All I Want Is Nothing More

Summary: A future fic for MC (Harper) and Parker, because these two need a fluffy, happy ending.

There’s a pattern on the living room ceiling that looks like just the outline of a dog. Harper observes this as she lays on the couch late one night. Or is it early? She lifts her phone up and grimaces a little. 4:14 AM. Clearly her vow to stop drinking coffee past 9:00 PM and actually get a reasonable amount of sleep is proving to be more of a challenge than she thought it would be.

But on nights when Parker works, she inevitably ends up drinking too many cups of coffee and binge-watching too many episodes of whatever show she’s obsessed with that week.

“The bed is lonely without you in it,” she likes to tease him. “What else am I supposed to do?”

“Sleep,” Parker always replies with a laugh. “Or at least try.”

She really had tried last night. They had plans today after all, important plans. But Parker was working, Elliot was sleeping over at a friend’s house, and she’d once again found herself on the couch, sipping her favorite blend and flipping through Netflix. It really was a bad habit.

Sighing, Harper pushes herself upright. She’s wide awake and tired of TV, so she figures she might as well be productive. By the time Parker gets home, unlocking and opening the door with a quiet click, she’s unloaded the dishwasher, vacuumed downstairs, and done a load of laundry. Parker looks at her with fond amusement when he walks in.

“Good morning,” he greets her, hanging his keys up and tugging her in to kiss her.

“Mm,” she hums, looping her arms around his neck. “Morning.”

“Did you sleep?” he asks.

Harper can feel the smile spreading across his lips before she even answers. “… I tried,” she defends herself, grinning when he laughs.

He nuzzles her neck, his lips whispering over her skin in a way that makes her groan.

“How was work?” she asks him.

“Quiet,” he replies, nipping at her collarbone, then releases his grip so he can take his shoes off.

He follows her into the kitchen, shaking his head wryly when she offers him a cup of coffee. “You’re addicted.”

Harper shrugs. “There are worse things.”

Parker accepts the mug from her, but sets it back down on the counter immediately. Before she can ask him what’s wrong, he takes her hand. His thumb runs slowly over the back of her knuckles. A soft smile crosses over his face when he gently traces over the silver band and glittering diamond resting on her ring finger. Harper steps closer, reaching up to cup his face with her free hand.

“I still can’t believe you said yes,” Parker says.

He turns his head to kiss her fingertips.

“Did you really think I wouldn’t?” she asks in a quiet murmur.

Her heart pounds at the sheer love and devotion written all over his face when he glances down at her. She’s so in love with this man. Despite all the horror and heartbreak they’d gone through together, it’s been worth it to get to this point. She can’t picture a life without him in it.

“I was so nervous, I don’t know what I was really thinking,” Parker confesses.

His lips quirk up and he laughs a little. “It still doesn’t feel real.”

Harper slips her arms around his back and stands on her toes, capturing his lips with hers.

“It’s real,” she sighs, then smiles and says, “But it has only been a week. I’m glad that happy, excited feeling hasn’t worn off yet.”

“Never,” Parker says with a grin.

“And I still can’t believe Elliot kept it a secret,” Harper laughs. “I thought he’d blab for sure.”

Parker wraps her into a hug. “He wants you to be happy,” he murmurs in her ear. “I think that was motivation enough.”

Harper swallows down the tightness in her throat and blinks back the tears threatening to spill over. She squeezes her arms around Parker and he squeezes back, then tilts her chin up. He kisses her softly, slowly, a reassuring promise.

“I love you,” she whispers, voice thick with emotion. “So much.”

“I love you too, Harper,” he says, kissing her again.

She can hear in his voice how much he does. They kiss again and again, coffee all but forgotten. His arms pull her in tighter, his hands roaming over the small of her back, her hips, dipping just low enough to be teasing and making her groan into his mouth. She ends up pressed against the counter, her hands fisted in his shirt.

As much as she hates to break the moment, she opens her eyes for a brief moment and notes the clock on the microwave. They should leave soon, she realizes. As much as she doesn’t want to stop, for this, she’s okay with it. Parker turns his head and sees the time too.

“We’ll have to get going soon,” he says, kissing her one last time. “Just let me shower.”

“I need to shower too,” Harper says, running a hand over her tangled curls and moving to dump their coffee cups out.

