
This fic was based on a Drabble Prompt Request:  Fluff #14 – “You make me want to become a better person.” sent to me by my friend tmarie82 who wanted to read some Drake and Cassie.

Disclaimer – Drake belongs to Pixelberry, the other characters used here are mine

Casssie and Drake strolled around the supermarket picking up food and drinks for the weekend.  They were relaxed and chatting; Cassie was lucky enough that her rota gave her the full weekend off, which was pretty rare.  They were planning on doing a little barbeque and making the most of the sunshine as they headed towards Autumn and the shorter, darker nights.  Drake left Cassie with the grocery cart in front of a shelf of pasta salads as he strolled over the pick up a case of apple cider from one of the end of aisle promotions.  As he turned to head back towards her, he could see her chatting to a strange, good-looking middle-aged man with glasses and sandy fair hair. Drake’s breath caught as a pang of jealousy stabbed at him:  ‘Who the hell is this guy?? Do other men actually try to chat women up in the supermarket??’ Cassie was beautiful, and too damn sweet for her own good sometimes, Drake thought to himself. He reckoned that she wouldn’t even realise this creep was trying to put the moves on her, she’d say ‘he was just being friendly’…  But Drake had his number…

Drake strode purposely back across to where Cassie stood, placing the case of cider into the trolley, a thin smile across his lips as he snaked one arm possessively around Cassie’s hip.  Cassie grinned at him, one perfect eyebrow subtly arched at him as she spoke,

“Drake this is Paul. Paul this is my boyfriend Drake. Paul’s wife was one of my patients a couple of years ago.”  

Suddenly Drake felt about two inches tall. He silently prayed that Paul hadn’t noticed the brooding look on his face as he approached or the neanderthalic gesture he had made to show that Cassie was with him…  Drake extended a hand,

“Uh, Paul, hi.”

Paul smiled, he had noticed but was too polite to make a difference with him about it,

“Nice to meet you Drake.”

Cassie lightly touched Drake’s arm as she smiled at Paul,

“Drake, Paul was just telling me that his wife is expecting their third baby.  Isn’t that wonderful news?”

Paul grinned as Drake rubbed the back of his neck and congratulated the stranger,

“Kara had just had our first baby when she got sick. Cassie and the rest of the team at Oncology were wonderful.”

He turned his attention to Cassie,

“She’ll be so annoyed that she never came here with me today Cassie, she’d have loved to catch up with you…”  

Cassie smiled,

“Well you must tell her ‘Congratulations!’ from me, I’m so happy for both of you Paul. I’ll be sure to tell all the girls on the ward your good news on Monday!”

Paul nodded, turning back to Drake,

“You’ve got an amazing girl here buddy, nothing was too much trouble for Cassie when she was looking after Kara. She was a godsend. We were so worried my wife wouldn’t make it and our son was tiny; Kara was so afraid he would lose his mother…  Cassie went above and beyond every day for my wife you know? Sat and chatted to her, held her hand, explained things to her when she was upset and confused… She made sure she was put in touch with all the right physio’s and OT’s when she was sent home… We’ve never forgotten…”

Later that night, sat on the deck with a fire-pit burning before them, apple ciders in hand, Drake’s muscular arm draped lazily around Cassie’s delicate shoulder as he placed a gentle kiss into her long wavy hair.  She smelled like flowers, Drake thought; everything about Cassie was so natural and so pretty. She draped her denim-clad legs over his as she leaned in closer, smiling up at him, sighing contentedly,

“This is so nice.  I love you Drake.”

Drake’s thick fingers combed through her hair as he murmured,

“God, I love you too Cass… You know, I can’t stop thinking about what that guy today said…”

Cassie’s nose crinkled as she looked into his deep brown eyes,

“Paul?  Why what did he say?”

Drake rubbed his thumb across Cassie’s cheek as he whispered,

“Heh. Nothing much, only how amazing you are Cassie.”

Cassie let out a small laugh; she could feel her cheeks begin to flush as she dropped her head, embarrassed.  She wasn’t good at taking compliments, and the way Drake looked at her – so intense – his lips curled up into a small grin whilst his soulful dark eyes burned straight through her: it always made her feel a little giddy,

“Drake I was only doing my job…”  

Drake’s thumb ran down her jawline, lifting her chin up and forcing her to look at him,

“It’s not though baby… Anyone could tell it’s more than that. You care, Cassie. And I don’t know how you do it – stay so strong I mean – day in, day out? You help people during some of their darkest times…”

 Cassie shook her head, shrugging it off,

“Drake I’m only a nurse, it’s not like I’m coming up with the cure for cancer, you’re giving me way too much cred-”

Drake leaned in, kissing her passionately, cutting her off as she melted into his touch; the taste of alcohol warm on his lips, his stubble grazing against her skin…  A few moments later Drake broke the kiss, leaning his forehead against hers, gazing lovingly into her pretty green eyes,

“Cass, just stop. You are amazing. You go into work every day with that beautiful smile on your face… The difference you made to that family… Cassie you make me want to become a better person. Baby, I am so proud of you…”  

Cassie’s heart skipped a beat and her mouth fell open as she looked at him; Cassie still couldn’t believe that this handsome, gentle, kind, wonderful man was hers,


He placed one finger against her lips,

“Ssh. Let me finish. Uh, I’ve never met anyone like you before Cassie. I’ve never been as happy as I have been since I’ve been with you…  I want more of all of this. More of us. Will you move in baby? I just want to go to bed every night with you and wake up holding you every morning… What do you say Cass?”

Cassie couldn’t stop the radiant smile that appeared, stretching from ear to ear as she wrapped her arms around Drake’s neck, overjoyed, pulling him down to kiss her deeply: Drake Walker was everything she’d ever dreamed of.  He grinned sheepishly at her as they parted,

“Heh. Does that mean you’re moving in…?

End – VP 💖

Published by

Viktoria Petit

Love Choices: my fics are inspired by The Royal Romance, Big Sky Country and A Courtesan of Rome. These can also be found on my Tumblr profile 'SawyerOakleysCowboyHat'

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