All That I Want

All That I Want
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

Author’s Notes- Apparently my Bloodbound muse is working over-time this week. This one is Adrian and Isobel. It’s set in the future and assumes they did not sleep together in Chapter 5 (they just cuddled). This is a response to three different NSFW prompts: distracting the other when one has to work, one party seducing the other, and “feel what you do to me”.

Pairing- Adrian/MC (Isobel MacKenzie)

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Isobel won’t let Adrian push her away, instead she sets him out to show him how much she wants him and find out how much he wants her in return. 

Words- 1690

Adrian was at his desk, his head bent over, deep in concentration. He didn’t seem to hear me come in, which was unusual and meant that he was very focused. Focused was good. I wanted him to be focused, just not on his work.

I locked the door behind me and stepped towards him. “Adrian?”

He looked up at the sound of my voice and then his eyes widened when he took in my appearance. “Isobel…” He swallowed hard and smirked. “Did we change the office dress code without my knowledge?” His eyes were glued to my bare legs and very short skirt.

“Don’t you like it?” I asked, coming up to him and wrapping my arms around him from behind.

He stiffened. “Isobel…”

My confidence faltered a bit, but I soldiered on. I could do this. My relationship with Adrian had stagnated recently. We’d been so hot and I’d felt so much and knew he had too, but after the mess of the Awakening Ball, he’d pulled back and started pushing me away. I didn’t know if it was because he realized he didn’t have those kind of feelings or because he didn’t want me to get hurt, though I believed it was the latter.

Believed it enough that I was willing to risk humiliating myself to try and find out once and for all. I let go of Adrian and moved to sit on his lap, to my relief he didn’t push me away. In the back of my mind, I had thought that this was very, very inappropriate workplace behavior.

And maybe I shouldn’t be doing this, but I had to.

“I picked this out for you,” I told him, straddling him, “I thought of you when I got dressed. I’m always thinking about you.”

“Isobel…” This time it was a groan and his hands instinctively found my waist, pulling me closer to him.

“Do you want me, Adrian?” I asked, looking him directly in the eye. “If you don’t, just tell me, and we can forget this ever happened.”

I was using up the last bit pride I had, basically throwing myself at him and I wasn’t sure how I’d keep working with him if he didn’t want me, but…

“Of course I want you,” Adrian told me, “I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you, but I’m not good for you. I want you to be safe Isobel and–”

I cut him off, pressing my lips to his. I’d heard enough. He kissed me back eagerly, almost desperately.

“Isobel,” he said when we parted, staring at me. “Are you sure? You’ve been through so much, in such a short period of time.”

“I have,” I agreed. The last weeks had been a whirlwind, exhilarating at times, terrifying at others, but… “And if we were back in that museum, I’d make the same choice,” I told him, “I want this. I want you, Adrian and I think you want me too.”

It was true, as terrifying as this new world was sometimes, it was worth it, because of Adrian. He had changed my life in extraordinary ways and I would risk a lot worse to keep feeling this way.

“I do,” he assured me, his arms tightening around me, “more than I have any right too.”

“I’m giving you the right,” I told him. “I’m giving you everything, if you want it.”

I could see him wrestle with the decision, the lingering traces of his guilt. I saw the moment when he made that decision, a tender look coming across his face, one full of affection.

“I don’t know,” he said teasingly, “I do have a lot of work that I should be doing.”

“Is that so?” I asked, pressing closer to him, “I guess I’m going to have to convince you.” I started undoing the buttons on his shirt, slipping my hands inside.

“Hmmm…” Adrian said, leaning back in his chair, “is that all you’ve got?”

“I’m just getting started,” I told him as I eased his shirt off completely. I leaned forward pressing kisses on his chest, my tongue flicking his nipple, noting the way he twitched beneath me as my hands undid his belt. I slipped my hands into his pants, caressing his already hard length.

“Isobel,” the word was half groan, half moan.

“Is this distracting enough for you?” I asked him, grinding my hips against him as my hand continued to stroke.

“Hell yes,” he answered and then suddenly I found myself being lifted off his lap and onto the desk.

Oh, yes. This was what I wanted.

“I think I need to change the dress code,” Adrian commented, taking in the bustier top and short skirt, “because I fully approve of this look.”

He placed his hands on my thighs, pushing my skirt up and positioning himself. “You are the most tempting thing, I have ever seen, do you know that?” He asked, giving me a look that was half-exasperation, half-awe.

