
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- This one is really short (and yes I deny you the meaty part, but maybe I’ll write it another time) but it just popped into my mind and I couldn’t resist. It’s set right before the Drake diamond scene in Chapter 14 of Book 2 and ties into my backstory for my MC. This is also a response to the request “She did the simplest thing in the world. She leaned over and kissed. Then the world cracked open”.

Pairing- Drake/Amelia

Rating- PG

Summary- Amelia invites Drake to meet her parents, forcing him to acknowledge where their relationship is heading.

Words- 574

“I can’t,” Amelia said, turning down Drake’s offer to go somewhere quiet.

He nodded, trying not to take it personally. She wasn’t obligated to go out with him, after all. Maybe she had plans with Liam or maybe she was tired or… “Heading back to the hotel?” He asked before he could stop himself.

She rolled her eyes. “Unfortunately, no.”

To his surprise, she thrust her cell phone at him, after hitting play. Drake took it just in time for a stream of Italian to hit his ears. He wasn’t sure what was being said, other than the word ‘Amelia’ but he understood the tone.

“My mother expects me to be in Brooklyn immediately,” Amelia told him, taking the phone back from him. “There are 14 messages total, each one more irate than the last.”

“Have you see them since being back in New York?” Drake asked, realizing that Amelia never really talked about her family. He knew the basics, of course, that she was from Brooklyn and was the youngest of five children and had lived at home until she’d taken off on her Cordonian adventure but she never really discussed her relationship with her family.

“No,” she told him, shaking her head, “hence the summons.” She paused, biting her lip. “Feel like making a trip to Brooklyn?”

Drake froze. “To meet your parents?”

There was something so very serious about that and it occurred to him, that he wanted it. That he wanted to meet Amelia’s family and see the house she had grown up in and hear stories about the little girl she used to be. He wanted to have the right to share her life. “Grant…”

“We’re going to find Tariq,” Amelia told him quietly, “and then this will be behind us and we’ll tell Liam the truth and you and I can move on with our lives. Together. So why shouldn’t you meet my parents? If you want, I’ll introduce you as a friend.” There was a little bit of bitterness in the last word.

“If I meet your parents, it’s not going to be as your friend,” Drake countered, enjoying the way her eyes widened, “I’m just not sure this is the right time, things still aren’t settled yet.”

“I’m not choosing Liam,” Amelia told him, looking him directly in the eyes, “no matter what happens, I know that and you should too.”

“I do,” Drake admitted, a part of him still felt like shit about it, that he had stolen the girl that Liam loved, but he also knew that a woman couldn’t be stolen. Amelia wasn’t a possession, she was a person and she had the right to make up her own mind and choose her own heart.

It suddenly hit him how much of a jerk he was being to her, pushing her away, insisting that she didn’t know what she wanted or how she felt. He had been treating her like a child and that wasn’t fair.

“Let’s go,” Drake said suddenly, “let’s go to Brooklyn.”

Amelia beamed up at him and he wondered how he could possibly deny her anything and just to confirm how lost he was, she did the simplest thing in the world. She leaned over and kissed him. Then the world cracked open and he knew that she was his world. He would do anything for her, be anything for her.

The only thing he couldn’t do was walk away.

  • End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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