly, “even rulers are allowed to show emotional now and then, despite what my father says.”

Kenna smiled but it was forced. “I just… I can’t believe Raydan…”

Diavolos wanted to share his theory with her, reassure her, but something held him back. He told himself it was because Azura had ears everywhere and even a whisper could put the spymaster in jeopardy and that it was important that Kenna appeared betrayed.

So instead, he just took her in his arms and held her close, offering comfort. She clung to him, crying bitter tears into his shoulder. Her anguish tore him apart, he hated her seeing like that, hated knowing another man was the reason for her tears.

Once more he considered telling her his suspicions, but the soldier in him knew that staying silent was the right thing to do. Besides if he was wrong, he would only cause Kenna more heartache by giving her hope.

Finally Kenna pulled away, wiping her tears with her hand and looking embarrassed. “I don’t know what got into me,” she said after a moment and Diavolos wondered when the last time she’d let herself cry was.

Had she’d even had a chance to cry for her Crown Guardian? Not that he had room to talk, since he was an expert at pushing aside his pain and grief. “You’ve had a rough few weeks,” he reminded her softly, “it’s ok to let it out, if you don’t you’ll turn into my Father.”

Kenna shuddered and then laughed. “That’s a terrifying thought.” She took a deep breath, “I told myself I’d let myself grieve for Leon once I’ve avenged his death.”

That was a reasonable goal. Diavolos wondered if he’d be able to do the same once the war was over, if he would be able to truly mourn for his brothers.

“As for Raydan…” Kenna sighed. “I… I still can’t believe it, but… I guess you never really know people.” She let out a bitter little laugh. “Am I an idiot?” She asked him, suddenly pulling further away. “I mean… I’m trusting the son of my sworn enemy, it’s like begging you to put a knife if my back.”

Diavolos fought the anger that rose up in him at her accusation. He reminded himself that she had just suffered a devastating betrayal. Plus, with their family history, who could blame her for being wary?

“All my life I have followed my father,” he said quietly, “I’ve done what he told me, even when I secretly questioned it. Even accompanying you was his order, though believe me he would not approve of this relationship. Because, my father expects complete and total loyalty and I can’t give him that anymore.”

Kenna was silent, but she was watching him carefully.

“I can’t force you to believe me,” he said with a shrug, “especially after what you learnt today, but I’ll do my best to prove it. A year ago, I wanted to throw away everything and run off with you, but I knew I couldn’t. A lifetime of loyalty wouldn’t let me risk it all for a stranger. Now though, now I think I could if you asked me too.”

It was crazy given how short a time he had known this woman, but it wasn’t just her. Losing Baltair and Seoras, his time in the dungeon, spending time amongst Kenna’s people… All those things had caused him to re-examine his father’s methods of doing things and his own complicity in his father’s reign of terror.

He turned for the door, but as he reached for the handle a small hand covered his.

“Don’t go,” Kenna said softly, from behind him.

He dropped his and then turned so that he was facing her. “Ok.”

She smiled and raised herself on her tiptoes, pressing her lips against his in a gentle kiss. He slowly deepened the kiss, tangling one hand in her long hair, while placing the other on the small of her back to draw her closer.

When the kiss ended, she rested her head on his shoulder with a sigh of contentment and he rubbed his hands up her back. It struck him how intimate this was. How intimate this whole encounter had been from the comfort to the confessions and accusations and now the way it felt so natural to hold her.

“My absence has probably been noticed by now,” he said regretfully after a moment.

Kenna sighed but nodded. “I’ll go down first,” she decided, “you can come a few minutes later. I don’t think anyone will be fooled, but it’s all about keeping up the image.”

There was a bitterness to the last words and Diavolos had a feeling that she struggled with some of the restrictions of being queen. Which didn’t surprise him, given what he knew of her and the way they met.

“I wanted to walk around the grounds anyway,” he said amicably, reluctantly releasing her. “I’ll see you shortly, your majesty.”

She nodded and straightened her dress. “Diavolos?” She asked as she reached for the door.

“Yes, Kenna?”

“Will you come to me tonight?” There was an endearing vulnerability to her words.

“Of course,” he assured her, “there is nowhere I’d rather be.”

Chapter Eight

“So you and Luther’s son, huh?” Val asked Kenna a few days later. Kenna had been taking a rare moment alone in the garden, which was where Val had found her.

Kenna blinked in surprise. “I…”

“Don’t deny it,” Val told her cutting her off with a smirk, “First of all, everyone else already ratted you out, Jackson is beside himself. Plus, I was there the night you met, remember?”

“I didn’t think you did,” Kenna rebutted, side-stepping the topic.

“I didn’t at first,” Val said with a shrug, “but once I saw the looks the two of you were giving one another, it came back to me. Plus again, Jackson won’t shut up about it.”

“Are you going to tell me that I’m stupid and setting myself up for a fall?” Kenna asked with a sigh.

Val shook her head. “Nope.”

Kenna raised an eyebrow, “really?”

Val shrugged. “You’re a big girl and you can make your own decisions and it’s not my place to judge. Because, I was there that night, remember? And I knew that it was probably the first rebellious thing you’d ever done and that there had to be a pretty powerful attraction there to convince you to do it.”

“Yeah…” Kenna agreed. “He…”

“I don’t want details,” Val interrupted, making a face, “But yeah, if you want to be with him, I get it. Though, if he hurts you, I’ll kill him.”

“I’ll make sure he knows that,” Kenna promised.

“Besides, I admit, I’m just glad you’re not heartbroken over that snake Raydan,” Val said, a look of anger settling on her features. “You know that Azura has spies all over the place and I hope they tell him that you’ve moved on and aren’t wasting a moment crying over his lying, back-stabbing ass.”

“Val…” Kenna said softly. She still had a hard time thinking about Raydan and his betrayal. It just made no sense. But then did betrayal ever make sense? “How are you feeling?” She asked after a moment.

“Better thanks to Dom’s friend, Madeline,” Val told her, “though she threatened to wash my mouth out with soap.”

“I wouldn’t push her, she might do it.” Kenna said with a laugh. Madeline was very efficient and a little frightening.

“The Fydorian troops have arrived,” Val said after a moment, “I was on my way to go drill them, want to come with?”

Kenna shook her head. “No, I’m supposed to be meeting Diavolos to go over strategy.”

Val smirked. “Strategy, huh? Well enjoy your strategy meeting, I’ll tell you what, I’ll snag Jackson and make him come inspect the troops with me, to get him out of your hair.”

With that Val took off, leaving Kenna by herself. She wondered if she was being ridiculous, she was preparing for war and having romantic interludes at the same time. Her friends were apparently gossiping about her. Not to mention that Luther and the Abanthean troops would arrive in the next day or two and create a whole new set of complications.

Yet, none of that stopped her from heading back to the castle and to the war room. Despite, Val’s teasing, she and Diavolos really were planning on discussing strategy. Though, somehow they always started off with good intentions and ended up sneaking away somewhere to be alone. Plus he came to her room every night and stayed there until just before dawn. It was ridiculous how badly she wanted this man. It had only been a week since they’d met again and she couldn’t keep her hands off of him.

“Good day your majesty,” the man in question greeted as he strode into the throne room. He looked around. “Where’s Jackson? Normally he’s lurking close whenever you and I are together and giving me the evil eye.”

“Val lured him away,” Kenna told him as she unrolled the map, “I wanted your opinion on some troop placements.”

“Of course,” he said, coming to stand beside her, close enough that she could feel his body heat, “whatever you need, my queen.”

The teasing tone of his voice plus the proximity of his body had her drawing in a sharp breath. Still she forced herself to focus on the map, showing Diavolos what she had in mind. He listened intently and gave his honest opinion, his hand casually resting on her back as he studied the map.

Kenna wondered if this is what being married to Diavolos would be like. Working together as a team, discussing strategy, and sharing casual intimacies. The thought caught her by surprise.

Marriage to Diavolos… It was a crazy thought, wasn’t it? She had only known him for a week and there was so much working against them… Yet, no matter how she tried to dismiss it and focus on the battle plans, the thought lingered. How natural it felt to be here with Diavolos, how well they worked together…

“Kenna?” She blinked, realizing that Diavolos was speaking to her.

She glanced up at him. “Sorry, I was deep in thought.” She looked at the map. “I think I need a break.”

“That can be arranged,” Diavolos agreed, he stepped back and she immediately missed his closeness. They exited the throne room and by unspoken agreement, headed towards the entrance to the secret passage, but before Kenna could reach for it she heard someone call her name and turned to see Dom running towards her.

He nodded at Diavolos and then turned his attention back to her, “Tevan has been looking for you, there’s some questions about where you’ll want the Fydorian troops. He’s at the stables with Val and Jackson.”

“I’ll go talk to him,” Kenna said, repressing a sigh.

“I’ll go as well,” Diavolos volunteered and the three of them fell into step as they headed out of the castle.

Kenna reminded herself that the war needed to be the priority and that she shouldn’t be upset about being interrupted. Besides, at least at night there were no interruptions, she consoled herself, and that thought was enough to put a smile on her face as she continued the journey to the stables.

Diavolos slipped into Kenna’s room, unsurprised to see her standing by the window. It’s where he found her most nights and he had a feeling that she spent a lot of time there when she was alone.

She turned around as he closed the door. “It won’t be long,” she mused, “she won’t stay in Fydoria for long.” He knew she was talking about Azura and the upcoming war.

“No,” Diavolos agreed as he walked closer to her, “she’s likely waiting for reinforcements now that she has the coast, but she’ll be marching any day now.”

“I think we’ve done all we can,” Kenna mused, “I mean, there are a few things that still needed to be decided when the troops from Abanthus arrive tomorrow.”

“Yes,” Diavolos said, feeling a knot in his stomach at his father’s impending arrival.

The last week with Kenna… It had been like out of a dream. They worked so well together, sharing thoughts and ideas during the day and a bed at night.

He had never met a woman like her before. Not only was she beautiful and passionate, but she was also smart, fierce, and had a strategic mind that put some of Diavolos’s best soldiers to shame. But she wasn’t meant to be his. He had to keep reminding himself of that, this was an interlude and nothing else. His father would see to that.

“He won’t approve,” Kenna said quietly.

He looked at her in surprise.

“Your father,” she clarified, “he won’t approve of us.”

“No,” Diavolos said with a bitter laugh. “Unless he thought he could use it to his advantage, but even then… He’ll see it as a sign of disloyalty and that is one thing he does not tolerate.”

Kenna wrapped her arms around his neck. “And do you care what he thinks?”

He wanted to say no, assure her that he only cared about her, but… A lifetime of loyalty was hard to break and yet, the yes wouldn’t come up. “Not as much as I used to,” he admitted, running his hand over her back and the silk of her nightgown.

She smiled up at him, “that’s what I like to hear.”

She lifted her lips to his and he met them eagerly. He teased her lips apart with his tongue, one of his hands pressing into her back while the other tangle in her long hair.

“I’ve been wanting to do that all day,” he confessed against her lips. While they had been at each other’s sides most of the day, there had always been other people around. He had enjoyed her company, enjoyed listening to her opinions and ideas, but at the same time he had longed to touch her and not just little, polite touches.

“Me too,” she admitted, reaching for the buttons of his shirt. “You’re wearing too many clothes.”

“I can’t exactly walk across the castle naked,” he pointed out with a grin, even as he quickly discarded his pants and shrugged out of his shirt.

“I guess it would cause a bit of a scandal,” she admitted with a laugh.

“Just a little,” he agreed, tugging her shift over her head and throwing it on the floor. He then picked Kenna up and carried her over to the bed. He placed her down and then knelt over her, pushing her legs apart with his.

Diavolos placed a quick kiss on her lips and then began to kiss his way down her body, taking his time. He knew that his father’s arrival at Stormholt would complicate everything and he wanted to savor these moments with Kenna, before they had to remember who they were and all that stood between them. He wanted to touch all of her.

Diavolos placed tender kisses over her breasts, noting with pleasure the way Kenna’s breath sped up as he swirled his tongue over her nipple. His hands slid down her body, running over her sooth skin to rest on her thighs as he continued his exploration. He placed a gentle kiss on her hip bone as his hands caressed her thighs, his fingers tracing patters in her soft skin.

“Diavolos.” Coming from her lips, his name sounded like a caress.

He kissed lower, his mouth covering her center. He kept his movements slow and deliberate, taking his time to kiss and suck and lick, exploring her with his fingers and his mouth. She arched her hips up to him, her hands gripping his head, obviously wanting him to go faster, deeper but he kept his pace, taking his time and enjoying the moans he was eliciting from her.

She came to pieces around his mouth, her whole body shuddering with pleasure and just that sight, the knowledge that he could have effect on her, was enough to make Diavolos come undone.

“I want you,” Kenna pleaded, her eyes meeting his, “I want to feel you against me, inside me.”

“Your wish is my command,” he assured her, as he positioned himself above her and then entered her.

He lowered his mouth to hers as he began to thrust inside of her, both movements slow and deliberate. They moved together, their legs tangled together, her hands caressing his back, as he ran his fingers through her long hair.

Neither one of them was in a rush.

He kissed her lips, her forehead, her cheeks, while she traced patterns on his skin with her fingertips. Their hips touched, moving in perfect harmony, their bodies pressed close together.

Diavolos had been with a lot of women, but never like this. Never this slow, deliberate joining which was about so much more than physical. He knew he was giving himself to her, letting his body say what his words couldn’t.

The pleasure continued to build until he couldn’t take it anymore and neither could Kenna. He covered her mouth with his as they came together, partially because he was afraid of what he might say if he could speak.

Afterwards he rolled onto his back and gathered her into his arms, holding her close. She rested her head on his chest and tangled her legs with his, looking content, as if there was nowhere else she’d rather be.

Neither of them spoke.

Diavolos placed a kiss on her head and marveled at how much she had changed him in a short time. His views on the world, on love, on romance, even on his place in it… They had all changed thanks to her.

But he knew the biggest challenge was still ahead of them. Could they survive his father and his influence? Or would this be one more thing that Luther Nevrakis destroyed?

Chapter Nine

“Ugh, that trip was the worst.” Zenobia complained immediately after her arrival at Stormholt. “It was so slow and so boring.”

“Transporting troops often is,” Diavolos said dryly, he turned to his father. “Are all the men setting up the camp?”

“Yes,” Luther answered, “and I plan to go meet with Queen Kenna,” there was light sneer as he said her title, “and go over the battle plans. I assume you haven’t just been sitting around for the last week doing nothing.”

“No, Father,” Diavolos told him, fighting the urge to roll his eyes, “we didn’t sit around ‘doing nothing’. We have spent the last week making plans and coming up with a strategy.”

Luther didn’t look pleased at that, but that was nothing new. He was a hard man to please. Plus, Diavolos knew that while Luther wanted Azura defeated, some part of him also wanted Kenna to fail.

“I’ll show you to the rooms Kenna had set aside for you first,” Diavolos continued after a moment, “Father, you can have my room as I’ll go camp with the men.”

“You will do no such thing,” Luther barked, “I know I normally humor your ridiculous beliefs, but we need to show strength and that means acting as fits our station. I’m sure they can provide an extra room.”

Diavolos just nodded, knowing it wasn’t worth the argument, plus he had half-expected that reaction. He didn’t know if he was relieved or not. His current room was close to the secret passage and sneaking away from camp would lead to questions, but his father was very observant.

Not that it would stop him from visiting Kenna’s room, but he would have to be careful and probably not stay as long as he had been. That morning, the sun had been starting to rise when he returned to his own quarters and he knew he was lucky that he hadn’t run into any servants.

He showed his father and sister to their quarters. Zenobia announced her intention to “get the stink of travel” off of her, but Luther wasted no time checking out his quarters. Of course, he had resided in this castle for two years, though he didn’t say anything about that as he walked briskly to the throne room, Diavolos trailing behind.

When they arrived, Kenna stood and greeted Luther politely, inquiring about his trip.

“It got us here,” He snapped, “now how do you plan on dealing with the witch?”

Diavolos saw some of Kenna’s friends stiffen at his father’s rudeness, but Kenna took it in stride. “We’ve been working on that,” Kenna said and began to explain what they’d worked out over the last week.

Diavolos took his usual spot in the empty chair next to Kenna and saw his father raise an eyebrow. That was one of the many problems with having his father around, Luther never missed anything. Diavolos could see his studying him throughout the meeting, especially when Kenna turned to him several times, asking for his input.

Luther argued a bit, questioning some of the plans, but Diavolos knew his father well enough to know that it was mostly posturing.

“The army will have to be addressed,” Luther informed Kenna when the strategy meeting finally ended, “I assume you are up to the task?”

“I am,” Kenna said coolly, “I’ll address the Nevrakis troops tomorrow.”

“I look forward to it,” Luther assured her.

Diavolos knew his father didn’t think Kenna was capable of winning over the Nevrakis troops or even getting their co-operation and that he was hoping she’d fail, so that he could step in and show his dominance. Prove that he was the leader the Five Kingdoms needed.

