An Heir – Chapter 39

Aesthetic Credits: Viktoria – FC Joanna Prus 
/ Istvan – FC Rob Evans
/ Both images borrowed from their Instagram
/ I own none of these images, all used with love and respect <3
/ Rings – enoirvado / Vegas view – Instagram sin1city / Quotes – all taken from Pinterest and none had credit for where they came from.

Istvan rolled over in the sumptuous sheets of the huge bed inside their villa on their last day in Oia, slinging his arm out to pull Viktoria close to him… He squinted one eye open as his hand landed flat on the mattress, patting it a couple of times. He was alone under the covers… Trailing one hand across his sleepy eyes, he lifted his head to look around the room: no Vik. Raising to his elbows, he called on her. No reply: she wasn’t in the en-suite. Istvan groaned as he got up, his muscles were lethargic after the massage yesterday… He stretched then pulled on his charcoal-coloured lounge-wear pants, sliding the French doors open. There was his wife sprawled over a plush patio chair, scribbling away in the journal he’d given her. She was so engrossed in whatever she was writing that she hadn’t even heard him slide open the doors… He took a couple of steps closer to her, clearing his throat, not wishing to startle her,

“Good morning, my Queen… You’re up early?”

Viktoria ran her fingers through her silky hair as she greeted him, putting down the journal and gesturing for him to come and sit beside her.

As he sat, Viktoria wrapped her arms around him tightly, her cheek resting on his shoulder as she breathed in his scent; masculine and comforting. She loved her husband more than anything and she wanted to thank him for giving her such a lovely spa break; and to thank him for how thoughtful and understanding he was. It was really quite overwhelming when she considered how erratic her moods had been recently and how low she’d felt over the past few weeks… She shuddered as she thought about it. She definitely felt more positive after the few days away, and certainly after letting Istvan in, sharing some of how she was feeling rather than bottling everything up inside of her until she wanted to scream… Maybe the possibility of her slipping into some level of anxiety or depression when she tried to cope with difficulties or challenges was always going to be a fine line that she would walk? She wasn’t sure… But for now, she was going to focus on trying to get better, and she was willing to accept help from Istvan and Mr Kolettis…

Istvan’s large hands stroked gently up and down Viktoria’s back as he held her. He pressed a loving kiss to her temple as he whispered,

“Are you ok?”

Viktoria pulled back, nodding imperceptibly as she picked up the journal and indicated that he should look at what she’d been writing… Istvan swung Viktoria’s legs across his and put an arm around her dainty shoulders as he opened the book, the cool leather soft beneath his fingers, he began to read,

“‘Things We Need to Do’, ok. ‘Tell our family and friends about the baby’…”

He looked down at Viktoria as he felt tears forming in his eyes,

“Do you feel ready to do that Vik?”

Viktoria took his hand in hers, squeezing it tightly,

“Honestly? I’m not sure. But I’m trying to be fearless, Istvan. I’m starting to show, so we’re not going to be able to keep it a secret for much longer – plus I know you’re desperate to tell Leo and Regina and Drake…”

Istvan eyes sparkled as he look at her,

“Are you sure?”

Viktoria squeezed his hand tighter,

“Istvan, I want to do this for you, I understand how much it means to you to be able to tell them that you’re going to be a dad.”

Istvan kissed her tenderly as he asked the question,

“When should we do that?”

Viktoria shrugged,

“You tell me?”
He scrunched his nose as he looked at her,


Viktoria chewed her bottom lip as she nodded, a whisper leaving her lips,

“But they don’t tell anyone Istvan, the press… I’m still not ready for that… I can’t…”

He nodded and swore that they would understand, they knew what the media was like better than anyone, the fished his phone out his pocket and dialled, grinning at his wife excitedly the whole time. As the phone connected, he rested his hand on the bump, stroking it lovingly,

“Leo? Hey… No, no, nothing’s wrong! Quite the opposite actually… You’re, uh, you’re going to be an Uncle… I know! … I know – it’s wonderful! … Yes Leo… Apparently I ‘do have it in me’…”

He rolled his eyes at Viktoria as she chuckled, guessing what Leo must have said for Istvan to respond like that; Leo was always a joker, he’d be a fun Uncle… She smiled as she listened to the one-sided conversation:

“You’re the first person we told… No – honestly! … No, I’ll call her next… 13 weeks? … Yeah we had a scan… She’s doing ok… Of course I’ll tell her… Ha, yeah, I’m not going to tell her that… Just one thing Leo, keep it between us, we’re not ready for the media yet… Ha, yes, I know they are… I knew you’d understand… Will do… Love you, Leo… Yes, I will… Bye!“

Istvan grinned at Viktoria as he ended the call, he looked so excited, he was beaming; his chest puffed out full of pride,

“Leo is delighted for us. He said to tell you ‘congratulations’ and also that ‘Rhys babies have huge heads’, he’s such an idiot… He won’t tell anyone, had some choice words about the media actually…”

Viktoria smiled softly as she half-listened to her husband talk about his brother, about how excited he was to be an Uncle when Leo’s wife had their first baby, about how amazing it was to tell his family that he was going to be a daddy to a new little Rhys… The peaks and lulls in his voice washed over her as she thought about her mom… How would they have told her their news? By phone? Sending a photo of the scan? What would Elena have thought about the baby? Would she have wanted to be called Nanny or Grandma? She’d probably have moved to Cordonia just to be closer to the baby…

Istvan nudged Viktoria’s arm lightly, jarring her back from her thoughts. She looked so far away and he’d guessed why…

“Do you want to ring Maxwell?“

Her mouth fell open slightly as she looked at Istvan,


He interrupted her,

“Here I am calling Leo, about to ring Reggie, and I haven’t even given you the opportunity to call your family…”

He paused as he grazed her cheek with the backof his hand,

“Baby, I know there’s special people that we can’t call… But I’ll bet they already know…”

Viktoria had to blink back her tears as she smiled at her very perceptive husband,

“Do you really think so?”

His own eyes glittered with emotion as he nodded at her, voice low but certain,

“And I think they’re looking after you and the baby; they’re helping us to be strong together…”

Viktoria was at a loss for words as she wrapped her arms around Istvan, pulling him closer and never wanting to let go of him; they’d both lost so much in their lifetimes, sometimes it truly seemed like something greater than they could comprehend had brought them together.

TBC – VP 💖

Published by

Viktoria Petit

Love Choices: my fics are inspired by The Royal Romance, Big Sky Country and A Courtesan of Rome. These can also be found on my Tumblr profile 'SawyerOakleysCowboyHat'

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