I just shrugged, pulling him toward me.

Our mouths met in another kiss, eager but unhurried. Adrian’s hands were still on my thighs, just resting there, teasing me with their nearness.

“I want you,” I reminded him, drawing him closer. “Impatient, are we?” He teased.

“Yes,” I admitted, I covered his hand with mine, moving it closer to my core, “feel what you do to me, Adrian. How badly I want you.”

His eyes darkened with lust as he felt my wetness, and became aware of the fact that I wasn’t wearing underwear. His hand moved away from mine, his fingers slipping between my folds, teasing me. He pumped his fingers in and out of me at a steady pace, eliciting a groan from me. I pressed my hips into him.

“You are eager,” Adrian commented, keeping up his pace, “Is this what you want?”

“Yes…” I groaned and then shook my head, “no… I want you, Adrian. I want you inside of me. I want to be one with you.”

Adrian apparently didn’t need to hear anything more, because his mouth was on mine again, shoving his pants down and kicking them off, even as he pulled me closer. A moment later, he was inside me. I let out a contented sigh at the contact, wrapping my legs tight around Adrian to pull him close.

I wanted this. I’d wanted this since the first time I’d met him.

“I’ve dreamed about this,” Adrian confessed, as if he could read my thoughts, “both sleeping and waking thoughts have been consumed by you.” He began to move inside of me, his thrusts controlled and leisurely, taking his time with me. “Though I thought you’d let me take my time with you, worship you.”

That thought was appealing, but right now I just wanted to be his.

“Next time,” I promised, determined that there would be a next time.

“I’ll hold you to that,” Adrian told me, staring into my eyes as he continued to move, “I want to make love to you over and over Isobel, until you don’t have the energy to get out of bed, until nothing exists in the world but the two of us.”

“Nothing else does exist for me,” I admitted, pushing closer to him, “it’s only you. You are the only thing that makes sense any more, Adrian.”

It was true. He was what kept me sane in this crazy, terrifying world I had stumbled into, he was what made me sure that everything was going to be ok. We moved together, sharing kisses and caresses.

It occurred to me that Adrian was naked and I was fully dressed, my skirt now around my waist, while my boss fucked me on his desk. It was something out of a romance novel, but I didn’t care, I was just so happy it was a reality.

Eventually, our pace became more frantic, as we moved closer to the edge and I clung to Adrian as I came, my arms wrapped around him and a moment later I felt him stiffen and then spill himself inside of me.

He let go of me, resting his palms on the desk, obviously trying to get his bearings and then he straightened and pulled away. I wonder if he was having second thoughts, now that it was over. Just when the doubt was starting to creep in, Adrian placed his hands on my face, leaning in for a tender kiss.

“You are incredible,” he told me, “after everything you’ve been through, that you still want me, still want this…”

“I do,” I assured him, hopping off the desk and straightening my clothes as Adrian quickly dressed. “Do you have to get back to work?” I asked after a moment, tucking my hair behind my ear, suddenly aware of where I was and how I was dressed.

“I couldn’t concentrate even if I had too,” Adrian told me, wrapping his arms around me, “not when all I want to do is take you to my apartment and make to love to you until we pass out from sheer exhaustion. Any objections?”

“None,”I told him, with a beaming smile. “That sounds perfect.”

And it did. My gamble had paid off. Adrian wanted me. Not just for a fleeting encounter either, he wanted more of this.

“I hope you know what you started, Isobel,” Adrian said suddenly, “because now that I’ve had you, I don’t think I could let you go.”

“I don’t want you too,” I told him honestly, “I told you, I want you and that’s never going to change.”

Adrian nodded, but I could see there was a little bit of doubt still there, and I knew only time would erase it. But now that I knew he wanted me, I also knew I wouldn’t back down, wouldn’t let him push me away.

No, I was in this until the bitter end. The world had suddenly gotten scary and complicated, but my feelings for Adrian didn’t scare me at all, they were the only thing that made sense and I didn’t want to let go of that.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

4 thoughts on “All That I Want”

  1. Thank you so much! I love writing these two, they’ve got such a deep connection and that balance of sexy and emotional.

  2. Damn, I love how eagerly Adrian just throws himself into her once he’s made his decision. It’s clear he was holding himself back from acting on how he felt; that’s how I interpret his distance after the rooftop scene (cuddling or sex, it’s pretty damn intimate). The way you write them is so emotionally and sexually charged; I love it.

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