After all, Luther Nevrakis always had a scheme and a high opinion of his own importance. But he also had a knack for underestimating Kenna Rys.

Luther motioned for Diavolos to follow him as he left the throne room, but Diavolos pretended not to see, instead busying himself in conversation with Tevan, who looked amused but offered no objection and instead cheerfully discussed strategy for the next several minutes.

He spent the rest of the afternoon avoiding his father, trying to put off the lecture on duty and loyalty that was sure to be forthcoming. But, of course, Luther couldn’t be avoided forever.

“Queen Kenna will find that the Nevrakis armies aren’t easily swayed by pretty speeches,” he commented, “and once she fails, I’ll be ready. You’ll need to be at my side, of course.”

Of course, that was his job, to stand there and loyally support his father, no matter what his actions.

“Oh, we’ll go ahead with the alliance,” Luther said dismissively, “at this point it’s too late to back down, but it’ll be on my terms.”

“And if she doesn’t fail?” Diavolos asked quietly. “What if she wins them over?”

“The way she has you?” Luther asked shrewdly. “Have you been swayed by her pretty speeches? Or maybe it’s not the speeches, but the queen herself?”

“I’ve just been doing what you told me too,” Diavolos reminded his father, “I’ve been representing the family, first in Aurelia and then in strategy sessions here.”

Luther studied him carefully, obviously looking for a sign that he was lying. “Keep it that way,” his father instructed roughly, “and don’t ever forget who you are and where your loyalty lies.”

Kenna stood by the window like she did most nights, those this time she wasn’t thinking about the impending battle. Instead she was wondering if Diavolos would come to her or if Luther’s arrival had upset whatever it was they had.

They had grown so close this past week and it had been easy to think of him as just a man, not as a Nevrakis. But Luther’s presence complicated everything. She had noticed in the meeting how tense Diavolos had been in his father’s presence and knew that this wasn’t easy on him.

Whatever he felt for her, and she knew it went beyond the physical, didn’t change the fact that Diavolos had spent a whole lifetime blind following Luther. Could she somehow break the hold that Luther had over him and convince Diavolos that he could be more than his father’s shadow?

The previous night, he’d made love to her with a tenderness that had taken her breath away and had been nothing like their previous, frenzied couplings. Kenna was no stranger to passion, but she also knew when an encounter was about something deeper than passion and she and Diavolos had reached that point.

There was something building between them, something truly special. But was it enough to break a lifetime of unquestioning obedience? Or was she destined to get her heart broken, because had to admit, if only to herself, her heart was involved and there would be no walking away from this unscathed.

She was so lost in thought that she didn’t hear the door open and wasn’t aware that she wasn’t alone until strong arms slipped around her waist.

“Hmm, I seem to have caught you unaware,” Diavolos whispered in her ear, “what should I do with you?”

“Whatever you want,” Kenna said boldly, turning in his arms so that she was facing him and then wrapping her arms around his neck.

She stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. He kissed her back hungrily, his arms locking around his waist and pulling her closer to him, so that she was pressed right up against him.

As they continued to kiss, he maneuvered them across the room, towards her bed. They pulled apart long enough to discard clothes and then his lips were on hers again, rough and demanding, as if trying to take everything that she had to give.

She surrendered willingly, kissing him back fervently. He slipped a hand between her legs as his mouth continued to invade her, touching her, teasing her before slipping a finger inside of her and then another. He pumped his fingers in and out of her, while at the same time his lips moved from hers to her neck and shoulders.

He nipped slightly at her collarbone before moving to her shoulder and biting down hard enough that she was sure she’d have a mark, while still maintaining a dizzying pace with his fingers. The combination was too much for her and she succumbed to the pleasure with a moan, shuddering against the bed.

Before she had time to recover, Diavolos was between her thighs and then he was inside of her, pushing himself into her hard and fast, one of his big hands pinning her arms behind her head as he did so.

“I need you,” he groaned as he pumped into her.

“You have me,” she assured him as she wrapped her legs around his waist, knowing he was talking about more than the physical.

“Say it,” he demanded, stilling his movement for a second and staring down into her eyes, “say you’re mine.”

Kenna remembered the conversation they’d had the night they rescued Dom, about how she’d never made promises to any of her lovers because her position wouldn’t allow her to. Had that changed? She wanted to believe, yes.

“I’m yours,” Kenna said without hesitation. It didn’t matter who his father was or anything else, she wanted this man, she needed him and it went far beyond the physical. Far beyond what she had expected that night at the tavern or even the first night on the airship. For better or worse, despite all the things that stood in their way, she wanted him and only him.

“Good,” he said, thrusting once more, hard and fast until Kenna couldn’t take it any longer and fell over the edge, Diavolos following her a moment later. He collapsed on top of her, pinning her to the bed. They stayed there for a long moment before Diavolos rolled onto his back and gathered her to his side.

Kenna bit her lip, there was so much she wanted to say, but she didn’t know where to start. So instead, she just laid there in silence, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

Then suddenly, he tensed. “Get dressed,” he whispered harshly.

She looked at him, both surprised and a little hurt by his tone, and opened her mouth to question him but he brought a finger to his lips, motioning for her to be quiet.

He quickly got out of the bed and grabbed his pants, dressing quickly. Kenna followed his lead and did the same and then followed him into the corner of the room just in time to see the door to her room open and a familiar figure enter.


Chapter Ten

Raydan was here. Had he come to kill her?

Kenna watched her former lover rush towards the bed, noting that he didn’t seem to be his usual collected self. Guilt or something else? Still whatever it was, it gave her the opportunity to catch him off-guard. She slipped from the shadows and behind the spymaster’s back, holding the knife she kept by her bed to his throat.

“Welcome home… traitor,” she greeted in a low voice. “Give me a good reason I shouldn’t slit your throat right now.”

“Kenna!” Raydan exclaimed and he sounded almost relieved, “I know what this looks like, but—”

“It looks like you snuck into to assassinate me.” Kenna said coolly.

“No! I snuck in to warn you!” Raydan defended. “Azura’s assassins are on their way! They could be in the room already!”

“I don’t see anyone else in here,” Kenna told him, forcing herself not to look at the shadows where Diavolos was still concealed. “

“Well if you saw them they wouldn’t be very good assassins, would they?” Raydan asked her with obvious exasperation.

She had to admit that he had a point, besides Raydan hadn’t even been trying to hide, not really. Though he did have a weapon in his hand. Honestly nothing about this situation felt right. Not his betrayal or his return.

“I think we should listen to him,” Diavolos said, stepping out of the shadows.

Kenna felt Raydan stiffen as he registered Diavolos’s presence, and his state of undress, and what it meant. But she didn’t have time to worry about that or to offer explanations. Not if there really were assassins on the way.

“Ok,” Kenna agreed, dropping the knife and stepping forward so she and Raydan were face to face. “Talk. Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you right now.”

“Because I’m here to help you,” Raydan said quietly, “because everything I did was for,” his eyes flickered to Diavolos for a moment, “Stormholt. I wanted to protect the kingdom and everyone in it.”

Kenna wanted to believe him, she really did. But how she did she know this wasn’t one more lie?

“He’s your spymaster, Kenna,” Diavolos pointed out quietly, “gathering information any way possible is his job.”

“You knew…” Kenna realized. She thought back to Adder’s lukewarm reaction to her brother’s betrayal, to how Annelyse wouldn’t meet her eyes whenever Raydan’s betrayal came up. They had all known or at least guessed.

“I suspected,” Diavolos corrected, “but Azura has spies everywhere and one word spoken out loud, one hint would have blown his cover, if indeed that was what he was doing.”

Kenna knew he was right, but she still felt foolish that she hadn’t seen it and perhaps a little hurt that Diavolos had seen how much Raydan’s betrayal had hurt her and still hadn’t said a word.

“Your… companion, speaks the truth, any doubt about my intentions would have gotten back to Azura and would have jeopardized my mission.” Raydan said, he studied Diavolos, obviously trying to place the face, and then raised an eyebrow. “Prince Diavolos?”

Diavolos crossed his arms over his bare chest and simply nodded.

“I take it the alliance has been… successful.” Raydan commented in a low voice.

Kenna thought about how ridiculous the situation was. Not just the potential assassins, but the fact that she was standing there with her lover and her former lover, who might not be aware that he was “former”, in her bedroom in the middle of the night.

“Very successful,” Diavolos agreed, his eyes focused on Raydan.

Kenna glared at him, this was not the time for male posturing. Not if Raydan was telling the truth. “Can you two stop glaring at each other for a moment so we can focus on the assassins?”

“Of course,” Raydan said, turning his attention back to her, “we need to sound the alarm and call the guards, before—” He was cut-off by the sound of bells in the distance.

Kenna listened. “Five bells… A fire?”

“No…” Raydan said slowly, “a distraction.

At his words, Diavolos knocked Kenna to the ground covering her with his body, just as a blade threw the air and a terrifying figure dressed all in black landed in the room.

“Clever, spy.” The figure said, looking at Raydan. “Your death will not be swift.”

“I take it this is one of those assassins you mentioned.” Kenna commented as Diavolos helped her back to her feet.

“Yes. One of the Shadows of Azura.” Raydan told her. “They’re an ancient order of assassins who specialize in eliminating well-protected royalty.”

Kenna glanced at Diavolos, remembering what he had told her about his mother.

His face was grim. “And you know this how?”

“Azura told me over drinks.” Raydan confessed.

“She what?” Kenna asked in disbelief. She knew Raydan was charming, but surely he wasn’t that charming.

Apparently the assassin had no interest in their banter, because he turned to her. “Kenna Rys.”

“That’s me,” she answered, her hand on her sword, which she had grabbed after releasing Raydan.

“I am a Shadow of She Who Shines Brightest. I am Lightning.” The assassin informed her.

“Be careful, Kenna.” Raydan advised. “Azura told me they work in pairs.”

Kenna was curious just how much information Raydan had managed to get out of Azura and what he’d had to do it for, but she’d have to wait for the answers. There was much more pressing things to focus on.

“I’ll wager ‘Thunder’ is hidden somewhere, waiting for right moment to strike.” “The Empress demands your death.” Lightning informed her before dashing forward and slashing at with her some odd weapon.

Kenna shoved him back, slashing at his chest with her sword. But he merely somersaulted away, but a moment later, the assassin seemed to stumble, falling to one knee.

Kenna rolled her eyes at the obvious ploy. “Nice try. If you think I’m going to fall for that…” She began, whirling just as she heard the slight sound of movement behind her, “think again.”

She caught her blade against the assassin’s weapon, catching him off-guard, while Raydan and Diavolos moved to cover Lightning.


“So I keep hearing,” Kenna said in a bored tone. She turned to the men. “What do you think about teaching this clumsy pair of dancers a step or two?”

“That can be arranged,” Diavolos told her, his hand on his sword, taking his place on her right.

She’d teased him for bringing his sword with him to her room, but now she was glad that he was a creature of habit.

“Anytime, my queen,” Raydan said smoothly, falling into formation on her left.

The three of them moved with ease, taking on the two shadows. At one point, she feel Diavolos at her back, as steel clashed against steel, a moment later Raydan swung her out of the way of another blow. In a matter of moments, the three of them managed to disarm the Shadows.

“You’re beaten,” Kenna informed them, her foot on Lighting’s chest, “Surrender and your lives will be spared.”

“Kenna…” She heard Diavolos mutter, but she ignored him. This was her castle and she would handle it her way.

“Shadows do not surrender.” Ligtning said scornfully.

“SHADOWS DO NOT FAIL.” Thunder boomed a moment later.

“Well, there’s a first time for every… thing?” Raydan began and then trailed off. Kenna glanced at him and saw his hand was wet with blood. “oh.. when did that…? I didn’t even feel..”

Kenna watched in horror as he started to sway. “Raydan! NO!” She caught him in her arms, his blood staining the white of her night gown. They sunk to the floor together, him in her arms. When had he gotten hurt?

“I’ll take care of these two,” Diavolos told her, motioning to the Shadows.

Kenna nodded, focusing on Raydan. “Stay with me,” She pleaded, “I can’t… I can’t lose you too.” She’d already lost Gabriel and Leon, she couldn’t lose someone else.

Diavolos made swift work of both assassins, finishing Thunder off just as the doors open and the guards burst in.

“Are you ok your majesty?” One of them asked, looking around.

Kenna suddenly realized what it must look like. Two dead assassins, but also two men in the queen’s quarters in the middle of the night, one of them without a shirt on. She knew there would be gossip and questions, but right now she couldn’t bring herself to care.

She just needed Raydan to be all right.

Diavolos watched Kenna carefully as Raydan was carried to the medical wing. The distress on her face was obvious. Had she realized she cared more for the spymaster than she thought? Only hours earlier, she had sworn she was his, but had Raydan’s return changed that?

“Kenna?” He asked quietly.

She turned to him and then to his surprise, she buried her face in his chest. He held her close, running a hand over her hair. “It’s ok.”

After a long moment, Kenna pulled away and gave him a weary smile. “It’s been a long night.”

“That it has,” he agreed, “And I suspect it’s going to get longer.”

“Yes,” Kenna said with a sigh, “I need to talk to the others, we’ll need to interrogate Raydan, once he wakes up and… There’s going to be talk.”

“Yeah.” Diavolos said, thinking of how his father was going to react.

“We couldn’t hide our relationship forever,” Kenna said quietly, “not if we wanted…” She trailed off, looking at him carefully, “and we do both want…”

“I want you,” Diavolos told her instantly, “Any way I can have you. You make me want things I’ve never even thought about before.”

“I want you too,” she told him quietly, “I mean, it seems impossible to plan for the future with Azura looming, but when I think about it, all I see is you.”

“Not Raydan?” Diavolos asked before he could stop himself.

“No,” Kenna said quietly, “Raydan is my friend. His betrayal devastated me and I need him to be ok, but… I don’t want to be with him. I want to be with you.”

Diavolos pulled her close and covered her lips with his, pouring all of his emotion into that kiss. Kenna kissed him back with equal passion, clinging to him and they both lost themselves in the kiss until a loud sound behind them caused them to pull apart.

“Your majesty?” Jackson was standing there, looking particularly disapproving.

Kenna blushed and let go of Diavolos, before turning to Jackson. “Yes, Jackson.”

“Raydan is settled in the infirmary and Annelyse wishes to speak to you,” he told her, he nodded to the bodies on the floor, “and those should be disposed of.”

“Of course,” Kenna agreed, “Give me a moment to get dressed.”

Jackson nodded, giving Diavolos one more unfriendly look before exiting the room.

Diavolos grabbed his shirt and hastily buttoned it up. “I don’t think he likes me,” he joked.

Kenna laughed, “you’re getting off easily, Gabriel or Leon would have had you killed and then made you’re your body was never found. They were a tad protective.” There was a wistfulness in her voice as she spoke about her former crown guardians.

“I remember the way Leon glared at me that night at the tavern,” Diavolos told her, “I’m surprised I walked out unscathed.”

“You can thank Val for that,” Kenna said with a laugh. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his in a quick kiss. “I’ll see you later.”

He headed back to his own quarters, unsurprised to see his father and Zenobia waiting for him. No doubt they had been awoken due to all the commotion and then found his room empty.

“What in the Hells is going on?” Luther thundered the moment he entered the room.

“There’s so much commotion!” Zenobia said gleefully. “Talks of spies and assassins and half-naked princes in the Queen’s quarters,” the last was said with a gleeful look in his direction.

“Azura sent assassins after Kenna,” Diavolos told them, “the spymaster arrived in time to warn her.”

“And what about you? What’s your part in all this?” Luther asked coldly.

“The assassins, they were the same ones that murdered Mother,” Diavolos said instead, the knowledge still weighing on him. “Apparently they are how Azura takes out royalty that she wants to get rid of.”

He watched his father’s face, curious if there would be any emotion at all, anything that showed he cared. But there was nothing, just a cold mask.

“Once again, Kenna Rys’s extraordinary luck holds,” he said instead and Diavolos realized that his father was disappointed that the assassins had failed. “That also doesn’t explain how you happened to be there at that time of night,” Luther reminded him.

Diavolos stayed quiet. He didn’t want to have this conversation with his father, though he knew that once Luther got an idea in his head, it was impossible to redirect him.

“Zenobia, go to your room,” Luther ordered after a moment, “I need to speak to your brother alone.”

Zenobia sent Diavolos a sympathetic look before nodding and leaving the room.

“So you bedded the girl,” Luther said in disgust, “did you forget who you are, who she is?”

“How can I when you won’t let me?” Diavolos asked dryly. “And last time I checked, it’s none of your business who I bed.”

“It is when the family name is at stake,” Luther reminded him, “you can’t be so foolish to think that this means anything. For either of you.”

Diavolos grit his teeth, trying to keep his temper in check.

