After the Rain

Summary: On the day of the annual festival at Stormholt, rain threatens to get in the way of Kenna and Raydan’s plans.

Author’s note: This was written for mariamulroney’s March Challenge and was requested by brightpinkpeppercorn.

A loud clap of thunder roused Kenna from sleep. She groaned and turned towards Raydan, who lay beside her. “Oh, no. Not today.”

It was the day of the annual festival commemorating their victory over Azura. The people of Stormholt gathered on the castle grounds to enjoy food, drinks, games, and camaraderie. Their allies from throughout the kingdoms had already arrived and were staying at the castle.

“We can still celebrate indoors,” Raydan assured her. “Our friends are here. The taverns will draw a good crowd. And we could always reschedule the outdoor activities.”

“The kids will be disappointed, though. They’ve been looking forward to it. And just imagine what some of them might get up to instead.” Kenna and Raydan’s youngest child, Leonidas, was a very energetic little boy who was prone to mischief. Dom and Sei’s daughter Dara and son Anu had both inherited their parents’ fire powers.

“We should plan some indoor games. But no war games! And please ask Dom to remind his children that they are not allowed to play with fire in the house. I can still hear Val yelling at me about that mess in the armory. The scorch marks are still on the wall.” Leonidas and Anu had snuck into the armory to play war. Although no one had actually gotten hurt, they had made a mess. Weapons were strewn about in disarray, and Anu had been throwing fireballs.

“Leo is too good at sneaking around. I wonder where he gets that from,” Kenna teased.

“Well, I know where he gets his warrior spirit from,” replied Raydan.

“I hope it will be fun enough for them. It’s Maddox’s first festival, and it won’t be what he was expecting.“ While they were in Lykos visiting Adder, Will Jackson had gone to one of the shelters they had set up to help the poor, and had taken in an orphan boy. He and Anton Luno were raising the child together.

“We’ll do our best. After the life he’s had, I’m sure he will enjoy it.” Raydan got out of bed and began to get dressed. “We should get started making plans.”

They got ready for the day, and everyone gathered for breakfast. After they finished eating, Raydan turned to Kenna. “It sounds like the rain has let up. Let’s go take a look outside and check.

“How can you tell, with all this noise?” Their many friends were conversing, and the younger children were running about.

“I’ve had years of practice, noticing things that others miss.”

“Still a spymaster at heart. All right, let’s go see.”

Kenna and Raydan walked outside, and it was barely raining. A few drops were still falling, but the sun was coming out. A rainbow was visible on the horizon.

Kenna smiled broadly. “What a beautiful day! I think we can go ahead with everything we planned.”

Raydan nodded. “This is absolutely perfect. The storm has passed, just like Azura did. The rainbow is a sign of our victory, and of the glory of the Five Kingdoms.”

Soon they would get the festivities started, but they took a moment for themselves to enjoy the scenery. Raydan put his arm around Kenna, and they snuggled close.

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