A Very Dangerous Man

A Very Dangerous Man
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- Another Antony fic, but this one is a bit darker and focuses on my Syphax MC, not my Antony/MC. I didn’t buy the diamond scene with Moira but VioletFlipFlops sent me screenshots of what happens if you buy it and reject Antony and I actually liked his moment of anger (because usually, we don’t see any reaction to rejection except mild disappointment) and it occurred to me that the MC had put herself in a dangerous situation and I wanted to expand on that. He doesn’t really do anything in this, but here are definitely threatening undercurrents and I wanted my MC to realize the precarious of her position and the danger she’s courting. 
Rating- M
Summary- Moira comes to realize how dangerous it really is to have Antony’s undivided attention….

Given the choice between watching more of the crude play or escaping to wreak havoc, the latter seemed the safer and I found myself breaking into the Basilica with Marc Antony, watching him vent his anger on empty seats and marble.

In many ways, I found Antony an easier patron than Cassius. It was hard to forget Cassius’ kindness and remember what he really was, but with Marc Antony I never forgot. I was always aware of the arrogance and potential cruelty that lurked behind that charm and self-deprecating joviality.

That thought was in my head as I listened to him talk about his childhood, about the way he was casually dismissed and disregarded and how he had risen up despite everyone’s low expectations for him and I wondered if I should find some sympathy or at least common ground. But I couldn’t forget that he had risen on the backs of others, using cruelty and blood to stand here now, the most powerful man in Rome.

I didn’t say that though, the years had taught me to bite my tongue and to say what men wanted to hear instead of what I really thought of them. “I would have to meet you then,” I teased as I moved to stand closer to him, “you sound like you were a lot more fun.”

The lie flowed easily from my lips, just like every other lie, and I tried not to remember myself at fourteen, a captive of Rome, or Syphax, off to find food for his family…. No, I steeled myself, forcing myself to concentrate on Antony, I wouldn’t think of Syphax at all. Even though he was the only reasons I was here.

Anony met my smile with a grin of his own. “Oh, I can still be fun…” He took my hand and roughly pulled me closer, our lips just inches apart. His desire was clear. He wanted me.

I considered giving him some of what he wanted, an innocent kiss. But I knew it wouldn’t be an innocent kiss and doubted that it was wise to give him any encouragement right now. “I am sure you can,” I commented non-commitedly, “but I am not sure we have the same definitions of fun.” I went stiff in his embrace, angling away from him and making my rejection clear. Yet, his hand was still in mine, his body dangerously close.

Antony’s eyes flared in anger and I felt a moment of fear, suddenly very aware of the fact that I had no bodyguard. Instead, I was alone with the most powerful man in Rome, completely vulnerable to him and his whims, relying on a better nature that everyone had warned me didn’t exist, to protect me.

Thankfully, the answer was quickly squashed, covered with a smile that didn’t quite meet his eyes. “I supposed it was too much to hope that you were as inspired by the performance as I was…”

I thought briefly of the performance, wondering how anyone could be inspired to anything but disgust from watching that. However, I wasn’t in a position to further antagonize Antony, so instead, I offered him a cool smile. “I’m sure there’s another way we can leave our mark on the Senate, no?”

I met his gaze firmly, smile fixed but letting him see the fierceness in my eyes, masking any traces of fear. After a long moment, he let go of me, though I could feel his reluctance.

“None that would be as good,” He lamented, his eyes sweeping over my body and I was glad I had rejected the dress that Lena had suggested, instead choosing a more modest one that concealed instead of displayed. I did not need Antony’s lust roused any further.

He stepped away from me and kicked a chair, his fierceness slowly mellowing and a spiteful grin settling over his features as he resumed his vandalization of the Basilica halls.

I joined him, but cautiously, aware of how close I had come to danger. I had been powerless, reliant only on Antony’s goodwill. I could only imagine what Syphax or Lena would say if they knew.

I didn’t need their anger, I was furious at myself. I knew better. Lena kept telling me that I only had to give my patrons as much as I chose, but there were still unspoken rules, protocols that kept me safe. I had broken one of those protocols by agreeing to accompany Antony to a secluded location, with no bodyguard to protect me, and it had left me vulnerable.

That thought was still with me as Antony returned me to the scholae. If it had been Cassius, he would have presumed a simple kiss and I would have allowed it. But Antony was not Cassius, the tricks that worked on Cassius were far more dangerous with Antony, so I kept my distance as I offered him a polite goodbye.

“Thank you for the entertainment, I enjoyed it.”

Antony’s lips twisted into a mocking smile. “Not as much as you could have.” His eyes swept over me, the early tension still there, but he made no move to touch me. “Until next time, Moira.”

I watched him go and then hurried inside to the safety and comfort of my room. All this time people had warned me how dangerous Antony was and I had only half-listened, but after tonight, I finally understood.

But what could I do about it? I was in his debt because of Syphax and it was hardly wise to make an enemy of the most powerful man in Rome, so I would have to tread carefully. Including making sure I was never alone with him again because he had accepted my rejection well enough tonight, but it would be wise not to tempt fate or rely on the morals of Marc Antony to protect me.

Suddenly sadness and longing overwhelmed me as I found myself wishing for Syphax’s protection and company. He would never have allowed me to go off like that and if he were here now, he would shield me with his strong arms, offering me the comfort of his strength.

But Syphax was not here. He was in a cold cell because of my actions and because of that, I had to deal with Antony on my own. I reminded myself that Syphax’s life was worth Antony’s protection and it was, it was worth anything, but that didn’t stop the loneliness or the overwhelming feeling that I was in way over my head and that there was no easy end to this dangerous game I had begun, and I began to doubt whether I would be the victor.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

5 thoughts on “A Very Dangerous Man”

  1. Ooh this was really amazing. I love that we can see to sides of Antony; the dangerous side with Moira and the seductive side with Portia. And this was a good reminder of the situation she or herself in with him by accompanying him to the Basilica.

    1. Thank you! Yes, it’s a very different dynamic then with Portia. Portia is falling in love with him and there is something genuine in their interactions. Moira is terrified of him, but she also only has herself to blame this time.

  2. This was very thought provoking for me because it’s not like I didn’t know Marc Antony was a dangerous man when he’s denied what he wants but I’m so caught up in giving into my/his desires that it’s too easy to just not think about this part of him. Even if it was Portia, there’s bound to be a point somewhere down the line where she could take a wrong step and face an Antony worse than this. Now that would be an intense scene of a different kind.

    1. Yes, it was good for me to step out of Portia’s head, because she doesn’t see it. She sees this man she has all these intense feelings for and that she knows has similar feelings for her, not the danger he represents. I don’t know if he would ever hurt Portia, though there are a few situations where I think his anger would be worse than anything Moira could do, simply because of hte intensity his feelings for Portia but I think his feelings also shield her a bit because he does care. But yes, even Portia should be carful, because he is an incredibly dangerous man.

      Thank you so much for the review!

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