Parker is smirking at her when she turns around from the sink. She smirks back, realizing what she’s said. “Yes?” she teases him.

“Nothing. Just don’t want to be late,” he says casually.

“That would be bad. You’ll have to shower really, really fast. Or I’ll have to join you.”

“I vote for option two,” Parker replies, taking her hand.

“What a coincidence. That was my vote too,” Harper grins, following him into the bathroom.

She strips down immediately while Parker starts the shower. He stares at her, his lips parting slightly.

“You’re so beautiful,” he finally says, trailing his fingers up and down her sides.

She squirms a little at the ticklish sensation, then reaches for his shirt and pulls it smoothly over his head.

“So are you,” she sighs, taking him in.

She can’t resist when he kisses her deeply, his lips hungry on hers. He’s so utterly distracting, she almost forgets why they needed to get ready in the first place. Almost.

“Shower,” she finally gasps. “We have to… oh… “

Parker stops with a reluctant groan. “I know. You’re distracting,” he accuses her playfully, slipping out of the rest of his clothes.

Harper bites her lip, taking him in again now that he’s fully naked. “You’re the distracting one.”

Parker grins and ducks into the shower. “Come on.”

She carefully slides her ring off and tucks it into the box on the counter. For a minute, she just stares at it. It’s beautiful, yes, absolutely stunning, but it’s not just that. It’s everything it means, everything it represents. Before she can get too wrapped up in her thoughts, Parker says her name.

Harper closes the velvety lid with a smile and steps into the shower, ducking her head under the steaming water and letting it run over her. The crisp, comforting scent of Parker’s body wash envelops her and she feels her every muscle relax when he works his fingers into her shoulders.

“Magic hands,” she mumbles. “You have magic hands, Officer Shaw.”

Parker laughs. “Glad to be of service.”

She tilts her head back to kiss him languidly.

“Turn around,” he murmurs after a minute.

The fragrant scent of her shampoo hits her nose and she lets out a contented sigh when he threads his hands carefully through her hair. She rinses it out when he’s done, then turns around so she can wash his. Parker tilts his head down, groaning quietly when she lightly scratches her fingers over his scalp. When she’s done and he’s rinsed the shampoo out, he squeezes her body wash onto her loofah and runs it slowly over her bare skin.

“Mm,” she whimpers when his fingers brush over her breasts and low on her belly. “Parker…”

She can feel him harden and twitch against her as they duck under the shower head to rinse off. Moisture pools between her legs and she groans, digging her fingers into his chest to steady herself. His pupils are so dilated when she looks up at him that his eyes are nearly black. A strangled noise leaves his lips when she runs her hand down his chest, his stomach, lower, taking his hardened length in her hand.

He squeezes her hips, tilting his head down and kissing her so desperately that it leaves her gasping for breath. She runs her thumb over the tip of his cock, then slips her hand lower, gently massaging his balls.

“God, Harper,” he groans.

One of his hands dips between her legs, rubbing over her wet warmth before he slides his fingers inside her.

“Parker!” she gasps.

She sinks her teeth into his shoulder when he curls his fingers and rubs his thumb over her clit. “I need you,” she moans.

Parker groans again. She knows how much it affects him when she tells him she needs him, whether it’s in the heat of the moment or a heartfelt confession. She always means it.

He snags her lips in another desperate kiss, then lifts her up easily. The tile is cool against her back, making her gasp a little. Parker’s lips quirk up briefly.

“It’s cold,” she laughs shakily, the words ending on a pleasurable moan when he presses into her.

“You say that every time,” he says huskily.

Her legs wrap around him, her fingers threading into his wet hair as they start moving together. Harper moans into his neck at the insistent thrust of his hips against hers, the sure, steady grip of his hands under her thighs.

“You feel so good,” he says hoarsely. “I can’t get enough of you.”

Her response is to lift her head up, to stare into those eyes conveying his every emotion, and kiss him. Parker nips at her lower lip and slips his tongue into her mouth. He moves harder, faster, and she nearly shrieks out his name and grips onto him tighter. He shifts her and then she does cry out his name, bursts of white flashing behind her eyelids when she comes apart.