“This alliance is an illusion,” Luther told him, “you and I both know that. If we somehow manage to destroy the witch, then we’ll be back where we started.”

It was what Diavolos had already known, that his father wouldn’t go peacefully into the night, but hearing him say it out loud…

“You are a Nevrakis,” Luther continued, “my only living son. You have a duty to me, to the family name, and that has to come before any so-called feelings you might have for the girl.”

“I know who I am,” Diavolos said finally.

“Good.” Luther said giving him a long look. “Besides do you think she’d really choose you? With all the history between the families? Believe me, whatever foolishness you two are indulging in, it won’t last. It can’t.”

With that Luther turned and strode out of the room, leaving Diavolos clenching his fists in anger. His father’s words playing over and over in his mind. “It won’t last. It can’t.” He tried to push them aside and focus instead of the memories of Kenna’s words “I want to be with you.”

His father was wrong, was trying to make him doubt Kenna and he couldn’t let it work. He’d spent a lifetime blindly following Luther’s lead, but not anymore. He’d heard the threat in his father’s words and knew that if, by some miracle, they survived the coming war then he was going to have to make a choice.

Except, Diavolos realized slowly, he’d already made that choice. Every time he’d gone to Kenna, every time he’d opened up to her and let himself fall deeper, he’d chosen her over family loyalty and now… Now he was in too deep to ever turn back. Even if his father was right, even if she didn’t choose him in the end, he would still always choose her.

Chapter Eleven

“How badly did Father berate you last night?” Zenobia asked leaning against the door of his room.

“Don’t you know how to knock?” Diavolos asked her, as he continued buttoning his shirt, not bothering to even glance her way.

It was mid-morning. Diavolos normally didn’t sleep this late, or ever really, but he normally didn’t fight assassins in the middle of the night and then have to deal with his father either, so he figured that he’d make an exception this once. Though, the downside was that normally he was up and gone by the time Zenobia roused herself and didn’t have to deal with her.

“I didn’t see the need,” Zenobia said with a shrug, “I mean obviously, going by last night, if I were to interrupt anything it would be in Kenna’s quarters.”

Diavolos ignored her and headed for the door, but she stopped him. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“Maybe because I didn’t want to,” he said pointedly and then sighed, “it was fine. No worse than usual. It was just the usual spiel, reminding me of my family duty, etc.”

Zenobia rolled her eyes. “Same old Father.” She looked at him. “I have to admit, you’ve impressed me.”

“Have I?” Diavolos asked dryly, wondering what she was getting at.

“Yeah, I didn’t think you had it in you to have a secret affair with Father’s enemy,” Zenobia commented, “you’ve always been the boring, loyal one.”

“My love life is none of your business,” Diavolos said coldly.

“Whatever,” Zenobia said, obviously unbothered by his tone, “besides, until recently, I wouldn’t have said that you had a love life. At least not an interesting one.” She paused. “But as exciting as this is, have you thought about what you’re doing?”

“Oh, Hells, don’t tell me you’re going to give me a lecture on family loyalty too,” he exclaimed.

“Don’t be silly,” Zenobia told him, “I just… You’re my brother and I don’t want to see you hurt.”

He softened. “I know.” Despite everything, he and Zenobia had always looked out for each other, in their own way. “Kenna and I… It’s complicated.” He told her after a moment, “but it didn’t start with that dinner. We knew each other before.”

Zenobia blinked. “Really? But when? I don’t remember you ever going to Stormholt and she never visited Lykos…”

No, the Rys family had kept to themselves in the days before the first alliance, safe in their fortress. It had been a strategic move, given the weakness of their position: a lone female ruler who’s claim came from marriage not birth and her teenage daughter. It made sense for them to stay where they were strongest. Of course, in the end, even their fortress hadn’t been enough to protect them from Luther’s ambition.

“It doesn’t matter,” Diavolos dismissed, not wanting to tell the story of his first meeting with Kenna.

Zenobia nodded, letting the subject drop for once. “Father isn’t going to let this go,” she said after a moment, “you know how he is about loyalty.”

Diavolos sighed. “Unfortunately, yes.”

“And if he’s given any power at all…” Zenobia said, trailing off. “He’s going to force us back into a war until we’re all dead.”

“There’s a very good possibility,” Diavolos agreed, “Do you have any idea how to stop him, because I don’t.”

Short of killing him, of course. Which… Well, it was thought that kept lingering at the back of Diavolos’s mind, but he tried not to think about it. There had to be another way to neutralize his father.

Zenobia twisted her lips in consideration. “Actually, I do have an idea,” she said with a nod.

“Care to share?” Diavolos asked curiously.

“No,” his sister said shortly, “I can take care of this myself.”

She then turned and left. Diavolos watched her go, wondering what she was up to and shrugged, realizing he’d find out later. A moment later he headed out the door himself, though he headed in the direction of the Abanthus camps.

Kenna would be addressing the Abanthus troops later that day, he remembered, wondering what she planned to say. He knew his father was hoping she would screw up, but he didn’t think she would.

Maybe he biased, but a week in her company and he could see why she had been so successful as a leader. There was something about her that made you want to follow her anywhere. Yes, there was a lot of bad blood between Abanthus and Stromholt, but Diavolos had faith that if anyone could come up with a way to bridge the gap and make the alliance work, it would be Kenna.

And he was willing to do his part, which was why he was headed to the camps. He wanted to talk to some of the commanders, do what he could to emphasize how important this alliance was and gauge the general reaction from the troops.

It might also let him find out if his father was planning anything and come up with a way to block him, just in case, Zenobia’s plan, whatever it might be, failed.

Kenna watched the others leave Raydan’s room, the interrogation over. Everyone had been satisfied with his explanation that he had indeed been working for their benefit, though Val was still justifiably angry.

“Welcome back,” Kenna said after a moment.

He smiled wearily. “It’s good to be back.” There was a long silence between them. “So I take it the alliance is going smoothly?” Raydan asked after a moment.

Kenna blushed, knowing he was referring to Diavolos’s presence in her bed chambers. “It’s complicated,” She said finally, “do you remember when you asked me about my past relationships?”

“Yes,” Raydan said slowly, obviously surprised by the change of topic.

“I told you that my only real experience had come from a stranger in a tavern,” Kenna reminded him. She remembered that she had caught him off-guard by the information, because it obviously wasn’t what he had expected of a proper, well-bred princess.

“I remember,” Raydan told her and then his eyes widened as he figured out what she was trying to say, “Oh. That is unexpected.”

“That’s one way of putting it,” Kenna agreed. There was a long moment of silence. “Raydan—” She began.

He shook his head. “No explanations, necessary, my queen, there were never any promises between us.”

No, Kenna agreed silently, there hadn’t been. Sometimes she thought she might like promises, but Raydan side-stepped the subject or subtly reminded her that she was a queen and his place was in the shadows, which Kenna took as a warning that they had no future.

Maybe she could have pushed, tried to breakdown his walls, but… Deep down, she knew her feelings had never been deep enough for that. She’d cared about Raydan dearly, he was one of her closest friends, and he’d been a wonderful lover with whom she had experienced an intense passion, but… Passion could wane and even by the time he’d left for Fydoria, Kenna had noticed that things were changing between them.

Maybe that was why she had been able to believe that he could betray her. Perhaps that was why she had been able to turn to Diavolos so quickly, but she thought that had more to do with Diavolos than Raydan. There was so much she wanted to say, but she didn’t know how to put it into words.

“Raydan—” She began again, but he just shook his head, obviously not wanting a long explanation.

“I just want you to be happy,” he told her quietly.

“I am,” Kenna told him and then laughed, “or I will be once the threat of death isn’t looming over me.” Though, at the back of her mind there was the lingering thought that Azura was only part of the problem. Even if they somehow triumphed, there would still be Luther to deal with. However, she’d worry about that when the time came.

“I should let you get some rest,” Kenna said after a moment, “plus I have a speech to give.”

“That shouldn’t be any problem,” Raydan reminded her, “they should come naturally by now.”

“Normally I’m giving them to Stormholt soldiers.” Kenna commented.

Raydan raised an eyebrow. “Who are you addressing today?”

“Luther’s troops.” She knew it wouldn’t be an easy speech, there was so much bad blood between the armies. She also needed to decide who should command the Abanthus troops and she’d been trying to keep her personal feelings out of the decision, which was hard.

“And they’re a tough audience, let me tell you.” Zenobia said from the doorway, she beckoned to Kenna. “Come on, Kenna. I need to talk to you about something before your speech.”

Kenna was curious as to what Zenobia had to say. “Of course.” She turned to Raydan. “Get some rest.”

He nodded and then Kenna followed Zenobia out the door and towards the parapet.

“You have to give my brother command of our armies.” Zenobia announced after a moment.

Kenna stared at her in interest, she’d assumed Zenobia had wanted to talk to her about something frivolous. “I don’t have to do anything.” She said, even though she had been leaning towards that very decision.

Zenobia rolled her eyes. “No. Ugh. Listen. Look, you don’t like me and I don’t like you. I mean, I really, really don’t like you.”

“I get it.” Kenna told her.

“But my brother does like you,” Zenobia added, “I don’t know why and I don’t know what’s going on between you, and I don’t care.”

“That’s a relief,” Kenna said dryly.

“What I care about is my future,” Zenobia continued.

“What does giving Diavolos command of the army have to do with your future?” Kenna asked curiously.

“Because while I may not like you, and I really, really don’t like you, you know what I like even less?” Zenobia asked her.

“Bad hair?” Kenna joked.

“No!” Zenobia exclaimed. “Well, yes, but no. I was going to say being at war.

Kenna raised an eyebrow. “You don’t like being at war?” She’d assumed that war was the Nevrakis family hobby. Even Diavolos, who had proven himself to be more than a typical Nevrakis, acknowledged that he didn’t know what life without war was like.

“No!” Zenobia exclaimed, making a face. “War is the worst! Al the eligible suitors are off fighting, the staff keeps changing names, my favorite shops are always closed…”

Well, that was one way to put it. Once you got past her blood-thirstiness, Zenobia was your basic spoiled noblewoman.

“You lead an… interesting life.” Kenna said dryly.

“And I want to keep on leading it.” Zenobia informed her. “But if you give my father back his little army men, he’ll shove them up your nose the first chance he gets.”

That was Kenna’s worry. That putting Luther in charge of the troops, even though that had been the unspoken agreement when they’d made the alliance, was just asking for trouble.

“Your father couldn’t possibly be that stupid.” She commented, though she actually though that he probably could.

Zenobia rolled her eyes. “Have you met my father? He’s a vain, stubborn old man. All he cares about is ‘restoring our family legacy’.” She gave Kenna a knowing look. “He was not happy to hear about Diavolos’s night time activities, by the way.”

“I didn’t think he would be,” Kenna said quietly, “but it’s none of his business.”

Zenobia snorted, “my father thinks everything is his business. Look, I don’t know what is going on with you and Diavolos, and I don’t really care, but my father isn’t going to stay out of it. He’s not just going to stand aside and let the two of you be together. It’ll just give him more incentive to pull something stupid.”

As much as Kenna hated the idea of taking advice from Zenobia, she was making a lot of sense and really it fit with Kenna’s mental picture of Luther.

“Diavolos is loyal to your father.” She said quietly. It was what she’d heard about Diavolos long before she’d met him. That he was the loyal son, Luther’s shadow, and even he had told her about years of blindly following his father’s commands. Could that really change in just a couple of weeks?

Zenobia gave her a long, searching look. “Is he? Still?” It was the question that Kenna kept asking herself, if it came to that, who would Diavolos choose? “However, personal feeling aside, as loyal as he is to our father, he’s more loyal to his people.”

That fit with the image of Diavolos Kenna had gotten to know so well. He had impressed her with his military knowledge, with the way he treated the servants and how he obviously cared for his men.

“You obviously trust him enough to bed him,” Zenobia pointed out, “so shouldn’t you trust him enough to let him lead?”

“You’re right,” Kenna said quietly, knowing there was no point in denying her romantic relationship with Diavolos.

She’d been leaning towards that decision even before her talk with Zenobia, but she’d worried that she was being blinded by her personal feelings for Diavolos and not making an impartial decision. But hearing the same advice from Zenobia of all people actually helped reassure her that it was the right choice.

Chapter Twelve

Diavolos followed his father out to the parapet where Kenna was standing, ready to address the combined armies of Stormholt and Abanthus. He greeted her with a smile, “Queen Kenna.”

“Prince Diavolos,” she said warmly, with a smile of her own, one that was just a little more than friendly.

Out of the corner of his eye, Diavolos could see his father scowling, but did his best to ignore him. “History will remember this day.” He told Kenna, resisting the urge to reach out and push her hair back from her face. “A crucial turning point in the Stormholt-Abanthus alliance.”

He heard a scoffing sound before his father descended the stairs. Diavolos sighed and followed his father down the stairs and to the courtyard where the troops were assembled.

He looked up at where Kenna stood, flanked by Dom and Jackson.

“Soldiers of Stormholt!” She called out to loud cheers from her troops. “Knights of Abanthus.”

Total silence. Diavolos saw his father smirk.

“For too long we have fought one another,” Kenna continued. “This wars has been a cruel and costly tragedy. But a great enemy is upon us now. Let us unite once, and for all!”

Diavolos nodded along with her words. She was saying what needed to be said, no need to focus on the past, but at the same time there was way to ignore it. Instead they all just needed to concentrate on the future. The troops seemed to agree because there was a hearty cheer from both sides, Stormholt and Abanthus.

“Hear, hear!” Diavolos called out, adding his support to the crowd. He could see his father glaring at him, but he didn’t care. This alliance was important, he’d feel that way even if he didn’t have feelings for Kenna.

“With that in mind, I have made a decision regarding the battle to come.” Kenna announced and her gaze seemed to be focused on him. “The armies of Abanthus will be led by Prince Diavolos.”

“What?” He asked in surprise, though he knew she couldn’t hear him.

“What?!” His father’s exclamation was a lot louder and a lot angrier.

Diavolos noticed that his sister was smiling in satisfaction and wondered if she’d had a hand in this, was that the plan she’d had in mind? If so, to what end?

“He has been leading against the Iron Empire since I was little more than a child,” Kenna continued, “and has been proven himself to be the experienced leader we need. What’s more, in our recent rescue mission, he proved himself a capable warrior and a trustworthy ally. I can think of no one more fit to lead and I look forward to fighting side by side with him in the coming battle.”

There was a roar of approval from the Abanthus troops which Diavolos found gratifying, though he already knew he was popular with the soldier. Probably a lot more popular than his father was, if he was being perfectly honest.

Kenna dismissed the troops, after announcing that scouts had spotted Azura’s army on the horizon and that war would be there by morning.

“The Queen chose well,” Magnus, his second-in-command and his closest friend told him in a low voice as he passed by.

Diavolos shot him a warning look, knowing how Magnus about his father, but the other man just smiled in return. The troops disbanded, with orders to prepare for battle in the morning.

Diavolos headed towards the castle, but was stopped by his father’s hand on his shoulder.

“We need to talk,” Luther barked.

“Of course, Father,” Diavolos told him, repressing the urge to sigh. He noticed that Zenobia had managed to disappear, not that he blamed her. No one wanted to deal with his father when he was in this kind of mood.

Diavolos followed his father into the castle and into the nearest empty room.

“Is this your plan?” Luther demanded, “seduce the girl and make a bid for power on your own?”

“No,” Diavolos said coolly, “I had no idea that she was about to do that. However, it was the right move.”

“Was it now?” Luther inquired with a menacing glare.

“Well, she certainly couldn’t lead them herself,” Diavolos pointed out reasonably. It would have been foolish to think otherwise and obviously Kenna had come to that same conclusion.

While her speech had hit the right notes, it didn’t immediately make up for all the bad blood between Stormholt and Abanthus and an alliance was one thing, asking the Abanthus troops to follow the leadership of a woman they had been locked into battel against only a few weeks before was something entirely different.

“Those are my troops,” his father pointed out, “I’ve been leading them for decades, long before that naïve girl was even born. Why should this battle be any different?”

“Because Kenna’s the one calling the shots and not you,” Diavolos reminded him. “That’s what happens when you lose.” Luther glared at him. “She might have agreed to an alliance,” Diavolos continued, “but she’s still the one with the power and she doesn’t like or trust you.”

“But she trusts you,” Luther snarked.

“I haven’t tried to kill her,” Diavolos pointed out.

“No, you’ve just bedded her,” his father replied, giving him a cold look, “I would have given her more credit than that, to be distracted by a handsome face, but she is young. ”

Diavolos wanted to defend Kenna, to protest it was much more than that between them, but he stayed silent. Such a confession wouldn’t help anyone, it would just give his father another weapon to use in his attempt to destroy Kenna.

Luther smiled suddenly, an unpleasant sight. “Her youth and naivety will work to our favor though as long as you don’t forget who you are and where your loyalties lie.”

