Adrenaline Rush

Adrenaline Rush
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- For some reason, I woke up this morning with random Flynn inspiration. It might be because this looks like it could be a slow burn and I have no patience. So here we are. This is set after Chapter 4 of VoS, after they discover Tanner’s body.

Pairing- Flynn/MC

Rating- NSFW

Summary- After finding Tanner’s body, Flynn and Ashley scramble to figure out what to do next and end up giving into their passion for one another.

Words- 1248


“What do we do?” I asked Flynn as I continued to stare at Tanner’s dead body.

“We get out of here,” he said, pulling me towards the door. Somehow, despite the horror of the scene in front of me, I still felt a jolt of pleasure shoot me at his touch.

Not the time, Ashley. I scolded myself. I glanced back at the scene. “Shouldn’t we call the police?”

“Once we’re out of here,” Flynn said impatiently, tugging at my hand. “If either of us caught here, do you think the Sterlings will give us a chance to explain ourselves? I have a prison record that says otherwise.”

I nodded, knowing that he was right and the two of us hurried off the yacht, keeping to the shadows until we made it to Flynn’s motorcycle. He tossed me the helmet and soon we were speeding through town, though I wasn’t sure where we were going.

Flynn didn’t seem too either. “Where too?” He asked when he stopped at a red light.

I thought about it quickly. Someone would find Tanner’s body and I had a feeling that Flynn would be the top suspect, so…

“The B&B,” I blurted out, “the landlady is nosy, if I take you to my room, she’ll make note of it, I’m sure.”

“You’re room, huh?” Flynn asked and I could hear the amusement in his voice but thankfully the light turned green before either of us could say anything else.

A few minutes later, Flynn pulled up at the B&B. We got off the motorcycle and he immediately wrapped his arm around me, tucking me into his side.

I glanced up at him.

“We want it to look good, right?” He whispered into my ear.

I smirked. “You’re right, in fact, we should really sell it.” I shifted, pressing my mouth against his, liked I’d wanted to at the dock. Flynn immediately responded, deepening the kiss, pulling me hard against him.

We moved towards the B&B like that, barely able to keep our hands off each other. Through the corner of my eye, I could see Mrs. Harlenay watching us and I knew she’d definitely remember seeing us, but with Flynn so close, it was hard to remember that this was just a cover.

We made it to my room, after some fumbling with the keys and I expected us to regroup, maybe discuss what had just happened, but Flynn continued to kiss me as if there was no tomorrow, his hands slipped up under my top.

I could think of a million reasons why this was wrong. I barely knew him. Kate was missing, Tanner was dead. This wasn’t the time. But none of those reasons mattered. Instead, I reached for the hem of his t-shirt, tugging at impatiently. We broke the kiss long enough for both our tops to land on the floor and then we came together again, kissing hard and fast, our hands roaming each other’s bodies.

We stumbled the small distance to the bed, falling onto it, Flynn on top of me. His mouth trailed down my neck as his hands caressed my breasts through the lace of my bra.

“You are so fucking beautiful,” he told me.

“You aren’t too bad yourself,” I responded, reaching for the fly of his jeans and undoing them, slipping my hand inside. Flynn groaned as I caressed his him, taking pleasure in the way he hardened under my touch.


“I want you,” I told him, meeting his eyes. I knew it was probably adrenaline talking, from what we had just done and seen, but I had also been attracted to Flynn from the moment I had set eyes on him and at this moment, I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted anyone.

That was all Flynn needed to hear, because his lips were on mine again, his hands undoing my jeans and shoving them down. I kicked them off impatiently, tugging at his as I did so. Soon, we were both only in our underwear, Flynn’s warm body pressing me into his mattress.

It was a flurry of hands and mouth, touching and kissing. I wanted to feel every bit of Flynn, kiss my way down his tattoo, learn everything that made him tick, but I was also too impatient to go slow.

“I want you,” I repeated against his mouth, pressing my hips up into him so he got my point. “Now.”

He pulled away long enough to grab a condom out of his wallet and kick off his boxers while I carelessly discarded my bra and underwear. He sat on the edge of the bed and then lifted me up into his lap, his strong arms wrapping around me. I went willingly, lowering myself onto him, wrapping my legs around him to further support myself.

Flynn rocked us back and forth, the friction feeling so good and I eagerly moved with him.

“Ohhhh!” I moaned, pressing myself tighter against him, nipping at his shoulder. “You feel… Ohhh!!!”

“Fuck,” Flynn groaned as he continued to thrust, then suddenly he shifted us so that I was on my back and he increased his pace, practically slamming in and out of me, but I welcomed it, meeting him thrust for thrust.



Our cries mixed together as we went over the edge, both of us clinging to the other.

Flynn stayed where he was for a long moment and I held him close, both our bodies slick with sweat, listening to the labored sounds of his breath, just savoring this moment where everything felt so good because I knew reality would soon intrude.

After a moment, Flynn pulled away and got up to discard the condom. Grabbing his phone as he did so and shooting off a quick text, a conflicted look on his face.

“There, I sent an anonymous tip telling the police to check out the Ulysses,” he told me, his expression guarded in a way it hadn’t been only moments before and I was hit by the reminder that this man was a stranger.

“So what happens now?” I asked, pulling the sheet over myself, suddenly feeling very exposed.

Flynn put on his discarded boxers. “That’s up to you. I mean I could leave if you want or…”

“It’s better if you’re here all night,” I told him and then bit my lip, “besides I don’t want you to go.”

Some of the tension left his face and he crossed the room, joining me on the bed. “I don’t want to go, either.” He cupped my face, tilting it so he could look at me. “What–”

I shook my head. “Please, don’t. It’s too soon, there’s too much going on. With Kate, Tanner, I can’t think, I just want to feel.”

Flynn nodded. “Ok, I can do that.” He grinned. “It looks like we’re going to be here all night, any ideas on how to pass the time?”

I smirked and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in close to me again. “I might have an idea or two.”

After that there was no more talking, the only words being cries of pleasure as we explored each other’s body into the wee hours of the morning until we fell into exhausted sleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

And that’s how where we were when the police came knocking on my door to question us both about the murder of Tanner Sterling.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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