She hears him groan her name, a low, guttural sound, then feels him slam into her once, twice, before he spills inside her. His chest heaves against hers as he catches his breath. Parker keeps holding her up, his lips finding hers in soft kisses. He slowly lowers her legs to the floor and wraps his arms around her waist.

“God,” she finally exhales. “That was… “

She’s at a near loss for words at how good he makes her feel, how good they are together. So she settles for kissing him again and murmuring that she loves him. Parker grins against her lips. “I love you too.”

“We should probably get out,” he says after a minute.

Harper nods. “Normally I’d try and sweet talk you into staying in longer, but today…”

“Today,” he echoes with a soft smile, squeezing her hand.

Parker keeps looking over at her as they get dressed, opening his mouth as if to say something, then closing it again.

“What is it?” she asks after the third time, curiosity and a little worry gnawing at her.

“Are you sure you’re okay with all of this?” he finally asks.

The worried feeling takes over. “This?” she asks with a hint of trepidation. “As in…”

Parker looks confused at her tone at first, and then it’s like he reads her thoughts as his confused looks changes to mild panic.

“No!” he blurts out. “Not the marriage. God, Harper, not that. I haven’t doubted that for a second.”

“Oh,” she sighs in relief.

Deep down, she hadn’t really thought he was questioning it. But her sleep-deprived, running-only-on-caffeine-fumes brain often liked to jump to worst-case scenarios.

Parker wraps his arms around her and brings his lips to hers. “I love you, Harper. I plan on spending the rest of my life with you. I meant the actual wedding plan. Are you sure that’s what you want?”

“Yes,” she says immediately. “Positive. I don’t need-I don’t want-a big, over-the-top wedding.”

She kisses him soundly. “What I want is exactly what we’re doing. Today we’ll go get our marriage license. And in three days, after the ridiculous waiting period this state insists on, I want to go to the courthouse and marry you.”

His smile has grown as she’s spoken, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “As long as you’re sure.”

“Positive,” she says firmly. “I just need you and Elliot and our friends and someone who can marry us.”

Harper opens the ring box, her heart fluttering just like it had the first time when Parker takes the ring out and slides it on her finger.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” she asks him when they head out the door.

They’ve talked about it, of course, and his mom and sisters will be there too, but she still wants to make sure.

“I just want you, Harper,” he says, then laughs and says, “I know it sounds cheesy and cliché, but I mean it. As long as I’m married to you at the end of the day, that’s all I want.”

Happiness bubbles inside her at his words and when he kisses her sweetly before opening her car door.

“Ready?” he asks.

“So ready,” she replies.

And she is, for anything and everything that comes today and after that. Not even a crazed cult or beasts straight from the belly of hell or a vengeful ghost could stop them from getting here. Whatever life throws at them next, Harper has no doubt they’ll get through it together.

6 thoughts on “All I Want Is Nothing More”

  1. Ahhh!! K that was smuffy perfection. My heart is very happy right now.
    I’m so glad you wrote a future fic for these two. I needed a little happiness after all hell broke loose in ILB this week.
    I didn’t think it was possible to love Parker (canon or not) any more than I already do, but once again I’m proven wrong. “As long as I’m married to you at the end of the day, that’s all I want.” 😍😍😍
    I love that board too! Those quotes fit perfectly and that Parker FC is beyond gorgeous.

    1. Ahhh thank you L! These two really do deserve a happy, fluffy future. I’m so glad you liked this and the board! Thanks for the lovely feedback and letting me spam you with faceclaim pics. 😊

  2. My brain is on a sugar high from reading this! Everything about Parker is so endearing. Him and Harper are couple goals. I had a feeling they weren’t going to make it out the house without releasing all that sexual tension heh. I just know their wedding will be magical and full of happiness 🙂

    1. Aww, I’m so glad you liked this June! I wasn’t sure where exactly this was headed when I started it, but yep, that sexual tension was too much for them to ignore haha. Thank you so much for reading and for the wonderful comment!

  3. Oh my sweet goodness this was amazing. The perfect combo of heat and fluff, heavy on the fluff. If anyone deserves a happy ending it’s these two after all the horrific things they’ve gone throughZ
    So well done and perfect VioletFlipFlops!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    1. Thanks T! I agree, these two deserve a syrupy sweet happy ending. Thanks so much for reading and commenting! 😊

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