Diavolos forced himself to stay neutral as he met his father’s eyes. “Yes, Father.” If only his father knew that he already knew exactly where his loyalty lay and that, if it came to it, he would do whatever he had to do to keep Kenna safe.

“What made you decide to let Prince Diavolos command the Abanthus troops?” Dom asked as he and Kenna headed back to the Great Hall to check on the preparations for the feast she had decided to hold that night.

“Are you asking if I made the decision because of my personal feelings?” Kenna asked dryly.

“No!” Dom denied and then smiled sheepishly, “at least, not really. It was just a surprise.”

“I’d been thinking about it for the last few days,” Kenna admitted, “and then Zenobia made the suggestion, her reasons being the same as the ones I kept coming up with. It really comes down to the fact that I don’t trust Luther.”

“Neither do I,” Dom muttered darkly, “and I’m not above eating him if it comes to that.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Kenna said with a smile, “but I also know that it would be foolish for me to attempt to lead the troops, they don’t have any reason to follow me.”

“So you chose Diavolos instead,” Dom said with a nod, “it does make sense. He’s a Nevrakis, so their army will follow him, and you obviously trust him.”

Kenna raised an eyebrow at his emphasis. “I assume you’re talking about my personal relationship with Diavolos now.”

“I’m not the only one,” Dom told her, he laughed at her expression, “oh come on, you had to have known there would be talk. Assassins, spies, and half-naked princes all running around in the Queen’s bedchambers in the middle of the night? It’s exciting stuff.”

Kenna rolled her eyes. “It does sound like something out of some bad romantic story. What’s the general reaction?”

Dom tended to hear more of the castle gossip than she did, which was surprising given his former position as a servant and the fact that most of the staff considered him one of them.

Dom shrugged. “Most of the gossip is focused on the assassins, though there are a few people wondering if the Prince of Abanthus is going to become the new King of Stormholt.”

“Would the people be ok with that, do you think?” Kenna asked quietly.

Dom looked at her in surprise. “It’s that serious?”

She nodded. “I think so, yes.”

“His father might be a problem,” Dom pointed out. “I can’t see Luther giving his blessing.”

Kenna sighed, “I know.”

Thankfully they arrived at the great hall at that moment and Kenna had to answer questions from the servants, putting an end to the conversation. She knew Luther was a complication, she just didn’t know how she was going to deal with him.

Kenna busied herself preparing for banquet, finding it a nice distraction from thinking about the coming war. At one point, Diavolos entered the Great Hall to offer a hand, which she appreciated. She noticed that his father and sister were nowhere to be seen and guessed neither of them did menial labor.

Kenna decided she needed a break and slipped out of the great hall, catching Diavolos’s eye before she did so. She headed up to her chambers. A few minutes later, Diavolos joined her and immediately pulling her into his arms. His kiss was warm and familiar, his hands resting on her waist.

“My father is furious,” he told her when the kiss ended.

“Did he actually think I would be stupid enough to give him control of an army again?” Kenna questioned.

“I don’t know if he actually thought you would, but I think he hoped,” Diavolos told her, “but while he is angry at that, he’s angrier at me, he’s thinks I’m angling to usurp him. After all that is the Nevrakis family way.”

“Your family has issues,” Kenna commented, “what did you tell him? About us, I mean.”

Diavolos sighed. “I tried to avoid tell him anything. My father… He has a tendency to ruin things.”

“I’ve noticed that about him,” Kenna agreed, she brushed her hand against his cheek. “He can’t ruin this, Diavolos.”

She believed that. Her feelings for Diavolos had developed despite his father, despite his last name, and she wouldn’t judge him on something he couldn’t control. The only thing that could change her feelings now, was Diavolos himself.

“While my father is furious with me, I think my sister finds it hilarious,” Diavolos said after a moment, “Zenobia lives for gossip.”

“Well, there’s certainly plenty of that going on,” Kenna agreed, she sighed, “I keep hearing my mother’s voice in my head.”

“Oh?” Diavolos asked quietly, his hand moving up from her waist to rub her back.

“She raised me to be a proper princess, to always remember who I was and act accordingly,” Kenna told him, remembering all the lectures, “I’m not sure being caught with my lover, my spymaster and two assassins in my bedchambers is what she would have considered proper behavior.”

“I have a hard time picturing you as a proper princess,” Diavolos teased, placing a playful kiss on her neck.

“In some ways, I wasn’t,” Kenna admitted, “but in others, I was. I was seventeen before I had my first kiss,” she confided, “and even that involved sneaking away from the castle and a desire to just be a normal girl.”

“I was fifteen when my father took me aside and explained that it as normal to have urges,” Diavolos said and she could sense how mortified he had been. “He then pointed out a barmaid and suggested that I should take care of those urges.”

Kenna cringed. That sounds like Luther all right, but it was so cold and awkward.

“Maybe that’s why I’m not very good at this,” Diavolos admitted, pulling away slightly.

“I don’t know, I think you’re very good at it,” Kenna said, wrapping her arms around his neck, not wanting him to pull away from her.

He laughed, “that’s not what I meant, though I appreciate the compliment.” He looked down into her eyes, his usual confident grin replaced by a look of uncertainty. “I just…”

“I know,” Kenna told him before placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

He kissed her back with surprising sweetness. “I could do that all day,” he told her, running his fingers through her hair.

“Me too,” Kenna admitted, “unfortunately, I think people might notice if I skipped my own feast.”

“Probably,” Diavolos acknowledged with a sigh, “and that would just lead to more gossip.”

“Yes,” Kenna agreed, she knew at some point the gossip would have to be addressed or rather she and Diavolos would have to come to an agreement about the status of their relationship and how they wanted to move forward. But the night before the biggest battle of their life wasn’t the time or place for that.

She pressed her lips to his one more time, unable to resist the impulse and then reached for the door. As much as she wanted to hide away with Diavolos all night, she had queen duties to attend to.

Though, she silently vowed to find some time to sleep away with Diavolos at some point in the night, just the two of them.

Chapter Thirteen

Kenna spent the evening making small talk with her various friends and allies. It felt like it was never ending whirl of conversation and it amazed her to think how many people had entered her life in the last few years.

Of all the gathered allies, only Dom had been a part of her life before that fateful day of the first alliance. She supposed she should thank Luther for that, for all the people she had met because of his tyranny. She wouldn’t, of course, but to herself, she’d acknowledge that her life was much richer for the struggles she had endured and she was grateful for the people she had met along the way.

Seeing all the faces of the people willing to fight by her side definitely improved her morale. Azura had mindless minions, Kenna had friends. Well, most of them were friends, she thought as she headed towards where Luther was sitting.

She had checked in with everyone else, she knew she had to at least acknowledge Luther. He patted the seat next to him, motioning for her to sit, but she shook her head.

“I’m fine, thanks,” she said coolly. She had to acknowledge his presence, but that didn’t mean she had to be friendly.

Luther rolled his eyes. “Suit yourself.”

There was a moment of long silence, both of them staring at the other. There was so much that could be said, but should it? Probably not. After all, for better or worse, they were currently allies.

“A buffet of hard choice.” Luther said after a moment.

Kenna blinked. “What?”

“That’s all you’ll ever receive, as a ruler.” He told her. “Your advisors, the nobles, they’ll hand out the easy choices amongst themselves, like candy. But the real tough meat? The hard choices? They’ll save those for you. And you’ve got to swallow every one of them whole.”

“Is that how you view ruling?” She asked him, wondering if he saw everything as a constant battle. It would explain a lot, actually.

“That’s how I view being a ruler,” he corrected at her, he turned to look at her slowly, his eyes cool. “You appointed my son to lead the Nevrakis troops tomorrow. You might regret that, someday.”

“That sounds like a threat.” Kenna said coolly, wondering if the threat was on behalf of himself or if he was warning her not to trust Diavolos.

Luther smiled and, as always, Kenna was struck by what an unpleasant sight it was. “Does it? Well good. Then I still have my edge. But I only meant it as a warning, Queen of Stormholt.” He told her, still looking directly at her. “Regret is a friend you’ll come to know well, in the years to come. Assuming that witch doesn’t kill us all tomorrow.”

Yes, assuming that.

“As for my son… He still has to learn to make hard choices,” Luther told her pointedly. “Both of you do.” Kenna stayed silent. “When you’re young, love seems like the powerful force in the world,” Luther continued, “and you believe that it can conquer anything and that it makes you stronger. I see how my son looks at you, how you look at him, and I’m sure that right now you both feel like together you can do anything, risk anything.”

Kenna’s eyes involuntarily searched the room, landing on Diavolos. Their eyes met and she could see him looking from her to his father, his expression wary.

Luther followed her gaze and sneered. “You’ll learn, though, that such thoughts are a luxury rulers can’t indulge in and I suspect, that this in time, this foolishness between you will be just another regret. For both of you.”

Kenna wanted to protest, to defend her feelings for Diavolos, but she knew there was no point. Luther was going to believe whatever he wanted, there would be no changing his mind.

She turned to go, but he placed a hand on her shoulder, forcing her to stop. “Wait. There’s been something I’ve been meaning to say to you.”

She shrugged off his hand, but turned to look at him expectantly. “What is it?”

“What happened with your mother… I want you to know, it was nothing personal.” Luther told her. “It was one of those hard decisions. And I swallowed it. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. But I took no joy in it. Understand?”

Kenna fought the urge to roll her eyes or to slap him. Both responses would be justified but pointless. Luther was who he was, he wasn’t going to change now. He wasn’t suddenly going to become remorseful or start looking at the world in a whole new way.

“I understand why you thought you had to do it.” Kenna acknowledged. “But it doesn’t mean I’ll ever forgive you. And if you ever cross me, and look down to find my sword in your chest, I hope you’ll remember… it’s nothing personal.”

Because if he crossed her again, she would kill him, no matter how she felt about his son. She’d spared his life because she’d needed his help and it had been one of those hard choices of his and she’d swallowed it, but if it came to it, she was just as capable of making the choice to end him.

They stared at each other for a long moment before nodding at each other and then Kenna crossed the room to where Diavolos was still watching her.

“What did he say?” He demanded as soon as she reached his side.

Kenna sighed. “A lot of nonsense about regret.”

“Did he threaten you?” Diavolos asked quietly.

“No more than usual,” Kenna assured him, “though he did warn me that I’d regret… this.” She made a motion pointing to the two of them.

“Do you think he’s right?” Diavolos asked slowly.

“No,” Kenna told him, wishing she could reach over and kiss him, but despite the events of that morning, she still felt the need for some discretion.

Diavolos nodded and then stretched his hands over his head. “I need to get out of here. I think I’ll go take a ride, maybe just get a feel for the terrain.” He gave her a long, slow smile. “You’re welcome to come with me, of course. You know, if you can tear yourself away from the festivities.”

“I think I can do that,” Kenna agreed readily.

She had made small talk with everyone of importance and she’d noticed that many of her friends had drifted off anyway. Raydan had called it an early night, citing a need to rest before the battle, while Val had headed off for the tavern and Kenna had noticed Dom and Sei slip out together. The wine and ale was flowing pretty freely by this point as well and Kenna doubted she’d be missed.

“I’ll meet you at the stables,” Diavolos told her, squeezing her hand quickly before striding out of the hall.

Kenna took a quick glance around before turning to follow him. Her eyes landed on Luther, who gave her a knowing smirk, one that was a lot colder and crueler than his son’s.

Kenna met his eyes and just smiled coldly, refusing to let him get to her. He was just a bitter, angry old man who wanted to make everyone else as miserable as he was.

Diavolos saddled up Hector’s Shadow while he waited for Kenna. He didn’t have to wait long though, because by the time he finished, Kenna had joined him.

“Just one horse?” She teased, smiling up at him.

“I thought we should move quietly,” he told her with a grin, “there could be enemy troops out there.”

“I suppose there could,” Kenna agreed, still smiling.

“Do you need me to help you mount?” He asked her after a moment. He was sure Kenna of capable of doing anything she set her mind too, but it was still polite to ask.

“Yes, please.” Kenna answered, surprising him.

Yet it also pleased him. While he admired Kenna’s strength and her competence, part of him felt the need to take care of her, to do things for her. He knew it was a dangerous line of thoughts, but he was already starting to think of her as his.

“As you wish,” he told her, placing his hands around her waist and easily lifting her into the air and settling her down on the saddle. He then quickly mounted himself, getting into place behind Kenna and pressing up against her back.

“Careful now,” he warned her, “Hector’s Shadow can be a beast to be reckoned with.”

“Oh, like his owner, then?” Kenna teased as Hector’s shadow broke into a gallop.

“You think I’m a beast to be reckoned with, huh?” Diavolos whispered in her ear, his arms wrapped around her.

“Yes, but I think I know the secret to handling you.” She said confident.

He was sure that she was right. More than that, she had the power to bring him to his knees, though he kept that thought to himself.

They rode for a little while longer before reaching a grassy hill. Diavolos brought Hector’s Shadow to a halt and then dismounted before lifting Kenna off the feet. He held her in his arms for a second before letting go to see to his horse.

“Full moon tonight,” he observed.

“Very romantic,” Kenna commented with a smile.

“I know,” he said simply, surprising himself. Only a short time ago, he would have denied any romantic thoughts. Hells, not that long ago he wouldn’t have believed he was capable of romantic thoughts, but Kenna had changed that. “You look beautiful in the moonlight,” he told her, cupping her face in his hands.

“You look pretty good yourself,” she told him, lifting her lips to his.

He wrapped an arm around her, holding her close to him as the kiss deepened. After a moment, they pulled apart, at least long enough to sit in the grass, Kenna resting her head on his shoulder. Diavolos could see a glow in the distance: Azura’s camp.

“Looks like a storm rolling in,” Kenna commented, peering up at the dark clouds in the sky.

“Of more than one sort,” he muttered, his eyes focused on the glow in the distance.

“You sound worried.” Kenna said lightly.

“Not worried, no. It’s just… Strange.” He told her, trying to put his feeing into words. “By this time tomorrow, either Azura will have killed us all, or…”

“Or the war of you father’s grandfather will finally be over.” Kenna finished for him, squeezing his hand in her smaller one. “And you’ll be out of a job. What will you do with yourself?”

“Honestly? I have no idea.” He told her with a  shrug. “I’m open to have suggestions. Any ideas?”

“A couple,” she told him quietly. Their eyes met and his breath caught in his throat at the look on her face. “But they should probably wait until after this is over,” she said after a moment.

“Yeah…” He agreed, wondering if she could possibly be suggesting what he thought she was saying.

“What’s your heart telling you?” She asked him after a moment, still staring at him intently.

“To pick you up, toss you back on that horse and ride away from here.” He admitted. Somewhere there were no battles, no complicated family history, no disapproving father to deal with. “I just want to run away with you and forget the rest of the world exists.”

“You told me that once before,” she remembered. The night they had met in the tavern.

“I did,” he agreed, remembering the connection he had felt to her that night. It had been stronger than anything he’d ever felt before in his life, but it paled in comparison to what he felt now.

A year ago, he had been drawn to her, he had desired her more than he’d ever desired another woman in his life, but now… Now he seriously wondered if he could live without her. She was everything.

With that thought in mind, he lifted her into his lap and kissed her deeply. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back with enthusiasm.

“Mmmm, so this is how you work off your nervous energy before a battle, huh?” She asked when they pulled apart.

He chuckled, playfully grabbing her by the hair and tugging her head back so that he could stare into those beautiful eyes. “Maybe I just need to know that you’re mine,” he told her, unable to contain the need in his voice.

“I am.” She told him without hesitation. “I’m yours, Diavolos.”

Her words overwhelmed him and he pulled her into another bruising kiss, needing to touch her, to feel her, to claim her. They quickly discarded their clothes before falling back into each others arms.

Diavolos pushed her onto her back on the grass, kneeling over her, torn between wanting to take his time with her, just in case it was their last time together, and the desperate need to have her.

Kenna reached up and grabbed his neck, pulling him down to her, her lips hot and demanding against his and that settled the question. He placed his hand between her legs, teasing her slightly before sliding his fingers into her, the way he knew that she liked. She bit down on his lip and he increased his pace, pumping his fingers in and out of her frantically while rubbing her clit with his thumb. He moved his lips from her mouth to her neck and shoulders, placing quick kisses along her sensitive skin. Kenna dug her fingers into his back as she came apart.

Diavolos quickly removed his hand and then positioned himself above her and slid into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, arching her hips to meet his thrusts. He tried to keep his pace steady, not wanting to rush this moment. She seemed to understand and she pulled his head towards hers again for another kiss, this one long and slow.

Soon though, their movements became less controlled and more erratic and he knew he was close and he could tell that Kenna was as well. He pulled out of her slightly, cutting off her slight whine of displeasure with a deep kiss, and then thrust deep into her, the motion was enough to push her over the edge.

“Diavolos,” she moaned, pulling him even closer to her as she came around him. That was all it took to bring him to release and he came inside of her with a groan.

“I love you,” he told her, unable to stop himself. Maybe it wasn’t the right time, but at the same time, there might not be another chance to say it.

