All Part of the Plan

All Part of the Plan
by Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- Day 20, Christmas gift. For this, we return to my ACoR college AU. This is from Antony’s POV as all my Christmas fics are third person and I didn’t want to change series POV.
Rating- PG-13
Pairing- Marc Antony x MC
Summary- Antony gives Portia a Christmas present he opens will help win her over.

“What’s this?” Portia asked, looking at Antony perplexed as he handed her an envelope.

“It’s a present,” he answered nonchalantly. “It’s customary this time of year.”

“Usually the wrapping is a little more festive,” she teased but to his relief she took the envelope and carefully opened it. She read the print out and then looked at him. “What if I can’t ski?”

“I’ll teach you,” Antony said with a shrug, “is that a yes, then?” He watched her carefully, more anxious than he would ever admit. Things had been going well between them, she had seemed to stop fighting her attraction to him, but this was something else entirely and part of him worried he would scare her off. But playing safe wasn’t in his nature.

He went after what he wanted. And what he wanted was her and not just a quick tumble either. 

“Well, it’s rude to turn down a gift,” she answered, but Antony could see the smile on her face, “and don’t worry, I can ski. Not very well, but enough that I won’t end up in a hospital involved.”

“Good, because I have plans for you,” Antony told her, his confidence back in place now that she had agreed, “and they don’t include hospitals, though a bed does figure heavily.”

“Imagine that,” Portia laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck, “are we even going to ski?”

“Maybe,” Antony told her, pulling her close, “it depends on how distracting you are.” His hands wrapped around her waist, feeling her curves, and delighting in them. As their lips met, he had the thought that they probably wouldn’t be skiing much at all because she was very, very distracting and he wouldn’t have it either way.

Besides, the trip wasn’t about skiing, it was about having her to himself for a week and moving forward with his plan to win her over mind, body and soul. 

After all, he always went after what he wanted and from the moment he had seen her, he knew she was what he wanted, and he was on one man mission to win her and this was just the first step. 

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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