Almost Ordinary

Author’s Note: This is in response to a prompt request of ‘nighttime routine’ from enmchoices.

Summary: Seth and Kaylee enjoy a rare quiet evening together. 

No one could claim tonight was overly full of excitement. In fact, by most standards it would be considered a tame, maybe even boring, run off the mill evening.

Kaylee and Seth had both returned home within minutes of each other and at a relatively early hour to boot. They’d preceded to make and eat dinner together- spicy chicken enchiladas, an old favorite- all the while exchanging details of their day.

Once dishes had been taken care of it was off to the dog friendly beach with their pack of ruffians. Seth had run up and down the length of the beach throwing tennis balls for the younger two, Rory and Neptune, while Kaylee had strolled near the water with Jewel, their sweet senior girl. All three dogs had frolicked in the water, biting at the waves and chasing each other while their human owners looked on hand-in-hand, laughter mingling with a chorus of barks and yips.

Now they were all enjoying some well earned veg-out time in front of the TV.

Seth could hear the familiar drone from where he sat at his desk not too far away, but wasn’t entirely sure what was on- though since Kaylee had been obsessed with baking competitions lately, he could make a decent assumption. The majority of Seth’s attention was on the dwarven warrior running through a seemingly endless forest on his computer screen. However, if the cat perched on the edge of his desk and butting her head against his elbow had anything to say about it, his focus would likely be shifting shortly.

Judging by a quick glance, he assumed his girlfriend wasn’t paying particularly close attention either. Donned in her usual pajamas, a baggy t-shirt and pair of short-shorts, she was curled up on one end of the sectional, her  eyes focused keenly on her tablet. Beside her all three dogs were passed out in one large mass of fluff and snores.

No, this was definitely not an extraordinary night by far. But Seth was more than okay with that fact. Nights like this happened to be some of his favorites; just him, Kaylee, and their furry family spending stress-free time together. Because while for most people a simple night like tonight would seem incredibly normal, it felt like a treat to Seth.

While he loved his life as an acclaimed comedian and screenwriter and was beyond proud of Kaylee’s success as a top-tier actress, to say their lives were hectic would the understatement of the decade. Nights when both of them were not only in the same city, but neither had to work until the wee hours of the morning or were expected at a fancy-pants Hollywood party were often few and far between. So when they did come along, Seth liked to savor them for as long as possible- allowing pure domestic bliss to wrap around him in an almost suffocating embrace in hopes he could recall the feeling when he needed it in the future.

A while later, his pixelated character finally victorious after a long fought battle, Seth shut down the game and then his computer. With quiet apologizes to the pair of black cats nestled on his lap, he crossed the short distance to the couch. He peered down at the woman he someday hoped to call his wife- who was now fast asleep next to the literal dogpile- warmth and adoration radiating from his entire being.

Eyelids heavy with sleep flickered half open when he gently hoisted Kaylee into his arms and began the journey to their bedroom.

“Mmmmm. Did you win?” she mumbled, her head lolling against his chest.

“You know it. Did you get to chat with your brother?”

“Yeah. He’s…school play…crush on a guy…corn maze…Hawkeyes game.” Her voice was barely a whisper as she attempted to respond, only a handful of the words making it from her lips to Seth’s ears.

A short burst of laughter erupted from his throat and he hugged her tighter against his chest. “I think the rest of the story can wait until the morning, Drowsy McGee.”

He settled Kaylee into their bed before heading into the adjoining bathroom to get himself ready.  Once he was clad in nothing but his Dr.Who boxers and his mouth was so cool and minty fresh he half expected to breath ice, he slid under the covers on his side of the bed and switched off the light on the nightstand.

“Night dear, love you lots,” he whispered into Kaylee’s ear before his lips brushed against the soft skin of her forehead.

Only the deep even breaths of sleep answered him, but he didn’t mind. He made himself comfortable as the gaggle of pets did likewise, making sure to have one hand resting against one of Kaylee’s. Soon he too began to drift off into the depths of sleep, thanking his lucky stars yet again for the woman sleeping beside him and basking in the contentment only a night like tonight could bring- a night when his life felt almost ordinary.

-The End

Published by


Writer, fangirl of Seth Levine, and basic nerd

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