“I love you too,” she assured him, pressing her lips against his and wrapping herself around him, holding him close.

“I’ve never said those words to anyone before,” he confessed, rolling off of her and onto his back and then gathering her into arms, “but I love you, Kenna Rys.”

“And I love you, Diavolos Nevrakis,” she assured him, resting her head on his chest.

He held her close to him, wishing they could stay like this forever. But, unfortunately, the real world couldn’t be ignored forever and eventually they stood up and got dressed and head over to Hector’s Shadow.

Diavolos pressed a quick kiss to Kenna’s lips before lifting her onto the horse. She snuggled against him in contentment when he settled himself behind her. The ride went quickly and then too soon, they had arrived back at the castle.

“I don’t suppose you can come to me tonight,” Kenna said quietly as they headed back to the castle.

“I wish I could,” he said sincerely, “but I’ll be camping with the troops tonight. I want to get an early start.” He grinned. “After all, I need to prove that you made the right choice naming me commander.”

“I already know I did,” she assured him.

He raised her hand to his mouth and placed a gentle kiss on it. “Goodnight, my queen.”

“Goodnight,” she whispered and then, after a quick glance to see if anyone was watching, she pressed her lips to his. It took all of his self-control not to wrap his arms around her and deepen the kiss.

Kenna pulled away quickly and headed back towards the castle.

Diavolos watched her go with a sigh and then headed towards the Abanthus camp, his thoughts full of Kenna and fact that for the first time, he could see a future beyond war.

But first they had to figure out a way to make it through the next day in one piece.

Chapter Fourteen

Kenna woke up before dawn, unable to sleep any longer.

Her thoughts were full of her mother. Her mother who died trying to unite the Five Kingdoms in the hopes of defeating the Iron Empire once and for all.

Kenna had accomplished the first part of her goal, but could she manage the second? Would they be able to win today? She wanted to believe, yes. The forces of the Five Kingdoms were strong, she knew that, plus thanks to Raydan, she had the anti-magic spells, and they had dragons. They had to at least have a chance.

Kenna sighed, wishing Diavolos could have stayed with her, though she understood why he couldn’t. Diavolos… Somehow, in the middle of war, she had managed to fall head over heels in love with the last man she would have expected.

She smiled remembering the look on his face when he’d told her he loved her, the way he had held her in his arms. There was something so tender about him, which was completely at odds with his image as a big bad warrior. She grinned at the thought of how he’d react if she told him just how sweet she found him.

Just then there was a knock on the door, Kenna looked out the window, where the was starting to rise and knew whoever it was, was coming to prepare her for battle. She wasn’t surprised to see that it was Dom, arms full of armor.

She accepted the armor gratefully, knowing that it wouldn’t hurt to look the part of a legendary warrior. She allowed Dom to help her into the armor and then headed downstairs for one less strategy session.

She instinctively searched for Diavolos and was rewarded with a grin as he took in the sight of her in her armor. “You look very impressive, my queen,” he told her in a low voice as she walked past him.

She smiled and then turned to the assembled group. “This is it,” she told them, “no more planning, no more waiting. Today, we fight the Iron Empire and we will emerge victorious.”

“This just arrived,” Jackson said, stepping forward and handing her a piece of parchment.

“An invitation to parlay,” Kenna commented, “I suppose that makes sense.”

“You know that witch isn’t going to be offering peace,” Luther said scornfully.

Kenna met his gaze. “Of course, I know that,” she told him calmly, “but there is a protocol to follow. I won’t be the one to break it.”

“Nor should you be,” Rowan spoke up, “we will fight this battle with honor and pride.”

There was a chorus of agreements and then Kenna left to meet Azura, flanked by Dom and Jackson. What came next was to be expected. Azura kept her waiting for hours while attempting to launch a sneak attack.

With the Iron Empire forces in place, Kenna knew there was no use trying to hold them off, instead they need to go on the offensive. So she made the call to charge instead of defend and she could see the approval in Diavolos’s eyes at the bold move. Not that she needed his approval, of course, but it was nice to know they were on the same page.

At first, the battle seemed to be going in their direction, they came on strong, challenging the Iron Empire at every opportunity and if it was just the army they had to face, Kenna knew victory would have been theirs by now.

It was Azura that was the problem. She rallied, showing her true, terrifying potential and creating panic and disaster until Kenna was forced to fall back. She hated to do it, but she knew Raydan was right, that it was the only logical choice.

They needed time to regroup.

As the armies retreated, Kenna and Jackson gathered at the wall, evaluating the situation when Kenna spotted a lone Abanthus soldier fighting off Iron Empire soldiers.

“Jackson, we left someone behind!” She cried in panic.

“And look!” Jackson said, pointing nearby to where Diavolos was lifting the gate just long enough to let a wounded squad slip beneath.

“Where’s your captain?” He asked them, evaluating the squad.

“S—sir! She stayed behind to cover our escape…” One of the soldiers said in a rush.

Diavolos cursed. “Damn it!”

“We’ve got to get out there and help her!” Kenna announced, peering down at the lone soldier.

Jackson shook his head. “I can’t advise that, my Queen. We can’t risk further casualties for just one life.”

Kenna looked him in the eye. “Would you say the same for a Stormholt soldier?”

Before Jackson could answer, Diavolos approached. “No… he’s right.” He said, but Kenna could see how much it cost him. His knuckles were white as he stared down at the soldier. “Our forces need to prepare to defend the castle. I can’t ask you to undertake a rescue mission for one soldier… No matter how brave.”

Kenna looked from Jackson to Diavolos to the soldier outside the walls, weighing their advice with her own instincts.

“Come on!” The soldier called out. “You think I’m afraid of you lot?! I’ve wiped tougher foes off the soles of my boots!”

Kenna smiled, despite the gravity of the situation, impressed by the soldier’s spirit. There was also the fact that despite everything, the Abanthus soldiers had fought just as hard as the ones from the other kingdoms, all previous disputes forgotten at least momentarily. That deserved acknowledgement.

Kenna snuck a look at Diavolos, taking in the anguish on his face as he weighed the good of the many over his personal convictions that you never leave a soldier behind.

She knew that she would never let Luther rule again, but she had been giving thought to the future and the idea of suggesting Diavolos rule Abanthus… With her at his side. Which meant the Knights of Abanthus might be her subjects someday soon and she needed to treat them accordingly.

She made up her mind. She was going after the soldier.

“Soldiers of Abanthus are defending our home.” Kenna told the two men. “I won’t cower behind a wall and watch them die.” She snatched a rope off the battlements and prepared her descent. “Get ready to defend the gate. I’m going below.”

“You what?!” Jackson yelled, his eyes going wide.

“Kenna, wait!” Diavolos cried out, but it was too late. She’d made her decision. Kenna leapt from the wall, praying that she’d be able to do this quickly.

Diavolos watched in disbelief as Kenna jumped off the wall into the battle below. He knew she was stubborn and had a strong sense of duty, but this… It was insanity and yet, it was the bravest thing he’d ever seen and if he wasn’t already in love with her, this might be enough to get him there.

Jackson glared at him, as if holding him personally responsible for Kenna’s decision, though Diavolos was pretty sure it was just Kenna being Kenna. Stubborn, courageous, and the most incredible woman he had ever met. She definitely lived up to all the stories about her.

Diavolos watched as Kenna and the Abanthus soldier fought their way through the Iron Empire soldiers. If it wasn’t such a tense situation, he’d be mesmerized by the fight. She knew her way around a sword, that was for sure.

“We need to have the gate ready for her,” Jackson told him tensely.

Diavolos nodded and ran towards the gate. With effort, he and one of the Stormholt soldiers lifted it a few feet, while Jackson called out to Kenna. “Queen Kenna! Over here!”

Kenna and the Abanthus commander squeezed through the gate and then Diavolos let it drop with a resounding bang. He could see that his troops were stunned by the developments as they all swarmed the rescued commander.

“Eda! You’re alive!”

She scoffed. “’Course I’m alive! And it’s thanks to this crazy devil of a woman right here! Let’s hear it for the Queen of Stormholt!”

“Hear, hear!” Magnus called out and the rest of the troops quickly joined in.

Diavolos strode across the courtyard, his attention focused on Kenna. Before he could stop himself, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. Which lead to an even louder cheer from his troops.

“You’re insane, you know that?” He told her, his arm still around her waist.

She grinned up at him. “But you love me anyway.”

“I do,” he acknowledged, momentarily forgetting their surroundings, “why in three hells did you go out there?”

“Because we’re better than Azura.” Kenna told him quietly. “The empress may be content to let others suffer and die for her. But I’m not.”

No, Kenna was nothing like Azura. It occurred to him that she was nothing like his father either. Kenna valued all lives instead of believing that sacrifices were worth it as long as they served the cause.

“And thank the gods for that.” Diavolos told her, letting her go before hurrying off to join his troops who were headed inside to secure the castle.

“That is a remarkable woman you’ve got there,” Magnus whispered in his ear as he passed, briefly clapping him on the shoulder.

“I know,” Diavolos told him, knowing that there was no point in denying his interest in Kenna. Not after that kiss.

As he barked orders at his troops, Diavolos caught sight of his father across the courtyard, his face set in a disapproving frown.

Obviously Luther wasn’t happy with this turn of events and Diavolos knew his father well enough to know he’d be more upset by Kenna winning over the Abanthus troops and then by the way the battle had suddenly turned in Azura’s favor. After all, his father saw the alliance has temporary and still considered Kenna the enemy.

Diavolos met his father’s eyes briefly and saw the coldness there, the resolve and knew that his actions had tipped his hand and shown where his loyalty lay and as far as his father was concerned, he was now the enemy.

Chapter Fifteen

Kenna led the retreat straight to the throne room, where the last stand against Azura would take place. Kenna knew that she was either going to win or she was going to die. She couldn’t help but think about how  it had all started for her in that very room, three years earlier.

Her mother had died in that throne room. Would Kenna repeat her fate? She tried not to dwell on that thought as she challenged Azura to a duel, calling on the Empress’ pride to get her to agree.

This was their only shot, if this failed… But it wouldn’t fail, it couldn’t. The spells worked, they had proven that with Lia’s help, Kenna just needed an opening.

Dom pulled her aside roughly, asking her what she was doing and suggesting he fight in her place.

“I have to do this,” she told him, patiently explaining why it had to be her.

He sighed, acknowledging that she was right as Val, Jackson and Raydan made their way over and Annelyse and Whitlock pushed their way through the crowd, Sei at their backs.

Kenna took in the faces of her friends, listened to their comments of support and felt stronger. Unlike Azura, who cared about nothing other than herself, Kenna had a reason to fight.

As she hugged her friends, her eyes searched the room for Diavolos, expecting to see him next to Luther and Zenobia, but he wasn’t there. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her back.

She stepped out of group hug only to find herself pulled into another embrace. Diavolos’s arms were wrapped tight around her, hugging her to his chest and she clung to him for a moment.

“I have to do this,” she said before he could say anything.

“I know,” he told her, he met her eyes with a confident grin, “give her hells, ok?”

“I will,” Kenna promised as she pulled away. She looked at Diavolos and her friends, taking in their faces and remembering everything she had to fight for, and then she took a deep breath, strengthening her resolve.

The fight was grueling and there was a moment where Kenna thought she was lost, when Azura stood over her, telling her she was nothing. But she remembered all the other times she had triumphed over adversity (how many times that adversity had involved her lover’s family was something she decided she wouldn’t dwell on) and come through stronger than ever.

She wasn’t no one, she was Kenna Rys! She used all of her willpower to stab Azura and then, it was over. Lia ordered the army to stand down and surrender and just like that, the war that had plagued the Five Kingdoms for decades was finished. In an instant, Kenna was surrounded by people, her friends hugging her and issuing their congratulations.

“What do we do now, you majesty?” Jackson asked with a grin. “A feast? Dancing?”

“Drinking?” Val suggested.

“Those suggestions all sound lovely,” Kenna told them honesty, “but right now I think I need to lie down for a bit. Maybe for a year or two.”

Now that the adrenaline was starting to wear off, exhaustion was starting to fit. After all, it wasn’t every time she fought a thousand year old witch and won.

“Could, uh, someone help me to my chambers?” She asked after a moment. “I’m not sure I can handle the stairs by myself.”

“I’ve got you,” Diavolos assured her and before Kenna realized what was happening, he had lifted her into his arms and began carrying her out of the hall. Kenna considered protesting, but she’d admitted to needing help and his arms felt nice. She rested her head against his shoulder as they made their way through the castle towards her chambers, her friends trailing behind them.

Once they reached her quarters, Diavolos gently laid her on the bed and then stepped back as Annelyse rushed over to examine her. “I’m just tired and sore,” Kenna assured her, “I don’t think there’s any lasting damage.”

“Are you sure?” Annelyse asked, giving her a searching look.”

“What I really need is sleep,” Kenna answered honestly. As much as she loved her friends, she didn’t need them all hanging around her bedchamber. She was sore and exhausted and wanted to be alone. Well, mostly alone. There was one person who’s company she wanted.

Whitlock and Raydan immediately got the hint and exited after congratulating her once more. Sei elbowed Dom, who looked torn.

“She needs her rest,” Sei said pointedly.

Dom sighed and nodded, leaning over to squeeze Kenna’s hand briefly. His eyes darted to Diavolos who was still standing in the corner, but before he could say anything, Sei tugged at his hand and led him out of the room.

That left Jackson, Annelyse and Val.

“Well, you might not be up for a drink, but I am,” Val declared, “come on Jackson, we’ve got some Skullcracker ale with our name on it.”

Jackson’s gaze was focused on Diavolos. “I…”

“Come on, she doesn’t need you hovering. Sleep well, Kenna, tomorrow I’m making you drink!” Val called as she dragged Jackson from the room.

That left just Annelyse and Diavolos.

“Do you need help undressing?” Annelyse asked after a moment.

“Diavolos can help me,” Kenna said quietly.

Annelyse raised an eyebrow at that and Kenna knew it was a tad indiscreet, but at this point, what did it matter?

Annelyse nodded, “ok. Try to rest,” she instructed, kissing Kenna’s forehead before leaving Kenna and Diavolos alone.

Diavolos stepped forward and with infinite care helped Kenna out of her armor and into her nightgown. “I should let you rest,” he told her once she was settled in the bed.

Kenna reached out and grabbed his hand. “Stay with me?” Diavolos hesitated.

“People will talk,” he warned her.

“I don’t care.” Kenna told him honestly and then smiled, “between you being in my bedroom when the assassins were there and us kissing on the battlefield, I’m sure they are already talking.”

At this point, she didn’t think there was any hiding her relationship with Diavolos even if she wanted to, which she didn’t.

Diavolos smiled. “True.”

He undid his sword belt and draped it over a nearby chair and then bent down to take off his shoes, before removing his shirt and crown. Even though she was exhausted, Kenna still took pleasure in watching him undress. He had an amazing body, all hard muscle, and she let out a little sigh of appreciation.

Diavolos caught her staring. “Enjoying the show?”

“A little,” Kenna admitted.

He grinned, “well, hold that thought until you’re fully recovered.”

“I will,” Kenna promised him, a warm flush going through her at the idea at the mere thought.

Diavolos climbed into the bed next to her and very carefully pulled her into his arms, settling her against his chest.

Kenna sighed in contentment as she cuddled closer to him, loving the feel of his strong arms around her. “I love you,” she told him even as she felt the exhaustion hit her.

“I love you too,” he replied, kissing the top of her head, “now sleep, we can talk in the morning.”

Kenna nodded and drifted off to sleep. She slept soundly, cradled in the security of Diavolos’ arms.

Dawn was just breaking when she woke up. Diavolos was still there, his arm still slung over protectively. Kenna felt a rush of love at the sight of him. Her fierce soldier who had held her in his arms through the night, offering her comfort and protection. She knew it was at odds with his tough guy image, but then she had come to known the man inside the confident warrior. The man she loved.

She still wasn’t quite sure how they were going to handle the problem of his father, but… They would think of something. Together. She wasn’t letting him go. He was hers and she was his.

Kenna slipped from Diavolos’s embrace, deciding to let him rest a little longer, and got dressed. She was sore, which was to be expected after the beating she’d taken at Azura’s hands, but the night’s rest had been good for her.

She headed downstairs to the throne room, needing to clear her head a bit. The throne room had been cleaned up since the battle, though it was still far from its normal condition, but Kenna knew that was a task for the days ahead.

She looked around, thinking about her mother, who had died in this room. Her mother who had fought so hard for peace in the five kingdoms, a peace that Kenna had managed to achieve, even if she wasn’t sure that her mother would have always approved of her methods.

“I hope you’d be proud of me,” she mused out loud, “of what I achieved.”

“How touching,” a cold voice said from the doorway.

Kenna whirled around to see Luther standing there. Their eyes met and the cold determination in his unnerved her and she knew that this wasn’t going to be a pleasant chat.

Apparently defeating Azura wasn’t going to be enough and she was going to have to face another enemy today.

Chapter Sixteen

The first thing Diavolos noticed when he woke up was that he was alone. For a moment he thought he had imagined falling asleep with Kenna, but a quick glance had shown that he was definitely in Kenna’s quarters, but the queen was nowhere to be seen.

Diavolos was filled with a weird sense of foreboding, like something bad was about to happen, and he quickly got dressed and headed in search of Kenna. As soon as he reached the throne room, he knew that he’d been right to be worried because he got there in time to see his father raise his knife against Kenna.

Diavolos reacted instinctively, unsheathing his sword and leapt in-between his father and Kenna, slashing at Luther’s arm and making him drop the knife.

“You lovesick fool,” Luther hissed, “are you really going to choose her over your own flesh and blood?”

“Yes,” Diavolos said simply. He turned to Kenna, “are you ok?”

“I’ll be fine,” she assured him.

“Then take a seat and I’ll be done here in a minute,” he promised her, before turning back to his father.

He considered asking if Kenna was well enough to help, after all she had lots of reasons to want to take out his father, but he felt like this was something he needed to do on his own. Just like she had needed to face Azura on her own. He could see from the look on her face, that she understood.

“Are you really going to throw away the family legacy for some naïve girl?” Luther taunted. “Do you really think the two of you can live happily ever after?”

“I know I want the chance to find out,” Diavolos said coolly, easily deflecting his father’s blow, “and that I don’t intend to stand by let you kill the woman I love.”

Love,” Luther sneered, slashing wildly. “Is that excuse for turning your back on your family name? Don’t think I won’t put you down for this, you ungrateful fool.”

Diavolos casually dodged his father’s blows. Luther might be a formidable warrior, but he was nearly 30 years Diavolos’s senior and past his prime.

“You’re wrong, Father, I’m very grateful.” Diavolos told him as he shoved him back, deflecting another swing, he then swung his own sword and sliced his father’s leg.

“Aaah,” Luther cried, stumbling backwards.

“I’m grateful for those few years before Mother died, when you were a real father to me…” Diavolos continued, blocking another attempt at a blow and then delivering a kick to his father’s side that knocked him down.


“I’m grateful that your neglect and cruelty pushed me to become the formidable warrior I am today.”

Luther swung at him, but Diavolos stopped him, disarming his father with a causal twist. This was actually a much easier fight than he’d expected, of course, his father was old and desperate, and Diavolos was particularly motivated. After all, he was protecting the woman he loved.

“But mostly, I’m just grateful that I’m the one who will be your undoing.” Diavolos said as he rested his blade against his father’s neck.

It was true. His father had been the biggest influence in his life for better or worse.

Those shadowy early years when his father had been his hero. The year of neglect when all he’d wanted was his father’s approval.

Then, turning himself into the perfect weapon, following his father’s orders with blind loyalty until his own personality disappeared and he was nothing more than Luther’s shadows. Turning a blind eye when his father did things he found morally reprehensible and convincing himself it was for the greater good.

Even the last few months, when he’d started questioning his father’s judgement and his own role in Luther’s reign of terror. Finally, meeting Kenna again and realizing that he’d been on the wrong path. That his father’s path wasn’t for him and making the choices that had brought them to this moment.

To Diavolos’s surprise, his father began to smile. “Well, well.. I wondered if you would ever scrounge up the courage to challenge me. I’m proud of you, my son.”

There was genuine affection in Luther’s eyes and Diavolos knew his father meant every word, he really was proud of him for being able to make this call, as twisted at that was.

It was Diavolos’s turn to smile, “Thank you, Father.” Then he swung his sword, cleaning severing his father’s head off, his father’s body dropping to the floor. Diavolos sheathed his sword and then turned his attention back to Kenna. “Are you alright?”

“Isn’t that what I should be asking you?” She said dryly, wrapping her arms around him. “After all, you’re the one that just killed your own father.”

“I’m fine,” he assured her, kissing the top of her head, “I think in a weird way, this is what he wanted. He always said that the strong fight their way to the top until they are taken down by someone stronger. It’s the Nevrakis family way.”

“Let’s not teach our children that family motto, ok?” Kenna said absently.

Diavolos stilled, his hands frozen on her waist, “you see us having children?”

It was Kenna’s turn to pause. “Don’t you want children?” She asked him, almost nervously. “I mean… It’s expected of royalty, besides, I’ve always wanted a big family.”

“I want children,” Diavolos assured her, his hands on her waist, “as many children as you’d like. I want a life with you, Kenna Rys. More than anything else in the world. I am yours, mind, body and soul.”

“And I’m yours,” she promised, raising onto her tiptoes to press a kiss onto his lips. They stayed there for a moment and then Kenna glanced down at his father’s dead body.

“We should probably have someone take care of that,” she told him.

“Yes,” Diavolos agreed, still feeling oddly detached, “and I should go tell my sister that our father is dead.”

“Good luck with that,” Kenna told him, “and when you’re done, come find me.”

“I will,” he promised, squeezing her hand before striding out of the room in search of Zenobia.

Kenna stepped over Luther’s prone body and exited the throne room and ran straight into Jackson.

“I was looking for you, my queen,” he told her and then frowned. “Did something happen?”

Kenna wondered if she had some cut or scratch that she hadn’t realized, because she didn’t think Luther had actually caused any physical damage.

“Luther is dead.” She said flatly, “his body is on the floor of the throne room. Diavolos killed him.”

“Diavolos?” Jackson repeated incredulously,  “he killed his own father?”

“Yes,” Kenna answered, “though Luther tried to kill me first. He blind-sided me and raised a knife, Diavolos burst in and stopped him.”

“I need a drink.” Jackson muttered and then looked at her slowly. “You’re in love with him.”

“I am.” Kenna confirmed, seeing no point in denying it. She wasn’t ashamed of her feelings for Diavolos.

“And I assume that mess means he’s in love with you too,” Jackson said, nodding towards the throne room.

“Yes,” Kenna answered as the two of them began to walk.

“Will you be supporting his claim to Abanthus?” Jackson asked her.

“Yes,” Kenna said again, without hesitation, after all, it was the obvious choice.

She had conquered Abanthus but had felt awkward ruling there since she wasn’t Luther, she didn’t want to expand her territory, all she’d ever wanted was Stormholt. But, she had known that she couldn’t ever let Abanthus fall back into Luther’s hands and both Adder and Raydan had cautioned her about giving the nobles of Lykos too much power, especially when many still supported the Nevrakis family, which had left her unsure as to what her next move should be.

Then she had fallen in love with Diavolos and it had seemed obvious. She didn’t want Abanthus for herself, but it was Diavolos’s birth right. He would be a good king, the king the people of Abanthus needed and it would appease those that still supported the Nevrakis family.

“There are people who aren’t going to like that very much,” Jackson warned her as the two of them stepped into a side chamber. “People who won’t like seeing any Nevrakis in power.”

“I don’t care,” Kenna told him stubbornly, “he’s my choice, Jackson.”

“Ok,” he said after a moment, “I suppose after everything you’ve earned the right to choose your own spouse. Besides, while some people will object, there are plenty of others who will praise the situation.”

Kenna knew he was right and that some would see a union between Abanthus and Stormholt as a threat while others would see it as a sign of stability. But neither opinion mattered much to Kenna. This wasn’t about politics or strengthening her position, it was about marrying the man she loved.

“I’m not doing this for political reasons,” Kenna said with a shrug, “I chose Diavolos because he’s who I want and I really don’t care what other people think.”

Jackson smiled, “that’s one of the reasons I like you so much, how stubborn you are and how independent. But you know, things will be different in the coming months and that you will have to start considering what other people think, at least a little.”

Kenna nodded, knowing he was right. Ruling in peacetime was going to be a new experience for her and she knew there would be a learning curve, but she was confident that she’d manage.

Mostly, she was looking forward to having a future without a threat of war. As she’d told Diavolos, she wanted a family, she wanted to fill Stormholt with children and laughter. She wanted a lifetime of loving Diavolos and being loved by him.

“I figure I’ll take it one day at a time,” Kenna told Jackson with a shrug, “today I want to celebrate. The Iron Empire has finally been defeated, the Five Kingdoms are united and hopefully our peace will be a lasting one.”

“And the threat of Luther Nevrakis is extinguished forever,” Jackson added, “I know I’ll be drinking to celebrate that.”

Kenna couldn’t blame him. Luther had cause a lot of pain and suffering and in the end, had proven himself to be a treacherous snake.

“I know I’ll rest a little easier now that he’s gone,” Kenna admitted. If he had attempted to kill her this morning, he would have done it another day, Kenna knew that now. “Speaking of Luther, someone should dispose of the body,” Kenna said absently.

Jackson nodded, “I’ll see to it.”

“While you’re at it, can you make arrangements for a feast?” Kenna told him, “I want to celebrate, tonight.”

“Annelyse beat you to it,” Jackson said with a smile, “she ordered preparations last night while you resting, she assumed you wouldn’t mind.”

“Not at all,” Kenna agreed with a smile, “I should have known that when it came to celebrating, Annelyse would be on top of things. Honestly, I’m just glad that we have a chance to celebrate.”

“Me too, my queen,” Jackson told her sincerely, “Me too.”

Chapter Seventeen

“You finally tore yourself away from Kenna’s side, I see.” Zenobia drawled when Diavolos approached her. “You two caused quite the stir last night.”

“Did we?” Diavolos asked, deciding to humor her for a moment. Mostly so he could put off telling her about their father. He had no idea how she would react, but violence was a definite possibility.

“Oh, yes. First the dramatic battlefield kiss and then you carrying her out of the hall like a romantic hero.” Zenobia told him, giving him a once over. “It was actually quite impressive and very out-of-character, it as nice to see that you have some personality beyond ‘loyal soldier’. Father wasn’t impressed though.”

Diavolos took a deep breath, knowing he couldn’t pass up that opening. “That’s actually why I’m here.  Father’s dead.”

Zenobia was quiet for a moment and then sighed, “who killed him, you or Kenna?”

Diavolos was a little taken aback, Zenobia could be self-centered and spoiled, but this was cold even for her.

“Diavolos, you know as well as I do what Father was like.” She said with a shrug. “I loved him but will I miss him? Not really. He was cruel and demanding and obsessed with power. His actions landed us all in a dungeon and if he’d had his way, he would have started another war and gotten us all killed.”

Diavolos knew his sister was right and he felt the same way, it was just odd to find himself agreeing with her. “He told me he was proud of me,” he told his sister, “right before I cut his head off.”

Zenobia laughed. “That’s Father for you.” There was a moment of silence. “What happens next?” Zenobia asked giving him a calculating look.

“If you mean about Abanthus, I have no clue.” Diavolos told her, though that wasn’t strictly true. He had a suspicion of where things might end up, but he wasn’t willing to put those hopes into words yet. Not until he had had a chance to talk Kenna and make concrete plans for their future, including what she wanted to do about Abanthus.

“I assume you’re going to marry Kenna,” Zenobia said with an eyeroll, “given the way the two of you have been carrying on. Which means, you are the obvious choice to rule Abanthus.”

She didn’t seem at all sad about, which was surprising, and a little suspicious. He would have thought that she would have been immediately planning his assassination.

“And you don’t mind?” Diavolos asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You and Kenna will need to divide your time between your two kingdoms,” Zenobia pointed out, “and someone will have to run Lykos while you are here, at Stormholt.”

“And you think that should be you,” Diavolos said with a  small smile.

“Of course,” Zenobia told him, “who else? I’ll run the court and let you do all the actual governing. It’s the perfect compromise.”

It actually wasn’t that bad of an idea. It would keep Zenobia occupied and if that was the way things worked out, someone would have to look after things in Lykos while he was at Stormholt. He wasn’t sure that Zenobia would be his first choice, but she was his sister.

“Nothing’s official, yet,” he cautioned his sister, “so I wouldn’t start shopping for a new tiara just yet.”

Zenobia dismissed his words with a wave of her hand. “It might as well be. After all, you didn’t return to your chambers last night.”

“Did you check up on me?” Diavolos asked in disbelief.

“Of course, I did,” Zenobia said rolling her eyes, “I wanted to know what was going on with you and Kenna. Anyway, I’ve never known you to be indiscreet about your love affairs, if you even have love affairs, and the fact that you are being so obvious about it means it’s serious.”

He knew Zenobia was right. He wouldn’t have stayed the night in Kenna’s chambers if his intentions hadn’t been serious. He had always been very careful to be discreet in the past, though it had been easy since his romantic history consisted of meaningless physical encounters that hadn’t lasted more than one night. No feelings, no promises.

Until Kenna.

She had been the first to make him want more, even when he hadn’t known her name, and though he’d let her go, she’d haunted him and then… Then she’d come back into his life and before he knew it, he had fallen deeply in love with her.  And by some miracle, she loved him too.

“I’ll wait for your official announcement,” Zenobia continued with a smirk, “but I just want you to know that I really am happy for you, Diavolos. You deserve a chance to be happy.”

“So do you,” Diavolos told her, “and you know, if you stopped running out of the room every time Tevan spoke to you…”

Zenobia glared at him, but there was no heat. “It’s just so hard,” she complained, “I don’t know what to say and there’s just so much history, why would he want to be with me after everything Father did?”

“Because you’re not Father,” Diavolos pointed out, “Kenna… She was able to see past my last name, see past all the hurt father caused her and give me a chance. Maybe Tevan could as well. But you’ll never know if you don’t try.”

“I never thought I’d see the day when you were handing out romantic advice,” Zenobia commented, “Kenna really is a miracle worker.” She sighed. “I’ll try.”

“Start by asking him to dance tonight,” Diavolos advised, “you love to dance and I’m sure he’d be happy to oblige.”

“I’ll consider it,” Zenobia said an then sighed, “so Father is dead.”

“Yes,” Diavolos confirmed, “and you and I are free to live our own lives without him looming over us.”

“That will take some getting used to,” Zenobia commented, then she sighed, “If there is going to be what passes for a celebration around here tonight, then I need to go get ready.”

“How are you feeling?” Dom asked as he approached Kenna where she was over-seeing the preparations for that night’s feast. “I heard you survived another assassination attempt this morning.”

Kenna made a face. “Yes, but I’m fine. Diavolos got there before anything could happen.”

“I’m glad,” Dom told her sincerely, “did Diavolos really kill Luther?”

“He did.” Kenna said quietly. “I could have done it, but it needed to be Diavolos. He needed to be free of his father once and for all.”

“You were right to have faith in him,” Dom admitted, “he has proven himself to be more than his father’s son.”

Kenna smiled, it relieved her to hear Dom say that. She planned on marrying Diavolos regardless of who objected, but she would obviously prefer to have the support of those closest to her.

“So what comes next?” Dom said after a moment.

“Well, we’ll have to rebuild the castle,” Kenna commented, motioning to the ruin around her. “Whitlock is already fast at work drawing up plans.”

“We’ve rebuilt before,” Dom reminded her, “we’ve got it down to an art by now.”

Kenna laughed. “I’m hoping this will be the last time.”

“That would be nice,” Dom agreed, “though I have to admit, it’s kind of weird waking up and knowing there’s no one to fight. There’s not even the threat of Luther hanging over us.”

“It is strange,” Kenna agreed, “I’ve spent the last three years preparing to fight. First reclaiming Stormholt, then defeating Luther and then battling Azura. It’s weird to think there are no more battles to fight.”

“I don’t know I’m looking forward to not being in mortal peril on a daily basis,” Dom joked, “and I think I might take a long nap.”

“You’ve earned it,” Kenna told him fondly. “Other than catching up on your sleep, what do you think you’ll do now?”

Dom shrugged. “I haven’t given it a lot of thought, as you said we’ve spent the last three years in a state of a constant war. It’s been a long time since I’ve had the luxury of thinking ahead.”

“Yeah,” Kenna agreed, “well, you’ll always have a place at Stormholt.”

“As a scout?” Dom asked with a grin.

“If you really want,” Kenna teased, “but I was thinking more like an advisor. I’m going to need people I trust at my side.”

She and Diavolos really needed to talk. Kenna was confident that they were on the same page and that they would be building a life together, but she also knew it wasn’t that simple. They weren’t just two people in love. They were a King and Queen and there was a lot they needed to work out. Like how ruling both Abanthus and Stormholt was going to work. Any solution Kenna could come up with involved splitting time and that meant she’d have to have people she trusted to run things in her absence.

“I’ll always be here,” Dom promised, “but you’ve done the hard part, right? What comes next should be easy.”

Kenna laughed. “I feel like that is being optimistic. I always hated my princess lessons, remember? I wanted to be outside, practicing my sword or riding my horse. I think my mother despaired of ever turning me into a proper princess.”

“Well, if you’d been a proper princess, you’d probably be dead,” Dom pointed out, “and you’ll figure out the rest. Your Kenna Rys, you can do anything.”

Kenna smiled. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.”

“So do you have any specific plans besides rebuilding the castle?” Dom asked, shooting her a knowing look, “plans that might involve a certain prince? Or is he a king now?”

“Maybe,” Kenna said evasively. “We haven’t really had a chance to talk yet, between defeating a 1000 year-old empress and executing his father, we’ve been a little busy.”

Dom laughed. “Fair enough.” He caught sight of something behind her and grinned, “though I think you’re about to get your chance.”

Kenna turned to see Diavolos walking towards her. “I think I’m going to go find Sei and maybe have some important discussions of my own,” Dom declared as he moved past her towards the castle, “wish me luck.”

Kenna nodded, but her attention was focused on Diavolos. Despite everything that had happened in the past week, all the moments they shared, she still felt oddly nervous over what was about to happen. This was going to be the most important conversation of her life, after all.

She took a deep breath and headed towards Diavolos.

Towards her future.

Chapter Eighteen

Diavolos felt his heart flip as Kenna walked towards him, a beaming smile on her beautiful face.

“Ready to have that talk?” She asked him, gazing up at him.

“Yes,” he told her, “can you slip away?”

She nodded and offered him her hand. He took it and together they headed towards the castle and then up to Kenna’s chambers.

“I’m not sure this location is conducive to talking,” she teased, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He grinned, “I just thought we needed privacy, but if you think we’ll get distracted, I can go stand over there.” He made a motion as if to slip out of her embrace, but Kenna tightened her hold.

“I didn’t say that,” she said, smiling up at him. “I don’t want you going anywhere.”

There was a vulnerability in her voice that made his breath catch. “I’m not going anywhere,” he promised, “I’m yours, Kenna, forever.”


Diavolos gazed down at her beautiful face and then took a deep breath. This was still new territory for him, the idea that he might actually have a future. Let alone a future with someone like Kenna.


“Yes?” She asked softly, peering up at him.

“Will you marry me?”

“Of course I will,” she answered, raising her lips to his.

The kiss started out soft, but Diavolos quickly deepened it, needing more of her. He started tugging at her armor impatiently.

“Wait,” Kenna said, stilling his hand. “We still need to talk.”

“Do we?” Diavolos asked, nuzzling her neck.

Kenna let out a little sigh, but then pushed against him lightly. Diavolos reluctantly stepped back.

“What do we need to talk about?” He asked, placing his hands on her waist. “I love you, you love me, and we’re going to be married. What more is there?”

He knew it wasn’t that simple but he was in a bedchamber with Kenna and it was really hard to care about governing or succession or any of that. Kenna laughed and then turned serious.

“Do you want to be King of Abanthus?” She asked quietly.

Diavolos paused, thinking about it. “Yes,” he said finally, “I never really thought about it before, because I didn’t think I’d live long enough, but I’d like to think I could be a good king. Maybe I can undo some of the damage done by my father.”

“I think you’ll be an excellent king,” Kenna assured him.

“You make be believe I can do anything,” he told her honestly, running his hand through her long hair.

She just smiled. “If we’re going to run two kingdoms, there’s a lot we’ll have to figure out—”

“Later,” he interrupted, “we can figure it all later. Right now, I just want to be with you.”

“Ok.” Kenna said softly, raising her lips to his.

Diavolos pulled her tight against him as he kissed her hungrily, wondering if he would ever get enough of her. This time, Kenna didn’t protest as he reached for the straps of the buttons, her hands going for the buttons of his shirt at the same time.

They undressed each other quickly and once their clothes were discarded, Kenna took Diavolos hand and lead him to the bed. Though once they reached it, he bent and lifted her into his arms, causing her to laugh and wrap her arms around his neck. He sat down on the edge of the bed with her still in his arms and then settled her on his lap, so she was straddling him.

“You are so beautiful,” he told her, slipping a hand in between them and sliding his fingers into her.

“You’re not exactly hard to look at either,” she commented as she arched into his hand. “We’re going to have beautiful babies.”

“When do you want to start having these babies?” Diavolos asked, as he continued to work her with his hand, enjoying the sighs of pleasure that were coming out of her.

He had never given children a lot of thought, other than the fleeting thought that if he lived long enough to inherit Abanthus, he would need to provide an heir. It was a thought he’d been indifferent to, until he had thought about having children with Kenna. Suddenly he knew it was something he wanted desperately.

“Soon,” Kenna gasped, “oh… Diavolos…”

“If you want babies then I’m going to do my best to give them to you,” Diavolos promised, grabbing her hair and tugging her lips to his for a rough kiss with his free hand while his other hand continued to work her intimately. He could feel her come apart against him, her moan silenced by his kiss.

He removed his hand and then grabbed her by the hips, settling her on top of him and slid up into her, groaning at the feel of her. Kenna dug her fingers into his shoulders as he began to rock them back and forth, his arms pressing her tight against him.

They moved like that for a few moments until Diavolos flipped Kenna onto her back. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he continued to thrust into her. They moved together, their bodies in perfect sync until Diavolos couldn’t take it anymore and came with a loud groan, feeling Kenna shudder around him as he did.

He placed a long, lingering kiss on her lips before he rolled off of her onto his side and then gathered her to him, so her back was resting against him.

“We have a banquet to prepare for,” Kenna reminded him even as she snuggled closer.

“Not for a few hours,” he pointed out, kissing her hair. “It’s been a long few days, you deserve some rest, we both do.”

“I never would have taken you for a cuddler,” she teased, twining her fingers through his.

Diavolos smiled, because she was right. He had never been one for cuddling. Before Kenna, sex had been about physical release and that was it and he never lingered afterwards. But with Kenna everything was different, he loved holding her close and knowing she was safe.

“Only with you,” Diavolos said simply, “now close your eyes and get some rest.”

Kenna woke up to the feel of shifting beside her. She turned to see Diavolos getting up out of the bed.

“I have to go back to my chambers to prepare for the banquet,” he explained as he buttoned up his shirt.

Kenna looked at the window and saw that the sun was staring to go down. They had been asleep longer than she’d realized.

“I guess I should do that too,” she agreed, getting up out of the bed. She looked at her discarded armor and wondered if she should put it back on or if she should wear something nicer. She decided that a gown was in order, since it wasn’t every night that she announced her betrothal. Besides wouldn’t Annelyse be thrilled to see her dressed up without any prodding?

Kenna pulled her underclothes back on and then walked to her wardrobe, aware that Diavolos was watching her every move. “Don’t you have to go?” She teased, turning back to look at him.

“You make it extremely hard,” he commented.

“Is that all that’s hard?” She teased.

He groaned. “Kenna…” Before she knew what was happening, he had crossed the room and had pulled her back into his arms, kissing her hungrily.

Kenna responded eagerly for a moment and then pushed him a way. “We have a banquet to attend, remember?” She smiled up at him, “and a very important announcement to make.”

Diavolos touched her face with surprising gentleness. “I still can’t believe you agreed to marry me.”

“You’re the only one I want,” Kenna assured her, “I love you, Diavolos, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.”

She pressed her lips to his once more, meaning for it to be a gentle kiss, but he quickly deepened it, wrapping his arm tight around her. “Diavolos,” she protested.

“We can make it quick,” he promised, but he released her. “You make me forget everything else.” He said with a shake of his head. “I just want you all the time.”

“I feel the same way,” Kenna told him, “but we have a lifetime ahead of us.”

Diavolos expression softened. “We do.” He sighed and stepped back. “I’m going to go now before I drag you back to the bed.”

Kenna watched him go, admiring his form for a moment, and then turned back to her closet. She selected a gown of Stormholt blue, knowing that Diavolos would be in Abanthus black, and deciding it was important that both kingdoms were represented. She made a mental note to add more black to her wardrobe to represent Abanthus.

It was odd to think that she was going to be Queen of two kingdoms going forward, almost as strange as the idea of actually settling down to rule instead of constantly fighting for her kingdom.

As Kenna pulled the dress on she realized that she probably should have had Diavolos stay to help, because she wasn’t sure how she was going to do herself up. Just one of the many reasons she preferred armor over fancy dresses.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

“Come in,” Kenna called, hoping that it was someone who could help her with her dress and not Jackson.

Thankfully it was Annelyse. “I came to help you pick out what to wear,” Annelyse told her, “but I see that I didn’t have to.” The Aurelian woman beamed. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Kenna told her, “however I am happy you are here, because I could use some help.”

“Of course,” Annelyse said, quickly doing up the dress. She stepped back. “Perfect. I’m impressed that you picked it out yourself, normally I have to pry you out of your armor.”

“It’s a special occasion,” Kenna told her.

Annelyse raised an eyebrow. “Celebrating the victory or something else?” There was a teasing note to the other woman’s voice and a knowing smile, making Kenna wonder how much Annelyse knew or had guessed.

“Diavolos and I are going to be married,” Kenna told her friend, watching for her reaction.

To her relief Annelyse beamed and through her arms around her. “That’s wonderful!” Kenna must have looked surprised because Annelyse laughed, “maybe it took a little bit for me to warm up to him, but… He’s proven that he loves you. I saw him yesterday and then Raydan told me about Luther.”

Kenna made a face. “I don’t even want to think about him tonight.” She just wanted to focus on the future, on all the positive things that lay ahead of her.

“Fair enough,” Annelyse agreed, “it’s just… Diavolos is obviously nothing like his father and he’s shown himself to be a good man. As long as you’re happy, than I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you,” Kenna told her, “I’m so happy I can barely believe it. It feels like a dream, like I’m going to awake up and be back in that monastery, waiting to reclaim my kingdom.”

“It’s not,” Annelyse told her, “the waiting and the fighting are over, now you get to have happily ever after and no one deserves it more.” Annelyse gave her one more hug and then smiled. “Now, let’s go downstairs because we have a lot of celebrating to do.”

Chapter Nineteen

Diavolos stood to the side as Kenna gave her victory toast, thanking all her allies and proposing a lasting peace, waiting patiently until she beckoned him to join her. He could hear the murmur from the crowd as he crossed to her side and took her hand in his.

“People of Stormholt, I’d like to introduce you to your new King, King Diavolos!” To his surprise, there were immediate cheers of support from the crowd.

“Knights of Abanthus, meet your new Queen, Queen Kenna,” Diavolos added, which lead to a rowdy cheer from his soldiers.

“We will be wed next week,” Kenna added, “and we hope that you will all remain at Stormholt to celebrate with us.”

There were more cheers and Kenna and Diavolos were quickly surrounded by well wishers.

“I’m relieved to hear that you will be leading the kingdom and not your sister,” Magnus commented, clasping Diavolos’s shoulder. “As for your bride, she’s too good for you.”

Diavolos grinned, “I know.”

Zenobia appeared, roughly pushing Magnus aside. The older man just rolled his eyes and stepped aside, used to Zenobia’s lack of manners.

“I’m happy for you,” she said sincerely, kissing his cheek.

“Thank you,” Diavolos said sincerely, then he grinned, “have you spoken to Tevan, yet?”

He motioned to where the man in question was effusively congratulating Kenna.

“No,” Zenobia admitted and then took a deep breath and spun away from Diavolos. He watched with a grin as she tapped Tevan on the shoulder. He couldn’t hear what she said, but he saw Tevan smile and the two walk off together.

“Matchmaking?” A soft, amused voice asked. He turned to see Annelyse smiling at him.

“Just trying to get her out of my hair,” he said with a grin.

The Aurelian woman laughed. “I don’t buy it. I think there’s a closet romantic under that hardened warrior image.”

Diavolos didn’t say anything, his attention distracted by Kenna who was laughing at something Val was saying. She looked so beautiful and happy and he thought he could watch her forever.

“Just what I thought,” Annelyse murmured in his ear, “a total romantic.”

Diavolos just shrugged, unwilling to deny it. Kenna had that effect on him. Finally, the crowd dispersed as people wandered away to celebrate, leaving him and Kenna alone.

“Are you ready to be King?” She asked him, resting her hand on his shoulder.

“No,” he said honestly, “but with you by my side, I’m ready to give it a shot. I’m still terrified of the kind of king I’ll be.”

“I have faith in you,” Kenna assured him.

“I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve you,” he murmured, pulling her close to him. “The way you look at me, the way you believe in me… I wonder what you see in me.”

“I see the man I love,” Kenna answered simply, “I see a man with honor and integrity, the bravest man I know, one who is kind and thoughtful. One who loves me as much as I love him.”

“I love with you my entire heart and soul,” Diavolos vowed, “and I always will.”

“I know.” Kenna said simply, resting her head against his chest.

Diavolos was about to suggest that they go somewhere more private, when Annelyse reappeared. “Sorry to interrupt,” she said, though she didn’t appear at all sorry, “but Kenna, you owe me a dance.”

“Of course,” Kenna said, pulling away from Diavolos.

He supposed it was only fair that her friends would want some time with her, they had almost lost her too, and this victory belonged to everyone. Besides, he would have a lifetime with Kenna, he could share her for a few hours.

He was deciding which direction to go, when Dom appeared, two mugs in his hand. He handed one to Diavolos. “Care to have a drink?”

“I rarely say no to a drink,” Diavolos said with a grin, “What are we drinking too?”

“The most remarkable woman either of us will ever meet,” Dom told him.

“I’ll drink to that,” Diavolos agreed, raising his glass, “to Kenna.”

“To Kenna,” Dom echoed. He took a big gulp of his ale and then grinned, “you know I’ll burn you alive if you hurt her, right?”

“I did consider that possibility,” Diavolos said dryly. He looked Dom straight in the eye, “I would die before I hurt her. I know you have no reason to take my word given who I—”

“Nope,” Dom said, cutting him off, “we’re not going there. You’ve shown who you are and has nothing to do with your last name. We’re not starting this friendship with baggage, we’re just going to move forward. It doesn’t matter what your father did, it matters what you do.”

“We’re going to be friends?” Diavolos asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, you’re marrying my best friend,” Dom reminded him, “and it would be awkward if we weren’t.”

“I can drink to that,” Diavolos agreed easily.

Dom grinned. “Good.”

Kenna danced until her feet were sore and accepted many congratulations and hugs, but finally she had enough. She wanted to be alone with Diavolos.

She ducked through the crowd, looking for the man in question, surprised to find him with Dom, Jackson and Commander Magnus.

“What are you talking about?” Kenna asked curiously, slipping her arm around Diavolos’s waist.

“Just exchanging war stories,” he told her, tucking her into his side.

“And discussing how much we are all looking forward to peacetime,” Jackson added, looking more at ease in Diavolos’s company than Kenna would have expected.

“Jackson, I believe you said there was a tavern nearby?” The commander commented after a moment, “how about you and I continue this conversation there? If I’m going to make this castle my home, I’ll need to be familiar with all the local drinking establishments.”

Jackson nodded and the two men departed.

Dom grinned, “now that I’ve had enough to drink, I think I’m going to go find Sei and make a fool of myself.”

“Good luck with that,” Kenna said with a laugh.

Once Dom was gone, she smiled up at Diavolos, “how do you feel about getting out of here and going somewhere more private?”

“I’ve been wanting to do that all night,” he told her before suddenly lifting her off her feet and heading towards the castle.

Kenna wrapped her arms around his neck and enjoyed the ride as he carried her into the castle and up to her quarters. No, their quarters, she corrected, or at least they would be soon.

He gently set her on her feet and then reached for the ties of her gown. He eased it off of her with surprising tenderness, placing kisses on her shoulders and upper back as he did so. He removed her underclothes with the same care.

“Get on the bed,” he commanded once she stood bare before him.

“Yes, Diavolos,” she agreed teasingly, climbing into the bed and lounging there. She could feel his eyes on her, taking her in.

“Gods your beautiful,” he murmured, sitting down beside her on the bed and brushing her hair out of her face. He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers quickly before standing back up to undress.

Kenna watched him, noting the way he carelessly shrugged out of his shirt before hanging up his crown.

He caught her watching and grinned, “enjoying the show?”

“A bit,” Kenna admitted, her eyes lingering on the sight of his bare chest and then darting lower. Hells he was gorgeous. And all hers.

Diavolos moved back towards the bed and climbed in, positioning himself above her. “Say you’re mine,” he commanded in a rough voice.

“Completely,” Kenna assured him.

“Good…” He said, leaning down to claim her mouth in a deep kiss.

Kenna locked her arms around him, trying to pull him closer. His hand moved between her legs, exploring and teasing her. “So wet for me already,” he murmured in her ear, “What do you want, my love?”

“You,” Kenna assured him, “just you.”

Diavolos nodded and then slid himself into her and began to move against her. Kenna arched her hips up into his, her legs still locked around his waist. Diavolos’s mouth met hers in a long, slow kiss as their bodies moved together. Then his mouth moved to her neck and shoulders, his hand tangled in her. Kenna sighed at his touch, running her hands over the smooth muscles of his back, pressing kisses to his shoulder.

“I love you,” Diavolos whispered as he continued to move in time with her.

“I love you too,” Kenna assured him, “more than I ever thought possible.”

They continued to move together until their breathing more rapid and their movements more frantic as they both neared the peak. Diavolos slipped his hand between them once more, skillfully hitting the exact right spot needed to bring her over. As she clenched around him, he groaned her name and spilled himself into her.

He pressed a quick kiss to her lips and then rolled off of her onto his back. He quickly pulled her against him, settling her into the crook of his arm.

Kenna snuggled in close, loving the feel of his strong arms around her. There were so many things she wanted to say, but she knew they had a lifetime for that, and the events of the last two days suddenly hit her and she let out a big yawn.

“Go to sleep, my love,” Diavolos urged, placing a kiss on her head.

Kenna nodded sleeping and then closed her eyes, letting herself drift off to sleep, wrapped in the security of Diavolos big arms and feeling incredibly cherished.

Chapter Twenty

One Week Later

“Oh Kenna, you look beautiful,” Annelyse exclaimed after she helped Kenna into her wedding gown.

“Thank you,” Kenna told her honestly, “you look beautiful too.” Instead of her trademark gold, Annelyse was wearing a dress of blue silk to represent her role as Kenna’s honor attendant.

Before Annelyse could reply, there was a knock on the door and then Zenobia entered. “Am I interrupting?” She asked and then paused at the sight of Kenna, “Oh, wow.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Kenna said with a laugh.

Zenobia merely nodded and then handed a package to Kenna, “I had a messenger sent to Lykos for this and it arrived just in time.”

Curiously, Kenna took the package and opened it to reveal a delicate tiara with diamonds and black gems. It was stunning.

“I remember looking at this tiara when I was a child and thinking it was the most beautiful piece of jewellery in the royal collection and wondering why my mother never wore it,” Zenobia told her quietly, “she would never answer and would get annoyed when I brought it up. But I was fascinated by it and I would sneak looks at it whenever I could. It wasn’t until I was older that I learnt it had belonged to Queen Livia and that my father had forbidden my mother from ever wearing it, though it remained with the Crown jewels. I thought Diavolos would appreciate you wearing it today.”

“Zenobia…” Kenna whispered, overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of the gesture.

“Don’t mention it,” the other woman said hastily, “please.”

“Ok,” Kenna agreed, “but thank you.”

Zenobia nodded, “thank you for making my brother so happy.”

The two women shared a tentative smile and then Zenobia hurried out of the room.

“Who knew she had a soft side?” Annelyse remarked and then lifted the tiara out of the case, “I’ll help you put this on.” Annelyse gently removed Kenna’s crown and placed the Abanthean one in it’s place.

Kenna looked at herself in the mirror, taking in the sight of the glimmering jewels. It was a beautiful tiara, plus symbolically it made sense to represent Abanthus today, when she would officially become Queen of that land as well as Stormholt. Then there was the personal meaning, the connection to Diavolos’s mother.

All in all, it was an incredibly thoughtful and strategic gesture and it wasn’t the first time Zenobia had impressed Kenna with her insight, there was definitely more to her than met the eye.

“Are you ready?” Annelyse asked after a moment.

Kenna nodded, “I am.”

The two of them headed downstairs and Kenna took a deep breath as she waited for the music that would announce it was time for her to make her entrance.

Finally, Kenna entered the hall, aware of the murmurs approval over her gown, but she barely heard them because her attention was focused on the man waiting for her at the end of the room, her soon-to-be husband.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered, taking her hand in his and leaning in to brush his lips over her cheek.

With their hands entwined, they turned to Jackson, who was conducting the wedding ceremony. Soon it was time for the vows.

Diavolos took both of her hands in his and she could feel them shaking, a gesture that was at odds with the confident smirk on her face but perfectly in-tune with what she had come to know about Diavolos.

“Kenna… Most of the soldiers who have fought with me know me as a tough, stubborn bastard. Probably every one of them has some story about Commander Diavolos taking on a single knights single-handedly.”

Kenna smiled at the boastful comment, knowing that that smug confidence was one of the things that attracted her to him.

“But off the battlefield… Hells, most of the time I don’t know what I’m doing,” he confided, the smirk slipping off his face and being replaced by a look of tenderness, “Thinking about what my life would be after the war or following my heart used to terrify me. I didn’t think knew what love was, until you walked into my life and changed it forever. With you, I don’t feel afraid. I feel as strong as those goofy stories say I am.” Kenna squeezed Diavolos’s hand, noting that the gesture was enough to make the shaking stop. He smiled at her, “My queen, you make me feel like the king I want to be and like I can do anything, as long as I have you by my side.”

Kenna blinked back tears, a little overwhelmed by the sweetness and sincerity of his vows. There was a reason she had fallen so in love with this man and it wasn’t how strong and capable he was or even how incredibly handsome, but it was how sweet and loving he was.

“Diavolos… I never expected to find love while fighting for my kingdom, but you walked into my life and I knew almost immediately that my life would never be the same,” she told him honestly, “You were exactly what I needed. I’ve spent so long being strong, but with you, I don’t have to be, I can just be me.”

Diavolos smiled tenderly at her as she said her vows, brushing his thumb over her hands. Jackson quickly finished up the wedding ceremony, declaring them husband and wife.

Kenna turned to her new husband and raised her lips to his. She intended it to be a sweet, ceremonial kiss but she realized she should know better than to except Diavolos to behave. He pulled her tight against him and kissed her deeply until they were both gasping for breath.

“I love you,” he whispered, his hands still on her waist.

“I love you too,” Kenna assured him.

They were quickly surrounded by well wishers and Kenna accepted the hugs and congratulations before the celebration moved outside where the feast would be held.

As she moved to follow the crowd, Diavolos grabbed her hand, holding her back, obviously wanting a private moment.

Kenna was happy to indulge him, she knew this day was an important celebration for the whole kingdom and that everyone was happy to have something positive to celebrate after so many years of war, but… It was also about the two of them and the next chapter of their lives together. So she let him pull her into a private corner.

“You look so beautiful,” he told her again, kissing her gently. His eyes rested on her tiara and Kenna could see the recognition lingering there. “Where did you get this?” He breathed, bringing his hand up to touch it.

“Zenobia brought it to me this morning,” Kenna told him, “she had a messenger dispatched to Lykos to fetch it.” She also had to have been anticipating the announcement, Kenna realized, since at top speed it was at least a 4 day ride to Lykos. Yeah, she had definitely underestimated her sister-by-marriage.

“I remember my mother wearing this,” Diavolos said softly, “she rarely appeared in public without it.”

“Is it ok that I’m wearing it?” Kenna asked softly, afraid that she might have upset him.

Diavolos smiled, “it’s wonderful. My mother would have wanted it to be passed on and she would have loved you. I can’t believe Zen remembered…”

“Isn’t it nice when people surprise us in a good way?” Kenna asked softly, resting her hand on the back of his neck. She raised her lips to his for another kiss and then sighed. “We should probably go join the party,” she told him, “since we are the guests of honor.”

“If we have too,” Diavolos teased, but he released his hold on her and instead offered her his hand. “This way, my love.”

Diavolos wove through the crowd, looking for his sister. He had spent years trying, without success, to avoid Zenobia, but now that he actually wanted to see her, she was nowhere to be found. He was so busy looking through the crowd, that he bumped directly into someone.

“I’m so sorry,” a timid female voice apologized.

“It was my fault, I’m the one that should apology,” Diavolos assured Princess Aurynn, “I was trying to find someone and got distracted.”

“It’s a big crowd,” Aurynn said sympathetically, “who are you trying to find? Maybe I can help.”

“Have you seen my sister?”

“The last time I saw her, she was with my brother,” Aurynn told him with a shrug, “Tevan said something about dancing?”

Diavolos grinned, he’d noted that Zenobia and Tevan seemed to be in each other’s company a lot this past week, apparently Zenobia had gotten past her awkwardness.

“Thank you,” he told Aurynn politely.

She smiled, “I’m glad I could help.” She blushed. “Actually, maybe you could help me, have you happened to see Lord Raydan?”

Diavolos fought to keep his surprise from showing, Aurynn and Raydan? That seemed like an odd match, but then he was sure that many thought the same of him and Kenna.

“I haven’t seen him,” he answered after a moment, “but I hear that he has a tendency to try and stay in the shadows. Maybe ask Kenna, she might be able to suggest where to look.”

Aurynn nodded, “thank you, King Diavolos.” She smiled and then hurried off.

Diavolos was about to continue his search for Zenobia, when his eyes landed right on her. She was crossing the lawn, hand in hand with Tevan, and he noted that they both looked a little disheveled. He immediately pushed that thought aside because he did not want to think about why they might be dishevelled, and headed towards them.

“King Diavolos!” Tevan greeted warmly, “what a marvelous day.”

“Yes, it is,” Diavolos agreed, “do you mind if I steal my sister away for a moment?”

“Of course not,” Tevan told him, letting go of Zenobia’s hand, though not before bringing it to his lips and placing a gentle kiss, “I’ll find you later,” he promised before disappearing into the crowd.

“You and Tevan seem friendly,” Diavolos teased, noticing the flush on his sister’s cheeks.

“I… Uh… What did you wish to talk to me about?” Zenobia asked, clearly flustered.

“I wanted to thank you,” Diavolos told her, “for giving Kenna my mother’s tiara.”

“Oh,” Zenobia said, flushing even redder, “It was nothing… I…”

“It means a lot to me,” he told her, cutting off her protests, “thank you.”

She nodded. “You’re welcome.”

They looked at each other for a long moment and then Diavolos leaned over and kissed her cheek.

She smiled, squeezing his hand briefly. “Be happy,” she told him quietly, “because you deserve it.”

“So do you,” he told her sincerely.

She nodded again before hurrying away, obviously not up for any more sibling bonding, which was ok with Diavolos because this newer, gentler Zenobia was going to take some time to get used to.

Diavolos made his way through the crowd, making small talk with various people and learning their plans for the future, as well as firming up some plans of his own.

Magnus had quickly stated that his place was wherever Diavolos was, which suited Diavolos. There was no one he would rather have as his captain of the guard, but it did meant that he had to appoint someone to run things in Lykos because frankly he didn’t trust either Adder or Zenobia to oversee the army.

After discussing it with Magnus and Kenna, he had decided on Commander Eda. “Just try to cut down on the acts of bravery,” he joked as he offered her the position.

After what seemed forever, Diavolos went in search of his wife. He had barely seen her all day.

He found her sitting on the lawn, chatting with Jackson. “Can I steal her away?” He asked Jackson as he offered Kenna his hand.

“Of course,” the other man told him with a smile, “I was going to go get another drink anyway.”

“The party is still going on,” Kenna protested half-heartedly as he lead her into the castle.

“The party will be going on until the wee hours,” He pointed out, “but I have had enough congratulations and socializing with other people, I want to be alone with my wife.”

He wondered if he would get tired of calling her that, he doubted it.

“That sounds nice,” Kenna agreed smiling up at him. He stopped for a second and swung her into his arms.

“What are you doing?” She asked with a laugh.

“I like carrying you,” he said simply as he continued towards their chambers. He pushed open the door and then once they were inside, gently placed Kenna on her feet.

“Are you going to do that all the time?” Kenna teased.

“Would it be so bad?” He asked huskily, stepping closer to her.

She smiled, “no, but people might talk.”

“And they’d just comment on the fact that the king is incredibly, undeniably in love with his queen,” Diavolos pointed out, pulling her into his arms, “what’s so bad about that?”

“Nothing,” Kenna said with a soft sigh, resting her head against his chest, “I think it sounds wonderful.”

Diavolos reached for the ties of her gown and began to help her out of her dress, making an effort to take his time. He kissed and caressed her, taking special care not to damage her dress. Kenna returned the favor, using gentle hands to remove his clothing.

Finally, the last piece of clothing had been discarded and Diavolos took her hand and lead her to the bed. He pushed her down onto it and then knelt in front of her. He explored her with his hands and mouth, enjoying the way she sighed under his touch and the way she moaned his name. He remembered their first night together, how he had been determined to bring her pleasure, to make it so she would never forget him, even if she didn’t know his name.

“Diavolos,” she whimpered as he plunged his tongue into her, his hands gripping her hips. The sound of his name on her lips sent a thrill threw him. She was his. Not just for one night but for the rest of their lives. She came apart around him, her hands in his hair, screaming his name.

He released his hold on her hips and straightened to claim her mouth in his, kissing her deeply. As they kissed, she reached over and took him in her hand, massaging him.

After a moment he stilled her hand with a groan, knowing he wouldn’t last if she kept doing that.

“I want to go slow tonight,” he told her, as he sat down on the bed beside her,  “I want to savour every moment of tonight.”

She smiled at him, her eyes full of love, “me too.”

Diavolos reached over and lifted her onto his lap. He slid up into her, holding her tight against him.

“Mmm…” She murmured, threading her fingers into his hair.

He rocked her against him, pressing kisses along her throat as he did so. After a few minutes, he flipped them both so that she was on her back. He pushed himself in and out of her with Kenna arching her hips to meet him, her legs tangling with his. Diavolos laced his fingers through hers, just savoring the feel of her.

He kissed her, slow and deep, letting himself lose himself in the feel of her. He felt her tighten around him as she moaned her released against his shoulder and he knew he was close.

“Kenna,” he groaned as he came inside of her. He stayed there for a moment, peppering kisses across her face and savoring the feel of her against him.

Diavolos flipped onto his back, bringing her with him. He settled her against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. “I love you,” he told her, running his fingers through her long hair.

“I love you too,” she told him with a smile, “it’s why I married you.”

“Is it now?” Diavolos teased, “I thought it was for the political alliance.”

She smacked him lightly. “No,” she said softly, “it was because of you. Only you. The moment I saw you in that tavern, you changed my entire world.”

“You did the same for me,” Diavolos assured her. “For a whole year after that night, I thought of you often, telling myself that I had imagined that connection. That it had just been powerful attraction and then I met you again and knew I’d do anything to be with you. I love you, Kenna Rys, and I always will.”

“I’ll love you forever,” Kenna promised, bringing her lips to his.

Diavolos sighed in contentment, holding her close to him. He had never imagined that he could have this, that forever was actually a possibility and for the first time in his life, the future was a wonderful thing because not only did he have the promise of forever, he had it with Kenna.


One Year Later

“Tevan, it’s good to see you again,” Diavolos greeted with a smile. “I’m glad you were able to make it.”

“It’s always a pleasure to be at Stormholt,” the other man told him warmly, “thank you for sending your airship for us.”

“I wouldn’t make my sister ride in her condition,” Diavolos assured him, “besides I figured the airship would be more pleasant for both of you.”

Tevan laughed, “it was much appreciated. Zenobia can be very particular.”

Diavolos just laughed and clasped his brother-by-marriage’s shoulder, “you are a born diplomat, my friend.”

He then moved to greet his sister, who was busy talking to Kenna. “How are you feeling?” He asked, kissing her cheek.

Zenobia made a face. “Awful.”

Kenna shot him a ‘why did you ask her’ look and Diavolos steeled himself to listen to a barrage of complaints, but Zenobia suddenly softened. “However, I suspect it’ll be worth it,” his sister said, reaching to take the small bundle that Kenna was holding, “to have one of these.”

Zenobia gazed down at the baby with a look of awe. “She’s beautiful.”

“That’s because she looks like her mother,” Diavolos said tenderly.

Zenobia admired the baby for a moment longer before handing her back to Kenna, announcing her intention to rest for a while before dinner. Tevan dutifully followed her.

“She has definitely mellowed,” Kenna commented with a smile.

“Tevan’s been good for her,” Diavolos agreed, “and so has being free of Father.”

He and Kenna headed back to the castle after their guests, stopping to say a few hellos a long the way. Stormholt was bustling with activity and people. It was the one year anniversary of the battle against Azura and Kenna had wanted to celebrate and had decided it was a good time to hold Adriana’s naming ceremony, showing just how much they had to celebrate.

Diavolos stopped for a moment, taking in the sight of his wife with their daughter in his arms.

“What are you doing?” Kenna asked, stopping to look back at him. “Why are you stopping?”

“Just thinking how lucky I am,” Diavolos told her, moving to stand beside her. He leaned down and kissed her, careful not to jostle the baby. He held them both close to him for a moment and then released them.

Kenna stepped back, but she was smiling. “I love you,” she told him softly.

“I love you too,” Diavolos assured her, marveling at how easily the words came to him now. Gone were the days when he’d lived only to fight his father’s war, refusing to think about love or the future. Instead his days were filled with love and laughter and so much hope for the future.


Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

One thought on “A Twist of Fate”

  1. I first read this fic years ago and you have no idea how much I think about it since then. It’s everything I love about Kenna and Diavolos’ dynamic and so, so much more. I adored every detail, interaction, description and of course, the abundant spice 👀 You’re such a wonderful writer. I need to go reinstall Choices and replay TC&TF – as I do after every time I read this.

    Have a wonderful week! 🩷🫂

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